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March 27, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-03-27

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m I

it iiiJa



No. 130






d Discussion

I DAY; FIRST TIME SINCE 'S8 1,_1,,111 11111
. For the first time since 1888,
IEaster Sunday this year will "
come on April 1. This will not. n ;:E T iE TRIP
#occur again until 1934, antid
again in 1945. Other, years' in
} which Easter Sunday has fallen-
The earliest date on which 1;TL\' V.11IETY )U11'CL N'MBERS
(Easter Sunday has fallen in re- ; WLL BE OYFF;IEE IN
}cent years was in 1818 when it MI'RI 6 REITAU
Ioccurred on March 22. It fell oan t
IMarch 23 in 18 56 and in 191. 1, B0} E N D1IR CTOR OF
( EFaster falls mnore often In Ap!rl N A P EE T TO
fthan it does in Mlarch. D)uring ___
the 100) years betw-een 18.x) and
I1950, Faster comes 'n Blorci but Tw Io Stirring ,Spanish Songs Includ-
23 times. ed tI Vocat Selections; &rches-
tra to Mlay Latest lifts
The 1 program of the Varsity Glee
INITU'M nT club's pre-trip Concert for 8:15 o'clock
ANAT MY E PERT tonight at1Hil1 auditorium has been
~5announced. The concert is to be of-
feredl under the direction of George
TAL STO l f Oscar Bowen, of the School of Mu-

I }St

Oxford, Eng., March 25.-
Three foot spiked pole., havef
been played at regular intervals
on the boundary walls of~ the
several colleges where the wo-
men live in order to prevent any- I
'one from crawling over them atJ
jnight. This action was taken due .
(to the custom of the women to I
slip out after dark for dates and
return via the ,garden walls with,
( the assistance of their escorts. E
S The spikes on the walls are
Isharp and close enough togeth-
er to render it difficult for one
to get through. It is thought E
1that through this niesuxs the stay
in rule will now be lived up to
I by the" women.

Club to

Sott, of the de-
and paleontology
city, and R. A.
t, will head the
akers to address
my of Sciences,
ich will open its
tomorrow. I


EXPEC'T$1,200000 TO
bSWrijiftrlof o $1QO,OO( Already
Made; No Public Canplgwi
Election of the officers, executive
committee, and a permanent board'
of trustees ,of the Michigan School of
A~eligion was completed at the meet-
Iva of the provisional board of trus-
tees. the faculty committee, and oth-
er persons interested in the movement,
lheld Sunday afternoon at the homie
of Mr.. Stanley G. Stevens of Ann Ar-
bor. Formal adopition of previously
c onsidered articles of incorporation.
for the school also took place. t
j 0Hgua:I oa"4 of Trustees Electedi
? Ulcers who. were elected Sunday,
art; the following, Willard Pope, 'SS,8 t
fldtrolt, president, Jludge A. C. Angell,
'8014 Detroit, vice-presdent, and Stan-
1e' Stevens' of Ann Arbor, Seceetary-
All m~embers of the original board of;
trustees present at the meeting were
reelected. It wvas decided that those
who were not able to be present at
the meeting would be extended an in-
vitationi to become membhers of the
permanent board of the school. The
partial list of trustees of the School
of Religion is as follows, Dean H~enry
INT. Bates, of the Low School, Dean
Hugh Cabot,, of the Medical school,
j DanAlfred 11 Llovd. of the Gradu.-


Probes French
Action In Ruhr


iLast Appeare
I Made In




give the presiden-
,lock toinorrow ev-
itorlum. His sub-
and Economic bur-
The experfimental
vey in Charlevoix
past year has been
advantage, and it
np the work un-
r counties of the
vered. The survey
:e and complete re-
nic status of the
Ith will speak of
the work, and its
whose works on
Ieontological su'b-
een recognized as
tients of the sub-
t 4:15 o'clock F'ri-
ution." Professor
of "The Theory of
:ory of Land Main-
,tern Hem~isphere",
onographs on sim-
ext book: "An In-


Err. Char-les Stoek-ard, of C ornelf Tells
of Importance and Use of Thyroid
Gland In AnimalI Growth.

