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March 31, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 134) • Page Image 1

…r 30i1 au atl -j * , EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN,' SATURDAY, MARCII 31, 1923 EIGHT PAGES i It I" EASTER TO lBE P11, N JUOIIIA(SF jNEW BONNETSMAY APPEAB'UIULIIhJU C Spring bonnets md creamy 1 Norfolks may appear tomorrow EETOFCR with reasonable assurance or not [C 9 Ifl being ruined by an April show- Tft Tllr e r, according to a forecast by t e w a he u e uet r a . 9A l AT~f), t.-i---.#--III - _111 Special Service Held Yesterd...…

March 31, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 134) • Page Image 2

…in Begins EDI SCOTT ADDRESSES SCIENCE ACADEMYl tin, psychology, Prof. 1-1. F. Adams, sanitary and medical science, Prof.j Philip Hadley,' zoology, 'Dr. L., R. Dice. The section in geography has been joined with the economics section and minerology has been~ included in the section of geology.I Phi Delta Ktavpa REGENTS GRAIT DEGREES TO GRAUATE STUDENTS Degrees to. students of the Gradu- ate school were granted by the Board LAST, - - - - ...…

March 31, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 134) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAI _ . _ .:. n ,. .. .. ... ri. C'ake. , i. of all cap- the class bhas- held at 11:30 the director's If a man loses heis money he loses a lot- If he loses his friends he loses, a lot more- But if he loses his courage he loses everythi. 1. Ill be re- te le gyn' r clan dayc ~$~V< 2 K ~Ai\ I /4 F. I'f. rI; were in the catcor- ittees of the Junior invited to attend a tea 'clckl today at. New- i committee will this morn...…

March 31, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 134) • Page Image 4

…THE MI Iti. N ICAN DAILY ____ ., ously faulty should be tolerated. For those responsible to have mnade, O ST D OLL the mistake in the begining of notTE entrusting the lighting of Hill audi- torom to the experienced men of the 1:1 teal.Engineering departmnut is RPTTO pelps excusable. But, in the face of repeated mistakes by others, to fail WH RATIIA WIIUXTRA to take advantage of the free services: of these men who have the ability to; The b...…

March 31, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 134) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY wolampom = , . ;,: ,, , r / i . i /. ,_ i i .. s ' , I p! < IN The SchultzGrcy TiEHOME OF Itf oODs, ''31 S. STATE- SjTIEET The Home of McLean and Neelands Quality,- Courtesy service Fre Delivery to ll Parts of CI Last Delivery 5 P. M. Office, Open* till 10 P. M. for Ordl PHONES 326-327-328 114-116 E. WIASH-INGTON I Richelieu Coffee , tables in Seas on I A coffee per fection attained only after ...…

March 31, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 134) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN' DPALY ,, . . I _...... AILLY REtOK FINALS IN CLASSES B, C OF TOURNEY Former Ohio State Gridiron Starf Leaps To Big League Spotlight mgk eets Alma Five Tonight "b )Defeating Birmingham 26.14: $sNCITY QUINTET TO (iPPO$E HOLLY IC FINAL les, clas B,- and Holly, class C, their way into the finals of their ective classes lastnight at Water- gymnasium in the semifina s of1 State interscholastic class' B andy sketball tourna...…

March 31, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 134) • Page Image 7

… ~' i.d'4'&I~A..~ £ er word e space ants per rOOD, MONEBY DURING VACATION. Last year I had thirty-seven stu- dents from Ann Arbor making from forty to one hundred dollars in one week selling brushes. If you think' you are asgood as the average come up and see .Ae. All students mi- ing good dui~ig Easter vacation will1' be given an exceptionally good of- fer this, summer. APPLCTOS DUE FQR CUSTER TRANING CAMP Applications for the Military Tra...…

March 31, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 134) • Page Image 8

