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February 19, 1950 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1950-02-19

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U' Portrayed
in Pictures
By 'Campus'
A brand new campus maga-
4 zine-the first issue came out reg-
istration week-serves to record
University activities pictorially.
Given the all-embracing name
"Campus" by its enterprising ed-
k itors, the Magazine is slated to
appear twice monthly. "It will
feature sports, social life, profiles,
'_and other University activities of
interest to students, faculty mem-
bers and alumn4.
ACCORDING to editor Al For-
man, the magazine will fill a need
for a pictorial, human interest
description of University life.,
It will also give students the
opportunity to gain valuable ex-
perience in writing, photogra-
phy, business, advertising and
other functions related to the
publications field, and it will
give staff members a chance to
earn a few dollars a month, he
Staff members must spend at
least four hours a week in order
to put out a top-flight magazine
on time.
Students can get further infor-
mation at the "Campus" office,
33$ S. State St., or they can con-
tact Forman evening by phoning
1319 S. University Phone 3-1733

IT HAPPENED IN PENZANCE-The principals from Gilbert and Sullivan Society's fall production
of "Pirates of Penzance" pose on "the rocky coast of Cornwall." The Society, organized in 1946 for
the purpose of eventually producing all the operettas of William S. Gilbert and Sir Arthur Sullivan,
entertains the campus each semester with three lively performances of sparkling music and tricky
lyrics. This May the group will put on "Iolanthe." There are openings for principles, chorus members,
and production, stage and make-up crews. The Society welcomes anyone who is a Gilbert and Sulli-
van enthusiast.

* * *

* *

Read and Use The
Daily Classifieds

Society Working on Sixth
Gilbert & Sullivan Show

en Served
AIM Strives To
Improve Welfare
Acting as representative of the
thousands of unaffiliated male
students attending the University,
the Association of Independent
Men strives to give independents
an effective voice on campus.
Best known by its alphabetical
code name AIM, the Association is
headed by an elected Council
which meets twice monthly to co-
ordinate all social, athletic, politi-
cal and scholastic activities.
THOUGH AIM is most active at
the time of campus elections, its
political activities are matched by
its efforts to improve living con-
ditions and recreational outlets
for independent men and the
campus as a whole.
Founded in 1938, the Associa-
tion was disbanded during the.
war years. It was reactivated
two years ago with the view of
giving independent men ade-
quate representation in Univer-
sity affairs and crystallizing,
wherever possible, independent
opinion into an effective voice
on campus issues.
Working members of AIM come
from the Men's Residence Halls
and from three rooming house dis-
tricts set up in Ann Arbor.
ONE representative is sent from
each of 19 dormitories upon elec-
tion by the residents of the indi-
vidual units or, appointment by
their house councils. A repre-
sentative from each rooming house
district is appointed by AIM's
Garg Provides
Local Humor
Magazine Published
Five TimesYearly
Published five times a year, the
Gargoyle is put out to provide stu-
dents with a local humor mag-
The Gargoyle is noted for its
zany antics and is often adver-
tised as the outfit where "only
lunatics need apply," but actually
the staff is a business-like, hard-
working group.
* * *
STAFF WORK is divided up
among the following five depart-
ments: literary, circulation and
promotion, humor, advertising and
Students may try out for any
or all of these departments, de-
pending on the amount of time
they are willing to devote.
A member of the Gargoyle staff
is promoted according to the ef-
ficiency with which he performs
his job and not the amount of
time he puts in.
Students wishing further infor-
mation should contact Roger
Crabb, 2-3297, or visit the Gar-
goyle offices in the Student Pub-
lications Building.

FOR THE KIDS-Inter-Fraternity Council staff members pack
bags of candy to be passed out at IFC's annual Christmas party
for Ann Arbor children. More than 2,000 of the youngsters attend
the party every year, where they enjoy special entertainment, in-
cluding a visit from Santa .Claus. Other IFC-sponsored activities
include dances and song-fests. The chief duty of the council,
however, is to watch over the general welfare of some 2,500 af-
filiated men on campus.
IFC Acts as Central Organ
In Coordinating .fraternities

