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March 25, 1923 - Image 2

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SUNDAY, MARCH 25, 1923

Letters to the Editor
FROM A READER OF THEL SUN2DAY force sch standa ds of verity and
MAGAZINTE soundprinciples of criticism as will
Sir:maen end of the reckless disparage-;
Rather broad and sweeping are the ment, cheap sel-advertisemnt, -and
assertions made regarding the Sundy, "hore-play" which it must be admit-
Magazine. Elmer Sorles Loomis states ted have characterized a number of
that no one, to his knowledge, ever andces published in te Magaine dur- '
reads it. The intelligent students ig the past two years.
don't, the staff nmembers don't, only F. T. F. '2.
their own work, and the cmpus --___ -___
I nmust say that the author of these Sir:
statements doesn't knosw my own orI With a firmness equal to, and a
a score f my friends' Sunday habits. santy (S hope) superior to that dis-
I happen to know a number of stu- played by recent issues of your maga-
dents wvho are above the average in zin, I should like to present the
grade making. We often discuss the case against you. Your attitude, a-
rticles in te Sunday Magazine and though not intolerable, apears to me
some of these same students write fo - and, indeed,' perhaps mst at-
it! Imagine it. Write for the maga- dnsqieujsiibe emtm
zinc and dscus's eacts others' articles! dnsqieujsiibe emtm
Such a. stuation wsill be startling to to indicate nmore particularly whatI
Mvr Loomi'. A last year's student who refer to, and, in conclusion, to suggest
stecaltiz toin iteratsure, contributted a policy the pursuance of whichl may
to thts magaz ie occasionally and bringa greater tdegre of suecs-s5to
gradutedt switthPhit Beta Kappa lon- you anti a greater tmesure o satis-
searssce ait to fie that tetains ra- faction to your readets.
iscntor iersubibhctting tr the Michi Chief among the article to wicit
gut Daityfortettnstitng'year sastoI, a wetl as evry otter ttougthtful
obtintthtte Sundai-y Itagazine. Mr. yet conservative sttdettt.soatit take
l~oort iust foter titioinio hat exceptiotn, is Etiter Sores Loumis'
descdn'eecti;ottltecampsitto itiisgceuctl iatribe agaittht e est
ay tat octy athll dozetn cani appe- sit ourticatps pbtiicatios; a dit-
riate i. Stot ony to he tdoig a0itt tribe cupotd witt the most atstrt
justice to the stsens lbuf to he ltte- nttitI ay say si, fawnig etlogy
ple of the townvttndnlumtitni as setl. tf ocr so-cated htutotoustsmiogazine.
ie suffers fromtenctc! to geter- t shoutldtlike to see ithiis article !
Slize fromsthSie rettlts of his own nar- a tephwvrptfl thmr
rots' observatiotts. statmt tict tftl ttoto
1 am mtarrioed, have ttty seswittg andti ha Sfear that the mtisguied ctttis'.s
lottse tuties to tpterformttntittit a y yottt socomposedit iiis itt leattls-
t(7 rare o. Otto ran see that t Ist-sint cntlest.. Untfortuntately, it is at octe
t:e titt to ireadi atlte good tusks event tt te possesneither tir
that 51i. Loomils sayts our intelligentt exteriette 'nothte tability necessr
tdents do. I edoatS tn otaerage totne silhois-sulstettnliy tatd ion-E
tusbok of fictiotn a week. I its ike stratively iscutss .iteatut'e. Of te
toi knows- soettiiitg abuttitinits- tri-e utint ittcriicistihelia no
cratle is-ttts tat 1Saeito timeraticonttcepttit: te is bitS a childl scnt-
midthiereshavttiealiel- m tns ectrit on tly estroi'nlg whauti hietdoes nitS
review:, itt yost ittagzietu I-wceontcosuptrotind.
otehatetad theii riitnalitpitodutiotutu'. or stsurtlyit is eiuent isthtSic
it is interestittg antdiedutoatigtoise oe.nsit uterttand ite atheticit
hros yourt-ottoptititirtorpstresc-witih att fat Ssi taaits-e
ohers. Tit(,,tpersutaittn teit-ewiicreottiici 1s otetofan , ot-mgieIsithtlit
ut-c filled ithlltthat tuisttyts ,ocure agyl.1soud
;therewhchltis so tnrressary it if e aitntttexiec tatperstioittoost-' ob-
is mantts intetecuiiatrhienit itofIiosy cutite taste t jerceie tei
sitllege ttpionuclegewiitr. he ptatiswtrthy suiritatittttating Witist
