* eI cigan Daly
DOSL_ UTCTean fIi t ~1ll"i h STUDENTS CLASH Isltaunrdsir]tsheyt DER TCNRA
sujetfo heutrcptc lROrLT e1 o ry hCENTRALi i togh o e
DO S LF' dli TIC ''ie ltiitsofict telit:______the rslt of a nisnlist adih isWt First Year Men Pile Up Score
gi cn it t ti, S J. 'lie ese<,til M . t the eate of closing the list and the' toef
Only Takes Second in Shot Put acvlletI ll tie cicett at (.3. lDr. Supers Strike When Madame X tis bteneetettdedi a wecekTe S. 1,Crnl of 66 to 11 On High School
While Former Cornell Man 'I'ltetc'is a tnedcl in etieeettty ieture aaerAtm tst r a . oxoficex t wttille oenictoeereceive Student
Aa i t nd livedcit eete ; MangtrAtttetetoetck ff tindes fromt ion tt :00a. n. itt.Stuttet
BettersHimniBtsieh. IH eill eistltey fifty slidese - iContIract ofrotis 400wee. o n is. i.tltriaie et
ee i ed. Tose.sevle eeew e tihltleroia ,no
--- iig tecruins 01ftolde bl oneele. i'Mod-1-thit les will nthe t hcteirenateis eenitTAKE ALL BUT TH REE PLACES
FULL RETLRNPS NOT AVAILABLE "'coendteit ioseitt 'ltc Ltn ft heel A ra- stthe cveeuierentiepretgramst tti hceer
iatetekigtt's ill aleleo e I tiesrt otLAW W \INS FOR COZLLEGE MEN ptblictionieues atd will exierienctee'nid
iiclnt.u t er' ttsteal of e t the scrie e eend lie wsted- hlestis let ee4 erhlet e(le sa itend liticel initsgettintg (pcslle is eees le .
I tie este oe it t e ,litper esetmteistdisuelstei 3eie te erisedet i. i lt rdetiteenes. ltttt M es lee Iiliee-
la .1ee11 . 'c il .e ar l-'t sn (If e fCa ittlndlaorclstdtethe'\hi-etit, it , Api r ic iga'
I c tOl ;afl leitl ettlihe reeult-.JOINT SESSIONS ARE ENDED 5e ielrctrte feioet eeiI-WARM CONTEST PROMISED tanetlvie- lat Iil; loigti ,.
CpanI nrwo lc sinteet-cSchoolmasters' Club and Academy "tle-'Ie trtclveiress sHarmony lakers Wil Compete at iettt 'i i qtelct1 i-ert
~Itei)ncelsi hc i vs e- ee of Science Close Program .aceesclnetceecapc-itel the erstwthtle i- I Uuion This Afternoon ci i sitti to fITh siscoo tlee
'liesl letefailedetakifirsttinets tiitnies'eliltge5bosiof the AslimeiXe.aleeedisy1t see li tilts, tesiecesan
i'1 1 111 11 t 5eth slti. 51Te fite etee'' i tle te si f et ilei tl eitsiitl til ettltiitey iv S e ve n re ilh ttep s h n t o scnns arl ste idvd
li ~ re aie irw ere nc i it'watt 'it'I -ti e'' ets es i1 t't' Ifth ee's tiofcesil''s-"ta ie a on i lesc~t iuug 1 p it
f,,ntitill t- leese ntttecet'eells urav tn~r itg' sidthelii'jo itcinet sits, i e'thee-t cllege' tewitevisitedi itsthe at titt' Ptn hie'itiget'tihti 'aitiesit t n on Ho ma y i heteintis te - [la lessteti' t i L hleci - and tttig etdies
1-2 iti lltttstti tt'irt'515 lising itat the finish'iliittisicalnotshiesicemattelr,'eveets
Ii a :rh apr.cr. et n - 8 isettltts -sf-clhelIts-ed}e-e uei rstii-liii i uu i-ttite .;Itsmallimyttt1.'s e t-rtie s arintee ie . ctzLpounlttelsott
''eIt i luedsisi(jtestionts of 'relise icteest tccin ltltteiailtsli e eial'tite- ne terestig iace is tssriedi.ovr fe whl lie at rcerdte
