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March 28, 1923 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-03-28

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!' O F F IC IA L B ,U L L E T INhtm wl~ai osrcle oist l e brj+
y, Copv received until .:1--3 .t. .(11130 xa. i aturdaY.)

r 3
C i

Pn Stintnq In IBus~ness Ad nnstrato% n In eerdng, Astronomy, AVpled Statisticall Mahtr.atIcs
CIn Fcwuamie, Edntcatlon, 1%ologv,. Psyclulogy, FOrMs try an VTal Stat~sics:z
'Tables in Applied Mate aisbyJm sW lover


will be no conference of the DeMbLs on W eipesday, March N.
lei. I UT6N.
JEducat~on Assemably:
will be an assemibly of all students enrolled iu the' S01ool of E tu
dnesla ,arc w s, at 4:2b. *. , in XlfOl 2031, Tappanr HL
[uterested ;,u onrnallsfl;
,esbinen and sopbomores vrho intend lWer t0o follow. tbe, Cur ti-
urualism are asked to register I* the 'departme t of lonrzzaw,
10,y. afternoon, froze to 4, M~arch, 29, Room 80,U. IH. At this
:will be given an opportunity of Joining ,the. Students' P're"s
ell as of enrolling nas prospe.,rtve cadidatese far the certif Bate in
1 3. L.UR1I1N.
9gan Acadlemy 'of. ScieneArts, andl Letters:
annual meeting of the Michigan Acadlemy of S6ct s.'e Arta,' and
ill 'be held in Ann .Asher, March 2$-M. All" intereeted are in-
tend it s masions,
frt gession will 1be held on Weduesday, Mach 28, at a P. in.,
*ry; AumniBuilding. The following paCetrswll ;be .l a :
TH Harvey, an appreciation El. A. IRisey.
r1b. Barrows, Allan C. Conger.,
jeflgth of Geological Time Based- on Ob srvtions with, thts
'hysiWa Geology (illnetrate), William l*erbert Hobbs.
iatorical Value of tire: Michian 'aiy$i, Arthur It 1boaX.
p.M. State Geologist R it.A.'8Smith will give'tile pr sldentlal' ad-
lie laud rcononmic Survey of Michigan, (Natux+l Sciensce Aui-
Faollowing this address a smoker will be givon for, the miembers
td y by the, Reaearch Club itl the room' of than Uulv~irrttT'
C ktl. 1). AIUJRl. Sretart.

Inclues; luterest T1ables 284- pages; :Insurance and Vital iStatistics Tables, 104 pae;
wTables for Statisticians and Y)oietriciams, 100 pages; Seven place Logarithims, 1
to 1 $004,16iae.



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Your Orders


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f {{






Writer Sweet and 1111k Chcolates°
7k Lb.

Parcel ]Post Orders
Should Be Placed
At Once


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We Deliver in Ann Arbor, Detroit
and Cleve ad
Parcel Post Anywhere

We Make our OwneD~
Compare Prices Elsev
100 Llbs. Cane
Sugar ...... ... ...

The MacDiarroid Candy Co.
Next, to' Arcade Theatre

71l5 Nr. Unaiversit Ave:
Ain Arbor




E salsf ig ' 01u
date of the next meeting of the Gradoate Buglish Club has been
from the 21st to thle 2$th. It will be Meld In the 'p &ioN 'of the
ewberry Residlence at 8 o'clockt. Pof essor Straus s will talk onl
nywmous School for Scandal; . MRON STUlkXJIY.
* aaal Literature Sect1fn, l emhgn A edety:
rarn for Section: Thursday, 9 to 12 a. mn., NOwbCIPy Audttoriult.
in ;)avdson, N~eo-RIomanticist", Professor Robert M.t Wenz.ey.
3liwinary Report on Waxed Tablets from Elgypt Recently Az'dodt!9
*,Frsity Collection", Professor Franeis W. l~sey.
,.-!A. ofForlmal. Graraamr and Its-.Hiltory" Dr. Charles C. l#ries,
yl4Y. Interested is cordially invited to came= and hear, these
- , JOHN W.,SCI 10L4 ,Vte P restiet.
c4ds~s in ,ay Production (Puiblic Spakig '1a, 14f and A149)
stit j~otb Tarkington's, four --at com edy "CGlaremica" on the 'stage
r~ity Hal on Friday evening, M~~rch .5,, ;at 8 o'clock~ sharp., An
)n :will 'he charged to cover tine cost of production. The audience
'eta to be, seated by. 8:.6!'clock .in order twat the;,play' may begin
y at that hour. This is the flit of the, series of ive. programs of
1(t. reitals to be' given )by,:the 1Play Production clase: '
't.. D. . 40.S..S'T'I.