…,ILA lM 24r i .. , Prussian General BULJLETINI Taken By French, ubtie. to all members of M. 0~1:84 a. in.RAfta w.) , , lm'; \rnmber l12 n ~slipis for signing out at night during' March are due ed in to the Dean's office imnmediately. JEAN HAMILTON, Deaun of VVomean. ng~ and Ardhiteeture: .n.; to grud~te In June or after the Sumne-r Sesston Sevretary's office., fl~or~n 2N3 Ea~eering fluilding, and LOUIS A. HOPKI 'S, seeretary. rring and ...…

March 30, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 133) • Page Image 1

…I mm-j I -9 it i~un aihi EIGHT PAGES ANN ARDOR MIOfIIG AN. ~'RI~AYJ MARCH 30, 1~23 ~GET PAGES 111 ~rsity WI ~4ay to a )C~tlOJ1 4 $n lUll Yill4a] ~xplorer, ~ NortIx~ eor e niany 1 other Ilseover~ ~n the N white L~,de a tr ~te in 0r2 q)e4IitIor ~vho W~, the inai L~S, inc ~ is i: he ~pr1n made ~ from Ms ~st of B~ Ld the~ ~an1sofl Lrlck Is~ Lew isI~ v~tiGt1~~ tine ~ii at re~ss Of Sentiment And Statistics~ BENCH OPPOSE PiDeltaEpsilQ...…

March 30, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 133) • Page Image 2

…AIDS x DAY es of business in Ann Arb( sed from 12 to 3 o'clock th: and~ services appropriate day will be hield at sever ur-ches and other neetur W'ore than 200 stores ha' a~ngements to close in con th a request of the Chaib- Special services for the public wi econducted from 2 to 2:45 o'cloe the W uertli theatre. They have beio ranged as a special religious Kne g of the Chamber of Commerce a e under the auspices of that bo(d hie details are ...…

March 30, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 133) • Page Image 3

…THAE MICHIGAN. DAIY-Y I --- + play, there wall be dancing in the fparlours, of Barbour gymnasium. IAll bills against the Junior Girls' Splay- shotflg be senit immediately' to --Frieda i~ekhoff at 1030 Oakliand aye§- ian, sIele- j(nue. If the exact amount of any bill e choru~ses I is u~nknown, the approxiniate amount io wish to is requested. so by get Rochwell, J Try a Classified Ad-it gays.-A dv. I banquet will be hed ,at 7 o'clock at ! ...…

March 30, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 133) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY I ~ ...:... ...w.. .. .....r....,.,.. ini ;c Editorial j en- all her >cal TOWN AND GOWN While speculation sometimes offers the speculator much pleasure, that in which mst readers of "Town and Gown", a recent college novel by -Mr. THE and Mrs. Lynn Montross, have indulg- SUSTITUTION ed has been anything but gratifying. A NOTICE This ultra-modern novel of campus Why I do not know, but BUNK is life has caused no littl...…

March 30, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 133) • Page Image 5

…I THE; MICHIGAN ''DAILY ,. .n K. on Yesterday, AUTO PAGE I ,, r.. t i TIaE C.adillac and BuiCk IU. Sr L. STORAGE BATTER IES are the best for your radio outfit. Rentals 25c a day 6a. mn to midnight service. Lefeders te W 'V'orld1Ovtr i rr v .v . 2 , ,, )ING ON Incet rspeca II reun! U tnion. Is ,)ld. ,ters' ci union AnnArb+or-B ick;asC0 m 0ary S a1£2 0 CW. rrBu p& u . iler. -Photo by' Retitscihler Br. Ihugh Cabot - de parti...…

March 30, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 133) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY-Fll .... ....,.. .u~ -_".. .... i ' . -"°°,R, rui iZ rrw .ft; _ - U' -. ETATHETA P1||N EASY TIUMPH YOSTCARING MICHIGAN IN 1NTERFRATERNIT SWIMFINLS TE PRESS REPORTS GIVE SPACE1 TO WOLVERINE SCHOOL W and 1 err. Stars of ieeL ix iing ta Theta Pi; second, Wills, Sigma Chi; AND COACH1 21 of Befd's Total of third, Wttingham, Theta Chi; fourth, ____ 36 Points Coates, Hernitage. Time 46:2. During his western trip Fielding...…