leesAlitai i I Is e luo t irseedelsvIteltlsIl it es 11 etr e oplte for t he coulrsscenseie-jur-ors,'csi 5 elelei It tit 't.r-i t
1e ittie'. etttti, tel dtstti.Th I Te ibettiig is clse, atuth le- 'I cckis' s let 'e{le )
1c ' i t 1Ic Ie s.'ice I 11 tra l s ticl adcln c l pat e thl fdg cad n ea nt.T e tlehes51n15l I h igh ttlu t
e~a u r etigfl a ss Ict ls sid ni e t~ excite dscutsson, vt' sne tta i ile ueels tieec-l -t e tealile slwats otieitoffergl ng . n r olo s
is I- te s ee sie i is cc lvi sll ccld the -ie tae t llegitenss cwud ie siets. Te ''iieiii ette uarget.-s t o 445 s h ->aie \,frst;ci e i ssst
i"vvs svA reeci IlatllIttlerinert Clo'tiitg. Xetreitell ee ef stdiecafreitmdtieI .a ittt uti vtil
mI tefselenye lwi se Rel t se se.sIacile'Iiittl tit1-ie'sll°iofSMteiis 'eeti second.tie, eei 5l t i ft11 Qt3csecon Ps.
Dl Iir eilin i Iset sly tee d illetetlenrane sc nsi-j's ti'stinI Acordngl Il let o
It 1;i A adan ira frteh cle rn tee wI. 'et- 'f e 'u i rec fr on's tiie andtic t fe i e tiled'c lees ]bic Shotiii ci le:A, ir t u Seesd
I' m eltsstr stillm ivs, nit hs altaes l e enI'l "edpo- iiitied te 'it, e "'Pie oul d an( Ie ci i 55ie Itll It
.i d rils ''ie tr~ig utofth oder [3t~tly isa lihtfaorte T s is t"cond. D istne 'hess Is3crelirs
~ r Ir thr fitlr ifo srod.In t ii tierss: hate r awc' le s'to eRee-etti eegndefer 0 adci'll-aresoos w nt tist bI'- 111 ), e h ue ite eti ct t hati t itheytihteeti
,a 1 1illise-l 3 4-5tt
i lc~'.h s ee };h ic esbelse is lee - eat- Xlitr-re on ntt di "eethpiogihtes-l prtt isede toirr e eat Ta heeieseiiseh scessCh . I li it tli
rid "1 OltC 1 ilee i nt ''rc tee"Ditp. ndhislke mee ing5l e siw til i itereelia d r s r elteticte fr ''asev- etenl,'sic it harsishui(cc-att IM, it;
elicit cc \\ l~ce iciist I 1ideI a l i ear ofit e e at e iry-l titgeie n r e thC"lrtrigteitisCececieee k'ceireietsstcoetes
I - te dd. le i I s'e li l t hey hr ave, belent' ou i z ingtf butuI ' ''the eerI
s ci~ l !' n, uec vnte gleel sitmme ccdlfi - highee steel Sage ntMhrtIChir.
letscretaryts ell Its t11'ti, isiteeittteXleieountry iath'sple te l su es s.iTt e
I c eil:)s-isc i i c g IIs )se t hccce cads of te e condIlii acitii lis- heui"tlsihowgr'gitbisiteentral high, stc ndIt Jct t~e I
ice I elsie esses ste rt, c ua co fe e lce elsed tCc'tile s C, e l et, icAti tsee sec-c ularg r tchoitces ir sfor igh c.plsealii"ees'n1111.Ph
e ita ien cwas te l argesI , anditt 1r5 e p o-t sealfoficlltes'etcttweree "maseis 1i-i' artut hetee Fouse-htuitCoos-s"tlier tes' etties) iniles
I . ll iler il, lm d pat- m ste ls le e geea . ls potl int 11waIs eigh tem ncilt b sdw eeu or liv tle ris uttieir si titsiMak ers M xsen- s ie cd. 1'X'; lest.s
nt l I cv rl r I ieN~ l e e td lit e hsl cliz e b Ith ea trntle h ctee-e w o e c teesilies,"incejurye me-ll ell-ft-t1teedPisetigs' urtheir stit uttes. d ce de run--lit''1 cC-ligh
Il ts s- t atis i eel tv:I tes cci n),cm'e i le'a 'sut'r isi Atc eei ccthe-ha l ftisiage gae tisn.. ut-te m t-i us : heel cc Me cn d M c c ~ -;I .
