I mm-j I -9 it i~un aihi EIGHT PAGES ANN ARDOR MIOfIIG AN. ~'RI~AYJ MARCH 30, 1~23 ~GET PAGES 111 ~rsity WI ~4ay to a )C~tlOJ1 4 $n lUll Yill4a] ~xplorer, ~ NortIx~ eor e niany 1 other Ilseover~ ~n the N white L~,de a tr ~te in 0r2 q)e4IitIor ~vho W~, the inai L~S, inc ~ is i: he ~pr1n made ~ from Ms ~st of B~ Ld the~ ~an1sofl Lrlck Is~ Lew isI~ v~tiGt1~~ tine ~ii at re~ss Of Sentiment And Statistics~ BENCH OPPOSE PiDeltaEpsilQn RESIDENTS OlIOTO ii aim roini flomoeopathy Debate Mixture Accepts Fifteen P VUIIIUII till Ii 17111U1 I nanmia nrnuaai Honiocc~paUiy wa~ fed in ever in- aiortg t~t hue is well known. Both flRU~bRL bUIIVIRO ~ ADDRESS SCDOO~MASIEGS' ci flu creasing do'~ca for two and one-half physicIans based thcir arguments *01 at r a n an a Ifl~ft j Secrets to 15 at its annual spring mit- iatxon held yest~rday at the Union. U II ~gi- l~tors and citi2ens ~ ~'~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Senator Copeland A ~ ~ U II I student publications and ours Wedne~'d~y night to a crowd of a large ~legrce on sentiment. "Give U3 N I I II N I I chosen for the honor, are I N FIR S TDAY OF CON YE I senate e.hamber at the state capitol. "that is all we ask. Just our little A b e~ e ta~en into ti~e organlzatioa in _____________ subject of the dc-I place in the sun." The New York AThIIY OF O~C(IATION, ~ recognition of services. Un- FORMER A)NOMICS PROL'ESSOR LtVEII~SItY HEAl) ~ The'hearin~g was distin~tl~ a homoeop- ~tb1~ affar. The man said that the University's course CAMPAIGN ~ 'TROt. ?o11o~ing~ the' Initiation at the bete was, homocopathy, the homocep- in creative listening should be taught1 BL~SO~JE LEAJ~ERS Ion ~the ~ne~ men were given a ban- SPEAE'~ P~ PLACI. OF ((Dl- £DU(A1iONAI~ STA aths of the state were there, bout ~0 ito his colleagues In congress, and 111(3 ~ktiet 4tWille~Vs cafe at which time the j ~IISSIO~ER TIGEUT AT OPEN1N~K ~ ~ strong, and every phase of the sub- money sp3nt in its maintenence given and alms of the Ject was aired to an atten~ve legis- to Hornocopathy. This and ether ideal~ I SAYS U4 S. EXPERIENCES A S K S SOGIAL ST ING RUSSIANS ENkAG~D ~e e~nlained. lat~ve committee, a bored group of m~e- humorous sallies by the Senator were AT V1N~YARO $EJZURE The ~men' who were tak~en ifl were: porters and the balcony full of curi- recezved with "enthusiastic applauae Joki A, I3acon~ '24k Jobn A. l3llhings, GREATEST PROSPERITY FOR COLLEGE HJ( TJRI$ ous eitlzen~y. by the bonioeopathic physic~ians P2'~9- Final C~icatlou ~ 'i~4~ howard A.. Donabtle '24, T. llal- - ~ey .Davidson, '24, litVgli D~xffidd, '24, 1 High School CI'orus ~Ijmg~ "Mcvila~" WisconsIn, Chicago,' and. I~ - Regent Victor M,. Gore, a layman, ent. The aPplause, in fact, was one of PropertIes Ex~eeted In f Lawr~ce ~l. F'uvrot, "24,' Donald Fred- In Hill Auditorium at Close Uc~~tQrs Talk (2onvernbi 11 be en~ in the field of melicine and, more~ quent intervals the Senator was In-~ , , Kerr, ~> Fred Gliner, '~4, Lowell of ~)ay's Program lug Load" was pitted against two men pronmin- the ff'atflre3 of the evening. At fre- Near Thifore ~.4,' Itow over, two cap~able speake~. Dr. Yeo- I terrupted by the claaniorus band- ___ ~ A.P.)-A vig- Fl. M~ck~ '~4, Joi~n A. Sabo, '2~, Walt~r I "America's scale of yalu ~ mans is a smooth and olithecl speak- clapping and oral exhortations of his rch ?~-- I _____________ orous;capalgn to rid 3cher~, '2k Don~ld Stekete, '2.4 ~ David Friday, president of Michigan ____________________ _____ IA ~udi- er, and Sep~ator' Copelands ability own faction. It was ,a lugubrious t1~ ~uhi~' ot~Ger- '~~n $t~pberms, '2*. -' gricultural college, and formerly of terfllifling factor in the [mnur scene, with the east half of the sen- man ~ beC~ 9P _________ e ecomzornic~ ~1epartrnent of the Uni- standards of our country - tI will ate chamber a.pplaudimg lustily, ~nd posing the FreDch and flelgiai~s iimnce tsity, spoke before a large audience President Marion L. Burt4 yard U roil u IDflT IftIfl west half sitting with their hands j they marched Into fh~ 'v'e~' ~~n~Cf'fl g T TO 1011 u [~ of delegates to th~ fifty-eighth an- dress before the opeuin.