March 30, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 133) • Page Image 7

…t I COLUMN CLOSES AT 3 P.m. OFFICIALS DEOY PUSHING M(ER6ER Students Supply Store i t South University Ave. SyRegents Gave Hoinoeophths ileaf- hig After~ Legislature Pascsed ~Re~trtolii Cents per w( day, 25c. A if ,.ho.rzedA advance. Min- er, 20c. Three r.adfo Pnt of .ot J .tl ay 11 UIIU r, U. yri ,,c. , .fls.... a i~ge line. Classified, charged only to those havinlg phones. STRiING OUT OF MILL TAX 'welve cents a line, ...…

March 30, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 133) • Page Image 8

…FUICIAL HULLE1INJ is futoconistruetyf*tte to *all itmsbenofI ,eceived until 3:30 V. hw. (11.:30 a. ml. IStII?4~.) 'IIWAY, HRMM-AC-2~,13 Xmtr~ bers of the Faculties, Vnal riftjy ConTocatSaR; n (1L.D.; 1#21), the distingished explorer, will )f the Universtty,- to which the members of the cordially invited, in Hill auditorium, Friday, March ect will be "The Northward Course, of Emupire". In on f te Mns at a recent eoaferen~ce, clauses: V wllbed s...…

March 29, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 132) • Page Image 1

…9 r i au A4V J IF _ r ; EIGHT" PAGES ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1923 EIGHT PAGES .r... 'CBES Di:. R'? C' Indian Worker fljjjjWqnrS8iuN IQISITTNHAP Orig-inal dra nwings by Michael Anl- -elo.,Andea elSarto,. and Trepol ar n therexih sent to the Archi- MAR K MEEJINC ur Atectural college by the Fearon art gal-llIfIP~ l 4 lery of New York, and now being shownv in the corridor of the archi- U LVf~ ~l .> tectiira ,ichool. In ...…

March 29, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 132) • Page Image 2

…NISH OCIET WILL MUSIC AND 'RE[SENT PLAY TO NIGH' U IC ANS' as Cigarras Hormnigas", by Jacin- I-andel's oratorio; "The Meossiah," enavente, will be presented] at 3svwill be given by the Ann Arbor high Ek tonight in Sarah Caswell An-; school chorus and solists at 8 o'clock hail, as the annual production of teni ht in hill auditorium. This char- ociedad Hispanica. The fin-.l al is arranged for the entertainment of 3rehearsal was held last night, ...…

March 29, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 132) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY in the sou l parlor of :New bcrry hal to be given in an attempt to raise mon- to I 00e f m(.rv nrn a :0occk ey for the salary of the teacher em- K~ AI I NuLHThe.l ve<<a.s will for the 1pu:rpose of.,plyd tthe. University Hospital t? iipinpria in nsrutchild patients there. All old . UNC FH1091for En Kat r. Every wvoman on tlhe cash- clothing which is at all u cable, may "OCIEOpEDSsOD A ho to in tire -rv.- be sent to the Com...…

March 29, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 132) • Page Image 4

…THE MTCICRAN DAILY -- 4 CIA]L NEWSPAPER OF THE1 LY1ERSITY 0OF MICHIGAN le eey morning 1~except Monday! 'se Universit:y year biy the Hoard in1 f Student Publications. !of Western Conference editorial an. ,tociated Press is exclusively eni- teuse for republication of all pxcttcredited to it or, not other~ edited in this paper and tine loca) d at the postn fice at 'Ann Arbor,j *as Accornd class matter. ipti*~1 by carrier or mail, $3 50" Ann Ar...…

March 29, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 132) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY GOING ONL for th~is column Oon by 5 :30 o'clock ,e publicatioin. ;URSDAY hers' club )meets " itectural corridor, Ngineering bition. The Ann Arbor Art associa- Moody is superintendent. The tract three features: the beauty of the and I laders, acs and lanterns. There are this of building.. tion holdis its exhibit ions in this bild' Ihasarie rotgeo ore txan on ; as a public park; a collection of nra- 125 employees of the ...…

