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February 19, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 91) • Page Image 9

…# SUNDAY, ~TTDRUARY 19, IM THE MICHIG iS bxlr PAGE ;!NINE- -- ~TJNDY, u~iJLy 19 195J PA...N moo" U' Portrayed in Pictures By 'Campus' A brand new campus maga- 4 zine-the first issue came out reg- istration week-serves to record University activities pictorially. Given the all-embracing name "Campus" by its enterprising ed- k itors, the Magazine is slated to appear twice monthly. "It will feature sports, social life, profiles, '_and oth...…

February 19, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 91) • Page Image 10

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1950 .. , I i Saifing Club Unbeaten ini FOUNDED IN 1882: 'Technic' Oldest College Engineering Magazine Ten Years Men and women students who thrill to the lure of billowing sails, fresh air and splashing water should 'find a "limitless" source of fun and relaxation springing from membership in the Michigan Sail-, ing club. Organized to provide facilities for sailing and ice boating for in- terest...…

February 17, 1950 (vol. 0, iss. 88) • Page Image 7

…WOMEN'S JUDICIARY See Page 4 :1 Latest Deadline in the State tii CLOUDY, WARMER ANN ARBOR. MCHIGAN FRI AV.'r'FP ta nu~T17.10 _,. aa-a au-a aanca IL 1 H . SIX PA( Power of the Press ti 4 =Daily-Burt Sapowitchl BACK WITH TALENT-Daily Managing Editor Leon Jaroff, with his back to the camera, surveys the result of the annual call for tryouts. Some men also came out for the paper. Jaroff was, to put it mildly, enthusiastic. Editor's Ap...…

February 17, 1950 (vol. 0, iss. 88) • Page Image 8

… y-r THE MICIMAN DAILY r. IFMAy, FEBRUARY 17;- 1950 FRIAY FURA1~ 1,__5 etas Dorm Fives gers Resume Play Basketball held the limelight >ed in 13 points in this week's intramural events eat Pi Lambda at the IM Building- as residence 'roldman coun- halls A and B fives both saw ac- oints the vai- tion. o score against In dormitory "A" league games, current lead- Williams House defeated Strauss, ue. 34-23, and Hinsdale beat Win- * chell House ...…

February 17, 1950 (vol. 0, iss. 88) • Page Image 9

… .. .. _____________________.T T i1T T'A N I A T 4 Pueksters, Trackmen Battle Colorado, Illini * * , 'M'-Tiger Clash Offers, Possible Tourney Berth Shift Matches McEwen Against Indian Mile Aces By BOB SANDELLE Vic Heyliger and his Wolverine puck squad can just about clinch an NCAA tournament bid this week-end if they can tame the Colorado College Tigers in a two game setto opening this evening at 8:00 p.m. in the Coliseum. Under a new t...…

February 17, 1950 (vol. 0, iss. 88) • Page Image 10

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1950 . ....r. . . . ThIOMAS L. STOKES: 'isionaries' WASHINGTON-It is the babbit - or fashion - in some quarters in this critical hydrogen bomb era to use the terms "fuzzy-minded," "idealistic," "sentimental," "visionary," and "impractical" about those among us who are asking that something a bit out of the routine be done to get peace in the world. These latter folks, however, are patient and long-su...…

February 17, 1950 (vol. 0, iss. 88) • Page Image 11

… FRIDAY, FEBRhUARY 17T, 1950~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY r _ _ _ Wyvern To Maintain Local Status Following Discussion Both Sides of Chimes Question Given By Past Wyvern Coeds C. Wyvern, junior women's hon- orary, has decided to remain as a local organization instbad of mak- ing application to become nation- al, after many weeks of pro and con debate. Chimes is the national junior women's honorary to which Wy- vein members discussed becoming af...…

February 17, 1950 (vol. 0, iss. 88) • Page Image 12

…TilE MT~T-TtGAN )ATLY - CARS IN 'GOLDEN ROY': 'U' Boxer Plays Music-Loving Fighter uepar of yngfists, which University, team up with pro dional stage experience in the .dent Players' production of lIden Boy" at 8 p.m. today and iorrow in Pattengill Audi- The fists belong to boxer Ron Boble, who plays Joe Bonaparte, a violinist turned "pro" boxer, and the experience belongs to Mrs. Marie D. Miller, director, who has dJoth acted and directed ...…

February 16, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 88) • Page Image 1

