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March 29, 1923 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-03-29

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le eey morning 1~except Monday!
'se Universit:y year biy the Hoard in1
f Student Publications.
!of Western Conference editorial
,tociated Press is exclusively eni-
teuse for republication of all
pxcttcredited to it or, not other~
edited in this paper and tine loca)
d at the postn fice at 'Ann Arbor,j
*as Accornd class matter.
ipti*~1 by carrier or mail, $3 50"
Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
I ditorial, 2414 and 176-Mf; Busi-I
tnications riot to exceed 30o wordsi
1, the signature not necessarily to
aprint, but as ani evidence of faith.
ces of events will be published in
ly at the discretion of the l';ditor, ii
;r mailed to The Daily office, Un
oxnmunications will receive no con~
1.No manuscript will be returned
o writer encloses postage. The Daily
; necessarily endlorse the~ sentiment;;
r n the communicatiuns.
fephenes 2414 and 176-M
ditor................. ..Paul Watzel
for..... .........James B. Youngi
Ct dio......J...Boa rd Chairman....... L. R. Meiss



.rs harry HJL>y
shdorTier R. C. Moriarty
nahue 3. E. 'lack
tor...... ..Marion Koch
zine Jditt'r. ...., 11. A. ! )ounrue
.. . Ailey
i 'lBrckley 1.lobinur
editorial Board ,
AMaurice Berman
Fugene Carmichael
MStronp Franklin ID .Hepburn
ld Winona A. llibFbardy
on Edward J. Higgins
V1('11110th t_' Kel'ar
lF~izabe.th Liebeermann
Ile John McGinnis
rte Samuel AMoore
ghlin N'. H. Pryor
r W. B. Ra fferty
Rtobert G. Ramsay
ouse J. W. Ruwitch
odspecd SolJ. _Schnitz


Telrh oe v:#6
ttsin .........'jon J. Hamel, Jr.
tsng..........Walter K. Sherer
.,awrtce l.F~r~
atl ar............Edward P. Conli,°
wrirntfg.........avid J. M. Park
lation .. .......... ownsend H. Wolfe
at.. .;,: .B eaumont rParki
M' Hayden Wm,. I. God
ic ?. Donne Clyde- L. Hagermna
C. flasican Henry Freud
rIutn'an Clayton Purdy
Armantrot J . BSanenbaher
6 t 11. lr. j r. Clifford Mitts, '
id . Flat Thomas Mcachren
.h 'Po~sr ous M Dexter
=l Mrton \ C.'wells Christie
s fit. ? . dward B.l eidle
1] U &DAY, MAR1sCH 29, 1923
!t l ,dito'-l,' J. H 'RSgHD)RF~I"LR
3nerosity, or sentiment for 'the al-
mater, are "factors which should
enter into tle" question of Uni-
ty appropriations. IYj is a
ightforward argument with the
e of education balanced' aginst,
probleiwt of-state taxes asnd fl-
e taxes of the state are unues-;
1* high, and th pledge of¢
~madoptedl- by the"present 'leg
r is moe. tltan commenable.
' ref"1 .Scl'tiny of the disposalf'
lic ftttds by .hs represntatives
t warrante4' anticipation of every
'th ,thee uide posts'marking the
the ULTAvrsity appropriation pilJ.
been stArted on its path through
egisltatre. M*ore than $2,00,000''
already been cut from the re-
rte with'tlie bill still in enbryo,
,Vs dediction'was made after the
H.of ithe. bilding ,problem in the1
rsity hlad been 'presented to the
slatr, There can .be.no feeling1
the acion came without careful
*eatlonI-,on the part of the corn-
e X wh irepbrted the bill.1
te a3 "OPrton ,bill, however
tr 4wet anly a short distancef
_tepatb, at the.end of which it
bccoje a $Stte law. At the point
eY a ust"puse to ndergo fur-
cef exlnination by those who
e"p ls ia for the welfare of
,mosimportant educationalf
ur lnzmembersaofthe two
a iN ll It 4s hoped,view the prob-
'wit that "Icng l100W'which has
a'erd thoir decisions on Uni-C
ity' pp ropriat'ons in 'bills of pr-
hrtlat marked distinction be-
t'pcatirnal mtaintenance and
uppot, of .other state projects,
;h cannot in fustie to succeeding
rations be ignored. It is morey
;llltsines proposiion of dtol-;
afSt retlfests, becaue such

