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March 30, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-03-30

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Of Sentiment And Statistics~ BENCH OPPOSE PiDeltaEpsilQn RESIDENTS OlIOTO ii aim roini
flomoeopathy Debate Mixture Accepts Fifteen P VUIIIUII till Ii 17111U1
I nanmia nrnuaai
Honiocc~paUiy wa~ fed in ever in- aiortg t~t hue is well known. Both flRU~bRL bUIIVIRO ~ ADDRESS SCDOO~MASIEGS' ci
flu creasing do'~ca for two and one-half physicIans based thcir arguments *01 at r a n an a Ifl~ft j Secrets to 15 at its annual spring mit-
iatxon held yest~rday at the Union.
U II ~gi- l~tors and citi2ens ~ ~'~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Senator Copeland A ~ ~ U II I student publications and
ours Wedne~'d~y night to a crowd of a large ~legrce on sentiment. "Give U3 N I I II N I I chosen for the honor, are I N FIR S TDAY OF CON YE
I senate e.hamber at the state capitol. "that is all we ask. Just our little A b e~ e ta~en into ti~e organlzatioa in _____________
subject of the dc-I place in the sun." The New York AThIIY OF O~C(IATION, ~ recognition of services. Un- FORMER A)NOMICS PROL'ESSOR LtVEII~SItY HEAl)
~ The'hearin~g was distin~tl~ a homoeop-
~tb1~ affar. The man said that the University's course CAMPAIGN ~ 'TROt. ?o11o~ing~ the' Initiation at the
bete was, homocopathy, the homocep- in creative listening should be taught1 BL~SO~JE LEAJ~ERS Ion ~the ~ne~ men were given a ban- SPEAE'~ P~ PLACI. OF ((Dl- £DU(A1iONAI~ STA
aths of the state were there, bout ~0 ito his colleagues In congress, and 111(3 ~ktiet 4tWille~Vs cafe at which time the j ~IISSIO~ER TIGEUT AT OPEN1N~K ~
~ strong, and every phase of the sub- money sp3nt in its maintenence given and alms of the
Ject was aired to an atten~ve legis- to Hornocopathy. This and ether ideal~ I SAYS U4 S. EXPERIENCES A S K S SOGIAL ST
ING RUSSIANS ENkAG~D ~e e~nlained.
lat~ve committee, a bored group of m~e- humorous sallies by the Senator were AT V1N~YARO $EJZURE The ~men' who were tak~en ifl were:
porters and the balcony full of curi- recezved with "enthusiastic applauae Joki A, I3acon~ '24k Jobn A. l3llhings, GREATEST PROSPERITY FOR COLLEGE HJ(
TJRI$ ous eitlzen~y. by the bonioeopathic physic~ians P2'~9- Final C~icatlou ~ 'i~4~ howard A.. Donabtle '24, T. llal-
- ~ey .Davidson, '24, litVgli D~xffidd, '24, 1 High School CI'orus ~Ijmg~ "Mcvila~" WisconsIn, Chicago,' and. I~
- Regent Victor M,. Gore, a layman, ent. The aPplause, in fact, was one of PropertIes Ex~eeted In f Lawr~ce ~l. F'uvrot, "24,' Donald Fred- In Hill Auditorium at Close Uc~~tQrs Talk (2onvernbi
11 be en~ in the field of melicine and, more~ quent intervals the Senator was In-~ , , Kerr, ~> Fred Gliner, '~4, Lowell of ~)ay's Program lug Load"
was pitted against two men pronmin- the ff'atflre3 of the evening. At fre- Near Thifore ~.4,'
Itow over, two cap~able speake~. Dr. Yeo- I terrupted by the claaniorus band- ___ ~ A.P.)-A vig- Fl. M~ck~ '~4, Joi~n A. Sabo, '2~, Walt~r I "America's scale of yalu
~ mans is a smooth and olithecl speak- clapping and oral exhortations of his rch ?~--
I _____________
orous;capalgn to rid 3cher~, '2k Don~ld Stekete, '2.4 ~ David Friday, president of Michigan
____________________ _____ IA
~udi- er, and Sep~ator' Copelands ability own faction. It was ,a lugubrious t1~ ~uhi~' ot~Ger- '~~n $t~pberms, '2*. -' gricultural college, and formerly of terfllifling factor in the
[mnur scene, with the east half of the sen- man ~ beC~ 9P _________ e ecomzornic~ ~1epartrnent of the Uni- standards of our country
- tI
will ate chamber a.pplaudimg lustily, ~nd posing the FreDch and flelgiai~s iimnce tsity, spoke before a large audience President Marion L. Burt4
yard U roil u IDflT IftIfl west half sitting with their hands j they marched Into fh~ 'v'e~' ~~n~Cf'fl g T TO 1011 u [~ of delegates to th~ fifty-eighth an- dress before the opeuin.~
0 EIiIID IIDVI L~IU 1re9t1~g idly in their laps. it, has been started by d~ armies ors~jUU 5 1 IU I'IVV Ii LUJ al meeting of the Michigan School- ti~ Michigan Schoolmaste
Irips n~eked masters' club, yesterday afternoon In I terday morning in Hill ai
fle~ent Gore presented facts and occupation. mA nati allats ~re ~hdd anmnraitt 1lii~ auditorium.