…9alyRolls * * * * Out Welcome Mat for Tryout Staff T HE ROAD TO journalistic success, and to success in many another field, starts at 420 Maynard St. That's where a group of forward-looking students will gather at 4 p.m. today to learn how The Daily can offer them the most valuable experience they'll ever get on this campus. MANY A FUTURE newspaper editor, foreign correspondent and writer will pass through the doors of the Student Publi...…

February 16, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 88) • Page Image 2

… TT HGAN I DAILYI - -MTiTRSUA r, E-RUARnuuY- 1N ( a License, o Coffee, Ly Officials SHINING CAST: 'Golden Boy'Production Has Professional Touch v A local restaurant operator yes- .erday said that he had been hreatened with arrest by city! zealth department o f f i c i a lis ;hould he attemapt to pass out free offee from a truck in the future, without obtaining an-eating es- ablishment license for the truck. The restauranteur, J. D. Mill...…

February 16, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 88) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Gymnasts Surprise Gophers, 52-44 Newcomers Strengthen Revamped Puck Squad Laz, 15 Feet Vault Ace, To Lead Illini Trackmen By BILL CONNOLLY The second man in the history of track and field competition to clear the much sought-after 15 feet height in the pole vault will be in Ann Arbor Friday afternoon. "Illinois will present its prodig- ions vaulting star, Don Laz, to Michigan traci- fans in the dual meet between the Wol...…

February 16, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 88) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THUYRSDAY, FEBRUVALRY 16, 19Sa I I ~~ .,-'.- .1 L. STOKES: Democracy A bdicates .... . ,._ a NTASHINGTON-President Truman's pub- licly announced decision to go ahead ith the hydrogen bomb met almost unani- .ous approval in Congress or, as one news- aper headline put it: "Both Parties in Con- 'ess Join in Support of Super-Bomb Plan." An immediate reaction to such head- ines, because of the contrast, is the sud- Len rea...…

February 16, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 88) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Betrothal Revealed Lasting Style, Design Found in Good Silver 0 By RUTH COHEN Before the dawn of civilization, everything was purely utilitarian- a dish consisted of a hollowed out gourd, a spoon was a shell set into a split-ended stick and tied tight- ly in place. These crude implements per- formed a necessary function, but that was all. As man became somewhat civil- ized, he began to. embellish his utensils with crude c...…

February 16, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 88) • Page Image 6

… ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ___THE WMICHIGAN DAILY ' TnTTnSI)AT, FEBP.rArY If, 1950 rus Girls' Try Out for 'Lace It Up' By PAUL BIENTLINGER "Swing your arms - left and ght and da-da-da!" Husky men clad in GI shoes, T- Airts and other appropriate garb llowed these instructions yester- y as tryouts for the 1950 Union pera proceeded in full swing. ALL THE ATMOSPHERE of sting for a top-flight Broadway usical production pervaded the nfines of R...…

February 15, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 87) • Page Image 1

… Y' J-HOP GRAVY TRAIN See Page 4 Y Latest Deadline in the State 4 6F Qi Q SNOW VOL LX, No. 87 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 15, 1950 EIGHT PA rte.. S T I 11 L Washington Curbs Coal Purchases Strike Continues Without Letup WASHINGTON- ()-Informal coal rationing began in the Capi- tal last night on the eve of court- ordered new negotiations for a soft coal contract. The nationwioe miners' strike, meantime, continued fu...…

February 15, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 87) • Page Image 2

…MMIPMEMMU 71r- THE MIWhIGAN DAILE' WEDNESDAY, FEBRUYARY 15, 1950 1 , ..r I..., )AILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in The Daily Official lulletin is constructive notice to all nembers of the University. Notices or the Bulletin should be sent in ypewritten form to the Office of the ssistant to the President, Room 2552 dministration Building, by 3:00 p.m. n the day preceding publication 11:00 a.m. Saturdays). WEDNESDAY, FEB. 15, 1950 VO...…

February 15, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 87) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY LUBRICATED LIGHTNING: McEwen Sets Record Time Hard Way ss seetGophers i By BILL CONNOLLY race, and t "And Mc Ewen did it the hard slightly in i way, too!" But McEwe That's what trackmen are say- "I d rather ing about Don McEwen's record- for the first shatt-ring 9:06.9 two-mile time t on on theI turned in in the Michigan-Wis- how much I consin dual meet last Saturday tryin for a\ year," he add it Saturdayi HIS RECORD TIM...…

February 15, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 87) • Page Image 4

