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March 28, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-03-28

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Agr Ap

:43 a t I







ITWON Glee Clubs Win
In Pre-T ?



art Will


Michigan's Varsity ,Glee clubs Prov-J
ed themselve-s worthy of representing
the University musically in a tour
through the Mi1dwest by the rendition
of a pleasing program of classical and
popular music in their. pre-trip, en-
tertainment last night in 1-ill auditor-
lunm. As a spotlight entertainiett
the varied program was a decided suc-
cess, the audience manifesting a de-
cided preference for the vaudeville
Much credit mnust be given to the
Glee clubs ,for their masterly perform-
ance. In all numbers there was evi-
denced thorough training.. The richb
Harmony; the accurate gauging of
toine, the precision and spirit with

ure and a con-j
he fifty-eighth
the Michigan
1 continue here
The program
essions, visita-!
,es, conferences;
particular sub-
state princi-
ents, .a dinlner.
concert Thurs-!
orium. Regis-
or members of
e office of, the
sity in Univer-
30 o'clock the
ake. place, on
om 319 of the
kt tonight Prot.
sisal languages!
an illustrated
ll, on the sub- !
ar Porta Mag-
will include a1
club at 9 0'-I
11, and an ad-I{
[aon L. Bur-
fill auditorium
ind~of Yours"
ll be occupied

Proposes] Clunge SuInCOnst'it160o1
lie Debated fit ,ssior


ip Entertainment AAEYPO6A
whvdich thecy executed the small troop WI18(BEGN T0DAY1
of numbers are indeed a. credit to 'tht
d i r e c t i o n o f G e o r g e O s c a r , B o w e n o f o f s t o t . o l e e s t o J h c o l o u i h a e e t cK t e a p t i
Iasusumled the position of director. The heso
clubs are better than they have been esf
in several years both inoIpersonne'-
and traiinal audes atque Car- TO ME13T AT WO O'CLOCK
'mina", sung frond behind the scene: -
opened the program. This was fol- The Michigan Academy of Scienc s,I
lowed by a ple asing rendition of fleet-'
hoviens "The Hdeavens are Declaring". IArts, And Letters will open its threes
Especially noticeable in this number day session at .9 o'clck thus' a4'ternoon
was the pleasing quality of tone in with a meeting of 4t~s council I room
the tenor section. The next group of: B 173 of the Natural Scienc~e building.,
three songs .was well received. The; Non ination1s for membership in the
clubs scored the triumph of the even-cdeiywlbemeattsme-
' ig in the ever-popular "Troubaidour" acdmiwlnemaeg.hi et
I by Walt, it being sung with a ciredit-etr cdm itme
I able spirit and clearness. Other nand :0o'lc t ferY ninro
hers of this group were the "Hunter'r113 ~lc'tt1atmo nro
F~arewell" by. Men delssohtn and thr 247of the Natural Science building for
d elightf'ully light "Shadow March" y committee report readings, anud for'I
P'roth~eroe. A 'difficult comnposition 11iia~h election of ofitcears.
Blullard, thie "Sword of FI'errar' a%, ' The first scension of tho Academy!J
.sung with somle slight difficulty am1 which is to be open .to .the public wlli
hesitation. n,'eet at 3 o'cBlock in the wept gallery ofj
'Other talent within the' organization A1lumni Memuorial hill'!at which the
contributing to the entertainment on- f our -papers of general interest will be
listed of the.Midnight Sons', quartette< read. .An . ppreciatiot of LeRoy, I.
and Georgec Qua, '26)1j, tenor soloist Harvey will, be read by', . A. Bessey,
Qua reycaled a voice of remarkabi and a paper . on Walter B. Blarrows
power and beauty in "B.3eloved it i - iwilhe, read by. Allan C. Conge.,
Morn" by Alyward and "The St" Prof. WilliamII'. Hobbs of the geology
b)y Rogers. The quartette was d10cid- 1 departmnent will give anl illustrate~d
edly dh.-ppointing in its two groups !lecture on "The Leng tl of Geologi-
of numbers, displaying only nmomen- cal Timle Based n Observsationh
tary flashes of brilliance. I~hltePedo hsclG~o
The most popular attraction of thr ihnMl ildo hsclGoo
'entertainment w as the playing oft ' 'np E ', Prof. Almur . .Doak of the
anrd Tavares, Hlawaiian musicians ,racient history dcpartni(nt will 'speak
high calibre. The clever anipulator'i on The Historical Value.,of the Michb-}
C gnPprof the steel guitar were repeatedly gnPiyr.
called back. It was evident that the I t. A. Smith, president of the aead-
moonlit setting_ for the hauntingly emy and state~ geologist, -will deriver
beautiful music Appealed to the 1,o- the presidlenti address at 8g.o'clock
Smantic sensibilities of the assembled tom orrorw evening in ?natural sciencei
j crowd.. Booth's orchestra of sever auditorium. HiU subject will be "The
pieces was an added feature, provid- I band Economic Survey of Michigan"'.
inga 'group of popular elections play. The public is invi'ted; to this, lecture.
fed with a unique syncopation. The ! 'llowing the lectuire, the- f~earch
singing of the "Victors", "Varsity" club will' give a smoker for membors
1and "The Yellow and 1'lue" by theor the Acaidemly in. the 'University club
clubs brought thte program to a fitting- rooms, alumni hall.
jIt was evident to the auditor s to
the entertainment that the Glee lb
were not featured;*theyseemled to )- 'FROST BtbLIVtS FIRST (
a% means to anl end. The organization1
val ie t be ccoded mor proiin
exhibited sufficient finish and lnusica' Y FNE ET OK
ent position on the Program of a "Glee -
Club concert."' J.G.G. j tohaerc Prost yesterday reeived thse