Grand-clad used to carry his cash in a black leather wallet about the size of 2-
I ~ A diminutive valise. He would draw this overstuffed bill-fold from the caver-
now depths of his trousers pocket, carefully unwrap the leather thong that;
circled the generous girth of its circumference, and, with the air of an emperor,
draw forth a bill.
He had some excuse for all the pains he took. In Grand-dad's youth a
checking account was a non-existent phenomenon, and savings banks were few
and far between. People were compelled to carry their excess cash withWI
them- and" they, early learned to take care of it.N
j ~Today, with all the conveniences of modern finance, many young folk , are
' apparently not learning the lesson of thrift that Grand-did knows so well. The
habits formed in' Youth. stay with us thru life. Why not form the habit of
saving? Grand-dad did.
'7. __ ____ __
IiThe Annh Arbor' Savings Bank
Reore The,6009of00 riTwoy t acese"I
, "U
" -U
#1"##1#!ft# itr'c E#11t.1i itttt1 1#i#111 i i1l~i## t#1 i#R T wot!!1#N#llulli1I#!#tFi~tl

Bushel White

45c Coffee
(Best Value) Onily, ...
$1.00 ROYal Satsum Tea (
,(A Full Pound) .",..... .
35c Breakfast CocoaI
(As, Good as Baker's)
75c Large Juicy Sun
Kissed Orangs. "....".

* ~ . . *...9.9 *~49

.; .

55c Sun Kissed.

* *99 9* 0 S~l Y* *~9 9

35c Can Hunt's
Peaches . . .. ..

9 . 9 9 9 9 * ~ 0 0

,s Tw si g C rspreceded by Inspection, will 1)eeheld at, 4 p. mn. Wtoa . ti~
Minu proper macks in IR. 0. T. C. officc and fall In undrrs.
Swill &ocure copios of the ~omnpany rollt before thle. term.a
of 'iinclornent wutthcr, then will report to, the us~ual, clasw
JOH N A. B3ROOKFS, JR ., A~utailV
t ture, cince, smA thle .Arts, otbe~atics ,:
3 O'clock clas 1A.rMath. £ will rwi~t i ltRoom 106 Mason hul
c* .9.:C.,tR REID.

yi. Mlar
*!:la F

~is requested that all those interested tin the formnation, of a C &mtn
pet- in Roozr 347 Lg' 1Bldg. at 7 ;3b p. in. Thursday; . Ari-ch A All
ii%".or the tUnlveri~ty, $ho re irae ested ,ln any Phase f hgtogra.
re' %i~iito4 cd re Vtd toatten4ct7.N1 K 2 IlP.
1*~ d%t'tt*Vi4.: -a.
?xA class i iSpecial Methiods in Iistoiry ~'ill trot 'ui~eCT 1hur:d at I
Insetead all members of the clasl are urge to atttud the 'History
E5y e oi l0r to'e ollowing stitdeats are ,higth ,forp pultiit4 on: Donald iU Fred-
IIorlcc W. 'Olasgow, No ruan f,-John~on, 'Belfor4 V'. te*~6n; Jaine%
Uer, ,and MGlolvln H, Specter. " 'The' subject for ortoo is !'Studetit
tter. for Worid Citizenship, $ptrltual and Mora,;.1'Oration ,must be
en ,70Q uad, 1,800, ;words, ahd eJawud be ,fu the hand® of the Vabhle
:irg TpaMrtinenit not late' than ApnrIl 21.
J. K. DUNN,' Chairman, .Local Conterts.
rofesagr H. R4 Thieine will deliver an 'illUstrated, lecture on 441an
*Is Mill1et t6d y'(arch 23) at 4 :15 Inthe Natural "Science 4udtar
TI lecture w111 be obil to the public.,¢