The program for the concert fol-
lows: 'Laudes :Aque Carmina". I
"The Ifeavens are Declaring"-beet-
hoven-Glee club. 2. (A) "Rose o1f
the Rio Grande;" ,"Michigan Memor-
ies."' (b) "Aunt Hagger's Children's
Blues." (c) "Gray Morn." 3. (a)
"Hunter's Farewell" - Mendelssohn.j
(b) "Shadow Malrch'-Protherio. (c)
I "Troubadour" -- Walt. (Numbers 2


Student Goveratug ~DAT Epet
Comfpd. Coistderautof



Dr. Charles R. St",jurd, profess;or
of anatomy in the Cor"nell Mledical
} .,t.... '.. '~x s. L -A rt,. n,r~ - - -n


r chool 0of£New ) orlit ~y, spo'~e on ,1an4 3'by Glee club.)
the "Origin of Iluman Types and the, 4. Assortments, "Deep River",
Influence of Intenl Secretion" be- "Lonesome, That's All"'-Midmnight
forea lrgeauden~ intheNatralSons Quarts tte. 5. "B~eloved, It is
for©a lage adiece Wthe natual orn"--A w ard, "The Star"-Rodgers
Science -auditorium last night. --George Qua, '251), tenor. 6. "Sword
Showing how the thyroid gland is of Farrarac"-lullard-Glee club. 7.E
necessary to the physical develop- (0) "Who Cares?" (b) "Buddy" (c)
meat of all animals, Dr. Stockard "Rose of the Itio Grande"-Varsltyl
demonstrated by illustrations the ef- Blanjo quintette. 8. "Ann ArborDays",
fects following the absence of this "Tanlkardl Song", and~ "Old Friar's
gland. Dogs are subject to the same ! Soug"-Var sity quintette. 9. Ha-
influences as humrans, he stated. For wanlan selections--Tang and Tavarres.
instance, the Bassett hounds. Pekin- 0. College Songs--Glee club.
gese an Engishbull dogs are. x Tonight's concert includes the same
gese an Engishnumbers which the Glee club is to
am~pler of dogs4 that lack normal de- peeto t srn rpt ei
velopm~ent, characterized by the ex- April 7. The itinerary of the trip
tremely short and 'bent legs comnpared thus far includes three large Ohio ci-
to the rest of the body. Humans sim- ties. Forlty men are scheduled, to
ilarly undergo the sam~e deform~ed de- make the trip.
velopment when the thyroid gl~md is Tickets are now on sale at the UPn-
misig I ion and at Wahr'q and GQ hm's book-
. However4, tis undeveloped type& of stores at 50 cents apiece.!
hum an should not be~ confus d w ith - --te m d e y e . T e m d e s i
go d p o o t o , b t u d r i e ; t eC 1 foMdv l p e t r s l i g f o a k o , ##lthe thyroid gland is not proportional.Y O T
Further proof of this property of the , T O CT O Cth r i gl n a e t e ex r m n s.n
developed to a noi-mal state by use of
the thiyriod gland. ARtUVE AT wrESTFRN SCHOOL
Dr, Stoekard is one of a series of TUSA

papers of general
1 be open to the ;
d in the Natural;
at 3 o'clock to-
"The Length ofa
ased on Observa-
Field of Physical
c of a paper which
tim'e by Prof. Wit-E.
ad. of the _depart-
he lecture will he
ern slides. Prof.
Ethe ancient his-
il speakc on. "The3
he Mchigan Pap-

speakers lbeing brouigbt to, be "nt
versity by the zoological department.
Ile his been engaged in the study of
zoologcal and biological subjects for.
mnany-.years, and is~ actively connect-
ed with many leading .scientifescie-