Ann Arbor business places will
close 'from 12 to' 3 o'clock on.;
Good Fridtay. Special services
In celebration of the dlay are to be
held under the auspices of the
local;. chamber of commerce at
the Wuerth. theater. More thanf
200 stores have offered to coop-
erate, in the celebration at the
request of the local comnmercial
Rev. 'Herbert Atchinson' Jump
and other local men are to
speak at the services at the
Wuerth theater, which are to be
held asi a regular religious meet-
ing of the chamber of commerce.



IWithholds Details
Of New' Discovery,

Btl l Empowers]
Adm in ister


Spanish E t1;
J. 'P. Tigert.
loner of Edu-
'dress in hill

11l-HIATE 31'

bdinner will be held
morrow night in the'
he Union: seats will
0 members, at $1.25
tables may be re-
otifying L. P. Joce-.
the Club. The ,din-.
be over in time. for
to .go to the con.-
at S o'clock in Hlil1
its time the Ann Ar-
horus, under the di-
Oscar ilowen, will
oratorio, "The Mess-
ert will be compli-
embers of the club'
eir dues for 1923 J a l o e o u I
ary' at headquarter,'
on Coming
will be the time o;
esse meeting of the
+s place at 9:30 a'-
ditorium. At 11 0'-
Stefansson, note{
will deliver an ad-
litorium, which will
blic. Seats will be
Users of the School-
I10:30 o'clock.
ing the Mlichigar
s association will
u. The program foT
lodes talks by five
~two members oD
all tht, conferences
er meetings of the
idge, unless they arc
pen to the genera'i


Proposed changes in the constitu7--
tion of the Student .council will be
discussed at the meeting of the" Stu-
dlent council toniight ;at the Union. Sev-
eral articles in -the report have 'al-
ready been approved by the counceil
and it is expected that the discussion]
tonight will complete this part of theI
work on the report. All raembers o1
the student body who are interested
in the proposed changes are invitedt
to attend the meeting.
The report of the 'committeel of the
Student council working with theI
SSenate council committee on the ini-
vestigation of student government re-t
cently referred its list of changes to
the Student council for discussion be.
fore submitting it to the Senate 'coun-,
jcil for final ratification.
The report includes new methods
of electing the personnel and press-
! (ent of the council. According to the
new method the members would be
elected from the campus at large in-
stead - of from the classes while the
president would be chosen by the
ycouncil itself. It also providers for a
smaller membership, of the council,
-which would include three ex-officio
Imembers. According to the new
Imethod all candidates for election to
the council would be nominated by1
the council nominating committeeIl
although provision is male for nom-°
ination by petition also.
The council has alreoay approved
the articles relating to the' Student
council advisory committee which
would consist of mzenbers, of the
council itself, and has alsot,approved
the- position of the Managing Editor
of The Daily in the council.
Plans for holding the spring deee-
tions'will be reported on. by the elec-
tion committee, and the report of the,
council committee working with the
J-flop committee will be acted upon.