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY J-mHop Gravy Train tbNCE MORE a teipting, lucrative gravy train has steamed away from the IM building, laden with dollars from the pockets of thousands of students. The gravy was shipped out in the form of high profits for printers, photographers, dance bands and professional decorators. The University itself took over $1,000 for rental, police protection and labor. For on Friday and Saturday evenings this campus was the ...…

February 15, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 87) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Women To Register Today For Panhel Spring Rushing Council Head TO SHEAR OR NOT TO SHEAR: Explains Many Short HairCau< Judiciary Duties By JANICE JAMES hair cuts. A wa ses Dissension (V Spring rushees will take the final preliminary step before open houses and parties begin when they register from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. today in the League Ball- room. At 7:30 p.m. they will gather in the ballroom for a mass meet me-ing, A ski...…

February 15, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 87) • Page Image 6

…TIIE MIC HIGAN ILY ' Women Receive Scholarships Congratulations was split between two receipients. The winners were Helen E. Dorrance, '51, Joan Elizabeth Robinson, '52 SM, Marion D.. Hinchman, '51 and Frances W. Hanslovsky, '52 SM, Stockwell. Miss Hinchman and Miss Hans- losky divided one award. Other winners are Mary Ann Whitney, '51 DH, Hinsdale House; Sannah Ardith Brack '53 Angell House; Guinevere A. Dorn '52 SM Kleinstueck; Helen P....…

February 15, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 87) • Page Image 7

…1950 THE MICHIGAN DAILY WON'T PREDICT Professors C By BOB KEITH Three political science depart- ment men who are specialists in British government and election procedure will fly to England to- day to observe and survey the Bri- tish general elections. Department Chairman James K. Pollock, Prof. Samuel J. Elder- sveld and Prof. Lionel H. Laing will make the two-week trip to get an on-the-spot view of the vot- ing which takes place Feb. 23. ...…

February 15, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 87) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WED aternity Hospital n Oli to Patients * * * I NEW MATERNITY HOSPITAL-Located just east of University Hospital, the ultra-modern new Maternity Hospital has facilities for 77 patients and 82 babies. Work was begun on the building early in 1947 and it was completed at a cost of $1,725,000 this year. * * * * * * New Building To House 77 Mothers, 82 Babies [ODERN WASHER-STERILIZER-Senior nursing student Dorthea ...…

February 14, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

… SOCIALISTS See Page 4 TM Latest Deadline in the State 43I FREEZING RAIN VOL. LX, No. 86 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1950 SIX PAGES Doctor Fired In Fight With 'U' Employee Negro Woman Claims Beating By JAMES GREGORY Dr. Neil H. Sullenberger of Uni- versity Hospital has been dis- charged following his alleged 'beating of Mrs. Louise Philpot, Negro elevator operator. sa Mrs. Philpot charged in a not- arized statement that D...…

February 14, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 86) • Page Image 2

… ,' ;.. :.. THE MICHIGAN DAILY;; TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1950~ U' To Sponsor Research Expeditions Five University faculty members il soon scatter to distant parts the world on research and edu-R Striking out the farthest from odern civilizations, John Clark,s eturer in geology, will take a Hall expedition to Pakistan and ashmir for the Central Asiatic - esearch Foundation. * *, THE EXPEDITION will provide edical aid to natives and teach em si...…

February 14, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 86) • Page Image 3

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY _I M' Wrestlers Defeat Hawke s, 15-9 Nelson's EigIhth Straight, Win Sparks Wolverines j WOLVERINE ROUNDUP: Track Trio Steals Vacation Spotlight Michigan's wrestlers chalked up u their sixth victory in eight starts, when they defeated a strong Iowa mat squad, 15-9, last night in Yost Field House. Again sparked by Larry Nelson's superb grappling in the 128 pound bracket, the Maize and Blue was hard pressed all the...…

February 14, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 86) • Page Image 4

… I THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUJESDAY, FEBRUAR~Y 14, 1950 i )MAS L. STOKES: Socialists Opportunity S tate "But This Thing Isn't Getting Any Bigger" ASHINGTON-Some months ago it was observed here how the term "Socialism" was replacing "Communism" as a label of opprobrium used by foes of social reforms embodied in New Dealism, Fair Dealism, and such. That was manifest in debate in Congress and in public speeches and statements outside. It was fo...…

February 14, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 86) • Page Image 5

…TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1950 "THE MIHIGAN DAILY Spring Rushing Program Begins Hue I Groups Betrothal Told As Coeds Register Tomorrow Panhellenic will launch its spring rushing program when rushees register from 9 a.m. to G p.m. tomorrow in the League' Ballroom. According to Marilyn Flynn, rushing chairian, all women who intend to rush must register form- ally, whether or not they signed up at the tentative registration. WAA Notices R...…

February 14, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 86) • Page Image 6

…TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1950 THE MICHIGAN DAILY I " Y STRATION EXPLANATION: .ilroad Tickets Irksome Economical By ROMA LIPSKY he thousands of student hours hundreds of bottles of ink at the beginning of each ester to fill out the registra- railroad ticket may be ex- ingly irksome to students, but process saves the University 'oximately $22,000 a semester. -cording to Assistant Registrar ard Groesbeck, the University d have to spend about $1...…

February 13, 1950 • Page Image 1

…The, 'S.: 0 Manch of Di J-HOP Off Guard For Over A Century r Monday, February 13, 1950 OPENING- NIGHT-The entrance to the I-M is one mass of lights, people and noise as the J-Hoppers begin to arrive. FINISHING TOUCHES -- Bar- bara Munn puts the finishing touches on Carol Walker's hair- do while waiting for dates. ANTICIPATION-Joe Cyr and Bill Schmalhorst pick up dates Pat Scanlon and Helen Carson and start for the I-M Building. Se...…

February 13, 1950 • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY mr-Im THE MICHIGAN DAILY w w . Page Two Moriday, February 13, 1950 Monday, February 13, 1950 J-Hoppers Dance i, -- NAMESo.. (Continued from Page 25) Relax to Music I "Deep In B lues" By DON McNEIL Monday morning came wearily into existence today, held back from full reality by a string of remembrances which kept more than 2,500 couples still caught up in th magic of the J-Hop weekend. The "greatest dance of the...…

February 13, 1950 • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY I Monday, February 13, 1950 ti' .41 )ietitian Makes Application or Five Cent Hot Dog Stand DAILY SPOTLIGHT: Promotions Men Run Wild on Campus J-HOP P irl rix trt ttxt I Off Guard For Over A Century Monday, February 13, 1950 "What this campus needs is a good five-cent hot dog stand," Reginald B. Reinhardt, East Quad dietician, declared yesterday as police released him from impri- sonment in a "cabin" outside Yp- ...…

February 13, 1950 • Page Image 4

… p-Rv 9 ~4, THE MICIHIGAN-DA'LY I :THE MICHIGAN DAILY Monday ebruawy,,13,;1950 maee It Up' To Ply March 29, 30, 31 * * * * * * * * * Union Opera Road Tour Also Planned By PAUL BRENTLINGER "Lace It Up," second in the re- vived series of the Michigan Un- ion Opera, will be one of the high- lights of the campus' entertain- ment parade during the second semester. With an all-male cast, includ- ing a line of gorgeous masculine chc r...…

February 13, 1950 • Page Image 5

… , ..: s ob , " ; A, I -A- Mondays.February 13, 1950 HIGAN DAILY (Continued from Page 23) Dean; Joan Lennon and Donald DeVries; Louise Leonard and Jim Frost; Vanis Lephart and John Brumbaugh; Martha Lee Lesher and Merlin Hughes; Mr. and Mrs. Jacques Les Strang; Joanne Levey and Jerry Freeman; Helin Levin and Al Riefler.' BARBARA LEVISTEIN and Bud Frank; Gary Levy and Eli Schoen- field; Ann Lewis and Theodore Munsat; Patricia Lewis and ...…

February 13, 1950 • Page Image 6

… ,., .vi. - i.' i. ._... . Pu THE MICHIGAN DALLY Monday, February 13, 1950 Monday, February 13, 1950 THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY ' MERRY GO ROUND: The Truth About The PIGS By SCHMOE McPHERSON Has anyone wondered, besid the members of the ticket com mittee, why not a single membe of Pi Iota Gamma sorority at tended the J-Hop? Not one of th charming creatures enhanced th occasion with her presence. How ever, my investiga...…

February 13, 1950 • Page Image 7

…Tw -W - 11 ;;,.1 mm A _ f __- H A. G N THE MICHIGAN DAILY Monday, February 13, 1950 2 .. M dy Fb ry , Monday, February 13,. 1950 THE I AN -r .. *- R DAILY j Continued from Page 21) and Edward Sidor; Beth y and Richard Golden; Pat y and Don McNeil; Carol W. De Mond and Karl M. Fleck- ner.. Joyce Denison and KeithI Frey. Jackie Ann Dennison and Rich- ard A. Fenington; Mary Ann Det- zer and Bruce Jones; Janet Dewey and Stan Spaeth;...…