rAny rticism of the decision of a
state legislative committee should e
made with the utpost caution, for it'
~is to these citizens of our own state
that we have delegated ,the po"r of(
directing the ;destinies of our com-
monweath; from them we expect leg-
islation based rupon clear ad un-
biased-=forethought. Because of our
confidence in the wisdom of oure
elected representatives such an
amendment as was appended, in ap-
parent "haste,' to the medical school
appropriation Tueslay, cannot pass
with out commnent.c
The clause in question which is
nothing more than a committee pro-
viso,. prohibits the use of any more
state money for the University Medical
school unless the homoeopathic
school As re-established here. The
ameandmrent, n Its content, is not o-
jectionale to the lay man: its justi-'lj
fcation is a matter for science and
fnancial experts to establish. But thet
haste, and the lack of 'a background t
of investigation, with Which it be-
came a part of the appropriation bill
is objectionable. It is first of all a
complete reversal of the opinion con-
tained in the resolution passed by the:
legislati~e in 1921 recommending the
merger of the two, schools. 'This ac-'
tin was taken after the most pains-
taking- investigation duringa which
both sides of the question were pro.
The amendment to the preent bill,
while it is not significant because it
is the -creation of but one committee,1
doies not bear the avowed stamp of
approval of either sie of the Ho-
oeopathic question. It was attachedoteblonhe'abfreheep
resentatives of Hooeopath/ ',were
accorded a public hearing before thef1
members of the legislature which
gives -it the appearance of nothing,
less than a; bolster for their side of!l
the question. The whole affair is en-
veloped in the atmosphere of unwar-,
ranted haste, and demonstrates a com-
plete disregard for the action of thee
previous legilature.3
It must be remembered, however,1
that the 'committee which has corn .,
promised the Medical school appropri-
ation did notvisit the University as a
committee, during the recent leisla-}
Aive tour of the campus. Neither the'
ways ard means committee nor the,'
finance committee, who were here lst,;I
Wek,.broached the sbject of -lon-I
oeopathy; it was, understood that1
present conditions were satisfactoryIa
in the Medical school; that the merg-'
er had been effected after careful
consideration and that further con..-
went or question was unnecessary.
In the face of thee facts, which are
more than two years old and which I
are supported by two years of su-t-
cessful oeration under the merger
system, the action of the University
committee Tuesday aepars more like
one of those hasty bu strategic bat-
tlefeld maneuvers, rat her than the
work of a scruulously deliberate'
body of lawmakers
Anyone who has been in contact
rwith students in the College of Lit-'
erature, Science, and Arts for a con-
siderable length of time moust agree
'whole-heartedly with the statement ofj
SDean Effinger, who atributs the un-
denlying cause Pf most student fail-
res to the lack of a defnte plan of;
attack. This can be applied on a
larger scale as well as day by day.
"Durin g the week when elections
1were bebing made for the second se-
mester how frequently could such re-
imarks us the following be heard:
f"Say, Bill, do you know al good,three
hour course I could take at 9 I
o'clock ?" or "ould you nut me wise
to a course that comes Tuesday and

Thutrsday at eleven; I don't want ay
afternoon classes."
Uniortunately, a vast number of
choices of courses are nade on a bas-
is of consulting the, hour it which
they are given. Some courses are
chosen 'because they are supposedly'.
"pipes"; some are chosen becauses
they fallt within a certain- group,
whbere credit is needed;, some arc
chosen because the "prof" is amus-l
inor gives a, liberal number. of
fbol ts.
If every student iiw the Lit school'
had a plan of action. is choice of
courses 'would certainly not be madel
so promiscuously. If, for example, lie
wanted to take Economics 32 or His-
tory 46 his Junior year, he would take i
it, no matter how "stiff" or. easy it
was, or how inconvenient the hour'
was at which it was given.
Trhe mere' fact that studnts are not
enrolled in the professional schools
should not mean that they are d rift-
ers, with no definite conceptions of
what they wish to obtain from their
curriculum. The Lit 'student can
carefully elan :a prog~ram for his four
undergraduate years,' and more thanj
this, can plan his work from week tof
week, so that hie can apportion the
proper amount of timne to study, recre-
ation, and student a ctivities.