Nor-J ~INftI ~ for nothing more than the con- fol' the onn~ of '~rio ILMIL ~ue to a mistake in the date of the "The ~ducational Stand~
~r of I ~ delivery was forceful and convincing. lence which .m~e t~n ~dao~ t4(4y ILIWUL day on which he was to speak, the Tax-Supported Universiti(
sideration of figures submitted. i-Us respomislbi~ tb~ta AbRIltIYIT
orth - lie was scrupulous in speaking of the and soldiers. , , I l4on. J. J. Tigert, United States com- thor stated that, accordin
Piiz*cdon missioner of education, wasunable to sent scale, things of the
of Famous tress Pl~iced j~ isstie at stake, and his technical ref l~iers and ~en~bets of th~ t~dy~,,it~ rr~s~ ~
Cemetery of rere ~LaehaIse, i erences to the subject of medicine rty have been ~rre e4 in Ea~en~ dupJ $~p'eak ~t ?Ro~*n~ Se~s~ou-~n~ '~J~rl. 1' be present. At the eleventh hour get a sq~.uare deaL"
~ ~'B~dy ~F showed found in profession pa
gan- paris I a l~nowledge of the ing the 1last K~W d~ya. The Fren~b po~ deu~ of Erohuutton~' j President Friday agreed to make the Individual Ab lily ~]
liCe have be~~ystem~ti~lly' ~ -. i address. Emphasizing 'cooperatio
FLOVItHS Ct~VEW4 I once were either of his opponents lug the Jidmes of nat1~n~liats in ~ .i'L~,q ~i~o~i P~ lnIAx~ ~. FInane~al Resources Not Strained
~lud- GRA~VE 4W "mYINE SARAH" ablo to contradict him on a technical sen, O~che~, Rec~lingb~tIsen, ~ .AiIYI~rlx~RuM oi'~ ~ro - Taking as his subject "A Nationa~l ucational institutions ol
fl~ no quarter to I ~fi ~ ~ -..-.~ I Flc~non~ic Survey" President Frida-u President Burton declar
g of Paris, March 29-(By A.P.)-Tbe cli- ocopat'iy as a separate institution ,and found VaSt ~mount~ o~' propoganda. 9l~ai~g the t~iree day session, of tile spoke for a half hour on the eco- real problem facing' lhe c
~OO vine Sarah lies quiet and alone to- 'met the que~4tion$ shot at him with tracts, and arms ~U &th'er iiiateriiil '?~4iehigAmi 'Xea.demy 6C~ Sciences, Arts, nomic aspects of our age, pointing out day is to obtain some soc
- preclsi~n. His argument was hard I conaected Wtth the opeafiQus of 'th~an~ ~tters, Prof. Williani ~ Scott, by specific illustrations, that our ~ for the person who -gain
~ I night iWder her mountain of flowers a1~d practical while those of the two nationalists and their allied ~e~r~t SO- O~ Pri e~t6u unlver~ity WiU s~eait on naci.a-l and industrial condition is con- distinction. Applying the
Lflk~ A~ the 'Sun went~ down last farewell~ physi~ians ultim4ely contained a ~ cietie~.- , , I i'~e4,ee& @ F~vqluti9n~" 4 4: 1~ ~id~rably better now than it ever has ~ University of Michig~
t'~o -Were taken of~ her ~Y That Paris and I timental plea. - I As- fast as'~ t~he~ leader~ of t~e. u~i- ~ 'thl~ afternoon 1i~ Utlf a4~4~itor- been. - - - - "A highbrow is in bad fo
tz~e world through which sJi~ had- m~v- I tionalist~ o~' - xnember~~o~ tl~ pa4y e Iin±~.: Pi~ea~or Scott is t1~ie ~Mtl~Qr 4 "The Unite4 States has, during the highbrow is anyone
I l~$ng slightest in
Land so long under a all her own l.a ITT~IIfl resmeo tMy ar-e cipcll~ed 'in~to I "T~m4-~ ~h~e~ry <of 't~v~uUon,' ~an4 'i~ W~11 I past quarter - of a century, passea tual."
