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February 16, 1950 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1950-02-16

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* * * *



Mat for

Tryout Staff

T HE ROAD TO journalistic success, and to success in many another
field, starts at 420 Maynard St.
That's where a group of forward-looking students will gather at
4 p.m. today to learn how The Daily can offer them the most valuable
experience they'll ever get on this campus.
MANY A FUTURE newspaper editor, foreign correspondent and
writer will pass through the doors of the Student Publications Building
today, taking a hop, skip and jump toward success.
The present is proving the worth of Daily experience for a whole
army of former staffers. Stan Swinton, one-time Daily city editor,
now an AP correspondent in Cairo would tell you that. So would
Dick Maloy, ex-Daily worker now with the Baltimore Sun, Bob Gold-
man, Detroit Free Press correspondent, or Ralph Byers, newly appoint-
ed editor of the Ann Arbor News. And there are others.
This year The Daily needs tryouts for its editorial, sports,
and women's staffs. Photographers, too, are needed, along with
dra-ma critics, music, art and movie reviewers.
Most of the tryouts will undergo a short training course, learning
the fundamentals of proof-reading, headline writing, and reporting.
In a few weeks, the neophyte journalists wvill be ready for actual
experience covering campus and city news.
They'll be assigned beats and sent out to work and learn under
the guidance of experienced Daily reporters.
* * * *

reporters.: Their second semester on The Daily makes them eligible
for jobs as assistant night editors or night editors, paying positions
to which they're appointed by the Board in Control of Student
Thge night editor and the assistant night editor gain precious
experience in planning, makeup, editing and news judgment.
They are responsible for producing the paper one night each week,
wic involves editing local news stories and dispatches from the
From the junior staff, night editors can advance to the senior
staff, whose job it is to oversee the paper, assign stories, and establish
The Daily's policy. * *
MEMBERS OF THE women's and sports staffs advance in similar
fashion, passing through brief training periods which prepare them
for the work of those specialized departments, in time winning posi-
tions as sports and women's editors.
While a member of any staff, sports, women's, or editorial
any Daily worker, from tryout to managing editor, is eligible to
write editorials.
The Daily's only editorial policy is no policy in regard to opinion.
Editorials are accepted or rejected on the basis of writing alone-not
Any student eligible for extracurricular activities is eligible for
work on The Daily.

THE DAILY'S photographic set-up offers invaluable training for
studenits interested in photography. With its new high-speed photo-
engraver in operation, Daily photog'raphers can take pictures at mid-
night, rush them to the Student Publications darkroom, and see them
in the paper the next morning.
This gives photographers a chance to shoot evening sports events,
lecturers, and a wide variety of campus events. Interested photogra-
phers should call Wally Barth, photography editor, 2-3241, or come
to the tryout meeting at 4 p.m.
/Other positions on The Daily are open for writers of political
analyses and record reviews, and for special writers.
One of the top college newspapers in the country, The Daily
boasts the best-equipped college newspaper printing' plant in the
nation." In its elaborate composing room, compositors lay out 60,000
column inches of advertising annually, making the paper a $100,000-
a-year business.
FOR THIS thriving enterprise-for the operation of the financial
and circulation departments of the paper-The Daily needs a large
business staff. Tryouts for this important part of the paper should
call Dee Nelson at 2-3241.
Another meeting for students unable to try out for The Daily
today will be held at 4 p.m. tomorrow in the Student Publications

EDITORIAL CONFERENCE-George Walker (left) and Manag-
ing Editor Leon Jaroff discuss plans for filling out The Daily's
tryout staff against the background of photos of former female
staffers. The "rogues gallery" is standard equipment in the
Daily's composing room.
* * * *
'Cherchez les Femmes!'
Pleads Managing Editor
(Daily City Editor) ,,
"What happened to all our talented women?"
That's the plaintive question that Leon Jaroff is asking these days.
Jaroff, an engineering student as well as Managing Editor of 'The
Daily, is seriously worried.
"In the good old days we had a whole crew of talented women on
the staff, but now we don't, have any," Jaroff moaned.
After a sharp glance from senior staffer to Jo Misner, Jaroff
qualifie his statem e n ynh. .
SITTING AT HIS desk in the Senior Editorial Office, Jaroff held
a hurried consultation with Associate Editor George Walker, '50.
Walker handles The Daily's tryout training program.
"Do something, George," lie said.
Walker proceeded to write the "call" for tryouts which appears
ontCasting his mind over his younger years on The Daily, Jaroff re-
membered several coeds who would pass as "talented." There were
Harriett Friedman, last year's Managing Editor, Fran Ivick, Natalie
Bagrow, Eunice Mintz, "Pete" Pasqualetti, and others.
* * * *
aIN h FAT Loren insley lngtime press man on The Diy, has a
Jaroff sighed, leaned back in his swivel chair and quietly began to
hope for some writing talent. Male or female, The Daily had another
semester coming up.
Lack of Funds Treatenl