various sections of 'ties.
be held as follows,
opoogy, room F214, '" BL
afternoon, 'March 29,.ll ; ~ ii ~ ~ I
r'oom at 10 o'clock R M rh 3 . S cin8 -Q -1 1 O
8272'tra cec ock Thursday morn--
on Page Two) Tickets will be sold for the third
-- annual Military ball, to be held April
tve' j,~ I27 in the combined Waterman and
f ( !lfi ll fBarbour gymnasiums, from 1 to 5
LL V U'o'clock this after'noon anid tomorrow
tson $peaks Ur begvnalproswoepli,
iand F~rday ? Lons~ were accepted, at the time stated
Robinon ofJohn on the acceptance, upon. the payment
ity will deies l~iI of the $5.60 admission charge. A
ra "ClassicalSsil maximum of 650) tickets will be dis-
ior" Thursday and tliibuted.
clock Newberry hall. k limited number hkats been re"".v
sor. Robinson will ed for es-service mnen on the faculty
tHieyapolis, Sardis to whom applications w-ill be mailed
nd Friday. on~ Coo-I April 1 by the Military Ball commit-
Ephesus, Priene and tee. Faculty military men will, be
griven first preference "ip the applica-
ll deal with the subl- tion for tickets and all are assured adt-
nial manner, CiviTg . mission. upon application.,
punt of mnany of the________
lres will be illustrat-; ^
fides. Cored Club Play

* (Special to The-Daily)
Berk~eley, Cal., March 26.- Coach
Fielding H. Yost will arrive here
Thurs~day from Los Angeles having
completed heis tour of southern Call-
forila. Planis are being carried .for-
ward at the University of California
to entertain the Michigan football
mentor during his stay. Alumni from
the surrounding country as well as
imany of Yost's old Stanford players
are preparlag to greet the."Old Man"
on his first trip to the far west since
At~ Los Angeles and Pasadena the
l Coach was royally entertained with
luncheons, banquets and receptions.
1Aporters were continually after him
for pictures and interviews. Two
thousand highs school athletes viewed
the six reels of Michigan football
C'igames in the afternoon. Michigan
songs, cheers and, colors predom-
3The CoachI is In the best of health
j and feeling fine after his long trip,.
His last dlate is in Spokane on April
7. lie will return to Ann Arbor
I'April 11.