February 13, 1950 • Page Image 8

…a .4 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Monday, February 13, 1950 ) . A THE' MICHIGAN 4& w IDAILY ._ - '' Monday, February 13, 1950 *uI I AILYIBLE by pros holmes, sports co-editor THE ANSWER to the age-old female cry, "We want to play with the varsity athletes"-meaning of course they desire that girls be allowed to compete in intercollegiate athletics-seems to have been found in what appears to be a very favorable and practical solution. There is ...…

February 13, 1950 • Page Image 9

… rr--m 0 Or C I 0 -U 0 0 ""1' 0 * Z 0 0 0 CD, cr -" " 0 Nan I z zn {L 1 v ( , ". y } i ti 4 :5 I mss' v 04000 H 0 rte.., O h, . N "S H . H V- ev . v N n CA v O. ro 9J -9 D -" ', t . C C U cam, .1 S c . H H z -+ 0C C+ C o P'" C !0 C & pt 5 . as. N". Cp p . - .4CD C D m H CD A CD)" II0 11 1 (0®V -I. L i (A)h (A) Cr) CV) r 0 mm w I O '1 r O ~ 0 S 441 ~ 41 0 - -t. n -t C+ C+b 0o 5 g1 C C C +. j C + D~ C ...…

February 13, 1950 • Page Image 10

…,, >~ , r . ' ; t = I ~ '. '- §' S 'Monday, February 13, 1950 Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Monday, February 13, 1950 THE MICHIGAN DAILY SCHOOL SPEAR-IT: Zoraster Elected New Prexy Of Fast-Growing Bzantium'U' (Special to The Daily) ers use the now famous "Zoraster BZANTIUM, Egypt -Following system." -' PENCIL BRIGADE: SL Pledges All-Out Fight To Install Sharpeners New Super Men's Dormitory Will Provide Homey Living a furious three-day...…

February 13, 1950 • Page Image 11

… Page Eighteen THE MICH IGAN DAILY 1 .c-1 Y ' -i~ l ~ , V j S f s Monday, February 13, 1950 Monday, February 13, 1950 ' THE MICHIGAN DAILY _. _ - - - - RHYTHM, SPECIALTIES: Ellington, Prima Thrill J-Hop Crowds M.. Daily Team Exposes Plot Behind J-Hop D * * ~I' * * * * * * * * CORRECTION Many people think that Ulrich's Book By WENDY OWEN Duke Ellington and Louis-Prima left all 5,000 J-Hoppers thrilled with their red-h...…

February 13, 1950 • Page Image 12

… 'i.. 7 ) , 7} THE MICHIGAN DAILY Monday, February 13, 1950 Monday, February 13, 1950 THE MICHIGAN DAILY' - _- - __ _f .. -- -~- -i THE MICHIGAN DAILY WiI' y WrIv a dieLm e LK Committee Toil Brings Forth J-Hop By NAN BYLAN Plenty of toil and trouble stood behind the week-end's moonlight and roses for the hard-working J-Hop committee. From their first meeting two days after elections to the final night before the big event,...…

February 13, 1950 • Page Image 13

… PPP Pagt- Sixthen j. THE MICHIGAN f DkILY,, . Mcnday ebrwary 13, 1950 cP g itei'4 . H tW HG N D iY odVebtir 1,15 ody, ,February 13, 1 5Q . t T.;yE;,,M BCHI GAN D~A I Y- :. x _ i on the ie Party, party, party-a new semester begins and that means a new xound of parties. To keep you staggering in a straight line, this handy guide will tell you what's where and how to stay away. BEGINNING THE SEMESTER with a bang, those social beavers, t...…

February 13, 1950 • Page Image 14

… e Fourteen THE M J CItGA N DAIkLY Monday, February 13, 1950 Mondy, Februory 1 ?41950 T i- E MICHIGAN DAILY y' 4 > r Iill ' x I THE UNEMPLOYED: Lost Land Poses Problems For Kingdomless Monarch 4 * * 1 * / ._ 0 .t . ,_ ,. , , HEL P SMASH POLIO! all a '"4 * * "It'stough," the King said, "When you don't have a country." This was the answer to a Daily query of how it feels to be a King given by Petonivitch, XIX, whose country di...…

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