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February 17, 1950 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1950-02-17

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. ....r. .
. .

WASHINGTON-It is the babbit - or
fashion - in some quarters in this
critical hydrogen bomb era to use the terms
"fuzzy-minded," "idealistic," "sentimental,"
"visionary," and "impractical" about those
among us who are asking that something
a bit out of the routine be done to get peace
in the world.
These latter folks, however, are patient
and long-suffering and don't seem to mind
the catalogue of epithets from the "rea-
lists;" to pluralize William Lloyd Garrison,
they "will be heard."
As a matter of fact, they are being heard
here and elsewhere in the world already, as
eyident in the slight yielding in the area of
the State Department on the problem of
international atomic energy control and in
the fact that, in England, the two major
political parties are vying with each other
in their election campaigns with proposals
to end the arms race and get an interna-
tional agreement. Winston Churchill spoke
out boldly. He knows a trend when he sees
it. Campaign speakers in England suddenly
woke up to this issue when, everywhere they
went, people began to ask anxiously about
the arms race and to demand that some-
thing be done about it. The same thing is
happening here.
It is really the only issue before the peo-
ple of the world today. If they can't settle
it, they can't settle anything.
IME SLIGHT YIELDING here, which came
only a few days after President Truman
seemed to slam the door shut, had to be
discovered in the usual delicate nuances of
diplomatic language, and yet it seemed to
be there very definitely to those whose busi-
ness it is to interpret such language. The
State Department spokesman in this in-
stance was, significantly, Assistant Secre-
tary of State John D. Hickerson, who is
the United States member of the United
Nations Atomic Energy Commission which
has wrestled unsuccessfully for so long with
the control problem.
While still strongly supporting the so-call-
ed Baruch Plan of international atomic en-
ergy control approved by the United Na-
tions General Assembly, he said this coun-
try is willing to sit down at any time and
talk with Soviet Russia and added "we are
prepared to examine sympathetically any
proposals aimed at reaching sincere agree-
ment and eliminating atomic weapons." The
explanation that this did not represent a
change in State Department policy was ac-
cepted as the usual cover for a slight dip-
lomatic retreat. Diplomats can never admit
a change of policy - or a mistake. It isn't
(Copyright, 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
The Weekend
In Town
EVENTS of interest around campus.
Art Cinema League: THE ETERNAL HUS-
BAND, with Raimu. Based on the Dostoiev-
sky novel. 8:30 p.m., today and tomorrow at
Lydia Mendelssohn.
* * *
Michigan: INTRUDER IN THE DUST, with
Claude Jarman. See review this page. Runs
through Sunday.
* * *

Orpheum: OUTCRY, with Lea Padovani.
Italian film. Runs through Sunday.
* * *
State: THE BLUE LAGOON, with Jean
Simmons and Donald Houston. Octopi and
palm trees don't do much to liven up this
lagoon. Runs through Sunday.
Student Legislature: JOAN OF ARC, with
Ingrid Bergman. Rather inferior adaptation
of Maxwell Anderson's play. 8 p.m., tomor-
row and Sunday at Hill Auditorium.
Whitney: INCIDENT, with Jane Frazee and
ard Arlen. Today and tomorrow.
Runs through Sunday.
GOLDEN BOY, by Clifford Odets. U. of M.
Student Players. The sort of production the
Players should excel at. 8 p.m. today and
tomorrow at Pattengill Auditorium.

Women's Judiciary
WANTED: Intelligent, capable women who life of every undergraduate woman. It's
can think in a straight line and who important that Council members be repre-
likes people, including women. sentative of them, and able to understand
There ought to be plenty of women on their problems.
campus who meet these requirements - From the standpoint of training in hu-
those for three senior positions now open, man relations, Judiciary members can
'on Women's Judiciary Council. But few testify that their work offers invaluable
junior women seem to think enough of and interesting experience.
their abilities to apply. Time, and with it the chance to serve
Or they may think they'd fill the bill on Judiciary, is quickly running out. Dead-
nicely, but just haven't bothered. line for filing petitions is 5 p.m. today at
What they may not realize is that the the League Undergraduate Office.
future of Women's Judiciary as a respected I
and able group may depend on them. In It's a short time but time enough to
enforcing University and house regulations decide the future of next year's Judiciary.
fairly and humanly, Judiciary affects the -Mary Stein

"You Seen An Oculist Lately, Boy?"