Discussion of the proposed change.
in the constitution of the Stdent
council will be completed at the meet-
ing of the Student council tomorrow
night at the Union. The :report will
then be turned over to the Senate comx-
Mittee for the investigation of stu-
dent government who will i turn sub-
mit it to the Senate council for fnl
action. All studens are Iinlied to
attend the" meeting.
The provisions :to be discussed ;to-
morrow evening are as follo s:
.'Membershiip of the 'Cucil:. The
Student council shall ,cosst of nine
nembers to bje elected from the cam-
ius at large, anxd three ex-offico mem-
bers. In the event that the president I
shall be elected other than from the(
iersonnel of the councl; the c4ouncil l
shall then ceonsist of thirtee pwmbers. I
Ex-officLoemnberg lamed
"The sx-ofico meabers shall be
the President of the &Ichg'~u Union
the TEdto, .f The Michigan aly, and
the capta 4n of ta .Yl o ! z tea ' to
1 1servly dtiring the year that they.
shall actively l brad thes mffce. No
ex-ollo membrer shall hold any bi-t'
I ice of the council.
"of the nine elected memberssi4
Imen aire to be chosen eac y~ar threei
of whom shall serve a one year term
and three a two yar term. .Any mank
on the campus shall, be" eligible to
"Elections to~vacancles shAWbe by
vote of th Sttd;ti council. Nomia.
Lions to vacance sherd, lbe nae y
the noiinatixig'crmittee in te ma
tier herein~fter ,- rovi ed fr r omia-
tions. MemberS s rto eleced shall srveh
for' the balance of .teter3,so vact-
ed. Notice 'of an, elation.' to fill ya
cancles shall be given atite preced-
ing meeting'
coxoetl to Nomninute "
"Manner of nominatlii ad of Wee-
Lion of Candidates:,'The body fo:
nomination of elective hiefibers sb4
be °composed of .the- three ex-offci
Mnembers. and the v president, vice-.
president, and the secretary of th
"At least twice as many shall b
nominated as are to be ;elected. Any
mnember of the 'conci shall have te
right to place names "on tih list °to
be considered. The nomiating cou-
mittee shall ,theu determine how many
men are to be nominated, and eac i
member of the committee shall then
vote for that 'number of men. Thos
receiving the hight number of VOW-t
shall he considered nominated. po-
viding in all casa tat they shall hav
received a majority of the vtes of the
Inominating body. ii ase of a tie or
lack df , majority, a reve hall ;be
taken. These naominatlonts shall be
made at least two Weeks previous t0
the election and published in The
"Any man may be nominated by pe-
tition, said petition to cotain the
names of at. least tOfteen percent of
the men in each school or college f
the University. Nominatons upon pe-I
tition to be filed with the secretary of
the Student council at least one week
before election. Te members of the
Student council -are to be voted for
by meni only. i
"Election of President: The presi-
dent shall he nominated and elected1
(Continued oni Page Two)
as well as Fiichigan wp'men ar
being offered opportunities ev-
ery day that canot bereached
by students 'of other niversi-
ties and ollegtes. Wen Oppor-

Col. Josiah tiedgewood
Col. Josiah Wedgewood, B'ritish lab-
or member in parliament, has stirred
that body by his charges -against the
French in the tulir district. He crit-
icized Great Britain for holding aloof.
Theta Pi Alpha Is See of Disas-
1rous Fire Yester-