articlesositutitcirtendttoiariose outcs \s aturlly -ettough, ot tltot
Iterestantd appireciationttoftht art Vthititiss i tntributitisi.deerse itt-j
attidte skechtes of the tmatty-artists Iqutitfiedprise;tetsI-S'Souitldtlfyt-
ti-iosisiS Attn Acittir hcqatiitiits swiit S ii it'.mitstttoouciir event ii
tarts of their livstwhitichimatettisisfeel rivet, trier poetry t-ittntmost Otic-
tearer to them. s r-- itittubltidin iiWh iittisesittie
On tewtole, I truly apprite it s ticeptsittto.L isits t1Sdi not
yourit nattgaine, densve intellectul utistri et i tttoibjeits ti c- ictal
bteeit frottiit, gladlty ire it sy titttpor ry;'TeirhaSis r c-t esi-
ct-erySuttntay tmonittg andithope thttu iy' lie-disguestingl--adoilsceinti
te gooidwtiksilittcontinute. BStlt o .lam t t ii'. iitit t S ar-vior-
is hetrless uf'*Mr. isosti. ingeioiltaff ojisdwic
. K. '21." s'-otlt nfinp-Irautii tfiac -talsf toois-
AX OBIIJECTlION T'11E(KLEISS atti iticb t rit5'.perniciou.std-
D SPAIIAC'1i)S)EN''. cit-wiiout beiwoit-st-hy- tliofs' ca-itnt
Sit:;its- ies''.hu'it-elf asyin itts i'heat
Whtenta frieud o ittntue ecenttly i-- epirmes ais.itCimes antd i inte
fi-red scathingly to artt trtice trited t 5t iihyhmr ocuitcittititiits ionstto
it te Sunday Magazitie, Itmildliy tok, it uuct'eWin1sait ic itesanttilt
hiintto task tot' his set-rc pessimistmt 't'.sate soutldt be - '.tt'.id'ofitself
lisaever,wenteI S rieast anoderai'ts fr sat-tugpualitc so artce sit it-
fraction of the "Review of CaniputsjuSsitsociep so juvele
Publications" ini last Stunday's i ''tic 'Yet tere hae appeareci in your
I appreciated fully the fitess of te iages at least fou compositos-or
tertm sy friend had tused. 'ffots I preeto call thent-worse
I have no wisht to speak of tetieritstha tiosnis becaise more insiious.
ot' demteritst of Iparticularustaemes'LIokuioods "tdividality itt Negro
in tte tiicle nmentiottedI ot naonsosMsic "at firt sigtSall n itresing
readiog it could give sis weghti ttt0statearcliscsot
t what ia. said, it so evideitt a spi tan ifomtv arclssen n
of itsiticerity, not o say rbaldry itro'.erexainuationu to resitlve itself
is he stirit atid caracter of the a-tr itot a sbthleattck oinoder ivi~el-;
tide as ti swhole, disrtediitng its sa-iac titott Sime of Batrron's su, in-
tirtlar steetsi, wiich itpeltitoe'l ieedi i .an oupet assalt ot tll that
write yout tttd express ts' settimesuthlenostlte itti laboiriots effots Of the
it aroused. Ias. have garterid foits; a reection
As a reader whto hsaltways shetldinot tietely oSte aterial eneits, but
te Daily' ansI the Siudia gt-ai' alsi thde ieals, itt Civilzatiot; a
ini esteen, I felt keetsreget cutpnit tictirate iefenetofithe debased ad
reacing te article itt quetitn.t t e te intutrat. 'hese teniecies tp-
ieve tisetditorst ae sinucere inthei peasritote siutly maifiesteud till, but,
efforts to urntoriut a creiditahlecsit, inuioitaby present, its an article by ,
aitd tereore I cannth eltsfeelingh Sisle Ruse wichilstias etitei (withl
hot they swere imtposiedttupoit by ttca Sfe',~ oi
wtitrs ifthte so-rtilleudrviewi. I ott servatoi Ratmptant. Ithiis trtice,
~neteroctroni etectltdttitundet te guie uofiiConservative, te

BtiSit is ntuteisoigi toiirecsta ies-autor d uisipltis tiraptbteotsis if thus-
this ftitr mit let iS guiaStithti.at,'hieuisotuhiiu uacctsistss itti ci;tsut hi-
teadecs of thsetaitly tote it righlttoing lessthiatt this.-tht ev'reiitis. is
expecet thast is poussibilities fort'service itaut-tade, suject iiishift sti it is ini
stialle hirltuy retualied. It woiiulid sti- r tcI 5sitallipreter tewstS.fitheut
Srinse smc'if yoniithutnot receive Otis' S ash ttnlySbetause it seetmts.to its
hrsesTs less temptiertatethaun uttitetietter5 thu iti t'hiiitetry uSfite t ituiu'i.
titti nthe ittithe in qtuesiti, and iIfSlitshue nitt hyillpiiituuat tin.ai ul
tthis expetSationsI'.ist amisi, I hsiste of allitthatuhistianity''it'I Airt htu'
yost will he tmoed So adlopt attulen- ii iuuttttucrtoitsP"te 'Tiree)

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