i Dr. Thomas MNorgan HI-unt, profes-s
sor of experimental zoology at Colum- Latest, Photo of Prof. Albert
bia university and reputed to be the Eintei
gr'eatest living'geneticist, ha-s been rf.AbrtEntin oedGra
socured to speak on the zoological jcientisAet oEistdiesnoteteryn
lecture series, delivering three lee ciets hs tde fteter
ture onMondy ad Tesda, Arilof relativity provoked much interest
Sand 3. . l in the scientific world, nowsasle
following the usual procedure lie has discovered a new theory which
will deliver 'one popular lecture and swill surpass that of relativity. Rie
twd'thes o a mre r lss tchncalwithholds the details of the discovery.1
nature. -"lls populiar talk will be on Iu ttsta tcnen h onc
the subjeet .Genetics ,. and Develop-j tion between the earth's powyer of at-
raent" and will be delivered at $ o'_ traction and terrestrial mnagnetismt.;
clock Monday evening in the Natural +
Science, auditorium. The- other twoIAcig Go d I
will be given one at 4:15 o'clock Mon-
da1y, afternoon~, the other at 10 o'clocl: ! om d P og a
Tuesday morning, in room 21.4 of the __
Naturail Science building. The top-'
ics will be -"!"ome Recent Work oan There was only one thing las~t night
Mutants in Drosophilia" and "The that- turned a rather mediocre Come- !
P~rticulat TbeorX of Inheritance" r-es- dy club program into a real suiccess.j
pectively. - That ' was C. J. Dreshacli, '24. Taking
Dr. Morgan who i includled am~ugI the role of Madame Fame in Dun-
the nation's greatest scientists, wyas I sany's "Fam and the Poet", Dres-
born in Lexington, Ky., and gradunt-' backhswon his audience the moment
ed from Kentucky state'whiere he also they spied him seatedf on the altar
received hi's-master's degree. Ile re- erected to Famne. Attired in feminine,
ceived his, Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins i arb,' he carried his role with suffi-
university and later received his L..L ietm cuityolndrahmr
D. from. that institution. Bcoienacuiiy;olndrahmr
Becoing1to. the situation and was greeted with
professor of biology at ]Bryn Mawr paso agtr
college in 1891 'he- gave- up this posi- el f agtr
tionr to assumte the, professorship in Received neat best was the Hun-
experimental, zoology, in -1904 which .garian rhtasody dance performed by!
position he fills $today. IHor'tensI5 Hoad, '24. Her work weasI
A' fellow of the American Associi-I good-., thtough the projected setting
tioni for the Advancement of Science which was used was not such a great,
and the Aoyal Society of London he is success. This consisted of a vividly
also a member- of many foreign andj colored stereoptican. projection onto
national societies.-Although his great-I a white screen drawn across theI
est' world 'has, been accomplished--in stage. Its' purpose -was to produce the
th'e- field of genetics his. investigations Ieiffect of actual. settings, but in th-is it
in zoology and biology In general have tfell* short.
added greatly to the scientific know.M The first play of the evening waes
ledlg' of the world. Strilidburg's "The Stronger". In this
H e -is theauthor of such autbom'ita-hr a ny'nesekn. at
tive works as _"Evolution and Adapt o "a hereX, way e s eakngpartI,
tion", "Regeneration"; "Heredity .nd [Mr5.TXe plaaed by iss Yhany or-I
Sox,". "Mechanism of Menoelian H'er- t 5 h hrce isYwspr
' edity", "Critique of the Theory of Fv- trayedl merely by pantom ne response
ohation", and many others. through facial expression, by Vir-ginia
Brodel, S. of M. Although both act-
I LA SAN E fA~T~7 ors performed well, the play didl not
. L SAN E PA LEY score heaviy The lines were so
M A Y B '.+RIESUMED e cnstructed that- but little would havel
i been lost were the role of Milss Y
WI fll A 'n m....stricken I'ruin the 4r1anmat.