Current Corresp dence Ito us, a twotid dLutto peUjJrformiIforf
I note Dailly editorial on ever Ares- Michigan in arranging schedules.
ent canine problem. The proposed First, to ;give some consideration to
solution was tried out before any of the opinion" and- desires of the student1
present Daily staff ever goit to cobl-oy' Scnt gv oe osdr
lege Anwayso' long as students,atntohedsrsftealmi
faculty and everybody else tramp all;aontth eresftealnniI
over everything but the sidewalks,, During our four years at Michigan,
andi le-3troy what little possibility o which we have spent in the close 'on
greensward an'd shrubbery Alfred et fillnicnt;.a of the Big Ten, each year
Al have left us, why not peacefullyI has heard an increasing clamor on the~
and resignedly allow the Campus to pr ftesuetbd o euig
go to the dogs? pr ftesuetbd o euig
(cynic. to some extent, competition with. some
______of our old Eastern rivals. Phis year
Hear! H-ear! Your suggestion cer- in arranging the football schedule, the
tainly has a. strong fouxdation and officialp, instead of arranging hone
I'm all for you. I think they oughtJ and hiie games with Cordell or'
to lock 'up all these bennies who can't; Penns'ylvania, have booked a non-col-
tell a sidewalk from a. blade of grass legiate game with the Quantico Ma-E
in their taking short cuts to save n ines, which is of no interest to the
time. Why the only thing they've student body and which has brought
got, is time and most 4 of that 1s forth a great deal of criticism.
wasted. Concrete evidence that the student.


Edlitor, The Michigan Daily:
The athletic officials have, it seems'

Gratham 's
M~ARCH 26th to April 6thi
"IBuy a ticket fromi the girl i th the heart on her arm."

Ivory Soap-99-44-100
pure. Anything that pu
mint be ivory.

* * *

MY mail
I like the men who know th(
When 'it come., to treating thi
None of this Plato rot for mi
Give me the caveman, he-man
I don't c-are for the. honest y
Who always tells the .girls the
A man is tame who can. be 1
I rat~her he thrilled-thoughi
I like nice manners-but n~t t
And I don't like men as cold
I hate a man who requestsl
I want a man I CAN'T resist
Jea~n-l know Just the g

body desires eastern competition 'wag
K UNG given Saturday night at t be Cornell '
0 Track Meet and reception. It was the
ure greatest welcome to an' opposing team I
that we have ever witnessed at Mich-
Jolid. igan.
!Showing such superiority over the
runners-up of the indoor Eastern In.
stf tercollegiates, the Michigan track
Cir tf teamr has earned for themselves the,
ze ldiesright to meet the best competition that
can be secured. The student body al-1
hie so sre that its team be given the
zline! chance for national recognition whichy
routh a victory ins the, Eastern Intercollegi-
ou, Iz ates or Penn Relays would give us,
trut--.Michigan has an international alum-'
believed, t'ni body. This ;powerful alumni body
it means; gives Michigan that prestige which
raises' her above th,^ status of an oriP
tco icenary "state university"'. Our aluinni
t asice!are particularly strong in the East.
aic!And yet they have not ben given thle
a kis-chance to see a Michigan major sport
}dean. team in action. for many years. Why,
shouldn't they be given as much con-
buy' youi sideration as our Southern alumni

You're losing mxoney, if you're' not
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Schedule in 'Effect" October x85 1922
Central Time (Slow Time)
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.:45 7:45 ...Adrian, r J2:45 5:45
=1:30 8:30 . .Cnton . .. m:oo 8:0oo
5:~,5 9:15 ... Saline . . .. 11:15 7:14
5:45 o0:05 Ar Xiit rbrLv. if)-45 6:45
Chan~ber of Commerc e ll
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want, hut he doesn't talk English. ! who Saw us ply .Vanderbilt this
Talk about. a caveman, you ought to. gear'
see him throw our furnace around,. In brief, we hope that the athletic
He chew's chairs when he's mad-baut' officials will see fit to announce that
I think you're n enough, to-landlle Michigan's great track, team: is going'
him. First, however, you must tell East.
-me if you draw the color line. But; C. 11. G., '23.
at that, lhe isn't so dai'n black.' W. C.H1., '23.