k 1
} }
i 4
t 4

ate school, Prf.Hoac ..........of MTN A) IN, FIRE EPII)EMfIC of uraemic poisoning which
the Law school, Prof. L. A. H1opkins Friday, but the actress astonisl
secretary of the engineering college Twenty-six girls, members of the physicians by her repeated ri.
Prof. Leroy Waterman, of the Spinet- Theta Phi Alpha sorority at 821 East her will to live just as sheC
lcs department, Prof. I. Leo Sharf- y September when hope had
t~an, of the economics department. U~niversity were forced out of their times been abandoned.
James Inglis, '01, H. B. Earhart, and hous'e by a fire which probably de- Was Poet, Novelist and Sct
Staley G. Stevens of Ann Arbor veloped from a defective chimney, at Bernhardt's last stage role w
.fudge. :Angell, Julian 1-. Harris, '98. 1 o'lc eteday fteno. ThisI er filled. She insisted she wo
L.. Wb. Goodenough, '98L, Mir. Pope. 'lc eea no. pear but th~e doctors and her
ITarry C. Bulkley, '95L, and Paul R fire was one of five fires that occurred interfered and prevented her
Gray, '9, Detroit, Prof. R. H. Ryder yesterday. last appearance was in the
of the Michigan Agriculturalcollege Some members from a house across picture- which remains unfii
J'. Arthur Whitworth, '94, and William i She found timetobpet1
'A. Greeson, '79, of Grand Rlapids, and the street from the sorority house and sculptor.
Ernest B1. Perry, '89B, of Bay City, i were the first to detect the flames, The loss of her right leg at
EXecutiVe Committee the Satute which started in the upper part of ginning of the war caused her
The executive committee of thle the building. They immediately not- it her movements on the stage
Board of Trustees whose function is edtoewo erinheosea not binder leer appearances. S
to determine the site and plans for the the time and bean removing valu.,ble hemifruebalypa
buildingwill remain the same as orig- 'household articles, the soldiers and used to the
rnally. It is composed of Judge An- Damange Covered by Insurance her wonderful voice which
.4el, a chirma, M. Rlkle, M, jnevrer to tire.
~~~~~~~~~~ ,~caraM. ukcM. A large crowd gathered around the__________
Good>3ughr, lr. Grey, Mr. Hjarris,; scene of the fire, witnessing the ef-,
kl.Inigi, 111. Pope, Mr. John1 . 4 forts made by the members to save SEIL 2Mfl OP1TICS II
nrusel of D~etroit, and Mt'. Stevens. their personal articles. Act'on by the UJ Wlt
No pthubic campaign for funds i9 fire department was delayed through E
cotn g tti.c liae ep at the p llos en tim e $1 the fact that the nearest fire m ain w as FIR S T - T R IA L e ga e h t alEf0, n c s t ;t r b i ci n
; iad founde tor ltoe frozn andthfieoe hadF to be lengthened to reach the next -,
end'owmeftt. will be raised throutgl un- nearest fire nmain. It tool: 15 minutes More than 2500 copies of "TJ
solicited pledges. Many pledges have before thep firemen could get the fire iga'n Optic", campus rotogravvi
alr-eady be~e'n made, one alumnus of I ne oto.Te pe w tre azine were, sold dluring the pay
the University promising a contribu- of 'the building were completely de- Ienid according to a statement1
dion of X100.00. ;troyed by the flarmes. vey Reed, '24E, business manag
-Prof,. Charle, F. Kent, of Yale uni- i IIrneo h hueaonst terday. The sale was as su~cce
oneuanc'on h$17useamonts o the editors of the paper had
versify,on of .the founder's and the 4$70 of which $12,000 was placed and will insure the financial
director of .thee national school of re- ,on the house and $5,000 on the furnf- of the new paper if it cant:
ligion tovement, was in town for the "ture. A complete estimate of the dam- ° succeeding issues.
meeting. He talked at the oven for-s ages has not been made, but it is be- The issue that was published
um mesting of the Congregrationalj lieved that they will be adequately time was the first of three tria
chZtirch on Sunday noon and outlined covered by the insurance. 'recently authorized by the B
carefully, the origin and history ofI Other Fires Reported Control of Student Publicatio
the national movement, and gave th Arrangements were made whereby e r the provsosfthauo
reasons for choosing Michigan as the the members were to be lodged tern-! of the new paper, three issuer
site'-for the first school. Hle will be; porarily in neighboring houses and so-1 be published dluring the
in Detroit this week, attending con- rarities, until another p)lace of resi- school year, and must be sut
flerences of the executive committee B ence is decided upon. by the inem- fin ancial , and in all other
wh~o are formulating the future plns br.fniuewsmvdyvans have the magazine continue
of Qovganftation. 1 Bbersomnue was me oerbyns The Optic is a 1.6 page roto
