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April 02, 1911 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1911-04-02

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Opening display of
Spring and Sum-
me-r Woolens of
Exclusive Styles
The Leading Merchant Tailors
$2.50 amcd $15.50
(ymi (cfood d Glf She
E. R. FROST, 302 S. Slate St.
Fratern1ity Seals
_i of 1 Seals 50c
Hli h Gra-de Linen
Paper by the
Pound or Box
Let us make you a
dye with your mono-
grami for your corres-
pondence paper

Business -grit i,
News Editortics..
Assistant ... . .. . .. . i _.
Athletic Editr...,
Assistant ......... jli
Musicaned Dam.... \
ttxcliaiges atnd F !s
Arthur J. Abbott. C
NIt{ii I1: w
As. J. Wohigciiioii. lsotd clii_
FirankliPennell I
fCorcit Rotbinsoii I ar
john L. Cox. tF. I;. il c J
Ernest IBurton. .I
John 11. Townley. \\ -7 5\ I r
Gerald J. Mlyt-ce,1)
C. H arold Ititiplcc. T.
Robert 1it. (I litt nn. L'1 iitrt
C. A Io«Isin.:l.
Mbyct Ruboin.t t_
1"' Ray c J1sol .
C. 1It linst c. i

for tl itcI ttitsu ccissof t idehotsmuct he 51ctllshall pay- fcr t c
ii itateitrs Compancy'siii lan t if-cit sld\el-
e. i i ciii ,as<true, cide i ccto cke t i i-ur c siiiiiisi M r.ofali
iccc c. inreon-i s I II itloi ti it to c it ici; e ccirif iii ch1?v
pi roi a it ter fomttt cne Crocccp that itt csis n c~oc ofianc
elltin thi mattr in oat iW tircma ccihemay cceiheis cit te cmani for
hcc. cctc to clic thc resenittcriossi. c i ~ ttt.i
t eicIatccpositit' cci fiii~~ii i
fits \Ii cc etSTION. Itt, isru cccci the i Ccran i
r caciiiet ictrii hasT hac cits I tib ir- ilz cirisncti t ie. cI vott havei-
tic c i i cccputinc good shcape; tDc. IDarliig ciii is nciiacdollarc'sicorthc
rder as bencmintitd;nmccliof \Vatcr cstockc, cur dchictlcd 11c
t11i of cc tiec it; andith1cc ciii= is cccii fitwccc ie icis iccic oc the safest
ntlauhrtisae Xcc cinminci ccillthebctityfori cccyoiitoday, andl cc
cci asiitt cf hearty co-opera- ccrycicitncclia t etic 1ciccntecclrests. if
;Iic hate ticlli ltos eI thel t hei-11ccityccitIheartc ho dsuc ppor ccit cit D Ic. l
- 1. t ccc T e m yorincommoniiling- cet 'Nit nctst
e s o secuity; incamltc suptptlyt -
t <1k~nlbl faes chatcanct eticxfec.
l,",Ofte cuncil, of vlc
tin 11me brh s ccci gtli-
:1stcamountcol tccticc]i cftic-
trcfccs c 1 s..C
1r)co E A.Itigic. Prf es-i
'iN c c1- W ccc1,11 cc , and therc 111cci
cc71) ii t as cctw -yeair cc
' , inch and ocic focur-iccl
telsc\cic Sem lo to prmciii
vi . p I.Ci c vocluicicof wacter
Id ada efotis bcci
.ii t e su pl a il sea-i


.tifcfcc'sc -Iic'Iii isA
Manfardtic ereict..
Officc ours. N11cc - n,
ccc. icidit co-tics:tic
ticisic so Ilia rccce,z

S t ati One Cry
A fresh supply of the lbest
styles at
35c, 40c, 5~c,
aud Z5c
Per Box
Have just received a 1rc-id
new lot of
At $1.00 each
University Bookstore
Carriage and BaggaJ
befrecr ttt'ciicc $ 1.50. afttec iP
prrsi c i 5 iCen t Iarric '
orc frocm ciiistairs. thc puice w it
50 Cets.
Dlrivers ace requcireci to colcii
for carriage andiibc nac';e service.
it 13thi ',IN 5 v
I Make More
IDevelictpcinoc f~lit
itore kiccalzs n ccc i
suplies fLS 11c --i otic,
l11coto Sttpp~ly IficicL
ii nAtti brt .o
Simply because I get
better results
Y719 North University Ace


'ccc DAYii, \Pi R -J
Ili t- c i . c
cctl itiatl I I st
X11{ ii t - 1c--tc],,.

W11 of tcc li st enccticc-i
allc-iccllei17;11-" t 11 il t ci
ccc ~vo ic gt t tw
N1 c1lo ticecrittto amend i
wite cccei . I t w tics
;, ct cic c the c..etigctitciii ofcCandidate for.
c tllIic ccci icInutiit C ty Assessor
c~tl Il dole t bril;; Republican Ticket
uitcdiotic c cictccif cci Somcc in ue tic-ec of Jicliictst- Ivoryc
" c reent l~eidelt o citst rcciccctby Quarrycrcutg Co. ii
t -tic ;ntI lics i cc li iis
il ici ii i o til
l 1tic.A1t Ccc .",iCoiii . I You may seea

C f 7


writie io

TAXPYERS on the man who doesn't
know what's what- 3
I toctIr 11cc 'uryth c atcr you're sure to see them
tt i c i thec saiitce
ii1c t 1 cifithe on the man who doeslknow.
t is failci iticcic 110 1
a . ii 5ii i c t . be se iiled,
i~ oit inccobe. cntirecly in-ii hll hulif flDbiccc-lfhtittlcetRazors,
ccci; he i e ci e scitoIccdc-' iltltic 11.-cd«ritc c, i-lttleStrict.

Stxz c xts' lBookatore fI
, of m~~~~~it ) ic#rlc _Ips cite. 1\tltici
cs I ti Lc
I l~ ill rtcloI s;iic

a; ., y R 'Neil ¢ 4 I:, , A,
- r R .' 't F : f .' k _ Lo-. -_ _
1 ~ _.



L+.dh . Q7' s i . Y:. 's4' t 1. _ r1, . ...V,.'^.

in That' _ s Right
ridYung ,Men
Mat1 St. Main Se

Get your MICHIGAN6I s
Pins, Fobs and Spoons I S. n ie n
HALLER Wofc elij j alSmokig Articles i e ist a1 ~~sltlilrai i i e ieci
COMPL l'S W'e titid 'It Ii - aoit teupeiumon. LET'S GETTO1GETHER. Weci
Optca {{ r D pt cr 1 t'cc ito K d unch es, Ice Cream Sodas tin ynar wcheaepercbettcr, acid dine ronictt t ancicatliac
Sioand all Summer Beverages erdm ree
'ine A we ry RepairiLg 705 N. University Sit Pressing CO.
, ° 09 N.Universiiy Ave. Bath. Phones 266
2i6 Soesth Matis St ever ,

yI Phoonea~h rz
R4NDA/IAK ht~akr

121 Wsa o too ta


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