ILansing, MNarch 27-(Fay A.P.;
million, two hundred thousan
h ars has been cut from theLUni~
of Michigan's building request
house committee on the Univei
jwas learned tonight.' Membei
dicted that. the ways and nieai
mittee of the~ house will make
er slashes, reducing the $7,277,
quest for the approaching Ib
period to from $3,000,000 to
Hold Bahince of Old laude
In addition to this further
has been announced by Go
Groesbeck that the state will
lease to the university. the $1,
still due from 1921 appropi-
Disposition of the unexpended
has been referred to the legit
The itemns already stricken fr
appropriation bill include $600,
anew nurses home, $300,000
school of journalism, $400,000
architectural and surveying bi
and $900,000 for a University n
SThe total for the first year
bienZnial period has been redue
j$2),597,'000 to $3,10,1' 7, and tl
the second, year from $3,680,000
Force lomoeopathic Issui
One other stipulation of the
priation bill as it has finally bj
ported out of the committee
rathler cross current to thei
Unive-zsity policie:3 is that none
$610,000 allowed for the i
college on the campus shall'
ayailable "until the Board c
,gents shall have established a
o f homoco0pathy with hospita
clinical service at least equiva
that maintained in 1920".
Undi,,er authiorization of an ac
mld by the 19211 legislature th:
gents consolidated the bonioe
school and the of~der uinit.
claimed by many legislature
t ihis authorization was granted
1921 legislature without full
standing of the situation.
-Regent,,;to Have Full. Po)
There has been one undersi
reached by the ways and meat
Imittee and the University con
however, that will be gratif;
the institutions. Both approp:
I bills when finally passed will
that the Board of Regents of IL
I versity and the State Boardc
{ culture, both elective bodies,
j administer the expenditure of
The release of the funds will h
# subject to approval of the adin
tive board but the various a
,granted will be for specific p,
and there will be no deviatio
the poliev fixed by the legisla'


- -first -copy of his .new beokt "Selictedl
LEGIOPOST TO oem#t," which 'was published r .a
i .r { N PO T& T by Hen'ry Il:olt and Company.
DAO WELFARE WOR K ! The book is au Aeian, edition. of
a 'volume- prepared for-lair. ,Frost's
The University 'Post of the Auezid- jil'glish reader's by 11einemann and
can egin dcidd a a iecinglas company .of London. The two -books
ca Iegoncecclclatametig as which- were published s~imultaneously,
night in. the Union to work with the contain no new poems ,but include on-
-local downl-town post in welfare woric ly material' ta-k0e- from - Mr.' Frost's.
to e uderake. Cmbied eetngsthree earlier books.' "North of Boa-
to b unevkn. ombnedmeeing. jton", "A Boy's W ii", anxd "Mountain
are planned with 'danees and showy ;Interval."'
also. I Hie will publish a' new book 'tis
A boxing and wrestling show 'will falwt hette"ew;msie
be ive ths eenig i th Arorywhich-is to c ontain poems which have
be gien hi evnig n te r~mry appeared' only in magazi es and
for the two posts. Four University I some Which have not -been published
w restlers andh four boxers will takeI at all. - This will be his first co nplte-
Ily newr book In seven years.
part. Dances are also heing plannied ___________
for' the near future. XH I PTTC '.LRE
A conimittee was appointed at lastE UBT PI
night's meeting for the rest of tile COLLECTION TODAY
year to carry on the plan of raring
the needed $115,000 to complete the Photograph, '¢ron iie Un vyrsity'
second floor reading r'oom nii the collection will be exhibiited in the
Union.. Only $1,000 has been gainied j west ngallery of. Alkimni Memorial hal
so far. Among- other plans to, te tried. from 1 to -6 o'clock, t.a* and-from; 9
are the selling of programs otn Oap; to 6 o'clock tomnorrow. Fridgy agnd Sat-
Night as iva-s done last spring, 'danc- urday3. Thws-e photographs. were tak-
es,1 and other benefit entertainments.! en by George R. Swin;, photographer
roo whn fnised will be Oled-I of the University 'dipeditibn in 1919-
I Iate a th "ar etran' emo40. They comnprise 120 ..iews from
Ivial". On the conmmittee. are: Clayton Franice,- ioumania, Bulgariay Cori-
IF. Jennings3,'24L, H-. L. Hastings, '24,1 stantinople, .Asia Mlno r,: Syria, Pal'-

,errios Postponed
of the University
4d on Easter Sunday,
auditorium has been
due to the various
to be held on that
~es will be held some-
g Is Her

Daniel. Swamidoss, national rural
Y. M. GC A. secretary of, India and
founder of- the famous co-operative
b anking sytern of that- country will
speak on "Conditions in I ndia": to-,
'morrow night in Lane hall. Otis 0.
Stanchfield, '07, foreign work Y. M. C.
A. secretary of the United. States, will
also speak at this time.
{Both of these mnen were, in Ann Ar-
bor last month and talkers before
audiences on topics reLatingito inter-',
national relations and work in the
foreign fields. Swainidoss was born
in India and received his early edu-
cation there. He then studied in-
America after which he returned -to'
help develop the interior parts of his
country. His greatest work in India
is the development of the co-operative
system of banks. --
Mr. Swamidoss and Mr. Stanehfield
are at present finishing a speaking
tour of the. larger universities" and
colleges in America. Mr. Swamidoss
Iwill leave soon for India to. resume
'his work thei'e. -