Ran kin's


O r
'%WrH~i RE ter
The Daily welcome~s communications from its readers on matters of
general interest,wand will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited, or withheld from publicationrat the discretion of the

(Continued from Page 2)

MOST PEOPLE seem inclined to pass over
Representative Rankin's Monday attack
on Albert Einstein with a quick laugh.
The Mississippi Congressman called Ein-
stein a Communist, a faker, and said he
should have been deported long ago.
Everyone dismisses the affair with ease.
"Who ever pays any attention to what Ran-
kin blows off about anyway?" They accept
the old scientist as a great man, and pay
little heed to what they feel are the ravings
of a congressional crackpot.
The fact is that whatever may be a Con-
gressman's reputation in this country, he
may still be looked upon as a voice of the
American public by people overseas. To
them here is a representative of our people
calling a scientist, accepted by the world
as great, "an old fake." The Mississippian's
denunciation of Einstein as a Communist
because of his spreading "bunk" about
world organization can do much to harm
our standing abroad.
Rankin's fusillade, set off by Einstein's

speech Sunday, in which he demanded an
end to world arms races, is in effect an
attack on the right of the American people
to express themselves. If we were to deport,
or otherwise shut up, people who do not
agree directly with the government's line of
policy, who would be left?
Perhaps Einstein was over his head in
talking of world government. He was, how-
ever, giving his views as a member of the
American public. He, as most people with
little training in world affairs, left the
plans to the political 'scientists. He con-
tented himself with raising his voice to
show a need. And this is where the con-
sideration of the world's social needs
should arise-from the people.
Representative Rankin should not be by-
passed because of the stupidity of his re-
marks. He should be publicly rebuked by his
colleagues in government, the press and the
American people.
-Vernon Emerson



J-Hop--A Reply

NED HESS, 1950 J-Hop Chairman, has at-
tacked the validity of the facts and
opinions in my editorial entitled "J4Hop
Gravy Train."
However, as he should know, the facts
were checked by his own financial chair-
Incidentally, Ned erred himself when he
said the Michigan State J-Hop is a one-
band, one-night affair. The MSC dance,
which cost students only $4.20, lasted two
nights (one of them formal and the other
semi-formal), 6000 persons attended and
L. D. Faunce, State's Councilor for Men, re-
ported that it worked out very, very well.
As for the conclusions in the editorial,
they were my own, but they have been en-
dorsed in full or in part by a number of
students on campus, including some mem-
bers of the J-Hop Committee and of Stu-
dent Legislature.
Hess said, in effect, that his committee
has done a fine job. Of course it has, and I
pointed this out. But how about past com-
mittees and committees of the future? They,
like Ned's group, have or will start out, in-
experienced, to administer a whopping big
These committees, J-Hop or otherwise,
could benefit considerably from Student

Legislature assistance. SL should work with
the Dean's office in compiling addresses of
professional firms and reports from pre-
vious committees.
The Legislature could also speed up its at-
tempt to provide them with a portable
bandstand, and it could advance the date of
J-Hop elections.
Like Hess, I want to see J-Hop here at
Michigan remain a success, or as he puts it,
a "big and gala social weekend."
But, as he knows and as most students
don't know, several University officials
have suggested that, depending on stu-
dent opinion, the dance should possibly
be held one night only with attendance
necessarily limited largely to Juniors.
This move, which would change the whole
character of the dance, has been contem-
plated because of problems of late per-
mission and overall expense to students
which might hinder the success cf future
Unless the student body shows a real in-
terest in ameliorating such shortcomiNys,
the University may well feel justified iit
suggesting that J-Hop be transforined. into
much less than the campus-wide affair it
is today.
-Bob Keith

