Vol. XXL ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 'II vl-l AARI , 0, )fl. 'o 3
Vol. XXI.
No. z3£
IS JRAPARDIZED T;.,fh e ucile relay team that xwili ii
~~ sctto1( the Penntinamtes will lbe handi-
capaped lye-the fact -that they drew the
High Schools Protest Against tlit.asto.ThsmtsIitihe
wvil11 be forced to riot abot ithirty- ards
Competing With Private farther than the poetdeamw hi
Schools- Chicago atnd Penn drew tpositiouns in the
ordter inameud insi&e from iMichigao t
that they wilt also ibe handicappted to a
PRINCIPALS TAKE NEW STAND certafin extent. It the for tile Micli
gait irexvthe tttie tatd fifth in 1tletwoIt
mtile hut it is -hardly probabtlle thttwo)lt~
Appropriation Will Be U
Building Now Heating
Lighting Plant
hue stucce s of tisuwyea'tOs intersahio-
last: eie)t is thtreaitentedl by ticattitude
ttentby sittietofI the high schotol prini-
pals itt their vixsvers t the inivitationts
:f)tthe recent i )1ti' i v.o f lie Sihlttt
tot "'holduta mittoftlieii-on'"liii)va-
in Chtarge gavete iii tttliticcthat ito
dirastic acttiioxou ldbeitakdent ititil uuext
yetc. ititgitig felmt)))'ititof the re-
llies that taxie beetnt reciviedifront state
high schooiislis tetyihave,'lamtedthreir
siue thisv vli
'Thte contenttion t of litehigh vechootl
tincp lt h itare tost activet'in thet
mtovement) is tat ticir studtents in'
foredtilto cuuupete ithtu thletesv xvhere
Scoashpi ublordhinatdto thtletics.
:Muiskegon, CGran d Rapds, Sagix aittid
sxystm. Thueschuolv thtthlieuentitns
as thei'ncest ltigitex'amtples of the'
ctitettix, Itake Foirest "tit) D. It. S.
ill these , take V occv if thky'etiter
a tail at tll, xwiii nttble strtng. Lexis
have enit onttenduuers ftt'flrst httnotrs
sie'ii. MotrganPartick aemy wo iill
no)tlie likelytot inter a stron g teas) as
the choo hasbeenout fieistihice for
-teiat:)two ytarsttttd 1). I. .S. xiii,
if uthy c'uipe' ltis spring, ite'fotrcedt
to titbi xi bibthrultstdraowoituits y'thei'
Sell otnuts15ttit lvt u t teirliest lt)A
inniand lit' lltihitve s'geenadopt by th
tui' eitS uiuitolsitt'ic t'vtiinte
eei~ts'ihardly sreso sstileitht te
vaeturus arrihetthe hiloutithegtte
xil'eti vwill)i tst forgtoistthancsite
titetixeviait'dtraitoli Scholl athlete of
auhoreietttittiessltelyt efusllectusealo
liefortoseter, lie riex iraftpet i'h
tietittal xxiveryhletti thoritte.
that sihfenltftresle cantbt'rottiut to
cil'yvsincttratectifti y all arrangemens
Citi o x i l g v r . F rt e m r hUi er i vy at hr itir sit to ity to seectee
that.th.eIplasiafotrtthe teinmentho
miile teami uilltlie etterietantheiitreti
ioChance of gettinig a fou r tile quir-
tette togeher.
Party Visits White House andt
Yells For Taft
'The party of michanticaltul elcitrical
eniginteers thatt tookil ikets sprintr ip
retuirned fromtheli.' ias) y'ste relay a'iuui
reptortedI one ctnitinuual round of igttuul
limes andilexcitmcuti. Mtanytoftlhis
fim, icuingltge ll'Ntrgi Sili ,'C
at. . tork. ltie tOestiitglttttse (Co. t
IPitlsluturg, antilt'he etititi l,'i a
Schenietttdy', gauxe a hluio itoithlac}}
tcidi the ttlumnuiof N'i'ti oNitaI d
Schienteittady hetll'smokeus il lthirhot'
At) Washingtont thle party iwt res-
deinltthft through dthe effoir t ofSentoit
'escatpe ini the NW ilt' I lotivi'.
for hatrlof the 'rip.,ittd lyci t ret
tilld anoldrtomatuce iintthi C.otiuis-
wats uniforlititunteeouto ls i
Ssprinig' g ritt'Ig. cAt \Nex Notk, the
bos wierte pretty ihar tit ottlies
ipecially' xwIeni they' ittititithataparty
of Detroiit schoosltetuersirveunii liiiwn.
eery oe uinthof xviewxx,"' vaittProf.i) i--
ski ltist tight, ''Thins is nttut hut ixv
lat ltoriesiii fiireiiutollegtillell I ilt ile
'eat~s of theuvatrious shopv. iuroler I
these placsswiere dliiidity' menxxwhio httd
fgrown' utpliSiinhiusinuessx. Now the
i ee~f sxs'enxiitiuh eihntieattin'iniu's
'nuts, HOBIuus IN I'liuVXui;'IlIA.
