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March 28, 1923 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-03-28

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... ..


illlw lll rMiurs



s r


. -"-

Big 'Ten,
jwill hold1

The three star te m o Fh
Michigan, Illinois, and Iowa
the biggest share of the spot-



Swim Sees Close
Rae. In Prelims.9

of Varsity I

to be Easy

LWith the comupotition close .in most
EN PITICHER S SHO'ING of the events the preliminaries to the
NP OvEM -N 'UNDER FISHGERannual inter-fraternity swinrnlng meet
were run off yesterday in the Y. M I
ture played another trick on A. pool, by the Intramural department.'
~h Fisher yesterday afternoon! Four. fraternities succeeded. in get-
n a cold wind greeted the first ap- ting men in the finals of the plunge for
,ance of the Varsity baseball squad 'distance. Delta Upsilon placed, two men
Ferry Field for outdioor practice. in~ this event, Yerkes and Sewart..Craw-
the last two weeks the coach has. ford, Acacia, Michale, -B'eta Theta Pi.
iwaiting for a perfect day to take; and Flynn, Nu Sigma Nu, were the oth-
cohorts out into the fresh air but'"ers who-will compete in the finals.
n last_ Monday came without any The finals of the 60 yard black stroke
ge he decided that the weather will have as competitors Kerr, Beta
couldn't delay .the plans any long- Theta Pi, Wittingliam, Theta Chi,
Coates, Hermitage, and Wills, Sigma
Fisher Careful Chi.
oause of the cold weather thef The natators who are listed for the
Eou.t was easy. 'In the first part, 60 yard breast stroke final are as fol-
e two hour drill the fielders chas- lows; Wittingliam, Theta Chi, Wills.
Ong files that the coach lifted out Sigma Chii, Henderson, Alpha Sigma
the garden while the inifieldersI Phi, Nathan, Zeta Beta Tau,; Carnegie,
pitchers had to be content 'with K Iappa Beta, Psi and MClIenahan,
ag the ball back and forth. No 1 Hrmitage.
ices are being taken with twirl-- Entered in what promises to be the
with the first game only a coupleI most stirring race on the program, the
eeks'in the future. The only thing 401 yard free style, are Louis, Zeta
were, able to do in yesterday's j'Beta Tau, Marks, Kappa Nu, Seagers,
tice' a to get their arms acecli- Delta Upsilon, Coates, Hermitage,
,dto thecold and keep them from Gowy, Beta Theta Pi, McFarland, TIhe-
g stff Wheni the first warm ta Chii, Schwartz, Beta Theta Pi,
comes ' ard'workout is awaiting Flynn, Nu, Sigma Nu, Babcock, Beta
;quad. Up to the present time there Theta Pi, and Kerr, Beta Theta Pi.
't been any chance for the men The preliminaries and the finals of
(play their wares. to any advan- the 220 yard free style will be run at
and a practice game will be held the same time on Thursday at 3:30 o'-
oon as the afternoons get less clock when the finals. will be held.
Y. .... This race will be run on a time has-

+Thirty-five candidates reported for
Michigan's varsity golf squad at the
first meeting which was held yester-
day at the Union. The, golf team is
[being sponsored by Prof. Thomas C.
Trueblood of the public speaking de-
partment and Mr. Carlton Wells of the
rhetoric departn'ient.
Prof. Trueblood who was in charge
of the meeting, outlined the possibil-
ities of an official golf team and also l
announced this season's schedule. Ho
told what other Coniference schools
are doing in this sport and said that
he could see no reason why Mdichi-
gan should not have a successful g of~
team. Six games have been sched-.
uled, three of which are at home. Pro-
fessor Trueblood then called on Coach
George Little who is at the head of
the minor sports department. Coach
Little welcomed golf as a minor sport
and assured that it woiuld not lack the

cooperation of th
Mr. C~arlton WE
his willingness to
and training the
proved his worthi
the' open golf c.h
State last season.
iCaptain Smilthf
year's team have
form artticleus ai
cessful team shoo
are about twenty-
Imade the nine ho
than. 40.' The tea
practice as soon

The, gian~t catliug staff at San Anton ion, Tex. Lift to right aare Rerman, Ander4aon, Gaston, Smith and Snyder
John McGraw isn't worrying about his catching staff- The veterant Frank Snyder is still able to do, the bulk
of the w tork. Earl Smith has proved his 'value to the club and. Gaston: gives McGraw a good third-string man.
Kernan, form~er Yale star, probably will be kept when the season opens.' Anderson, a youngster~, probably will be.
farmed, out.

Military Bil TIcRets
More than 300 tickets
itary ball were sold in
the Union yesterday aft
remaining 3501 will be,.gi
1 to 5 o'clock this afte
hours stated on the, acc
reserved' tickets that ai
for will' be placed onp
some later date.

