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March 29, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-03-29

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R'? C'

Indian Worker fljjjjWqnrS8iuN IQISITTNHAP
Orig-inal dra nwings by Michael Anl-
-elo.,Andea elSarto,. and Trepol
ar n therexih sent to the Archi- MAR K MEEJINC ur
Atectural college by the Fearon art gal-llIfIP~ l
4 lery of New York, and now being
shownv in the corridor of the archi- U LVf~ ~l
.> tectiira ,ichool. In all therenre1S


. ~Initiates dyl
Prof. Jetau-Marie Carre, of the Un -
iversity of Lyons, France, will giveR M
a lecture at three o'clock tomorrow; DeltaIiEpsilon, national honorary jour- U M P
afternoon in the Natural Science au- nai~stic fraternity, when the or-,an-
ditorium. He will talk ou -Le Thea.- ization Fholds its spring; election at
tre do M~aetrlinek." 5:45 o'clock this afternoon at the
Professor Carre; received degreesi Union.r
in 1906 and1 1909 from the 'niverslt) The nien chosen this year, as cus-!-
of Paris, and shortly afterwards ac- tomary, ar~e workers on student pubh- DR. YEOMIANS A
cepted a chair In the University of lications who have given valuable Ser- FAVORl It
Hlalle,. Germany, and later i t vices during the pact yen r.
French Institute of London., In 1912 Following the initiation the newv
he returnedl to Paris where hie en- mnFl ebnutda 'le'
gaged in seone research. He was about Cafe. URGE ELIME
to publish his thesis for a Doctor's de- SUPERFUL
gree when the war broke out and lie rar
went to the front. Hie served forrti i iii :I Incomnpeteney and
yeara as an officer, and received from S U E T GUUII IL 3 in Ans~wer

mounts and 19 d'rawings in the collec-
t ion. ,!
Not only ar'e there drawings lby thesc .
Italian artists in the 'collection, but ;
there are works of (;ainshorough and
Crow(e, who are well known as mas-
;'tern in English art. No admission will
be charged to :;tndents wkoxwi sh tc~
view the collection.



Afternooni PogrAni includes Depalrt-,
anent CoBfereBues, ad

geologist, and
an Academy of
tters, delivered
before memnbers
ieNatural Sci-
subject of the
ty of Micigan",t
the purpose oft
bed the experi-


Daniel Siwaindos
D)aniel Swamidoss whe is' todirin '
the larger universities of this country
in the interest of better social condi-
tions in his native country.