S Prof.hW. .-i, iitihihs is'attenduiing a
ulmeetinug if lthe .\AmericanPhitilsil
s iciety'hilPhiladelhia thilisixiult. thtilie
tre he will gui ivi toipaicr s otutu
'- Ofter suunulis tif vdelay tanud xork, tht
e erigerutihugtumtciiue ini thie eugineu'r'
It uttg oataort;y'isixhiatled tilxevseries~
d f tests that hitte liect pttannedh xiii his
f stairted. Duirintgstictutioux ice wvas civie
xx wthu the plant and thtiis wvillibe reictuted
fits the ieteil of thte stuidents. A lbinus
pipe tax icesnrut to the iisutttiiiv hit
i he umoulloft aid it is plannettohI
,excontut several tests as iii the vtultue of.
'd refrigerationt i intsltutiuiuiMis'iigt is
Ai thur hrs) m uiversity, So ciotia iithors
d. o'h test of this kind.
1ou viiiivi ttisiug~tneeisl
iutti ibithu iii teiofit hillI
\vIIic I weli lt hcigl) it. is t~t
part, o the .Ippr ' itot tt
to b ild nd et p he l t A
cd tintl i p ~ t i
somtiha s 0lertillthr
(A St SY).
YIA it U I1'100
) 0ed fo il ti ri s it it ilc '111 i ll 11}
and ii ,cl becil ' lii it Il iii))')))II
Dr. l [i tit l w till act
matr vi, i a itt) vtl
IGN IT ;alta Iftei1 it uie .
1tht'; v1tl nsal c iti it"11 a>1 w' pa
Oh tlolla RainPrevents Contest XViII Ih
rnor Us-Pauw Nitre
IIga a - \tlcIwI ht')') lii17i11''1-
tti l w1' ' 1) i '
l l e s '1(11t, il IahrI al ) It
I" t, O il ,
wi ( " Tlt,[ i~rl "i ' ls 1< I .:.
1' r tllc' ,
= '311t11" t)
laotessoe '!WI. Ca i.hsti n NV ork
D~espite Breoken Ankle
Seniors of Every Department
Plan to Unite For Evening
Of Pleasure
iitt i tI s iir sv II' 1
tee is ll i l Ie 3 it)'p
tea th }? lv.i ftlii t it t i
1e I l 'i11tO i'lit ,III(
tc di i olasebu a c cI inh s lci asbal t t) Oi I1 A
Ih v i' Imade i ecaeof ii is l n-I its stl ke ' p ii ts o1'd i
heso -tecl .i U'nc 'lyis8 10' ith isateooil is lis of x'
00111 u he 101ng v 100no i f l - I, i vo. iipci ced 't 11
(xtthc f te p i srs epatin ilthrai e1 (Ii Onsto h e n
Ili,;an le an w l e o fi ned to VS eliiin I cs i n ohl
1-011 fo om inge ohr 1 ae uars 14 n M uh 1cr ig
el tl Ivilit itioft isti 1u l tt 111)11 1h il l nd usthe'fit gi of ' iv
ilro titf. G t il lmic llt hailedtsei d- ei s s itvl, tu I iai. f1
clssart''it'rto's uhhliii tu t3 ll I'llsta aetoh ~li
ti hu visitola u ill olOli it heC-,h hnpInhp wl a
ohgui 1etemt v s t h ii ls ito ie of is cclr'n nt l d i
sueeixu StI age ignollo i iastslit00 .-ear00ill1
ix N [l1,1,uh C ill \ i ?t) 1,1 li) I Lt sch hu: A rl2,t lV.'
iiNi t Ott l? ' i iii I us the liite IIA I :uu io 11' X1 l
:Mvites Git ix iurvehytOll c'n''- lxi1i)) I 4 ,V.H21
th \ nn td' vs 1' nt dvoli
vi 1 1 \ ij in I a 'et' uscor a
mi o iI i 'clix, Slav 2. At
t thercl et)' v i) ivsutfthis
hli t ulclii ' tierncuil
O .11 l i{>s" smhoker were
[ a1d d cc;imiitt's firts hle
rt I 1 tdto s e i'1cr 00Wat-
val"StY Had o 'tialed to Sup-
Itt 5 I um d toe tive
te pihit of iithe tir, that
t~elo s i. Iaidls x 1ii 10i
(,ceiid dulnls ill s b-
%v ih litIvithil'tvCittliis
S tdt m t) this s tis O
tc si vltO ts ill ac
tl I s ic t d Ii t r
I, 51 \;-1 COI F1 -1t1Ylus
lc" tt his Illc'tn - Tflii' too
it c1{ l i tesa-wilic hy
r ticill ('m th ir- itps ia l
wil he o t'leoll hi
S11' t '(' ar,)v ecls e s wix-
0 Ii ltd 1'111(1' 11 ,1wn Ills
I isvw " , fto i tutu glassi
I o o i v. iii I a th s uppeiri
I. I ois I tatu teutit the
ii it i : d l ns (,ert tohut s-i
iii vi N ' i'i' )15itoteer:;iafter
N' 1 ;1NQIl I uCts'r, uv
I~mtlI~atoll -c c ive iiby Mxiv
fitt))' 1-ci* of Detroi' it lsti'
r cc anl',:l-sd 1)1t7the ntid
t11cblatc ofPi 1til t Ks tp-
htOtwslaelixthaec thee
Union Mns-I
7 Friday and Saturday Nights