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April 23, 1911 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1911-04-23

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The 1"R

Vol. XXI.

ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, NI 1 1111,23, 81)11.

10S1 1 TIL OPR1>1,IMS \ S DETFIACE '111 .
' R S T A K EY O F lP P A A A , T D E T F N N E WA L L O P F A R MY E R S iPr of: iia tt C I ,'. 'h 8o u d u It 1l)I S B E i N G P R O B E D:1 1
sity i llspak o Ih Pesnt) 'nd-th1818X ,
I-ang-up Three Points to One He 11as8justitu8'1rned (1 lI(' 18 1ai( Statistics of College Expenses "I'1 i
On the Agricultural onll 81111111181 1(1(I 1811 Are Sought by Campus I
Nine c' 111118a8111h1 1118' 1111 ca11 8111 1Authorities I ' 1>
8111811 11illvites 1 l l' 1wi- 1 ()f a ll (-a d 1it
11881881n I1I 1118 88881 1physi1' lecture1(1 81 Ctil
« itli"R d" ' ampbll foldng he l - 1 11111111 1 8St 111 8I~tsi5 so i'. su et e i -
atv1Ins 18811 Ncll~u ut h1ome11811 11118galme11 - t1118 8le:t 1 < to be (;1111 RELAY
U)l the8 wo1111cIIIiliiil, AlN A.I . 1 , 111181111(GOVERNOR SIGNS GRANT 181 11111 1111
11111.18t \\-t 1118111111 I£1 1<8l1111 818
a}11 11 811 ol twsica tigh11811n- Work on Power Plant Will Be 1era.11 st1 ntn81 ~ heo-Cram,
t 1o1show the 11881111hey 1had1 II1 t1elli1 to8 Started at an Early Date .
down11 th118h 111118. T e wete8 mn Th18l prorain 28911 o < t a111mn1c 'o o th tuet 11he1 I
11811 18181ri('1' v1G1,111 t 11 {)tih11, an81(1 111? I 1181i ( '!(ll ~h pll
su shn to11 -race1' the'1 ltt188 r 11188 1811 of8 t11 el 11 11111) 11' 1111be118 881 i~e i s T 8 1188 st\')tllas;tl rl~
811181 8 ,)81" 11-
tile111.i 111-ie, 11t llcli ' 88 hId n1.8 I1ers .1 1_ 8,81c18 1 11 81'
a(1 18181 1 f81 1 188 1 1 >e o l'tn 1 1 :111''
-it 1) ( rk, ate, al8dt11818les881d88s81)s.8 11(o181181811 8 illlicI ool-par
c1118888811 e8 ru e a ()41 s til o "ltc"(,If118 8 8 1888188 888s11118 18
I ( a mpb li8 duemuch ,o8t 18c1e- 8,'' il 881181881181Deft 8
posille mvll i) it( fctil itlak °s 13 th t )li o t ' ' 8 ' (.l +1 t 111888 11888

WII, II I IIl1118N
11 1 a, IS Y I
l'. 1 72 1 1 8 i 17t i I
112 1 " < t1 1 1 1

Ross, H aH, and (Card
Form the quartet
i 1)1ai Ct 8 1 m d l<
1ic. [I 13W i 111OW l,
1881" a .cl dl '(1 1 1'
lie tii ' . Ii r 1' 811-

Final Performance of Blackface
Production Shows Great
ED 81 I , it 8til , 8 tc lf r trtl lc 1 i
8Ils~~ , 1c~t 18 1t ~t .c.-ii
I tc''' 12;;h Ild 15-l 1'1i'
I." '8' 3t(. c I+
t l,, It d i lt, 18E _
I J C t .I . . 't i
I~.til ~ -iiI cc~In).t l
Itt l It It L '<l I~c t t t) .' t:
\ILcl'1 11 t '( t . C i t ttt, ' 1"i
I t11 4 li )- C ( al })
1 81''',