~ ed ~flTARIF~ unoccupied Ge?~'niai~. , Jkno yn ~ a~m a tf~im9rity' on ~Q~it9l~ ti~ough a positive fimiancial and in state sa
Bernhardt was ~laid to rest' in the ~ I' RIILIIU - ' Rh m~Ieetini~, will t, dustrial rOyohith)Ii," he - said. '"In ~iie university,
han e~al service ,being conducted in the -Ma~s4i, ~-.--(I~Y4 A.,P.) - L1"LVII'
I IIATIIIN BA N U U [I m~f~e,~y the Th~encli~ 9f' - the j ~ &Ctlie variO~,s ~ iO~ 20 ~ there has bee'n a 40 per every stratum of the soc
~ ch~.mrch of St: Fr~.hcis de' $aies.
~rlt- 'The - ceremonies lasted ~t1mr6ughout - ussia st~t~owned ~it~e~rds albng tz :~a~e~ r~. h~ld ~-~yesterday ~ cent increase in -tlie -food supply and a challenging experimen
the 1~QseUe~ creat~4 ~mox~ sti4 '~ wbdcfr ~ ~ ~ in all agricultural p~roductiy4ity. And racy. One of its gra~tc~
an". the dali, begiimning e~ly'in the morn~ DELTA KAPPA TO UAVE the oq i~derrlt~r monk ~ m~t~r~a-l ot al~iQ8t a~l. pf the~c papers even yet,"'he ~ontinu~d, "Our econom- time failure to provide or
I IJURTON AiWON~ - - ~- 1-itami p6pul'atiozt tha'n the ~piia ~ O~ ~. ~echni~al na~mre. ic ~nd Iinaii~i4 r~sources hayc not ual abUity of the 4udents,
jug With the' transfer of the body to the GUESTS - tion of th~ ooal n~i~e~ an~ co~ ~ The' pro~ali1&for to4a~ has be~n ar~] h~eui stra4med in ~he least. [is comn~on to all universi
nol- church. When the~ church cere~Ony I ~ the I4i~hr, it wa~ ~ ~at~~d mt~ follows: ~9 ~ sectIon 'P-eo~le ~ont!nually claim that the I state or privately endow4
th~ wa~ ov~r a v~ster ox~e b~un. It was Phi Delta 1~PDa national honorary ~ ~ e~1ift, 1~terature meets rn I lJnited States i~ at~ ~the present in - Pro(essor DIvisbe~ th~ -pr~ce~Ion to the c~n~etery. - N0 educational fraternity, Will ha-v'e more' final s~eizazr~ of'the ~-ow~d ~ j ~ 'haIl; 10 lock, st~on f w~r~ finacial and economic condi- Stressing as the most
qne ldng ever re~eived a greater t~bute than 80 members present at its initi- yards can t~ ex~pect - 4 t'h~ot~oiy m~eets in ~Qom' E' 1~4 ~on than ever befOre -in its history. i thing Lor a university stu~
t~r~ tr~nm t~ie pet~P'le. ation to be hld tonight - in' - ~e4 ~ ~4y date; I ~4uiM ~ieni~ '~a~tipn ~f C~uitrary'-tp this, people are<~ receiving 1 th~ fact that each subje
I ~Ieaped high 1Ipo~ the grave ~e ~ Um~~n dining room. This will I '~4~- ~ ~n ro~ ~ ~2fl7~ Ndt~yni hl~her work -less -