4e last summer in FR!N W RESWL
4d that the siurvey H ' 4015 R
ill resources in the
b6;.pupoeofob1 JAR;K iuNmawiniomO,.IthI
iii the 'various idle !awlE TOURING SCHOOLS IN INTER.
,as wilell as to de- ESTS OF EXTEN~SION
1resources. ichi- WORK
so successful, ac-F
thtat it is being : Daniel Swamidoss and Otis 0
.ilcky, Connecticut, (stanchfield, Y. M. C. A. foreign
1 . several Other work secretarIes,, Ill speak at 7:30
~ontinpati sni-'clok. tonight hIn a public meeting
I'up r ' : ' at-Lane hall .on "Conditions, in India
ano' P* fyie ia- These men who are complgtng a tour'
sio ~ te ad-of the larger universities' of tlrf
yt yleyo lm country have ust spoken at the u~tii-
e'ste l y:afternoon,p versities of Chicago, 1urdue, and Wi.
e d In xaddition.to1 cuin on similar topics of foreign ex-
'eiatipns of' past' tension work,
Prof. W11 he meeting 'tonight will be oe
ke foiogy depart= to discuss methods of improvement in
on the "Length of foreign .countries,. espeially n 'tlv
iksed on Obserya-" rural districts. Both of these men are
ofl of. Physical auhorities 'in this field, Swanfido Is,
d the theory that w ho was born in. India, havng taker,
tllcal peiods Which1.as hs life w~rk tfie improvement of
Ieexly 4"bas beenhas country
trd !xe co~h. es trt tiexS aidost1s' e-.
4 is .£ heory Prgt. Lveorng the cootpratwe system or
e ai _ spa n t h _has established in In-{
'~I 1fltrIcai Valute daia asa miea of ereting better san-
,~py1".Thee iary conditions and modernizing the
spy ""rThe~e interior parts of the counry. Through 6
In land laws, publ-; these banks the natives can borrow
n~tore. gen~eral na-I money only on the condition that theyI
te letters. P'rofcke- live* up to certain rules laid down by
I several points "ofi the public authorities.' It is thought i
oociuin nts relating t hat through the observing of these
im of,'the E gyp-~ rules ,a Higher standard of living has I
bee) maintained.
e' , I[®ler= ' The meeting tonight which will b
;441 eld earl~y ye held"In the Upper Rom ,rill be oper
'ulted in the ttec- to all students. This wvill be the sec- '
llg thotu Adade- ,(O"iappearance-f swamnidoss in Ani-
'11l, of the chcmis- Arbor lsince his arrival In -America?
fit .Porters,.a cow HE ll 111eave for India to resume his"pecmt;Po.wrnxtm th
s or not 4gology 'tL'n cl':' 'st .
e s,a maenibc-rof;pC
)hysiologyydepart- CAS4IM IFFIEBS
T iv ntrance lights for the new literaryl
ONbuling were voted as the class me-!
ar'Tnh morial to the University by the son-Ii
-for literary class at its meeting yes-;1
1 terday. j4
*,Robinson, arch- This gft was chosen from a number.+
Ioplkins univer-; of. suggestions offered, and will be c
o= Unvers°.ts c- erected to be finished with the edifice'
i topic, "Classical 'itself: It is -planned, to place the
#Ia Minor"# at 4:15 ;lights a ,few feet from the steps o
won and tomorrow; the building on either side of the en-
~r Ball.' This af- trance-walk lading to the 'facade.
haIfve'.to do with ,Kirk Memorial Completed
I~iodiia, Hierapl- It was also announced try the caiar-
' iaum, while in moan of the memorial -committee that
e il lay stress, the model of the bronze tablet to. be
)olophon, Smyrna, placed in the new Feld house in mo m-z
4i Mitetus. ; ory' of Bernard irk has been corn- (
1l be delivered in; pleted 'anzd a fasimaile f it will be'
c4ei, and first hand o xiiini e as h
lnexiiin nafe dasTh rerent ruins -will bhronze tablet will be cast and shouldle
s will be illustrat- be tp~ished within a few weeks. Nor- 1
m 'an F. Angel, instructor in. clay (
~nafter receiving; modelling in the -architectural college. 1
Igo universty tooki designed the memorial.'
nerican school of~ Officers taking parts in Class Day'
tAthens, Greece ;exercises were elected at the meet-
Halle,'l3erlin,;and ing. Sayde Hiardwick was chosen-lass z'
Hle was Also a, historian, Paul Watel class prophetId
nivating party to 1! Ross McFarland class orator and Mer- 't
d to Sardis andI ry Wagner class pet.
ites in 1910. He" Reports of all outstanding commit-
lktor and profee, tees were presented at this time. Sa-
and epigraphy on ios are urged to be measured for
lots College, Bryn caps and gowns immediately at George'
Ad Johns5 J'opti1oe's, North University avenue. Sr- jI
t also. served a r o men should place their orders and C
language andi it 1be measured for canes at Wagner' t
ican school o before the- sprinrg races. n
Athens and is al Change Reeeption Date ;6
of t~~ managing, It was voted by the class that the 1
Istituton, date of 'the annual .ball and reception !