mes p learagdfdn nl 8 8188 11111 1818, 1181
88'8ou 18888 oub1le8, 1888 quickl.returni 18a111
18888(81 ,181,111 adMichl dvie
thc 111118ting h88881 8 118' gridi1o1sta1 p8
ill(, thre cenl ge h i''''I'18 88' ' 1lellthe ca881tai
and881"Mitchi"ie8881 contr11111881 a81d811l1
of 8111v8' tiiiiliii;lby 1 11188 11t8188eti
11811 sorehandepth illiil 1111 l he
Metre11but krleskeu 1 filed il centerit
hiuiii 811the thiirdlc8888888188nd 111il1188818
two1slips1o188 h 1(8 hi11111818 d w1188
which lie agai 81818ed8 car1-8ill1t'
isch881118h1s8es8118 ac8lar th(r1owing ti
8818118u1e.,Th8.1]1la1ers8 '8111(1888(8e81(81
81 18881to.reqireiiI te i iiii of1 the
of 1118'fist 118888"1h11888r8 881118faced
181888e tal' 11 be1 1igan, li it'8'818'8818'8(i 11
8n1Pattison w1ith a cen bins-l. II1'i(8(
secsin88 118188a11e18]11.and(cam' 8(18 lt.iii
88hlen .\li1181811 poudedl (((I'loIe8r818'cond
111811 went1 188 1188 188188. IICll 818ruck
88111 88181 1111818188' died o1( al81 s
11111 81811888l respndei'ith 1a8
vic181188drive 118811A118111a1,8n181188 r1g8'
fielder 18 8118's trioy. IMiichi('1scored11eas-
iLlibt tepant ri18 ed1888(81181toi ('ach18thrd
8181his hil ly11111 i t rt of1 81 har
Ca881118111s 811e (88ro1'allouwed the iirst8
basmn o eh irt 88 1811181illt1-el s88'ciiid a11d
the Frer worked h8'18' Iis way)1811'.li to1(
thiirdl whtile the 118ex1 threeere('8' Cii 1
dllsttsctd if. lturleske otpened t1e thirdl
(Continaued o Page 2.)

118, A It' 888s.11't'Dl"
AS8 88'AC (('88 118f
11ritish 8818,188188 .James8 (('881 from
the811tter'addrened'the8(818' 8 1 888
o o nie(881811 Detroit81 pa.p('8 state1 1that
Dr8881 lsetr oth tor i" d

8188 1t8l 'r 11J 181 a 8 11.':I- t t11
cr tII Ita lrslt11t~ IVLri 1 1
Itll t~a ll o io s ca lleslv ccilcs 1888(
ais\ I tl te hs s Of CjW cc .1t-1181 81kt'
wil)RAWSh, -rcdthEtII) D lERiT lERlSt11885

's 11'

Norma l ii' 181118'wil(8addre('11118 111c
r -1,1 11ec ii 11 ol) "\I1 da\ e(ll 1 8 '1 1818,
7 o'81lo81, ii((i8(84to, T'1,8181ball

Cercle Show Attracts MembersI't Ic
Of Alliance Francaise 8181(1811t
14t( it 818 Ic arc 8( tip 81 11 ('8' 88888~x
'8'rl I ' li 8 ('8 8 88 '(l 11 .11 flight81 , a .8 .rs p
81 .818atl~lllc(~t tenencs ~ h ~t
the Allauc 8' 'ase 1'f hatc1t. is Il'1i1("
"xp 8 1 1 88) 88c1(8had8 ,)I th r 1188 a- w ll s''aci1l,1 18 a u
Filll r hearals arc it: 11181 '8' Cte
o1188 t(I tclcg tIv l 8'n (m8 sa11'to 188188
188tr I18 8(Wl 1. 18111-81llh 1hcl818 )trl;I




The final8(11 (811 )118 heii-8r1 18 I
fn- 188 8818888 1e 8 1118' at81388
88111811888 811 1 81 8 8 8 18It 7 : 0 11 C ()
S tiiii~t i'.'iiiii'i 188'c ('188ts ('ill1b1
(n.n8n11 ill 1at four1.o'clock81a8
hitoe '('8118 ive1 y.8188' Y11(8i.

'e 11P

ck. 818 ('1
18, al
188' it)
A( 1188'

to i2 a8881ro1888'
()i. I181 '18.888 1 8
tick t aone1in 18il
days8the8sale ill 181e
1e1eral 18 1's' ''Th1


t ' U , 11:111 3

8e 18818ii((I l ma eeve l1a i~
8a88 On subs8) Ine. 11sh8d8i1 8 1
conducted for 1118 81811 '8 , .It 1
8b881rie of8s1s118te AI8w'8888aw8x1).

a Ictlr 8 ~ Prof'18 88,. 1A. t;. c ('111
811.81 8118 (('88 ((('8 188i T Ipl8. hat

I , lo M eeiis8'. VI7,i'll1lecure ui n ' 118 18.8 ('118 c
1188 ' Teloe"e hilai'' eA '. lH.H,8818 18188. Thle1
Mol a evening11 1811at 7:,381 O'lock1, 18in ~is1h and wil
ro88181246, Nw Y iea' 18118((818111u111. of 1111 11day and(11

Ill er of881 1 18 t ,' erce
8" rs t11 cket81. will11 18
81188'' iiwill 1e 111881 18
e ln he11 fc lte
''a'8 itsthm8


17 t i 8 i % 1 2 1<8i t it
c18c~~ C1- 8 1 1:0

(, : (1ti1 1 '818
81tr Illd It '..
1 .1lr a q l li l
8 <ch~ vI 1, I 1 88 1
118'. tla u tr u1r uil,r, i' 1

1-e81' 8.~ i

University T O0 - N I C T Eight O'clock

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