AFTER A SEM~ESTER'S training, tryouts become


Latest Deadline in the State


VOL. LX, No. 88



Acheson Attcks


led Pact









Ten Escape from B-36 Crack-ut

Engine School

-- Crawford

Dean Ivan C. Crawford of the College of Engineering yesterday
expressed disappointment at Gov. G. Mennen Williams' failure to
include in the University's appropriations request $120,000 for im-
provement of the West Engineering Annex.
"Plans for remodeling space in the building, built in 1885, would
have been entirely for the benefit of undergraduate students, Craw-
ford said. "At present, both ventilation and lighting are a menace to
health and the wooden floor--worn through in several places-make
it a fire trap.",
* * * *
HE WARNED that the lack of funds for continued improvements
in both buildings and equipment means the departments in the

* *., *
Gov. WilliamRs
~U Expansion
LANSING-Gov. Williams yes-
* terday suggested to the State Le-
gislature that it appropriate
$1,300,000 to Western Michigan
College, Kalamazoo, for extra
classrooms, saying he felt expan-
sion of the University of Michigan
was unwise.
Conferring with Legislative fi-
nance committees, Gov. Williams
declared he has been told by edu-
cators that the University's size
has made the school "too big". He
added that some students are now
being sent out-state for an educa-
THE STATE could set up a new
university or spend more money
on its junior colleges-that would
give the extra classroom space,"
Go. Williams remarked.
"Or we couud build up some
other school in the state, and
Western MWichigan may be the
answer. We've got to take the
stand now," he said.
University officials contacted in
Ann Arbor hung up "'no comment"
signs to Gov. Williams' state-
Ruslhes Must
~n p Today

college will be unable to progress
with the advancement of engi-
neering and science.
"It also means that the Col-
lege of Engineering is unable to
maintain a high standard with
other engineering schools in the
Midwest which receive support
enough to keep up with engi-
neering and scientific progress,"
he added.
The mechanical engineering de-
partment, the college's largest de-
partment in enrollment, doesn't
have half the laboratory space it
needs to keep up to date with new
developments in engineering, he
sai. * *
"STUDENTS simply do without
the necessary equipment and ex-
perience," he added.
The engineering mechanics
department, serving the entire
college, also has totally insuffi-
cient space, he said. Arrange-
ments had been made In re-
modeling Annex space to mnake
some available for a materials
testing lab.
A premium of office space in
the West Engineering Building has
necessitated setting up temporary
partitions in the Annex, making
adequate but very undesirable of-
fice space, he said. .It was hoped
that in remodeling this space the
offices would have been made hab-
itable, he declared.
* * *
budget this year amounts to $1,-
In keeping present equipment.
and machinery in running con-
dition and to purchase small
additional equipment for mini-

** *
Tree More
Out of 17 Are
Rescue Plane Crash
Kills Eight Airmen
vivors of the B-36 that "itched",
alon the British Columbi cat
Monday night were repote b
search headquarters yesterday.
There were reports that all 17
survived, but the Royal Canadian
Air Force and the U.S. Coast
Guard both reported 10 were all
they knew for certain to be safe.
* * '*4
NEWS OF THE safety of these
men came only a few hours after
a B-29 sent out to search for the
B-36 crashed on a take-off at
Great Falls, Mon., and killed eight
of its occupan W t h, Te . h
headquarters of the Eight Air
Force said it had received a re-
port of the 10 crewmen of the
missing B-36 bomber being res-
cued "and three more probable."
Capt. H. L. Barry of Hillsboro,
Il. cpai f the si-ngn
bomber, sai all of the 16 ce
member and a1lieutenant colonel
flying as a passenger bale out
or the islands afterfg thrm en
Alaska t8 Fort Worth, Texas.
THE DRAMATIC report of the
first survivors of the B-36 came
from a fish boat off the coast yes-
terday afternoon.
The Coast CGuard said "the
search is continuing."
THE SCENE of the rescues is
about 400 miles northwest of Van-
couver and about 85 miles south
of Prince Rupert, B. C.
'U' Official Named
To A dvise AEC
Herbert F. Taggart, assistant
dean of Schools of Business Ad-
ministration, has been appointed
to a newly-created advisory board
of the Atomic Energy Commission.
The board will hear appeals aris-
ing under the so-called "disputes
clause" of AEC contracts.