- t~fe v~t- niaa~es ~f flowers. All bapquet, t~rrn - wages, - - hours and different way of looking
7flflh11rt~T ~ hui1din~; sectuqn. thtpg,' h~ pointed -
~C- hardt's friends. knoWmi a~d unknown - ~o~4tihtte the largest and most mm uitu ill tu~p~4n room have niore-- - actiRal ~hdney to - spend most students to see this
pdrtant meeting of the fratermilty this I - '-Q~Q ~QIuQnuC~ VhSii at I take ~ourses and think th~
'&re - l~owl~' th~.t -she loved l$li~ selected ' LWI~LUQJJI im~; ;~l~&k, 1irnc~iebn ~@ ~ tion's a,.mmy other period in our na-
~ifl~ lUtes as 'thapria~ipa1 ftower of their year at- ~ny one lnstituti6n. ~ ~ ~ urn# ~ in' ~'i J~ 10'0,~'Na'fural - d~y~lopnment."
Le~- offeFin~. Those b~n~ble. thousands The p~'~~clpaI speaker ~ ~ ED Lthutlflt~ P~J')~ b"n~ild~4; '1:30 'o~ci~oe~,'' $pieimc~e 11.lustrat~d Lecture Giveii world is departmentaliz-~(
List- I who had no invitation tp the chuich ing wiji be Dean W. S. Gray, of the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g the same hour as President Fri- the university, never tyi~
- a few hahd- Univer~ity of Chicago, national presi building; "~' o~loek, ~ene~al m'~P day's speech in 11111 auditorium, Prot. the subjects they have sf1
rest 1 brought to the cezetery ~ng Preceding Prealdent B
Iaat 1 f~mls until the air waa filled with the aant of the fraternity. A nunmimer of~ "trENWI?~(S AMI -P ~LO?~ENT" : o~'~tI~' ac~denmy; ~And at 4: I~5 o'vio~k, David M. Robinson, of Johns Hopkins time general session coni
aroma of their the men who are in Ann Arbor for' SI1~JE('T 4W FW~~ TN $ERJES p-~hlie ie~ture by Professor Sgott. in I ~iniversity, gave an illustrated lecture held in Newberry hall, '~
off erin~. the meetings of the Michigan School-' - OF ~MR~E , 1111! ~u~iitoriunm in N~e'~yberry hail. ' pal William Prakken of HI
E{lll n~astets' club and the Michigan Acad- -' ' ' ____________________ - "Dice were first devised in the High school as chair~ax~.,
~PTIflU ~Y~T~U emy o~ Sciences, Arts, and Letters Dr. Thonm~ -HuAt Morgan, ~Of~S. Lydian kingdom of Sardis," said Pro- were given on the topic c
of the sor of'experimetitai 2OolO~y ~t Colurn-
~ii~ * IJ, II. LLLUIIUI IJILJILIEI fraternity at the banqueL~Aimm'on~ l~ia university and reputed to -'be the rII~K tI~ Gil UN ~A1~ - fe~s~r- Robinson, in his talk. Gold I ing, "The Teaching Load.
