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April 05, 1911 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1911-04-05

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,.THE MICHIGAN DAILY. 'i.'"14'It 11.i 1 .1 A 50? t lsece t is its' ic'
[f t e tisis,111"a le1' ist :I1 stat: snt i 1h l lit G t
Go H.. W ILD ~ MaCn d0-e ut iitietalis iiaridevtei tfar.Ietselssss1 ill)itst55 ab ei li
Business Manager--NORsMAN N 1. ItiLL. asttati -egt terlfar. Ibteusrh ts.itit ts cL11r,
311 SO. STATE STREET i n~A tenid to put the \liehigai I ttersch- reevns 5re
iDTOS.latic meet condtuited lit the Athtetic as- hi isnoct leis~,n _\r.:
News Editor ...tt... arotd Titus soit'ttiitotiut ot buins" tha tit is our
Assistant ...... tt.. .arry Z. Fotz Icafair.
Athietie Editor. ..Walter K. Towers I 'fliers(, siae le fauilts ini tetcnuti ti t he clii ciis sity f
Assistanst.. ..... . J. Freit tawvtons oslthe ltcatltieet, ittsI though ieihverreaso itee's dysli llt een1s
Opening display of ttsic aiid Dramna....Earl V. Mboore 1itoidoubtit. Tieiitst aniiiig itio pefls iilnyt i
Exhne n ils.. in". Birney cipsarentily iimmosral Ilueiisis uselss. li li
Spring and Sumr- xhags ueoiss Icst1i )iiiie iti shes i li i i intis it eesil
rner 'W ooens of Arthur J. Abbott.1 tid . SLasher.tttlay'haet hcsfouniiiin tthe eati;ait i Ils tI.11
Exclusive StylesNlIcHTEDITORStmre cellge ofii tsitiiisti it liis goingi bmors i tit' i~t
A. J. \Vohtgetsnth. IHarotd tMc~Gee. i to i o ikiasrtvotttininti nanntiiri:iii
tratit eneitelt Isiward t-I. tRobie tittitil tehigh schoiottteachers ceo n- lii s .r;
MtasicesTtitline ttl thei oasitst it h itl own 55schots
REORER. ndTTlTnat IFsontltlilt>thi
Fotri SU ITeonitns tatts bit ii its I sis otilste sititin.F i
1orecRciinisosni itarry Myser atletess ia tttt re we fil to set'Wsilt
OVERCOATS, and Jh .Cox. tF. E. Shaw, Jr'.thetysre ginttialit iteelilish lug tt 1 111111,'
Ertiest Burton. E'. M. Wahefield. llt refsit .s
Jottis1I. Townley. Wsattace Weber. its st"young I bucki"'lik the l I Sit, claiis lit n)
Gerald J. May. tEmmn'ett Taylor. apt to cksts rsts hsee ites weneti publici ntc to 1 tttt
C. IHaroldt IHittpler. J. Selig Yettens. thtiks hi is nobttserve'd, lust alitattemts a msionf
Roettsrt hM. Giliet Wl.T. tDasugherty t stihush this i itee it s geteral i-
B1 XTT~ C USINESS STAFF Iiiltsp 11)11theill iiitrio' tilfthe yoi uhWY( t Sil) t'
Go HsW ILD C o C. A lBowinan. A. It Diltey. Of tshe stilte Indtlt itthisciharater- Ofc I I : I.
The L>eading Merchant Tailors tMyer Ruhin. tieniseth Oshorns. ll t illt o t iishigh uscitittls sto
( ' L. Ray Johsscn. thttstr P. Griersois itr u htsilsl
311 . O STATE SEE ( i tcsttc.CoeiisN.tctetcr. lit ei tiut ttt iisfroiemsl l F,~
s IsuK!cl i'liitti Is f QIts si dh e ss itol
fr til mts ets i i. tiss rowandi oes it el offci'iill i ,,)i r
______________________ Addsres.s:entlc sst NDAIsY, tress ltdg. le, gu Of siiiseie ii-il t-e
Manad Street. seltstlsaeites llts'tti is i r't tnts sit
Base all hoes Office ftours: Managinig Editor, scool. 511h tteptsait esitstorm.ititmIalst
$2.50 arnd $3.50 it. anid 1:00-11:30 P. nm. Dallr.
Gym Goand*a oilfS hoes ilusittsst Masnager, I-t, 78 I,in., il'lsi tille li'ix'lliiis iii-
E. R. FROST, 302 S. State St. celit Stunday. Bots'Phictes s96o. E t' stuu ttt li ts it ii' wi I ith . 5 sh il
I Ifo sr e sislisteiitl a lcetila es not e io l t t'eoc- l I
. uior nE e 111 p tla t swih sa i frc.'asasth liii' i5 :ii hi 1 c