Sods. Speak!
Little Miss Rounder
Sat at a counter
Eating a chocolate parfait;
Then a caie-eaing fool
Took the very next stool,
And soon ehid two checks to pay.
't il ejidc#.
Pro hibitidin Days--Dryer N. ElI.
* *s

(Detroit Free Press)
The obvious may become intensely
significant if it is uttered at the prop-
er time or under' strategic circum-
stances. So the:-2 is a world 'of mean-
ing in the declara ion of Secretary
T-Tugh,4 to ho ffth Pan-Ame~ricaii'



A maiden who dwelt by the Day of ? ] ''i OLIU ILI sirir~i"u
Biscay confe:rence in Santiago, Chili, thy:;
Consumed a tumberful of Whiscay ' "present experiences, reinforcing the
At nceshegre mot wld nd Ens-' lessons of history, cause fresh recog-
Atoc e h r w mot wlyn nition of the futility of mere forlnal
T he rest of this story is too Riscay. arrangements in the absence of goodI
llflk)I)If will,' and however important maay he
* * the' special topics of (discussion, the
Here's Olle permanent value of the conference lies
QUESTION: Will someone use theintefcthteraegnrtd
word r"anedi in a senten('e? powerfuil currents of mutual under=
ANS WElR: "odeeigM.M-'sanding and friendly interest, supply-_
ran, sit (lown, won't you?" iug the motive power, through whlich
i~Iis~izz. ajiy remnants of suspicion and dis-
* * *trust may he removed, and the injuni-
Dail healineou ; influences of earlier antagonismr
"SPIES PRlN 'OLLEG1'E may be overcome."
!Y 0 EN FROM KE hElN(I"i llUTE'S" Here we have warning and couneul.,
"England for us, bioys, where giris Immediately the mind reverts to thei
defy ail obstacles!"' hideous wreck o' the Wilson League
, of Nations, which for all practical pun-,


wtNas thu last straw that broke the camel's back."
At E: at 'tnation t ine..a poor orlkin'

mlay p Irove to be that last-straw, Mr. aLnd Ml~i s Sudent.
Bletter let Rider look it ober and know it's right, or better yet, trade it inl SOr 0o1.x
of those never failing 'Ridler Mlaster P'ens at




"<Ju-t a inute,. Mo~rntigonmery, I've
snagged my fi'oc."
"It's so muggy out. Mont-omnery dear.
Won't you con: iii ins~ead ?'
"say, how mainy pairs of slacks do
you think I've got?"
. s *
Poets ;sing: of lovely Spring
They say the bird is on the winrg.
Upon my word-whry how absurd
I thought the win; was on the bird.
Yea, the best study of. mankind is
man- -but the best study of woman-
kind is her chambermaid
No Bull to This.........
1-o met lien in the mxeadows
As 'the suni was sink ing h~w,
And they walked ;home together
In the twilight's autumn glow.
She -watched/ him patiently as lie
Lowered All the bars,
Anid he looked into hotr eyes
As radiant as the staffs:.
She said not a. word,

poses has gone into the discard, not
because the Ui ted States declinedtoY
he caught in its trap, but because it
was, and is, a "mere formal arrange-'
m-ent" 'without any real spirit of am-
ity or a ny common desire for. concord(
behind it to give it life;. because It
stands as a glaring exar:.ple of an a-
ter'pt to build a superstructure with-
out laying a foundation.. Plainly Mfr..
Hughes pleads against any possible
mistaken effort among the members of
the Pan-_American conferencA to dii,-#
plicate the fearful error of Versail ei
Quite as p~lainly, too, he points out the
road to accomplishment of all that
the makers of the League convenaint
hoped to achieve when he amplifies!
his statement withI this paragarpli:
"All problems find solution an-. Jg
those who desire to be friendly and
just, and the present imperative (le-
mand of ('ivilization i'~aelf is that na-
tions shall earnestly and diligently
seek for their manifold; ills, the curesj
that can be found in friendship and
good faith."
Mx-. Hughes does not decry or min,
imize the value of formal treatic s and
understandings to insure peace and
amity; his great work at the Wash,
ington conference negatives any imn-
pression that he dloes; but he believos
Srr frc n 7 in~n c .nri~r n1 nA,._

y , '

t o q

For Easter Sunday


For Brea1ffast some of os.r delicious Bacon pried to a
ftor dinner one of: our delicious, Premium Hams-
We also have Poultry if 'you n= efer it.




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