March 29, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 132) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Oil 17 _..,s.p.. .,g , 4 } n .. lli ffi ) C . . . 0 ' iI to Bl;anq;Z at to 0! MI- WTIG COUR-T I[ tquion and the Varsity tennis players who were not yesterday's showing of the film. IAll those planning to attend may secure definite inf'ormation by call- ing the Athletic' associatio, phone, 167, after noon today. others besides themselves, and be- wailed the fact that the United States :s prone to strip ...…

March 29, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 132) • Page Image 7

…'c ll S. IN JUNE For Easter-What could be nicer ,,,......., .. ; v ;. ,, .._ SLEIEP A' YIIERF, BUTE EATAT R-X's Til'E CLUB LUJNCH 71" Arbor Street f N~ear State and Packatrd Streets GREY SHOP than a box of M avis Chocolates Famous French Confection Nunnailly's Southern Candies 6o E.Liery A i .. I /'+ ~=' ' v c3 c * To Brotheirs- and Silr A AG 0 ..r ( The S. S. Fanconia, the first vessel to be deslg iede spcially foPur iaronn...…

March 29, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 132) • Page Image 8

…1L Y F I ILiatlon in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of Tntversity. Copy received until 3"M D . iM. (11:'30 i . .Bfturdlai,1. me3THURSDAY, 3NARCH 2 9, 192,3lNnb1er 102, Students and Mdenihers of the ]Faculties, University Convocation: ijalmur Stefausson (LL.D., 1921), the distinguished explorer, will a. Convocation of the University, to which the members of the nasters' Club are cordially invited, in 11111 auditorium, Friday...…

March 28, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 131) • Page Image 1

…<I I Agr Ap a.n Ar :43 a t I 11 EIGHT PAGESt ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1923 EIGHT PA3ES ITTLE Omni ES BUILDI [ILI i ITWON Glee Clubs Win In Pre-T ? J ULUU; [B CONVENES CAitNlJ AL ONN'f art Will Three Talk Michigan's Varsity ,Glee clubs Prov-J ed themselve-s worthy of representing the University musically in a tour through the Mi1dwest by the rendition of a pleasing program of classical and popular music in thei...…

March 28, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 131) • Page Image 2

…IlANSE IISI Song Reeital amens' cycle of :;even ng the historical de- Swhich she will give nder the auspices of was successfully in- Ly night in Pattengill ea capacity audience. nprised 23 folk-songs Aities each sung in recital gives promise of some concerts of remarkable excellence during the next few weeks. Prof. Bailey to Address Engineers Prof. Benjamin F. Bailey, acting head of the electrical engineering de-' partment, will adldress a me...…

March 28, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 131) • Page Image 3

…T"E MICHTGAN DAILY IfLETICS nhysical educa- - lly interest thej Dnventi*o~n of the rs' club will be omorrow after-, ock Friday aft-I Tickets for the sophomore movie are on~ sale in University hall, the Li- brary, and at Graham's bookstores. They may also be obtained from the sophomore women. The schedule for the, class basketball games to be held in Bar- bour gymnasiu~m is as follows: At 7:30 o'clock this evening, seniors vs. sophomores, j...…

March 28, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 131) • Page Image 4

…49 M..-N THE MICHIGAN DAILY -- --- - -r i ,. :rn ait except Monday by the Board in !rn Conference ditorial Press is exclusively en. for republication of air dited to it or not other his paper and the local at the postffice at Ann Arbor, as second class matter. ion by carrier or mail, $3. . Ann Arbor Press Building, May F~ditorial, 24T4 And r76-M; Busi- to exceed 30o words re. not necessarily to n evidence of faith, will be published in...…

March 28, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 131) • Page Image 5