~nd sme tke~nintomagazine made up of pictures
flherfirs wre epotedat he hipus events taken by a staff of
Othe fies erereprte atthePhigraphers. John Russell, '24,
D3elta Theta fraternity 'house at 1.437 aging editor for the trial issue
oflthe roof was consumed by flames; President Burton Speaks atI
" O MMRF t the Alpha Delta Phi,. fraternity President Mlarion L. Durtot
I~fl~tJII1 UIIIIILI lo use, 556 South State street, at 1302 last night before the Rotary
Earl' C. Michener, congressman for Volland* street, and at 1032 Vaughn NJiles, on the University's1
the second congressional district, will street. . program. He was the guestc
preside, at the luncheon meeting of the ident Frederich Grigg's of tl
Ann Arbor Chamber of Commerce, !urunna r rn ual Missionary college, at
which is to be held at 12:10 o'clock 'i~lVi~lII~ U~I Springs.
LUU*i i fk rl n h.," ^fJ1VI I1Ji~ w(tmmr r . . * *SS - OF *OOD

Paris, March 26.-(By
ah Bernhardt died peacef
arias of her son, Mauris,
tonight. In life she had li
ing tour of emotion and
realism and pathos in lie
death scenes. At the and
she quietly drifted away ii
tired after her long fig
death which she did not w:
er feared.
W'indows Closed Flm'sI
Hope for the life of th(
ress had long since been
and half an hour before
away those in attendance
sinking beyond recover
knowing her recuperative
was thought she might 1
the night,
ine. Bernhardt dlied ina
on the second floor of her
windows wide open on thi
Pereire, the noise of true]
roads keeping up a low ro
she was long accustomed.
sudden closing of these w
gave the signal to those
watching without that Bei
Death was due to a ren



i onzgniuwtVVZLL~e
Oen To Puh~v

Orders for commencement exercise
programs for senior engineer-s will be
taken from 9 to 12 and 1 to 4 today



author andt
1' Kreymhorg
kpril 5 in cor
borg's lectui
r the auspice
legiate Aluii
Jugh E. Kee
hien's commn

v ,F .. -' vv '7w nd ooro t U~Wa b(-othii ruiu. or
r the Engineering society's room in the
-Featured by the presentation of two l Engineering building. The price of
t," plays Comedy club will throw its ; the leather invitation which contains
's doors open to the public for the first the names of all graduates and the
n_ timne this year when it offers Strind-jcmeeenprga wilslfo
re burg's "The Stronger" and Dunsany's > 5 cents while the printed announce-
es "Fame and the Poet" at 8 o'clock this
u- venng n, ara Cswel Agel hal.ments will cost 10.: The invitations
el-' The former of these plays will be mutbpadfrweorrdan
it- a departure from the ordinary dra- class dues paid before. delivery, about
matic presentation -and will be some- Junie 1.
y,' what of an experiment. In it Beth- Canes, cabs and gowns. for engi-
he any Lovell, '25, as 'Mrs. X does, all 1 neers must be ordered at Moe's sport
as the talking, wShile the part of Mrs. Y,: shop, One hundred and twenty-five
Es taken by Virginia Brodel, S of IM is a have been. ordered to date.
'he pantomime role in which there 'are
be! no lines. + Dr Sink Starts Private Practice

inn.; He will also make a brief ad-,
I dressy
IThe ;meeting is to take the form of
a congratulation and a greeting to Re-
' gent'Junius E. Beatl, '82, and George T.
IBurke, '07. ' Regent Beal is a candi-,
date for re-election to ,the. office he
now holds anrid Mr. Burke is a candi-
date 'for justice of the Sup reme court.
Both are membhers of. the Chamber of
Kenneth Westerman will lead in5
singing and Theodore Trost is to play'
the .accompaniments.
Comedy .Club Announces Correctionj
Duie:to an error it was errontously
stated in The Daily last Sunday that
tickets for the Comedy club play, "MAlr.

"It is probable that there will be
proposed in the near future, somec
plan whereby it will be °possible to'
supervise all student eating houses in
Ann Arbor," Dr. Warren E. Forsythe.'
director of the Health service, said
yesterday. "From the standpoint or,
student health, this is a problem whichj
the Health service has long been in-
terested in.'.
Several years ago an effort wasj
made to provide for this supervision, l
but the plan did not meet with approv-
al at the time.
1As outlined by Dr. Forsythe, thel

Botanical Journal Clab toI
Menmbers of the Botanical
club will meet at 8 o'clock th
ning in room 176 of the Natui
once building.-

1 Daily Staff
IThe entire
Itryouts of the
+ 5 o'clock tad
Ij meeting at 4 C

Daily v
ay. UT

m", a short doll pla
by a group of tI
,ho wvill present it
Robert Frost and 1)
r of the play. T
tage settings willt


Vansity G~olf Try-o
A meeting of all
candidates has bees

I i

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