nnnan n nn i AS ! Marshall Peta n the rench war'Orosi "" ' " sai qouw
U IVLDFa tt ith a larger regis~ratiou ifor the t r ne, ' M U saVrded - P H VE lA G[ °Reent=
T is la hnfran fispe Iru Afte' the war,.he organized tina HowtBYlardt A. Pos
i a hnfrayo t rvn~ sociatlon of young Frech,shoar - ' Lansing, Mich., Marh°2
AR§U E N IM NI uetosteM ia Saol nas d teachers and outline4',wit ,htrr ,'oly objetion Raied Is to Proposal; Royal S. Coplandof Now
____ters' club'will open its irfy "e }hth a a scbeme fbr general reform of Fren6 frInenl lcio fDr.Georgae H. yemns toc
t nual meeting here to.,!aywith the diit education. He resigned as leaer of Pidet i for the fint commnittee on
'ouidentiorn of Itutclikav itch and;rglrgnrlssin hc ilb the association in 1920, when he ws 1 .,toihti spor
Jeptlak °Stirs IRusslan 1Politi. Icalled\ from Paris ,toh etLyohns as prt ea,
' acal Parties held : t 9 o'clock h3 morning intoynsa4i
Nebry al A iattw asotfessor of comparative Ilt 'ture. FAVOR tHI CE BY CAMHPS; { statement of the homdooi
STT EATETSNSbusiness- hall Atgis t ch eandhamll this time he received his docorate jREPORT GOES TO SENATE ,iatl sns etn s ceue n %Ilschool. in the "Unveii
I fi SilACET SOITIbe followed by a con 'r.nce on '"Tho h niest-f t,~u gan.
ItIOS'RACETOSOIE Teaching Load". Prof. .,0. 'Davis of being the first Frenchman since thc Complete discussion of the propos- I Senator Copeland adwn
the Schol of lcMcation, W.C.Re war of 1870 to, receive. this distil~" ed changes in the Student council re- fundantdl h w
WXarsaw, March 2-B A.?.)-The is principal of the University of.Chi tiou in""the rcoueed Unversty. itlyteto
conlelna'onto eah o Achbsho cge ighscool ad H L.Miler IProfessor Carre has contribuitpl rsled in the tentative °aendments identical, ut that in theraj
Zepalii~c andl. Monsignor lutchikavitch principal of :the University of Wis 1 many essays to various English and being practically approved at the Stu- aed f'tv(ifeet
at iocwcniust etesna oIh I 1 Itk French review~~s, and ha written adetcuilm tiglatnhttte ed tli t 50U per 'rat of th
nsaaMsow gninescoooe, e ens- higcusi sa onth.'sbookwilsgve"tathendet cuniltcin eat igt ploeyhestae irplyndt oeoet
ofth dy hevaios oltialthbeubec.of b oan history a li-!Union. The outstanding objection +sicas.
tion othda.ThvaiuPotca1, The convention which is to last to erature: .'the lecture will be deiver ' Te champions o
parties are showing unusual unanim-i day and tomorrow, helde several lire-t ed in French and is open to al who made by the boy was in. regard to aof hio
tyindeoucig heacio o te iiinrymetigsyeteda: t :3 are interested. the election f the president of the jged thatte school sho
tyo ine deou ncig.te6ctineost e rdmiaymefetin yete Ra l AtE :0 __ __Student council. The members favor- ;p etely cut from the U nhi
Sovit curt yeteray ateroontheUurl Ed. e elctin b thecamus t lrge i~a rather than 'permit
Cardinal Kfakowvski today clebrat- c ation conference met in room 319 of!SC1eelcinbthca ust.ar.j under the present system.
the Union and at 8 o'clock last night f r il LhIU~Rpr Returned to Senate ative merger rsohritioi
oil a special mass for the prelates: It an il sr t d(etr n " h B sl U [ lI . I h ep r il n w e r t r e
1H I otte Setata'Copeland said,.passed in 19
was attended by thlousandls of persons. cea near, the 'Porto illaggoie"wat giv- I i o heSe atecuncil1 committee which there Was nreestii
After the ceremony. a huge proces- eon by Prof: J. G. Wntr of;.the ' cas f ' wIIIIIRIII~ ill sumul i to the.Senate cuncl opathy present todeend
siona proceeded to the office of Premier ;.sicl langu~rage dlpartent, for the 1 for ratifcation. -Te council will ap ,nman oc re nti,~
Siroskti who told the gathering. tha-t benefit of throse teachers .ant. rinc- oiit a cnutteoc-praewhPesdtBronadol
Potland wv; as making. every effort to? pals who airrivdIa iuAzn Ar-ar ear- ;.---. the Senate committee in woring out dle httehme
sav th:rcbsopa mninol. teng of uperinikenfi Closed b'ly th details of the plan. =It is hoped to would not bec cut =frwm th