…iTHE MICHIGAN DAILY - Thneaters OING oN 11,hitney has colmn shold The attraction at the Whitney, on ;).-30 o'clock of Sunday, April 1., will be the altogether blication. different whimsical tale of the trop- ics, "Tangerine." This is the work" SDAY ~that, when produ~aced at that birthplace ~~DAY of splendid musical plays, the Csn ichIn oom32~Oftheatre, New York, not only won im- Rey ddrssesthemediate acclaim, but astonished ev- ley ddrss...…

March 28, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 131) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ... .. Rill illlw lll rMiurs ._ MII _.. .. s r IWIND GREETS OD PATIGE~' . -"- jKansas. Big 'Ten, jwill hold1 light. The three star te m o Fh Michigan, Illinois, and Iowa the biggest share of the spot- p. "STICK IT OVER; LET HIM HITI itertraternity Swim Sees Close Rae. In Prelims.9 of Varsity I Forced to be Easy LWith the comupotition close .in most EN PITICHER S SHO'ING of the events the preliminaries to ...…

March 28, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 131) • Page Image 7

…s i . r t. tI~47')4t~ It ..w. Presents: PLAY ?ROJDJCTI) CLASS~ES IPANIICA "Clarence," a four-act comedly by - -Booth Tarkcing ton, will be presented ai for "Las Cig- Jb'y stufnts of Prof. R. D. T. 'Hollister's ich is to be giv- play production classes at 8 o'clock rrow~ evenli~ ng i rday night in the auditorium of Un- .alb ,L o -i e sty hal at o e e s n "he held tonight. will act in this play which is the first ~play is laJid in; of a series...…

March 28, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 131) • Page Image 8

…THE TH CHGAN DAIL' ) -------------- a !' O F F IC IA L B ,U L L E T INhtm wl~ai osrcle oist l e brj+ y, Copv received until .:1--3 .t. .(11130 xa. i aturdaY.) i f i .. r 3 C i l J US T PUBL ISHE D Pn Stintnq In IBus~ness Ad nnstrato% n In eerdng, Astronomy, AVpled Statisticall Mahtr.atIcs CIn Fcwuamie, Edntcatlon, 1%ologv,. Psyclulogy, FOrMs try an VTal Stat~sics:z 'Tables in Applied Mate aisbyJm sW lover $4.50} ' lans: will be no ...…

March 27, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 130) • Page Image 1

…I m I i-if it iiiJa atlu .C G No. 130 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARtBOR~ MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 2i, 1923 EIGHTT PAGES. w £ ACADEMY IMEETING TOMORROW EOF' RESEARCH ITEN RST ONI PEAKERS d Discussion 'EASTER 0:1APRIL FOOL'S L L UL US L I DAY; FIRST TIME SINCE 'S8 1,_1,,111 11111 . For the first time since 1888, IEaster Sunday this year will " come on April 1. This will not. n ;:E T iE TRIP #occur again until 1934, antid again in 1945. Oth...…

March 27, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 130) • Page Image 2

… i'wrzcan l1V, To Dutch LA 5-1 Capital, IES meeting that the council favor the editor of 'The Daily as one of the ex- ofiio members of the council, the rest of the provisi~on concernin~g x- officio members being left for discus- sion tomorrow night. (Continued from Page One) ist nieeting. Any man on the camj- shall be eligible for election. Provides for Coaunil Office 1xpenses of Student Council: The ~sry expenses incurred in fos- le re...…

March 27, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 130) • Page Image 3

…____ THE MICHIGAN DAILY W,,. back on Coach Yost's champion 1922 football team. RI ~HbUL IUMUflflV' "Racing hearts", the movie to be [yen by the sop.homore women, wvill I pen at the Arcade theater tomorrow. .ges Ayres and Theodore Roberts re the star~s. The author, Conrad Py-' on, also wrote the racing pictures ,hick. helped to make Wallace Reid ofamous. Tickets may be obtained tthe regular price of 35 cents in thei brary, in the League boo...…

March 27, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 130) • Page Image 4