A fresh supply of the best
styles at
35c, l0c, S0c,
and 75c
Per Box
55 Have just received a brand
tnew lot of
I At $1.00 each

Fraternity Seal
U of M seals 50c
High Grade Linen
Paper by the
Pound or Box
Let us make you a
dye with your mono=
gram for your corres-
pondence paper
St~adexts' Bookatore

: slprl 6. h. C. A. ElsIctiuutiofi offstcers.
el it ihsVctslttConcesttt, Ihig h Schltt
auitritimt, hi8sl00 ip.n
Aprllliti 6-.dli i sstaths'i' i 5115.
Aipriit i-Seniitr'anditfreilshmengil'
i1 rs's e 's
(xrsll 11 lii bte
111.t 111 ICSsoit sitnuises.
hpiti2'1A'ceels Inst~itte banulleti', Neis
11.11 lissli's h1 l111151

Detroit Paper Congratulates Univer-
sity on His Retention
'ti'he lt iii \liNi isTrl ills biesili
ttat il the is erssltit t ts's to teslogs'ssltt 'i
til retaiinig Protf. It .S. Ssma~llset. In
ills silasll ISiiisis'ti litsableit.achst:
moreoeri h 'is ir~limbu ed stlls's'
itsc thlisattus'vesity ftisis mtves
the sssiple Wfsilt its ta itnc o
sibe opotitisty asito st huet1fte
ailiity if lii iversi 5~ity's1115rps ittprit
"Ilie his reeetlys'cetisie to thetsere
ftrsiltofiipracstia sllcnomtists, tak.ing a
direcsitillse iightaot sy dilaris,'
iteresstit thepobesmsclso tedli. 01
its ise isssoulsributed ut l ch tilthusOt-
cidaionsflt'e tarifftcomissssslissionan his
alavrtesi prtoblems ait it i ii' bes
isise~vat sigifiecat tIoulddthat 'Iispo
sitio iIlhIis swritinigs andsittatistitiss
thllatctersbjet siwastnired ittols
in i terelcet interstate commessrceeecsii
still a youngC mtan.andstheismolstsi tissih:-

a lw l a di \\i ll
htslC diasithis 611il
brn-wih ter1 11
tos itrt hll
Ir ,) h ll is It

University Bookstore
rCarriage and baggage
io i 52.50,laftesr 'lltut
it :eus~ isi-stoirs. thseipicewilt be
red sliii5 to ha stles's cast)
iti-uhN &ChO.
IMake' More
liehli titore filst-
Matke mosre peitti.-sell
store kodalks tissd photo
sitititlles thast all other
Ihluigraplters atid
hotto Sutpply Hotuses
Its Aitt Arbohr putt to-
Simply because I get
better results

You can pay the price of
and not get Fownen tyle,
fit nor servicee
C.1l[Ilsihi huh
rli sh ti s'ssOi. I'.t i'iii z a.Tn
P. mi. 7-8 P' lii. Mis . . J.> I"1x_
FS. list';, St. b1 sh14 N't~t .11 120h.

7 19 North University Ave.


.,. -°-


r_...------ ----
. :
s T
q it
: ;

Of the right kind at the ri ght price-at n4 all thr
_____SitjjAllen'Good Clothes tr?_ aaiS.
Pin, obsan Soon i IOkefl tenses Sale on Pipes and
HALRSD'lsoeiuespufhu- all Smoking Articles wiauutsc s'usy t '
COMPLuEE We.grind all eyeglass and open.and____________________S_______
C 1 ssoi u w lo. Lunches, eIce Cream Sodas si ucue. 'uase s ' rOO t HE.tWe p
Optical OculDenists Preseriptiono Filled ee eehll
Opia ' Dept, Shine-on Headquarters _ and all Summer Beverages ecin'i'ni
Eyes Examined
fieWatch and Jew',ry Repairha XniANOD.vgx University Suit Pressing Co.
IIALL[R'S JUWEI tRY STORE W"tR * oE JO L 709 N. UnmversityAve,. Both ,Phones 266
216 South Math~ St Jeweler 220 South Main St.

1Z Washin

RZANIJALL & PACK, Photogra-phers

Phone 598

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