Maurice Rhodes, '24L;. ; estine, EgypTt, atid Greece, : , w'
-Officers for the coining year chbun This collection 'is'" unique because
last night were: post commander, of the excelleat color effects obtainedQ
fClayton F. Jennings, '24L; senior vice by the use, e otb ochtroaatic' filmis
cmadrHad agl.'5Jn n-afitr.Wa ofthspot-for vice commiander, H-arold Furlong, graphs are objects of historical in-
'241d; adjutant, Maui'ice Rhodes, '24L; terest, although considerable. local
finance officer, H1. E. Hastings,.'24- and 'color, is- in evidence. -
Chaplain, I-arry Cole of the chemistry I- Mr. Swain will lectu-re on the 'pho-
department. - togra.~hs -Friday fromn I to 2 o'clock in
a the -west- gallery of Alumni Memorial
Harry A. Snow, .statistician for the ---I
>Detroit Edison company, will speak on Seniov., lit Cmmnencemett invita-
I'i eValue of Statistics"at 7:t340o'- I tions -and -announcement's are on dlie-
clock tonight in, room 302 of the Un- ?play in the -windo,, of Grabam's hook
iony under the auspices of the Univer.- # store on State street 'and in the Tiain
sity chamiber of commerce. - corridor' of University hiall.: Order
In h1is talk lie will take up the qlues-F blank will be. mnailed to all. senior


London, Miarch 27-(B3yA.P.)--Tur-
key will, be informed within the next
48 hours that the Allies are ready toI
resume the Lausdnne' negotiations.
The -Allied' delegates' who have been
examining- the, Turkish counter pro-f
posals to the Allied peace terms f niish
ed their delibeations this evening af-
ter having drawn up ,a reply to Ismnet
Pashas letter of March 8.
it is understood that the Allies i
agreed, to- make: no ftundamental
changes to the original peace propos-
als to the Turks.
A. - elphi, debiating society heard the
tryouts for its freshman debating team
speak last night at its regular meet-
iftg'held in the cluib roonm in Univer-
sity hall. The freshmen, in their an-
nual debate w ith Alpha Nu's freshman
team will have the affirmative side of
the, question,:. Resolved, That a feder-
al, li lv requiring the' nomination of
prgsidentigal -. ndidates -by. direct pri-
manies to be held simultaneously
throughout the United States should be
adop ted. The Adelphi freshmnan team
will 'be made up-of Albert M. Stern
'26; AV. C. Dixon, '26; John AV.

Paris, March 2?--(B3y A. P,)-P re'
mienPoinca-ire, appearing before tthe
finance "committee of the chamber of
deputies today said lie had gm'ea-thope
that Germany would yield "by the end
of May."
The premier had figures giving, the
amlount of coal and coke shipped from
the occupied districts, but demanded
an assurance not to divulge such 1,"g-
ures .if anniounced. The socialist dl)p
uty ,Berthon, whom Poincaim'e re-
cently termed "an abominable scoun-
dlrel". during a heated debate in the
' chamber, refused to pledge himself to
secrecy so. the premier withheld the

Election of honorary
Class Day will be hield in
of the Senior literaryc
o'clock today in room 205
SThe class historian, classt
! poet and class prophet wil
fromn among the classt
{ more prominent parts in1
nlies of Class Day which
in the semester.
In addition to the eleci
ed repot from all standi
toss will be presented att
Suggestions for the Senii
also be given to the memos
tee at this time.
In view of the fact that
business is of utmost imp
mem~bers are urged to ali

Tickets to the annual formal dance
of the -varsity Glee club, which io to
be held Friday evening in the parlor
of Barbour gymnasium, are now on
sale by the members of the club at
$2 each. They may also be 'secuired
b~y telephoning 1680-R.
n-l t'TLlp 1pivned fa ~n,-,nrera~ms. s

a Co-ed's 'fancy
upon the shelf
ss of the season
sires for other
thQ~~e I . "


Ho-m es,''26-;.and C. .Wite

c '26, a]-



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