…- -__~~THE MICHIGAN DAILY -__________ arn Daily IER OF THlE MICHIGAN~ iexcept Monday rby the Board ini ber of W4-stern Conference Z~ditorial tien. Aesoclatfed Prhess is exclusively en- theb, use for republication of all1 ispiatchem credited to it or not other. redited in this pgper and the Jpcal Tn. 1921 when he merger was con- pleted, to the satisfaction of the Re-dm genits, the Legislature and the Medh- OA TE OLL ical ,SJt1ol, the defen...…

March 27, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 130) • Page Image 5

…_____ ____ ____ ____ ___"HE MICHIGAN DAILY gaiizaionand as an aidl to the mentorI sity in the United States. Tt is an as- thocrough . unders7tanding of, Federal boan Ilost in many suibsequient add- system. sembled college having W"ts subjects and Statie Ipure food lay's. tins. Addlitions and remodeling were 11OW ---- taught,. for the n o.;gpait, by rmembeirsi (lone ofl the building in the years 1861,1 Frrtie ColIlege of ?Pl a niacy was or- of...…

March 27, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 130) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY t1r- .. .... , ILL'S i All Michigan! Here Are Steve Farrell, Coach Of The "Wonder Track Team" And Four Members Of Coach Ray Fisher's Title Contending Baseball Squad 'S B EST" Steve's IFORNIA, SUPREME IN 'AST, OUT OF CONSIDERA'ION chigan's more than decisive vic- over Cornell's fast, track team in erman gymnasium on Saturday! t shows conclusively, at least in opinion of no less an authority Jack Moakley, coach of...…

March 27, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 130) • Page Image 7

… listru-l { ^ I ,Of~l '7:00--Anierleanj legion meeli3 in room 306 of the Union. 7 :1 5--Tryouts for Adelphi freshiman~ debate meet in Adelphi room, Uni- ~7 :1:j-Try-outs for Athena Litonary so- ciety will be held in Alpxia Nu rooms, University hall. 7 :30-Round-U~p club meets in upper reading room of the Union. :0---Glee club concert in Hill audi- torium. 8 :00-Comedy club performance III Sarah Caswell Angell hall. In p~rivate teetsI Se...…

March 27, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 130) • Page Image 8

…t I 1124 ivAI'...4 I\J.P 1,1'XI"- B ULLET I N1 &Otte to all o M.I~: . M. tta*,) is canfexcnce of the Deans on Weduesay, March 2S. M. L. BURTPON. L tmue, 8eu And O1uWArtsi ,qegst that meJ as of thio Ftuulty ww o ve nat ai- Mt th4 n~en :y Dlreotory b Lait'swtih h hae ea 414- + ms. eager hean~ rd vtufli them toi the D*,azi's o~fce '1herie axe alit st dally calls for the tnfvo..-=Aera col - .ks, 'arid nl{ a smawl proportwn (dittha Facu...…

March 25, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 129) • Page Image 1

…I-I :J, 'su uiIA L-. . . -- TWE~NTY PAGES ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, S1 t DAY, MARCH 25, 1923 TWENTY PAGES I T H TEE Reads Passion Play ' I~lII Big Te prts Here This EveningiVtJULIIJILJ Dictator Here {) GOVYElINMEN I 5I X l A tE ~' NIH161BEASCORNELL 681-2 TO 28 RlEINKE BETTERS CONFERENCE MARK IN ',HUBBARD, MARlTIN, ISBELL SHATTER I i1 PIlOPOS-' FOR IIADS OF UNITS OF, FASCISTIC ORDER 114,q Ec onaniics Being Introduced in to Bialan...…

March 25, 1923 • Page Image 1

…SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MCHGAN, i \XX ±IhMRCiH 251923 tn 'The Long Journey" the first'LISLE ROSE iscuts. the tlan o the book in toe two pairt, of which have jnst been l littessl pialit-ir in thils country unoder thle "M-iire ad Ise" tret, of the life of te peit ric tnd ntoit hhic period, title "Fre sod Ice," lohtannes Vt. en-{as ivymbolzeedtby te ivesof fiv 'en has- attem tcpted hemot a-ti n at Imen: F rteseScninaotvana one themie i o-itbte...…

March 25, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 129) • Page Image 2