~ 0 EIiIID IIDVI L~IU 1re9t1~g idly in their laps. it, has been started by d~ armies ors~jUU 5 1 IU I'IVV Ii LUJ al meeting of the Michigan School- ti~ Michigan Schoolmaste Irips n~eked masters' club, yesterday afternoon In I terday morning in Hill ai fle~ent Gore presented facts and occupation. mA nati allats ~re ~hdd anmnraitt 1lii~ auditorium. Nor-J ~INftI ~ for nothing more than the con- fol' the onn~ of '~rio ILMIL ~ue to a mistake in the date of the "The ~ducational Stand~ ~r of I ~ delivery was forceful and convincing. lence which .m~e t~n ~dao~ t4(4y ILIWUL day on which he was to speak, the Tax-Supported Universiti( sideration of figures submitted. i-Us respomislbi~ tb~ta AbRIltIYIT orth - lie was scrupulous in speaking of the and soldiers. , , I l4on. J. J. Tigert, United States com- thor stated that, accordin Piiz*cdon missioner of education, wasunable to sent scale, things of the of Famous tress Pl~iced j~ isstie at stake, and his technical ref l~iers and ~en~bets of th~ t~dy~,,it~ rr~s~ ~ Cemetery of rere ~LaehaIse, i erences to the subject of medicine rty have been ~rre e4 in Ea~en~ dupJ $~p'eak ~t ?Ro~*n~ Se~s~ou-~n~ '~J~rl. 1' be present. At the eleventh hour get a sq~.uare deaL" ~ ~'B~dy ~F showed found in profession pa gan- paris I a l~nowledge of the ing the 1last K~W d~ya. The Fren~b po~ deu~ of Erohuutton~' j President Friday agreed to make the Individual Ab lily ~] liCe have be~~ystem~ti~lly' ~ -. i address. Emphasizing 'cooperatio FLOVItHS Ct~VEW4 I once were either of his opponents lug the Jidmes of nat1~n~liats in ~ .i'L~,q ~i~o~i P~ lnIAx~ ~. FInane~al Resources Not Strained ~lud- GRA~VE 4W "mYINE SARAH" ablo to contradict him on a technical sen, O~che~, Rec~lingb~tIsen, ~ .AiIYI~rlx~RuM oi'~ ~ro - Taking as his subject "A Nationa~l ucational institutions ol fl~ no quarter to I ~fi ~ ~ -..-.~ I Flc~non~ic Survey" President Frida-u President Burton declar g of Paris, March 29-(By A.P.)-Tbe cli- ocopat'iy as a separate institution ,and found VaSt ~mount~ o~' propoganda. 9l~ai~g the t~iree day session, of tile spoke for a half hour on the eco- real problem facing' lhe c ~OO vine Sarah lies quiet and alone to- 'met the que~4tion$ shot at him with tracts, and arms ~U &th'er iiiateriiil '?~4iehigAmi 'Xea.demy 6C~ Sciences, Arts, nomic aspects of our age, pointing out day is to obtain some soc - preclsi~n. His argument was hard I conaected Wtth the opeafiQus of 'th~an~ ~tters, Prof. Williani ~ Scott, by specific illustrations, that our ~ for the person who -gain ~ I night iWder her mountain of flowers a1~d practical while those of the two nationalists and their allied ~e~r~t SO- O~ Pri e~t6u unlver~ity WiU s~eait on naci.a-l and industrial condition is con- distinction. Applying the Lflk~ A~ the 'Sun went~ down last farewell~ physi~ians ultim4ely contained a ~ cietie~.- , , I i'~e4,ee& @ F~vqluti9n~" 4 4: 1~ ~id~rably better now than it ever has ~ University of Michig~ t'~o -Were taken of~ her ~Y That Paris and I timental plea. - I As- fast as'~ t~he~ leader~ of t~e. u~i- ~ 'thl~ afternoon 1i~ Utlf a4~4~itor- been. - - - - "A highbrow is in bad fo tz~e world through which sJi~ had- m~v- I tionalist~ o~' - xnember~~o~ tl~ pa4y e Iin±~.: Pi~ea~or Scott is t1~ie ~Mtl~Qr 4 "The Unite4 States has, during the highbrow is anyone I l~$ng slightest in Land so long under a all her own l.a ITT~IIfl resmeo tMy ar-e cipcll~ed 'in~to I "T~m4-~ ~h~e~ry