Foesy .. .
To the Editor:
PERHAPS James Gregory's new
gospel would be acceptable to
more people if it were put in verse
form. The saga could be called
"New Voice, Shmoo Voice" or, in
a more grandiloquent manner,
"From Plymouth Rock to Ply-
mouth Hen". I offer the follow-
ing stanzas as an idea of what
such a work would possibly sound
We keep on hearing a new
"Security is not alone
For those few fortunates who
A Lincoln, Maibach or Rolls-
We should be appreciative
That we once had initiative.
With our canoes we shot the
The Indians shot at us with
To Plymouth Rock the Pilgrims
(Escaping Labour's govern-
The Pilgrims and the Puritans
Had never been securitans.
** *
In 1620, I surmise
We still enjoyed free. enterprise.
Some entrepreneurs dealt in
They were no socialistic knaves.
* * *
The luckiest citizen is the man
Sitting under a Damocles'
For he is happy as a Lord
And feels as insecure as he can.
* *. .
If the government supported the
Instead of the price of eggs,
Things would be fine like a
grand lord,
And not on their very last legs.
-John Neufeld
Opportunity State . .
To the Editor:
H ang on to your hat; the battle
for an "Opportunity State"
has begun.
On Tuesday, Jim Gregory wrote
an outstanding editorial which ex-
plained the 1950 "Opportunity
State" platform of our University
Young Republican Club. He briefly
set forth portions of the positive
program and most certainly did a
fine job.
But that's only half of the story1
-the second part concerns the re-
buttal made by Democrat McNeil.
The latter's "Pointed Pen" must
have run out of ink, for there was

nothing but disorganized scratch-
ing in his attempt at refutation.
It was a fine example of blind
swinging at basic issues, with a
large amount of very false conclu-
sions drawn from taking phrases
out of the platform context.
Our "Opportunity State" plat-
form has thus far met with tre-
mendous success. As anmatter of
fact, response has been so over-
whelming that we have been forc-
ed to limit our distribution due to
lack of financial resources. %
We do believe that we have for-
mulated a sound program that
meets the basic issues of the day,
and as yet we have found noth-
ing to refute our belief in an "Op-
portunity State."
We will accept any invitation to
.publicly debate the merits of this
platform with any group that ac-
cepts our challenge.
-Dave Belin, President
U. of M. Young Republican Club
* * *
To the Editor:
HAVING READ the "Opportuni-
ty State" platform of the U.
of M. Young Republican Club, I
realize that Don McNeil is slightly
"off the track," in that this docu-
ment is a timely shot in the arm
for the Republican party and for
If the measures proposed are
accepted, the United States will see
smoother administration with less
interference by government.
Long live the "Opportunity
-Larry Meisner, Esq.
HospitalIAffair . . .
To the Editor:
RE: Mrs. Philpot-Dr. Sullen-
The following points have been
implicit in the material concern-
ing the assault inflicted upon Mrs.
Louise Philpot by Dr. Neil H. Sul-
lenberger, 20 Jan. '50, at the Uni-
versity Hospital:
1-That Dr. Sullenberger did
act criminally by striking Mrs.
Philpot in the eye;
2-That he should be liable to
prosecution because of his action;
3-That while he has been
"fired" from the hospital, little
action has yet been taken to try
his for his crime.
Another point is that Mrs. Phil-
pot was cursed by Sullenberger;
not only she, but people of similar
ancestry. The exact words cannot
be included here.
-R. Nakamura.