…NT lAS mmel of the public' ent has been choseni n at the joint enter- ublic speaking socic- at 8 o'clock tomor- ,rah Caswell Angell e purpose of the evening's enter- aent which is being given by thei phi House of Representatives, the a. Nu public sneaking society, anld Athena and Portia literary socie-I is to acquaint the camnpus with work in whicli these organiza- Sare actively engaged, and to a. program interesting to all. ous readings, a...…

March 25, 1923 • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 25, 1923 Letters to the Editor FROM A READER OF THEL SUN2DAY force sch standa ds of verity and MAGAZINTE soundprinciples of criticism as will Sir:maen end of the reckless disparage-; Rather broad and sweeping are the ment, cheap sel-advertisemnt, -and assertions made regarding the Sundy, "hore-play" which it must be admit- Magazine. Elmer Sorles Loomis states ted have characterized a number of that...…

March 25, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 129) • Page Image 3

…len 1AIR Undergraduate tickets for the MTich- igan women's annual luncheon are oni .genieral sale at Graham's State street book store. The sale will . continue ntil Tuesday. Alumni tickets may be procured at the office of the as:sistant dean of women in B~arbour gymnasium.I Theshdlefrthne clasi Cs basetba ll bou',' gymn.asi n .i fllow;,s: A.t, vs. juniors;, sopho~ores vs. freshmen; a t 7 :30 'clock W Vednesda«y eveing, freShmenC1;atV:30cl]...…

March 25, 1923 • Page Image 3

…SUNDA Y. MARCH 25, l q'3 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGID THREE The Downfall of the Chicken MANY :MARIIIA ES, by Sherwood, Anders'on..Hueb ch, New York.! ROBERT LOCKE i In ai rather roundabout oaner, Iae repulsed his atenptssa't love- material that it becomes mot o- might prove, by the theorem that two mal, ng and tolerated it only in con-plant things similar to one thing are similar; nction waith the acquisition oi a child.plant- to each other...…

March 25, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 129) • Page Image 4

…FOF THE CHIGAN xcept Monday the Board in un Conference Editorial ted Press is exclusively en- use for repub~licationi of all s credited to it or not other. in this paper and the local therein. the postoffice at Ann Arbor, econd class matter. by,. carrier or mail, $3.50. .n Arbor Press Building, May- itorial, 2414 and 176-M; Busi- -nrinications nt to exceed S0o words fined, the signature not neces~arily to jr in print, but as an evidence of ...…

March 25, 1923 • Page Image 4

…PAGE F'OUR . T+-E MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 2 1923 Business Is Good Thle average roan can ,as no occas-i LILLIANREID Yes, bankers are "afraid of a boom" ofor obsayat tin- approach vianthyrerigtokpte.Ct- prospeity, ad is laughingly incredu- adte r. rigt1ee h on 1000 wheniitold( that 1)0ters or' not de- all over t he city A year ago no one their call sooty, they will be more fry on a properosabasi by prevea- si rable, jnst no he shrugs his sh...…

March 25, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 129) • Page Image 5

… P ~tv Wchx i iadO up of TI A Athletic Program 1has a person-' IPresident Burton ndw l (";;'n £eiaa (&ghtrour in !woth edt orial andf D o 6u .KnOW and Sayer; fin nc, c inposed of IRe- business departi ents. This is a C Igents Lelanjl Sam p-r and Huihbard; grand total of 259 students who are"na.isHgws re unnadacalyOthsafsf axus b -----_____ slaries,1R1 : an gorourIsis, land iaualy n testfsofcmusp Wh'leln was the licononIJcS building (l gents }l...…

March 25, 1923 • Page Image 5

…SUNDAY, MARCH 25, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAE FV 'BROOM' AND 'OTHERS' "The old expressions are with us CHARLES T. ANDREWS. abiload. Who of us will labor more always, And there are always others With such an epigram serving bot S e*zealously than these artists, to make as an inspiration and as a hint of its Since in your hearing words are prose, and pictorial art, both here and our world and the future more as reason for being, the poetry magaz...…

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