ftfl r'rn nu p a fl-j SIrT ~tbese ~re Dr 'Vilhjalnmur Stofannson tt lii g~ne~icist, 11 dli c9l1~age and dice1 are the outstanding an introduction of the
1 explorer; Prof. W. B. I a popular lecture on sub ject '"Gen-
rer~- I~tt~I~ b Lu ~T IJ R " ~ NtI the Ar~tlc ,.greaes vng Wi ever ft nnurnv "'"~ n iii, contributions of the Lydians to civ- - made by Prof. C. 0. 12
are ~ 1 Scott, of Princeton university; Pz~of. etics and Dev~lopment" ~ ~ ~ ~ fljfl ~jQ~~jJJ ~4U~ rtj-TJill~ation. baodicea, l'lierapolis, Sar- School of Education. "Th
:ers I PltE~IDENT AND S~LCR~TARY O~ sity; Pppf. David M. Robinson, of auditorium. He has be~ secured ~ I ' ' -- - sites which lie treated~. I Principal W. C. Reavis
a-nd OFFIC~S R. 13. Merrinman, of Harvard univer- Monday ev6ning iii the Natur'al Science 9 and Pergamumn were the principal of mall Class" wem~e ne
BV Johns Hopkins university; and J J 'speak at the University through the~ dy CIU,'b will open its box Offico "There are no new lands to be dis- iversity of Chicago High
CAMPPUS Tigert, 'United States educational cQnm: effort.s of the' zoology departmnen't.' ~ for "Mr. Pim Passes By" ito We civ- covered except under the old," he sl~-e of the elass and the P
rer- - missioner, President Marion Fl. Bur- - During- -his visit lie give two I April 4 at The Whitney theater, ftt ~ ~gan. "Asia -Minor offers a particu- should be variable," lie sa
~ of Removal of the nominating power ton. will also be present. - other t~1M -to apecial students and' 0Ol9V~ tomorrow mc~rx4ng ~1n 11111 ~ larly fruitful field for exploration. Ex- advocated a variance betw
I for positions in the Student Cinistiami TIme toastmaster of the affair will I members of the faculties 'The ~st' ~ I ditoritlm.' Tickets for the perform- cavations there, more than- anywhere of the class and the ab
aii~ce. will be 'sold there from 9 to else, group.
be association from the student body an~ be Gail Densnmore of' time public speak ~ w~ ,~e on ~J~(3 ~ ~~ome o~'c$ock ~in 'ti~,e morning and from 1 to s-re shedding new light on Greek
I Following this Principa
0 placing it in the bands of the studen4 in~ departnment. Responses will be cent WO* on l~4vtanta in Drospoplmlia"
cabinet of that orgamPzation wa-s mad~ made by Paul Rehmus, '2~, Prof. C and will be given at 4:15 o'clock ~ 5 o'clock in 'the, afternoon tomorrow and Roman history. Of all sites, Lao- - her. of the University 02
- ~ 0. Davis of the Educational school day- afternooR in room 214 of 'the N'~- I Monday 'and Tuesday, wheu tlxe~b wili dicca will 'be the best to excavate. high school, told how ti
- - ' effective yesterday at the S. C. A. cab- I Many ruins are visible above grov.nd best of the necessity for
I met meeting in Lane hail. Jiesoi~-- S.A. Courtis, of the Detroit school~ tural Science building. The swct be -placed 6n ~al~ ~at the tl~eater.
board, President Burton, and Dr. Stef- for his second technical talk will be i Incldding some of the best dramatic and lt~ location on a railway w11 e~. "If we could exehami
I tiojis were adopted which radically aunson '~Tume Particulat Theory ~ talent on the campus, the play wri~-~ make work there comparatively easy." budgets for ti'e education
re~ change the entire system of eleetion~ _____________---- tance" and will be given - j~ the s.ampe ten by the noted Engllshrnan~ 'A. A. Second Lecture Today could haire smaller and
'of that body in regards to the genera]
'campus elections. Iflfl ~ r&r~ a~riaiai - room at 10 o'clock il~uesday mnornin~. I Milne, has'-been .directed b~ 'Prof. J. Professor Robinson 'excavated at I able classes, according te
-Under the new~ system only two 1)0- ' N only is Dr. Mor'san the greatest I Raleigh Nehs4on, of the eflgine~erip~ Sardis for several years. The work but being faced with lar
I pitions R~flIL LU ~LI R~rIL neticist but he is considered b~ many ~lnglish- department. I{~ thqre met with great ~succe~s, the most the next best thing is to d
r in the ~ ~~ A. will be oiwn ~ fliT mn be the I t"settln~s for the important finds being 30 gold relics teaching loads as efficme~
L campus vote, those of president and VRI ~Uh IIflUIttIITIQNC I generation. His work in beth thmese and tbcse are' being painted by- 0. J. of Croesus and SO to 90 inscriptions sible.