1 '-III-la Sf leec la t- st eeld Iadrse a d t e rg itac tis e \ t- IMcl t e lalitt asii ated'' lt1tt'Pget-rtaisie hotfrelat i ghte eewas'ttlie c j heel e r n- Foetc, cc, ;1'°o r '
Il15 1 : iccrr I ell Ie lft e a ttnd anc e tt a e ens I Cit ccl r e r Ifal h e a ai a l u h rs a, t a c rt ihwe h rth-oh rItf o ld s ' ' r d 1 n c c 51 y:o;.ci. i
;r re ", dtha SichItpro ram wo ld e i l ~ .ta ci it'ds. i! htilllettodappcrteshis aftsrnos'tIndirerkeltferse v autiiittcti'eMi et-heiche tie see
C ' I IsIle in cthe cs wee cctiee is e no1111111 Set [sit ic' l et's t he cl estikers'rutedtihe fis'eItie i v' le teir i nlit'ese'C-I.Istrl 115l it cn 51 h o et
trccc torethellIniaci chiii andi notice ftise r iii firard. tarrclregJihntCralis
-IItc cl1'1 1 - icesoi itsag ang rtote ' risiciicShalfrothlg ws li ce ti lit's tt il iich I i w ,n. lTlmP I X lit.'
PA I1 tii 1[tt, c IN eceSOTl the 'sehir -schools.l eelre I 1itee N II SJRIastern.' ,'IJ F ID' ecseset tis lg Stth elttehsva-1-t-( Plg 'l ll X
laei'\ cf \i : etr' rr fi s ttlhea lced,"-i1111 Ittie hits hidon5Pael 4ite
pr~ln fa.eL ivls ~r"gC n:,sae htteehusinI ih Big Feature to Surpass Aything in Vitr Jose, - i-r toiarAoitr etdI
nl 1 i~til t Ii ilNasia' ih''rd rnoewl ecn College Dramatics 'T'ee leig situ seicihilccli cnsttttselectdt ies rgofcrsf~ cl
1it. w c ill tae la cetce ceeiicit'sr fil etcmoslt sr \ eel hh, ei.gt'ten e l e,-airiesssee sf tie feet iannutally' vh -erea tere airriedee frome te l it- ca i estes - Jo Ice lltltnc elt. rtI
till tesslaem ent''sas ids.i P ie-, i-c c M~ itel Siowc, 'ted utriXV . APooesi-of jetseers esterdaty' asd st e settit tees'sielteofcthelit' ricc si X t c'lcc
I cede w ibe sb stiue o ro llt iret oan ee ee ii ero t ' e ic todyoshy' eel Aele- :Suie oX-h'oclie. A ). SS. ceisy '[>: lee preitc, Roland c
I Xl eel t esrset mtcd ;tt c n be do e i'sreato l oslt th e-ills letSt. Johnispsecil freightetrlea i in s charerd t re'z:resuerT.vr.v' Iiac.,'I1 n
ndIic v est heiv s practiels r tae i r gardet1sthl~e tettiive plitie clf l'th e itg- iities' ''seei'eeis elle'er ree ss evI-dfr, II. Rit 'hesiss t Th
'lentist. _stilts'wtiee1 he will ,aril aemattersthatcan bess'seheseteiy theytmae atir - hint e-ill le' titriltiite"''-ptovidinge Ontycs - te t stc ae s',t's rccfcrd -"t-eas'r
l~o.C S XXWillas, ees- c n/I d ra t nets folr te cestmes for tle ' sre fod Isectohsrs raise' io ojeetios.s e isece
cc Ifacultyadressedsitlie cner i enedsooh te '110 s isv-eli:tssorIces' phit- encipalu s it
lihee cnervtiu ofater cvi steri slet- liestcels. Cli MiN NlI'Ei NIiT lflhil.XN
l'aig ties essles ses el reiccie alsnsgc .Auses' X s ally cse sc ulr ises-elyhses AXRE u LXCED OlP N it I ' dd lt 51555 'I 's 5'clNIee-'