and in this action :wa, being support- Burton Speaks.Today ': R.. L. Cool""of M1Iilnnke, have the new, sstemaprved nime The mnergr; he saidcm
edl by Pope Pius and the United States. ; President Marion L. Huton will gird'i o h pigeetos hsyawtotawrig
1tic ~deoht hr aroo hope an address on "ThTat Mind of Your" ' R soltins Adopted University'as Moral 01
for the success of the project. , at 11 o'clock thi s morning n HIl a - "DSUSSI00,R ''a (6,tdn oni ons SntrCpln u
ditorium. Various luncheons will' be ; : S SHOL IIWNGS "htte. dn cuclapprve entroeln s;
JLG: 'OA FrERt'?NO SESION and adots with the ecepticons andi nine allegedsprfuu
.Moscow,, March 28-(By A. P.) f-i eld kby the different conferences a ___sgsin h nvriycul erl i
The revolutionary tribunal at Karne- churches and the Michigan Uniion th1I PatTie' ur- geinerl ,la erinftr!nte h that the 2150, expende
nett Todolsk in the Voihynia district I;noon. The afternoon program include pakngolsh Pr-TmeGnn gnrcourses o ni be o ex c.} easSgivenuni, nd hapr-;orssbthee o h
sentenced to death a. group of 84 bier-I conferentces of the de partments, a tec- riculum :in a Public School", R .ya~ tdn oniadtapo the Homoopathic school1.
sons, chiefly tradesmen and 'membersI ture by P Hof. Roger, R.' Meriman o ' Cooley, director of vocatinal eua viding sch plans whave' been adopted -;v'rsty is und ri mral
of the Intelligentsia convic'ted of as- 9l, , ,arc unbyraity on "Charles V a~dticfora of liilv. aukee, Wis.,' broutt he bytheSente'conci, the :.Studet ,igation to mantin ta ho
sistiliA the anti bol:hei ist command-'the Spantiszi 'itrnpie" A t 3ocoka-7 'fcuclsalcooeaewt h school on the 3pit .fr o
r Ttlxira i" .rmed attaei on tim o Nau;..$in..,uing, IZ .tgth x,"etn 5nae. omiteeto effectthe Shang- 'w as the gift of tai&iyo
redl forces. ' 'rddr'=ss by .Honorable J. J. Tigert- Association of scool superitendets fes "(lsirErd at the ,Spring elections. Regent Gore raedthe
IUited States Commissioner of Edu- I and School Board Members to a elo, ,, Exlttn N1eiratloi Plan hooepaty, statig thtt'.
W tsingtoim, Mah2-(,By A. P. ) . ctlor. it 4:15 o'clock ir. ill ausdi- ITwo other addresses were dolv red Ta h cuclbleesta w insta'eied t i
Th ttedprmeths ae to'recpin nuaqutfral .n bynmembers of the associatloui at their I men from the campus at large should, common to oter unityersitMid
itwa ofiialyanoncd at '-ahers of the club will e.held at 5: 4 banquet last night fIn the IUnon.Otis + iiat~e for presdnt by the re- , the shool was ablished, ds
to 'onvo to he Svietgovenmen. ' r L ;tirinug-council and that such names be faiure Themerger, he le
toone otcSoitgvrmn 'clock this a ternoqa in the 'Mihi- I4. Cadwel, directo of the, Liutol submitted ,on the general c pr al o adafi trial, andc
terough the Aear n op at lidorea gan Union. The Ann Armor high i school spoke on .The Lincoln Schodol, i lotfor election by the male students;' other departments in ther
Brite"aethoethtlvsschool chorus of 400 voices and" as. I Its Aims, Methods, and Results", and !ind I ad been vercrowded.?and
of Arclibi.9hop Zephiak and Monsignor siting soloists uinder thQ ,drectiout:'*f Frnk "R. 'Sluti, principal of Ml~ aine an
flutchicavltch of the Catholic church, Ge orge Oscar' Iloweim 'willtigeyeflan-1 Pa* school, spoe' ,on ' mcatIonii halnymnousdete o'ci;heHmooahi choy
under sentetitce to 1ae executed to mor- 'tie's .oratorio' *T l e s .a" t o.-' ingineeri de a e elce o te prsd n y ~ Iclecined n enrollment .,'°
ro i Mscw,"iaybespre". clckIn~Ill ~diorux: ol& il ', Psc~~Seeo BiQdMg te cucl; and aedfigures indicating the rJn
rori oso,"aybesard. cok n:il uioly. oo ' lf , osaqSlto itlig,, had taken place itheho
be it yMrs.. J.arna IL' Warfl ld4 ITheana cni in pnd~vb Teconcil betcmoe oaon shosinohrunvrii
soprano,' MJIst, Dors Eowe-ci cntralto7, a 'nleetiig tis' morig ,li p ,.'afor cilmen eleytd as delegates at large, jg that this has led to th
'ENSIAN GOES IU ~~[ l William Wheeler, tenr, and'Thomas Its,, purpxose tfre. discussion cif scnool hs arranged in the report sbmttedjofh ooptyievr