secretary. Tbe vic~y presidents, whe I IUIIIUIIIIN 111111.1
~w~muuvuu~iiuwgu~ fields has' been remarkable in charac- Davis, Det~oit. The perfprmam~ce in the Lydian la-ngus~ge. So far they I
Or~ represent the various denominational - ter and ba~ added greatW to t~ Wednesday - night will be the' first In have not been satisfactorily decipher- the will - I - Ta1k~ At O~*~n
' ~ ~3j~ Passes }Jy" - ed. Sixty eases of "plunder" from' I-,
elected by their respectiVe groups and SEVERAL OFFICES CU'F FR-031 world's store of biologic4l knowIe&~e. IAbn 'Arbor. ' en~oyeu a re- - Sardis are now In the Metropolitan - '~~IfM ~,.
their names ,will not -appear on the tAMP US BALLOT FOR
Un- caummis ballot. j mark.ab1~ run in- 1920 in New' York Museum in New--York.
The office of se-crctary SPIIPiG VOTE Trar~Irng1 matrr TfIflBV city, at~te'r which, tt'moved across the'

which was formerly filled by appoint~ Nominatipus for officers to be vot. 1 L1IbDLQ~ iVILt I - -, I UVA I oc~an 'to 'L~nrlon where it' also. I-'ergainunm, pernaps tue most won- I
'sen I ment, will be paiced on the ballot, with success. A comedy of every ~ of the ruins, has been thor- I
iet- Nomination of candidates for time of. ed on in the Spring elections cannot -- - - the treasures removed to Beri'n. I
Lice of president will be made hereaf- be made later than April 20 accord-' The - Michigan State Federuti6n ~ Fl~i~lish life, it intz~odnces many nov- oughly excavated by the Germans and -
ing to a vote of the Student council Teachers' clubs will hold their annual I ci, tou'che-s wim~i'ch are taken mm 'In' an
the ter by a nominating committee of the XVedn~sday night. Elections will be I meetAng at 4 o'clock this a~Wrnoc~a ~ iflterestin~ ma~mner, according to Pro- I There they have been restored and I
)rk. C. A. cabinet. Petitio~s from the held May 2 and the date for receiving Alumni Memorial hall; This 4 _________________
S. I or~nizei fe~sOr Nelson. set up in a special museum.
)re- nipus -- petitions been set to time Is ~mot with 1 - __________________ Professor Robinson wIll deliver an-
ais ca ndu-cted a&ording to has allow I tion connected the Michi- ' ' -
)win 'sitions mus~o~dll ruling for these po for all names of nominees to be plac- gan. Scli9olmaatei's' club, but ia a ~ '~epots ~Jjren at B-~tRmIy M~etji~ o~'h~r illustrated lecture this after-
I passed upon by this orgami~iza~ion-.~
rk. I before going uppn the ha1 ed on tbe~ pr nted ballot. arate D. C. lleathcote'of ' ~ of the Bota~ie~l noon at 4:15 o'clock in- Newberry
committee Time ballot this year will he short' j Kalamazoo will preside at th'e meeting iou~nal club ma4e reporta 011 w~rk~ 1lal~ 'auditorium on "Smyrna, Eph -
in lot. Formerly the petitions were hand- ened by the elimination of se' ' -~
directly over to time Stndent coun- 01 J 14L1 s affer,~oon.4 -' of '~. ,~cientiflc na~ture r~lat~ -to' hot- sus,' Colophon, Priene and Meletus".
acm I cil election committee. Candidates for fices which were not regarded as re- Prof' William B. Scott of ~rincevon any- and bacteriology, a~-d. wpomi '~heir, 1-he will have special slides -showing
in I the office of secretary will be made in quiring an all-campus vote. The del- ~1niVersity will adch-ess a ~ol~it meet- OW~ In~e~tlgations and conclus~ei~, at- the burning of Smyrna which Consul-
egates at large t'ronm the Oratorical as- I ing of time Academy of'~ci~nc~ and the a ni~vting of'the club'Tuesday ni~bt hr general Horton brought oVt with
the same way~ The third<article states soci~iou, tI presidents f '~' T~ch~rs' Natural Science building. L. ~ Wey- him.