ed in college teaching positions.
Place of meeting: Room 4D, Mich-
igan Union, 4 p.m., Friday, Feb.
17. This meeting is of particular
importance at this time since the
Bureau will be represented at the
meeting of the American Associ-
ation of School Administrators in
Atlantic City next week.
A representative of the Allied
Chemical & Dye Corp., Morris-
town, N.J., will be in our office
today to interview men with
Bachelor's degrees in organic
chemistry and chemical engineer-
ing, and PhD's with a major in
physical chemistry.
For further information please
call the Bureau of Appointments,
3528 Administration Bldg.
Bureau of Appointments: The
U.S. Civil Service Commission an-
nounces the following examina-
1. Airport Traffic Controller,
GS-6 through GS-12, openings in
Civil Service Region No. 3.
2. Aircraft Communicator (Do-
mestic) grades GS-5 through GS-
7, openings in Region 3.
3. Instructor-Power plant, for
duty in the Federal Correctional
Institution, Milan, Michigan.
The State College of Washing-
ton, Pullman, Washington an-
nounces Counseling Assistantships
open to graduate students in Edu-
cation, Psychology, Sociology, Eco-
nomics, Business Administration,
for the school year beginning Sep-
tember, 1950. Applications must
be completed' by March 15.
Detroit Civil Service Commis-
sion also announces examinations
for Social Case Worker and Medi-
cal Soial Case Worker.
For additional information on
the above announcements, call the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
ministration Bldg.
Bureau of Appointments: A re-
presentative of the Minneapolis-
Honeywell Co., Detroit office, will
be in our office on Tues., Feb. 21,
to interview two alumni engineers,
one for sales engineering and the
other for supervisor of installation.
Any type of engineer will be con-
sidered. These positions are to be
filled immediately and interviews
will not be open to June graduates.
The U.S. Civil Service Com-
mission announces examinations
for the following positions:
1. Technologist: will work with
the development, improvement and
utilization of industrial products.
Bachelor degree candidates in
technology, chemistry, engineering
physics, .or other physical science
are eligible.
2. Scientific and Technical per-
sonnel of the Potomac River Nav-
al Command; notice of closing
date for receipt of application for
the positions of Chemist, Metal-
lurgist, Engineer, Physicist, Ma-
thematician, grades GS-7 through
GS-12. Closing date: Feb. 23.
3. Shorthand Reporter: written
tests are required and dictation
must be not less than 175 words
per minute.
4. Member of Statistical Sec-
tion, International Staff, Interna-
tional Labor office: must be 23-
35 years of age, ability to draft
in English, with good working
knowledge -of French, thorough
preparation in labor statistics.
For further information on the
above announcements call at the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
ministration Bldg.
Academic Notices
Business Administration 208 --
"Chamber of Commerce Adminis-
tration,'.' will meet today from 2-4
p.m. Thereafter the regular hours
will be Monday, 4-5, and Wed-
nesday, 4-6.

Electrical Engineering Colloqium
today, 4 p.m., 2084 East Engi-
neering Bldg. Dr. L. J. Cutrona,
supervisor of electronics research
at the Aero. Research Center, will
speak on "The Theory of Bi-Con-
jugate Networks."
French 295 will meet tentatively
on Mondays from 4 to 6 p.m. in
306 Romance Language Bldg. The

first meeting of the class, Mon.,
Feb. 20.
English 108, Lecture. This will
will meet in 2219 Angell Hall on
Mondays at 1.
History Make-ups will be held
Saturday morning, March 4 (room
to be announced later). Students
taking the examination must pre-
sent written permission from the
instructor at the time of the ex-
amination. This permission must
be obtained by February 28.
Political Science 350. Students
should see Mr. Henry Bretton for
topics for term papers. Mr. Bret-
ton will be in 303 South Wing
today from 3 to 5 p.m.
The University Extension Serv-
ice announces the following course
Modern Dance. Rhythmic body
mechanics, including stretching,
limbering, and techniques of mod-
ern dance are part of this course.
Movement exercises can be prac-
ticed at home and should gradual-
ly result in a well-conditioned
body. Appreciationand under-
standing of the dance will be de-
veloped to musical accompaniment
if the group wishes. Two-hour
noncredit course. Four weeks, $5;
eight weeks, $10. Valerie B. Mof-
fett, instructor. Today, 7 p.m.
Dance Studio, Barbour Gymnas-
Faculty Concert. Music for two
pianos will be presented by Mary
Fishburne and Ava Comin Case,
members of the School of Music
faculty, on Sunday, Feb. 19, 8:30
p.m., in Lydia Mendelssohn The-
ater. The program will include
Handel's Musetta, Concerto in C
minor by Bach; Rondo, Op.' 73 by
Chopin, six pieces from the Alice
in Wonderland Suite by Simmons,
and Variations on a Theme by
Haydn, Op. 56b by Brahms.
Open to the general public with-
out charge.
Events Today
Westminster Guild: Snow party.
Meet at 8:30 p.m. in the Church
Recreation Hall.
Lutheran Student Association:
Party and Square Dance at Lane
(Continued on Page 5)
Mtn I"U a