WSSF Raises
Funds To Help
The World Student Service Fund
is administered by a group of
American students who are con-
ducting a series of projects by
which their fellow students may
give assistance to universities all
over the world.
WSSF members attempt to in-
crease international understanding
by carrying out an educational
drive on campus each year and by
building actual contacts between
students here and overseas.
* * *
an annual fund-raising drive to
help needy universities abroad.
This year WSSF members are
replacing their traditional tag
day bucket drive with a new and
broader program designed to
"make the campus more aware
of the world in which it lives
and to provide additional assist-
ance for students overseas."
Tentative plan call for a huge
corps of volunteer students to con-
tact every student on campus.
Most of this work will be conduct-
ed during the week of March 5-11
which has been designated "WSSF
Meetings are held daily at Lane
Hall. Interested students should
contact Wym Price, 3-1511, ext.
2150, week day afternoons.
Creative Work
vromoted by
Arts Society
Designed by students to promote
interest and participation in crea-
tive art work, the Inter-Arts Un-
ion attempts to coordinate activi-
ties of creative art students
through various projects.
The Union is an outgrowth of
the continued cooperation between
students of various art groups on
campus, evidenced by such pro-
jects as the Fine Arts Ball, a
Spring Festival of. Arts, drama
productions and an arts magazine
soon to hit campus.
* * *
BECAUSE of the varied nature
of the projects undertaken there
are opportunitits for students in-
terested in almost any type of ac-
tivity. Special openings are avail-
able for writers, artists, dancers,
designers, producers and musi-
In addition, the Union offers
experience in advertising, man-
agement, public relations, pub-
licity and sales.
Although it has been holding
most of its regular meetings in
the League, the Inter-Arts Union
is now arranging for temporary
headquarters in the Student Pub-
lications Building with an office
for its new magazine, "Genera-

1313 South University

Organized to perpetuate on
campus the operettas of the mas-
ter Savoyards, Gilbert and Sulli-
van Society is now at work on
"Iolanthe," its sixth production.
It is the goal of the Society to
eventually produce all of the Gil-
bert and Sullivan operettas. Since
its founding in 1946, the group has
presented "The Mikado," "H.M.S.
Campus Club
Trains Fliers
Students who are most content
when looking down on the rest of
the world should find solace in
the University Flying Club.
A non-profit corporation, the
Flying Club was founded to give
all persons connected with the
University a chance tolearn to
fly or to continue their flying
as economically as possible.
TRAINING FOR beginners as
well as precision and stunt fly-
ing lessons for more experienced
flyers are a part of the club's
program. In intercollegiate con-
tests the club has seldom been de-
The club is open to both men
and women students, and social
activities are in order between
Faculty personnel may also
join. The Club meets in Rm. 1042
East Engineering Bldg. Students
wishing further information may
call Richard Huston, 2-2785.

Pinafoie," "Yeomen of the Guard,"
"Patience" and "Pirates of Pen-
* * *
THE GAY MUSIC of Sir" Arthur
Sullivan and the tricky lyrics of
William S. Gilbert have proved
extremely popular with campus
Steadily expanding both in
members and facilities, the So-
ciety last fall became a "tour-
ing company, taking its produc-
tion of "Pirates of Penzance" to
Detroit where it was loudly ap-
plauded by audience and critics
A Detroit performanc of its
spring show has also been planned
by the Society.
All students who enjoy Gilbert
and Sullivan are eligible to par-
ticipate in the productions.
Membership in the group is bas-
ed on active participation in some
phase of the productions.
IN ADDITION to principal roles,
a chorus of 25 men and 25 women
offers opportunities for those who
like to sing or dance. Previous
Gilbert and Sullivan choruses have
executed everything from the
Daphnephoric Bound to the Pen-
zance Prance.
The Society also has openings
for those interested iii working on
stage, production and make-up
Productions are scheduled for
late in the semester. The Society
presents three local performances
of each show in Pattengill Audi-
torium, Ann Arbor High School.

Looking out for the welfare of
some 2,500 affiliated men on cam-
pus, Interfraternity Council acts
as a central governing body in
solving problems common to all
fraternity members.
IFC's chief duty is to establish
and administer policies of overall
concern to the University's 46 fra-
ternities. In line with this, it seeks
to cooperate with the University
and assist it in its relations with
individual fraternities and the
fraternity system in general.
THE COUNCIL coordinates fra-
ternity activities by sponsoring.
special affairs such as the Inter-
fraternity Ball, IFC Sing, Fratern-
ity Week and a Christmas party
for Ann Arbor children.
IF is made up of two branch-
es. Legislative duties are carried
out by , a House Presidents'
Council, which is composed of
presidents of all social fratern-
ities on campus. An Executive
Council acts as administrative
and judicial body.

The House Presidents' Council
has charge of the entire IFC staff,
which includes committees on
which any fraternity man may
work. All members of under-
graduate social fraternities are
eligible to serve on committees and
seek appointments as committee
THE HOUSE Presidents' Coun-
cil also elects three men to serve
as officers on the Executive Coun-
cil. These men are picked from a
slate of approved nominees to
serve as president, vice-president
and secretary-tr-easurer;
Other members of the Execu-
tive Council include two alum-
ni, a faculty member, the Dean
of Students and five fraternity
members elected from each of
five geographical house areas on
Dick Tinker can be reached for
additional information by phon-.
ing 2-2565.

hit ~. ~iI~

Entire Stock of


Designed for Men of Michigan

that same beloved fragrance
" " the new








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Happy news! Now you may have Elizabeth Arden Hand Lotion
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Ask for this newest member of the favorite
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Elizabeth Arden preparations, so
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~.. N

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