Dewey, '23, S of NtMbass: Mrs. GopgeI bu~idlg. Difbrnt viewpoints ;were! by the enate'comirttee; and in rte cuntry at the p tes r
B. "Rheade And' Hetmeiie hish'and" given in the several addresses re at- " .~That, 'if the 'Senate council tp- enun Opse ~e
The la& 'copy for the 1923 Michigan- 'will act as acciluaiists and Earl V 'ing to this subje'L. L. W. Fst, su - r proves the -chnge fro-m class rere-; esi9ta hrehda
erasian wvas sent to the' printers yes- I More wil ,be orgnist. . rintendent. of chools in Mt. l01-1 eentation to ;delegates at ;lare, po- Icmlt ooe-to n
terday. The athletic section was tie Steiaflssobi to Talk Tomrrow ~o told of the dififculties onfroited visions be made so that any oiine ewe h or fT
final section that was sent, all of the Friday's program will consist'- of ;in' handling a, larg building' pogram ' il nt onroltie epesn te oepthic schoofl.
other parts having been nraz ilod duir-; the uesual number of udepartmental' in heis talk on "Selling a uilding Pro-= taton, on te 'council; andasdne ti ttmn
ing the .past month. !coferenices, a bulsiness meeting, a gai".Another 'pase was discse4 'rttth'ouel tor lih mgian eidi stratn at n
According to the terms vof the coii- Ilecture by Vilbjalnmur- Stefansson, fa- by ' tzeribtltent Jhn Mutnsn, 01'theSudntA'visrycmmttead sHmoo ati schowa
tract that the Michiganensian, holds mouls Arctic, explorer, 'the :aninal; the taining departmnent of the teat=- approves of the comm~ttee's pan for si f$000fo h
with the printer, the books, must lhc meetingo tecubndsvral other tral ichian Normal school, 'who representation'ft o unilattemof$000rmth
delveedinAn Abor ixweeks ' addresses t the neueal sessions. slpok'e on "The" Arhtect's' onriu- ' meeting of -the Senate Comitteeo appropriations which wst
from the date that the printer receives 'The embeso h clomsestiori to Vhidcatonal rroges ."' I rtudet ganir, td . In referring ;to the fi
the copy., This will bring the date l', club are invited" to attend the regu I This wos followed bya talk on "The Oether Ativties Reresenteogr 'ystemn e said, that th
distribution of the year book to ap- lz "' _ tducator's 'Contribution to Shoil i "That t imemaagng editrofTeatic laoratries are not'
proximately May 10. Last -"year lah - etl at 10o theoc liurniy in 'Huse Plannng" by' F. W. Frstir, yaly, the president of the Union be and that they are in the
books were giver out on Way 15, wte, mto a 0 'lock t i raig }n superintendenit ot schools in Wyn- 'x-offico members but it is dei-'wel-intenloned but hi hl
wathealetdtan which heUniversty hall. At this time the onte. 'rho concluding address f the 'e st hosal-ers n de ai- en mi9Tey gae ot
elas timeiv earliet.sta (lateastowh sal "epesnton a wtet"ichTey theno;
)ooks had ever been distributed. The' h' wllgvI n-atpa y morning was delivered. by J. L. 1a134-lreti interests and that the e-otc6Ied h hebkgun c
arly date this year is made neces' a " awbridge called' "Tile Florists' lIilton, a 4Thembr of .the frm fPr emeso hecuclshl agic ok
ary by the early date oin which: hp.Ikns, :Fellowvs and I-amilton, ar li- ipate in all the responsibilities of te', Rtegnt Gre conclued t'
lasses endl. The Ann Arbor 'Chamrber of Coui-! tets of Chicago. Hbs topic -was con cil as regular muembters and be lwith an ex lanation oft ='
K 4 __ 11.rce which li, charge oftbe room- I 'School Duilding Construction". A( accuntale- to the council as suchI'dutesofthGoad 1f3
)E N D #s~ n; situation reqnets that All personsr tour of inspection followed ,thie -' re' with the~ ex epton that they shall not but teatnino
A D ES Swho have rooms for :remut near the' ilai' program under the leadership o hldoffceugnh'teet the fattatio fto
CO V NTION TODAY cashnpeas notify them as a large numin- M. amil ."Tatheeetu fth oncl t o the iititative 1'
berof teachers And principalsa are OX- '. lerTadg Problws 'sduties and rsponsibilties'Ye definededA t ni yiit r.*b