CII N~iS N T IP I X\' hs li e. The c ~ ccea 151 itco ttere ices e dsisievdlflesthes e- n~55~ ing r f tie Prof. . 1,us eS l I ur if te lti-'
I s fllowdi y tat i t ed detect's ic e-ler et t ees wihd fersfv' se e ng tie "'' an'deehastesi) aheeadsofiiits ry'seees tes I itl5 c- Ilcd dticil
s~l'u csw oae! rt i t esertgs fiew ihtswar--M Aro s epok dte l cisea g touceies, ptersicstee ee oeofse el ssu''is thedelscsriptions eiceven-ecstheescs IyIIeeairsgcs
tip dit llssicet aat r:o ocloin "1 he l is geli slnet-e Vaels it file e s- he le' test sesaeitional featureisss'ser intro- il'seiitiittie et program y' Vitr ''ies- i t thee tiedst tt It ccof ti eewc
rrtn e ,i..rn ul I ltr Itst tosyts" y et-e t yiists teiereshcl'l'oiiscesceat Sust it MsatiXlese Profuel. i
tes g, cesbar- Ptt le ."i T e mcei 15 was uccd in lee- usestheticafesesTe cotrt-Coistier s iit i e fsthei I seir tereteoi- is ii i s sIieslc i'
discu; cerain c~ui,, tha havebeds-closd by rof.AV'. ° I ldric, who' utitee efusettol'ivstud iny- ng-os the'rgraniy-,ll'ieei'llistutpealegraetcriks alianthee' hechatunialrkleft
Xtce ciiltheIlanIrti lTh ip r-cr11 irselclthI'e taccxtin prbem i hs nauee' tcei u ue feathi eturtlsttchIce- ack- hr ites aidsise fU.teess-hlupt- ed ussr"cetico55of s Xtshe i
rig A rilto F rtytw ae n w lasee-tstl et k e i t ises ofs helhts tre-s ity seal andto e the right the tiesile
licetctecgri is cve eitrevae iscr v, Si .eA.5wese, C-INI A r old"Tes 05 ducers.'e I 'iietigsue, Literatuere, tell " A smipe dli ias,5555 5 ull 'd .C c-'r -
tie Illater 1 par t ofrie'laY e follow ingodiscsiers w ilheeinsetcledsT hiie costers sud tadverisiug sater l lie Ittegramlt cver testsatrried aned Te emest s ofcl tse cit eel-elfacuelty
itthes ein hg eeltheeY. X'. l. A. I t s c il c he is tributeesd tessesrroec t irking 'nube eensect st he S . . A. seex offies'sill eettier geseslof hcc lo e r at t i rt
I 1N - n a''5 1 s ts i t' issl eld Mndaye u afeteststes n tel5 oclc ;i i tie iatuigrattosees c nlfsets ie licihity- Ifromtee it s o ice as . s. tu n c p o 0 anu-'lte nquttel ofeses thl ie'IDet'ls scity-to
i t 55 Wiliames wsei aietnistleer tese1hresidet, .gnes fGree v-seeice- ireseel t iteu'igeen whilehi isill ibe sontiued vigor- t 4 eont. mii.es-ry tiy-this wsek s isluh e' hlelasithle l' s e cxI t eset'yf d-
ritd o e c' iirt i slec ndeIpreaclea ee l Ieles Collins;sc cretary '.l o r-; 'steely esstil lie ri-s' f the' curtains ler lieu'Frieay at noonet. Posiiveey no rsirs c-r er seing eel 7:30.XA n ee sir Iof ect s till
Seesrct 5s-c ch t3 thi seosing. treaeesrer Pary' XXWsodthlseodtetirfolrmanceti. rogramiu silie Iskee sfter riday. b le repon t.
Ancient Babylon and the
Mcillan Country of the Arabian Nights 'tonight
Hal50 Streopcan Vews 63
Dr. Sharon J. Thorns, Michigan 198. Dr Thorns has spent 12 years in Arabia