Just call 864, when you have
Classfieds really, pay !-Adv.


Farrell Gigves "Best Perfornpers Time
to nftover Prom' hard Ian-
door Season'
Coach Farrell has announced that
he will lay iis,,irst, class performers
foff for the rest of the: week With' a
.possibility that he will takec his woightj
men outdoors in the latter part of the'
week if the weather is favorable and
perhaps .his "runners. At the present'
time the varsity men are resting after
continued practice for many weeks
andi will return after spring vacation
fully rested and ready for serious out-
door work.

Pitchnmg Uncerfin
nly uncertain thing a
;eam at present is the
id a single infield. posi'
se. is the only job iFr
at won't have a veter
gerty, a member of k
hi squad will 'probabl
rleft b~y the, gradu,,
"' Wimbles, last year'
Liveranice is the only
on 'whom Fisher can i
,ie a crowd of ne"v
ve to fill up the' othe
anicies. Eleven. or twv
e~ showing up to som
talmost none of them
nce enough to mak(
r this year's nine.1
cit left handel is a
Although~ he has be
ne work in the gymni
er pitched before this
k of experience will
mi from regular 'duty
infield and outfleld:
ly well settled with
ack to their old stand

about this
e tw :riig
ition. Sec-
a- the in,..
an to fill
ast year's.
y fill. the

Sis. .
fSlated in addition as final events on
kThursday are the fancy' diving anld the
four main relay.
In rama tIes;

improve outdoors ,a,
better man on the
wood. Wittman, no
harder tinme of it bet
.1icigait High Sciio
to Fight for (4aS
Finals in the .Class
1f the state iutersch
I tournament will'bhe't
gymnasium startin;
'Thursday evening.
the best in the Mate
visions, the 14 gape
played before the tou
close. on. Saturday a
series of fast contest
to Coach. Edwin J. Mz
wnrth :seeing.
' Olffcials '
j'offi cials' have been
by vote of the repro
Michigan Interschoh
sociation instead ofl
authorities as in the
who will handle the
same as those whc
year. These men,f

s he is a much are t.' D. Mitchell, director- of Intra-
cinders than ont mural, athletics and' % fozrmer Varsity
doubt will have z basketball coach, Director of Athletics
cause of his short, McCullough of the'- Michigan State
. Normal, college, and L. W.' olds, bas-
ketball coach of the 'same institution
The, trio willI rotate, serving- in turn
as referee, umpire, and. timekieeper.,
H I Drawings will not be made until
Ydinner. held. for the high school ath-
ftsat the& Union,' but the schedule
10 o'clock, Thursday; at 9, 10, and 11
bl BasketTossers o'clock .Friday. morning; at01, 2, and
~s and C 3 olock Friday afternoon; at 8 "and
riships 9 o'clock Friday evening; ,anid at 7:30
and 8:30 o'clock Saturday evening.
;T THURISDAY It will. be necessary for two of the
TU R I IGHT competing teams to play-'two games
on Friday, but the finalists will, ac-
cordlin to the plan of the, gainer; have
B, and C sections. all day Saturday in which to' rest. An
elastic basketball admission: fee: oft 25 cents will be
fid in Waterman charged for each 'series..of. games.
'at 7 o'cloCD Birmningha~m Favored
Bringing, together Dirmningham high school, one of the
in these. twos d - most favored contenders for the clasF
ies that will b" B 'title, performed an unusual feat ini
irney comies tois the preliminary tournament. when Ito
:ight will afford *a court t aggregation played two over-,
is that, according time periods in two games on the
-ather, will be wetll same day. Because of its rem-arkable
showing in these games the Blirmfig-
1'auiaed hame" squad seems to be leading the,
chosn tis~eardope sheet' in figuring the probablet
esentatives qf ,thne'otoe
astic Athletic:"as-
hy the tUniversity' Musicale Meeting .Postponed
past,"-but the amen The, Board of. Directors: of Matinee
g ,ames are thej Musicale have' been obliged to post-
aofficiated l .stl pbne 'the meeting announced for to-
treAii iii'ha',.I dao'uni~l a. la~terdAtt'.