Best Butter
(Strictly Fresh) Only
For _Easter b nc
'Lowest Prices
Swift's Premium
35c Large Bottle of Catsup,
Snider's Brand,_OnI-v
80c English ''
Wralnt~dMeats "...e." .."."
38c Long Shredded2
Cocoanu, 1rLb

1 .
{ .
' ,

Your Telephone Manager
Is Res ponsible to You for

Good, .Telephone


Lower Than Anyone,on Cannc
Best of Quality

te ytct14
'3.e foIJowing ri
Emnxc I; ipk
.lpC:} adyots M
j}otupaiic4. FI'
X4r6, $ayedby
- . atuck..
.' .. a .. .. $ di

riteerhig'so a, eI~ ettag: ,-
ng of the i nj~inoes'4ig Socety schedhle faor, Weone* f
8, as bin poetpom~d to Thiursday ,eventing, April 11
WILLAM 'A. COTTQN$,AJI' resideut',
"4a4,f will be gIven by the 4.vanb d studen!ts of the
Wre~Alestlay evening, ';March' 2$,-at 730 o'clbck at' the!
, No. 2' (Sitt),, Ca'vatlua, 0p. X14, No. 2- (Bohmn).Jeaz-4
'this 1itle Flwer(Ronald),nTbielFrstiu urm~~,e v
icker; Noturne, Op. 16 (Chop~,n), Mtude, Ovi 26, NO.
Morton ; 'Romnance. (Dpbussy ),,, A.])ream :.(Grieg) ; Avoi$
ajar, ( Op.= G' (jeelioyezi) ,ucle :.elay;-'Tih® She$ .
Der Sclhmfed',ralim),Glee 'Baker; .The .accoumoio
Paulin lKaiser, Mary. Pearl. ,Anna .Gabler andl- Mar-
- - '* ' GARLElS A'SlINK$-Secretary.:
ireclors, ate desired, for t.o' ,or iaal pleyd to be,,pre.-
ir Robert' n 7st's "One *ay Ot",,Mr, Iroit ,i ilbe
(fBORGE .R..-S bWkR, ,.
M~yI. the part of the stern f'ather. It isa
ToNIGHTcomplicated Qve .atory, involving the"
TONIGHT~ixgh and'. low, in 'life, the eternal tri-
' aun , ' aid "a' thitiIlz*' mdfior 'rac..,
ll begin its run hdft

Your Telephone Exchange Manager is 'directly respon-
sible to you for your telephone service.
We urge you particularly to meet and know him.
Sometimes, there may be little, irritating difficulties
with the service that the ordinary trouble report does
not seem to-quite clearnup.. In such cases the Telephone
Man~ager will make it a matter of personal attention to
see that service is restored to-your satisfaction.'
Bhut 'don't wait until then to make his acquaintance.
Drop into your etelephone office,' some day, and meet
him.;,If he is not-:in, capable' representatives will gladly.
attend your telephone; needs: Or leave your card, and
the Manager himsel will call on you.t

Large Package
Rolld ats ..

9 .199 9C

1 Lb. Sun

Maid 'aisins
Packages 99.090



2,3c Large Prune
Sun -Sweet Santa laras



25c IDmontme Can Corn
(Cheaper by the doz.)
Palm-Ola Butter, BestI
Butter Substitute, Only,"-4L

The telephone people will give you
about your own telephone service or
mttees in general.

any information
about telephone

l c Best-G rade White Crepe4
Toi1let Paper......
Nothing Better To Be H ad

Th- are animated. wit1i just one purpose -their
primary and most, important- business is to serve. you.

We Don't Mean ~to Be Undersold

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