Dean Jean Hamilton will address Poet-4 F riday, somce of ' the State The afternoon parogram haed for' its by the Senate coutncil, and that the e n the ierg er'n 11.s
the classical dvision of the alnk then!m9("The Teacher". In cthesestatns ofinhehemeudoTnt Teamber',I ththstatua pleaneforua fairetrial, of thi
lie clnastscluvisionhofutetsica+ . shoos otdlinisig lase odiscussions which took place at this iSenate =Cmmttee on Student Affairs Item, and asked the copmntt
choolmuastestclubrwhihameetrans Thursday.i
oon ,todhay in the Congregationalr Pbotoigrapl Exhbt:Opeijed time the problems of pro -reuisites defined; andthyrfanro frcg
~hrc.Th ea wl sek n Tme Atetinis aledt tefor teacher ,, the stimulation of inter-. That methods for creating a uni- ; of the Board of Regents :In
Value of thQ Classics In Pre-college schoolmasters that the Extension de l est In teaching, the home teacer, nd ifed capus pride and feeling of res- foeopathie issue.
Work From the View of an Outsid-! partnmcmmt of thme University has! many. other similar problems wre ponsbiity be fostered by such meanst
phtgah ,n taken up. The mn who spoke o the as: regular student ,convocatins,: Dental enors Attend"i
trountied an exhibit of poorpsin ;afternoon program . were, Presidnt coplor eulrfesmnmet eberso h eirc
rThme meeting of the deans of 'o ? ;he west gallery 'of Alumni emorial 1Care"M nyof chgmptte-usoat whichlar steai nstrut- detl scolgethene tim
ln awl b ed at 4is s ofloktthissae hl ob pen cah' day from 9 un-: Normal college, Supt. Dean Spencer tontehsoyieladta of the Michigan State De06
which~ il10hl t4ocoka h til r o'clockf. The e photographs were [~of Monroe, Supt. L. L. Tyler, of .tis-C ditions of the University be gvenb held in ~etrit yesterday wl lob adesdb eriY g nb ,y.
Elam lton. Dean Priddy oqf Ypsilan-imael GogR,"Sanwhna kg HgtsCarsA.ikofte student and faculty leaders; and a dcinic Wa close. duri g
i is general chairman of the organi- member of the University of Michigan 4.bardl of, edutcation, Ann Arbor, supt. { raer. Stden t Coopleratin sence./
atin ad Mss elna Cark soialexpedition to tire Near bast in, 1916.. L. Vandenberg of Gmand Haven, At- Ta heSuet oniblee
lirector of tire MArtha Cook dormi- 1 1920. They comaprise views and 'd-k torney WX. Burns of the board of e- i its hopes for a strengthened student
oryis oca chirmn.tails of sites and ruins in Athens, Bu-' nation, Nies, P. R. Cleary of the ed-, government lie, not so much in ap- I OUA AND) SUZANN"
chare ,t, Sofia. Constantinoaple, Asia'ualnbad piatadM-.Ds proving these ~eneral plans but In i SO DOr E J-G l
Australian '_ vy to'Ile Grt t Minomr, Syria,. Plestine,. and,,>Eypt, , ituahe Dudley, assistant superintc:d- Itie' hearty cooperation by the st- rI
rho e, Mrch 8-(i* A.P)- I With a special study of the battle field at of schools, Battle Creek,iVMich. dent body and the 'faculty with theI Cannes, France, Mafr
Melboesa-'ne, Mae-Albn2.Mr.BSwA.n-(new council to the end that watev- 1 (By A.P.-mts. MollyB
TeNaval Degartxnent says in a re- ofCasa a t~ ise.Mr Sai

i wil lctue ontheexhbit rom'1 o o chagesarenecesar frm t i and Suzanne Lenglen bo'
aort issiud todayl that 24 units of thewillcueothehbifrm1o n airrage aencsayfom hs
o'lok omrrw.' ppovd la ny eacomlihe vctriusinmiedANb
kttstr_______ayaretobe dispose as the experience of. the, newv council ~ nis matclaes played in the1
ra Il idi the b ttle uiser ydnys- shall find necessary next 'year; and f I.T .T RL
raia t. ihtcrisrSyne, . . . ~TODRLLAplic'ations for tickets to timeaim- "For these reasons the Student I rs. Mallory and Pa
iurnher of' destroyers' and sloops and .__..1nal Freshiman Frolic to be l: - d May council heartily recommends that the !i Mlorpurto defeated Aliss
Ssubmarines, '1 Michmiga~n's unit of the Rteservwe Offle-!4 'at the Union wvill be givcn out from ' nreseat comnmittee composed of Prof. fotr and Mrlm odgson, G
ft errs Training corps. will ini the future ,2 to 5 o'clock this afternoon in tb e Mor-is 11.'Tilley, of the E~nglish de- ' while Mmnle. Lenglen ane

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