._. _ ..

w . ,. , ,, . $.. "..


ation ' of ' -j
's second More than 40 aythletes from the dif-
mounds- ferent classes in the Uxiverslty, 'qualj-
really de- fled for the finals in th~e, prelminaries
Gv comers of the interstass track meet which
Or five Q. were held la~st 'Mlonday night at Wa=
'elve new terman gynansiumn.' 'The $nals will
ae advan- be run off at 7 o'clock tonight.'
have had Times tor the virioW; running
e serious events made in the preiriiiaries were
Farley, t' fast but 'did. riot mewjure' up to the
'good ex~ standard set by those Who participat-
en doing ed in this year's fraternity track meet
iasium hrc A lack of condition was very mucb in
year and evidence among a few of the runners.
probably As in the running events the,'mairks
until late in 'the'fieldl events 'were below par,
Doyle, '26, who heaved the shot bet.-
positions ter than 41 feet ini the fraternity track,
fi'vc reg. meet, fell below his record, being able
is. Kunode to get but 35 feet 10 inches in, the trials
guard the MNorday' night. 1reyrg ran three
rely whilel seconds slower in, the 440 than he us-

Few Injuries
IThe Wolverine team has. been ex-
ceedingly fortunate during the indoor
season as there have been relatively.
few casualities to ' any of the varsity
nien. At the present time there are
only three men that are on the casual-
ity list and they should be ready for.
competition in the outdoor meets.
Prosser, pole vaulter, is recovering
from a sprained wrist that he got in'!
the indoor Conference meet at Evans-,
ton. This injury did not prevent him
from taking second place with ease
in the Cornell meet. It isinmproving
rapidly and should be well when the
vaulters start to work outside in th9
near. future. Higgins is 'still having
trouble with his leg which has pre-
vented him from competing in the
hiurdhes so far this year, but has imn-
proved enough so that 'he was able to
place in the sprints in *the Cornell
meet last Saturday. ,Landowski, pole
'vaulter, ;Is astill limiping and will not
be re'ady for any competition for some

a Uteritz: will play short. Kip-
hekleford and Klein are all
de -ford Ije outfield. "Kip" and
r'bf . slu abgged the ball for
vet46ges' last year and Klein
position was filled by Doug Ro-
Ing the last few garkes of the
seems to have improved his
eye since he played' left field
n the fourteenth annual Drake
ity relay meet is run off on
7 and 28 at Des Moines, Iowea,
ber of universities and collegesj
ad teams which will he making
nitial bow at the famous track
Iowa aeate university and the
.ggies hv definitely decided to
eams and individuals for tke
3events. Coming across the
at will be the University of
Lentrants, while the Drake 'offi-
till have hope that Charles
;k and several of his teammates
present for the event. Amoug,
aller colleges that 'have an-
d their intentions of entering
stin college of Sherman, Tx
tWashburn college of Topeka,

a 1 V 0. _
Preliminaries for the mile, run, two'
maile run, and poll vault were not run
off as the entries were. too few.
'The sch~edule for tine finals has bgen
made ouit anad will be ran:i off 'as fol-
lows : 7 o'clock, 5,0 yard dash, shot
piit; 7:10 o'clock, 880 yard. run; 7":15
o'clock, mile run; 7:25 o'clock, 65 yard
low hurdles, running broad jump;
7':35 o'clock two' mileruVl
vault.' upl
i Registar Hall Is Recovering
Florida, weather, is agreeingwith
Registrar Arthur G. Hall, who ha
beep in" ill health for soinee time, and
he reports that he is gaining he.Altb
and strength every day' ii' Florida
City, the, southernmost tawn on the
mainland of 'the 'United States.
The. new. Lit. Building is' growing.
Have you watched the classifieds
grow?-Adv. .'

You wCidllt 1[/C1

Enjoy our Lunches"

Pleasant Surroundings
lExcellenit Foodr.

Weak in' Javelin
Coach Farrell will be faced' with
problem in getting a good javelin
thrower this spring as he has no Var-
sity riaterial back in this event. Hoff-
man has been instructing several men
in the technic of this event'hut it wvill
be impossible to judge their wortl
until they get outdoors. The Coach'
' will have Hutznter back for the hammer
thirow 'and BIrooker in the discus.
1Wblbard' will not be able to rur.
both hurdles outdoors ,because of the
greater distance and will probably bF
used li the high hurdles, and broad
jump. This will leave the low hurdles,
woefully weak. Captain Burke will


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IINVITATIION S must he ordered today and tomorrow at the table by
the Engineering Society Room, 9-12 A. Al. and 12:45-4:00 P. M. LeatherI
Invitations $0.50 each. Ann ouncemients;, $0.10 each.. Aftst be paid.
for when ordered. Class dues must be p~aid before delivery. ' I
CANES. The price of the canals is $3.25. of this $1.50 must be. de-
posited. at the time of order and balance paid on delivery. Orders are
being taken at, Wagner's."
CAPS AND GOWNS. Measuremnents arc being taken at Moes'. The
rental of the gowns is $4.50 but nothing need he paid unti'l the. gowns
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T ennisRacket {
".'Restringing '
Bring your Racket in Early and have it"
ready whet 'the. courts are in shape


__ 4.. .~. I __



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