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At The Michigan..
Brian, Claude Jarman, Jr., and Juano
USUALLY while reading a Faulkner story,
I feel my stomach going through emo-
tional exercises. This being the case, it is
not so much a plot I'm determined to fol-
low to its conclusion as a kind of irrational
series of emotions, looked at, it always seems,
just as irrationally by the people in tht
story. I admit that this is a kind of drama-
tic method, but when these subconscious
stirrings become cinematized in the film,
Intruder in the Dust, there seems to have
been much Faulknerian art lost.
The novel evolved chiefly through the
use of flashbacks; the film tells a pretty
straight story in which the subconscious
revelations of the novel fall by the way-
A white boy (Claude Jarman) become
friendly with an elderly and noble Negro.
The Negro is indicted for the murder of a
white man. With the help of the boy's uncle
1C ass C
of a large university over a small col-
lege is supposed to be the extensive variety
of courses and expert professors which the

he is acquitttd, the murderer found. These
are the bones of the story. We also get a
pretty good idea of how a Southerp lynching
works - it being many times a rather gro-
tesque social event.
To me the most interesting things about
the film were: 1-The use of sound; and,
2-the photography. Quiet (there is no
score) is exploited so that the sound of
feet, the sibilance (a Faulkner word) of
foliage, the creaking of floors and rocking
chairs becomes obviously, though unsuccess-
fully, important. Photography - it is many
times like the realism of Hopper and Wood
- is done in weak light, and one is overly
conscious of much blending and shadow.
These attempts to make up for the lack of
psychological atmosphere were interesting
enough, but like the film they were un-
-S. J. Winebaum.
"The writers against religion, whilst they
oppose every system, are wisely careful
never to set up any of their own."
-Edmund Burke.

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Leon Jaroff.........Managing Editor
Al Blumrosen........ .City Editor
Philip Dawson....... Editorial Director
Mary Stein..........Associate Editor
Jo Misner...........Associate Editor
George Walker ........ Associate Editor
Don McNeil..........Associate Editor
Wally Barth........Photography Editor
Pres Holmes..........Sports Co-Editor
Merle Levin.........Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goelz..Associate Sports Editor
Lee Kaltenbach......Women's Editor
Barbara Smith.. .Associatgk Women's Ed.
AllanCamagec....... .Librarian
Joyce Clark........Assistant Librarian
Business Staff
Roger Wellington .... Business Manager
Dee Nelson. .Associate Business Manager
Jim Dangl.......Advertising Manager
Bernie Aidinoff......Finance Manager
Ralph Ziegler...Circuiaton Manager
Telephone 23-2471
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular school
year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.






We're going back to work, O'Malley-
And we don't
need your help.
C ,

O 1#60 Crockett JohwO.. RZ U. .& Pat Off ..
See, Barnaby?

One word from your Osoo
Fairy Godfather and
the Pixies hop to it -
Yeah. Even you
can't keep us
from our duties,
0 J

I'll run along, Barnaby. While,
you tidy up. The Pixies would
lose their respect for my high
executive position if I stooped
to actual manual labor...
Okay, Mr. O'Malley.


MARYLA JONAS, Polish pianist in
eighth Choral Union Concert. Program
cludes her specialty, Chopin. 8:30 p.m.,
day at Hill Auditorium.




TRACK MEET vs. Illinois. 2:30 p.m., today

I think the University owes it to the stu-
dents to provide suitable classroom facilities.
If a course is paid the compliment of being
widely sought, the student should be com-





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