of that the cabinet as a body must pass me vice o thw Federatidli ' of clubs 9n 3-~ed tim di
ni- 1 Student Christian assocmat~on. and I "Proofs of E~oiution" at 4 o'clocI meyer we e recent s~overkes
upon the men si~ggested by the nom-
inating committee for the offices of omeors of the Engineering and Archi ' this afternoon 'in 11111 auditorium. A relating to the mosaic diseases which Urges Spanish Jlistory Study
tectural societies will not appear -
-~ president and secretary; also the can- the all-campus ballot. on lecture will also be given by' Prof. Day- have been receiving the atten-tlox~ of - "Charles V's greatest mistake was 1 ~
I I id M. Robinson of Johns Hopkins uni- I eminent botanists in recent years. , tIme leaving of the Nethei lands to his I
the campus at large and submitted by 4~hri~flan association represent the ,hall. -' - Presbyteiiins Elect Oflicvrs
man, of Harvard university, in his lec-
didates nominated by petition from The vice presidents of the Student versity- at 4:15 o'clock in Newberry son Philip," said Prof. R. B. Merri-
the committee; must 'be unanimously various religious denominations and ----------------~----- j C. L. Campbell, '25L, has been elect- ture om~ '~Charles V and the Spanish
passed upon by that body; and that may be elected by the churches for - Journalist-s Work Diurlug Ya~tiou ed president of the Presbyteri~m~ E'nipire" at 3 o'clock yesterday after-
the cabinet 1)e given the power to whom they act. The elimination of I Students of the journalism classes Youmrg people's Society. The 'noon in Natural Science auditorium.'
f I strike off any names of candidates all these names from the campus hal. ' at the University of Wisconsin will officers are Vice-president, Esther "It was his greatest mistake, and
nominated in case it considers the lot will considerably reduce its size. take over the editing of five ncwspa-, Mahaffy, '2S, secretary, Dorothy Mc- I yet I do not see how he could have I
1 ('~ 0. Davis
1 men incapable of serving as presi- I pers throughout the state during the Kim, '24, treasurer, Gerrif Fieistra, avoided it," continued the speaker. Professor Davis, of tim
)L dent and secretary of time S. C. A. Senator to Study European Politics week, April 5-12. The plan was start- '25Fl. "HITs motives for the act are perfect
I Paris, March 29.-(By A.P.)-Sen. ed last year and met with so much I 'tIle officers will take their places~ I education department of
'~3E's 3lust Place Orders Today George H. Moses, New lianmpsh.lre, success that it will be tried out again,, I one week after spring vacation. The ly clear. Ch.arles; loved the Nether- ~tional school, was the Lii
I -- I - - .~ - - - - - - la'nA, 'h~'c, uat~u'~ inl'i"'v'

LUCS anu ~
~oinprlae the;'
me second and
~th annual in
s m~orn1ng in
will hold 'a b'
~lm flume report~
Lous iuv~tIgat
Various cow
be' h~ld 4
1 conferences
ti:~3O Q'%~locl1 -
hours. ~peab
a~lu4e many r
rs in the - Uni~
imen from edu~
different part~
~ a~dress wiil
- Fl. Rogers
tural Science
ah Caswell.
d in the progn
~ em-a' club. D
vities of child

larie-(~arre, of the 1
~ France, will taTh
4E~ruoon imi~ the Nat
LoVliuni, He has cho
"Le Theatre de M;
'ill'dis-cuss in detail
pO~t'e dramatic w~
rre'ls one of the f(
m~~n~er Fren~h- schol
culaTi y well knc
~ytth educational w
0.1' an assoclatlom
ws-~s its objact a ~
d '-reform in the Pro
~l~tmed I roni his p
~f this association
s~cepted the chair
[feratute at the I.
Lose trying hours o
~"lVe 'Dept. alid th4
louts fraternities an
Ia only fitting tha
all your attention P
state and llnsuranc4


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