Roving Pickets Destroy
Harlan County Property
By The Associated Press
HARLAN, Ky.-A swarm of roving pickets swept through 10 Har-
lan County coal mining communities yesterday, destroying property
and warning idle miners to remain away from their jobs.
State Police and county officers reported the activities but said
they made no arrests. Spokesmen for one of the companies said 570
men in 106 automobiles swarmed onto the High Splint Coal Company
property early yesterday.
Meanwhile in Washington, coal peace talks finally got down to1
business late yesterday after being snagged on a new quarrel at the
-htart of court-ordered bargaining.
~T ~7 1i cuA walkout of Southern opera-
SL W il 111 Io'w tors interrupted the talks for
two and a half hours while a
oan~i'~ of Ar ' Presidetial adviser warned the
walkout will bring "terrible" de-
e moralization if it continues.
This W ekend Then the Southerners returned
This W ee end to the conference room after fail-
Student Legislators last night dimng gth cuty apra oftheir
put the finishing touches on plans deal separately with John L. Lew-
for this weekend's SL-sponsored is. *
showing of "Joan of Arc" at 8 p. * * *
m. Saturday and Sunday in Hill IOUTSIDE the conference room
. and the Federal courthouse here,
Auditorium, these were among the day's prin-
Based on the stage play "Joan cipal developments:
of Lorraine" by Maxwell Ander- 1. An estimated 372,000 UMW
son, the film stars Ingrid Berg- members still stayed home in the
man and "a cast of' thousands"- face of a court order against the
including Jose Ferrer, J. Carrol strike and instructions from Lewis
Naish and Ward Bond. to end it.
2. Dr. John D. Clark, a miem-
TICKETS FOR THE production b Prdn T ,
will be on sale from 1 to 5 p.m. to- Couci of Econmi Advisers
day and tomorrow in the lobby of tod a lunh eon adince at sifs
the Administration Building and th usopae eon twoenc o
at the Hill Auditorium box office. thre sorpe mots ther willr
All proceeds from the ticket be "serious unemployment" in
sales will go to support SL pro-~ industry generally and "terrible"
jects, according to Bob Vogt' demoralization.
chairman of the varsity commit- 3T tcrso h aead
tee. 3. Tgh cub ntesl n
use of coal were being readied for
The legislators, meeting for probable application tomorrow
the first time this semester, also over New York State. .
voted unanimously to ask the * * *
University to grant a full- BACK IN LANSING, State Wel-
Thanksgiving holiday and to fare Director W. J. Maxey said
make up the two lost teaching yesterday that the Chrysler and
days by adding classes on the coal strikes threaten a big increase
Saturdays before Christmas and in Michigan's direct relief load.
Spring vacations. Those idled by the Chrysler
The compromise proposal, spon- strike, he noted, are filing applica-
sored by Dave Belin, '51, chairman tions for relief in Detroit at the
of the SL citizenship committee, rate of 700 to 800 a day. The coal
will be submitted to University shortage, Maxey added, is threat-
officials within a few days. ening widespread unemployment.

CIO Expels ..
Three left
Board Will Decide
Ouster of Another
Executive Board yesterday expell-
ed three left wing unions accused
of folwing Communist Party pol-
icy 'and hastened a vote on another
facing similar charges.
.Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers
with 44,000 members, and United
with 13,000, were skicedl ou ,t a
34 to 6 vote of the CIO's top
TIJE MINE UNION'S ouster was
made effective at once, but the
other was delayed until March 1
because of a pnding injunction
pea in NwYr.
Food, tobacco and Agricultural
Workers-with 22,590 membes
4efetiv Marcha1 t o has
a petition for an injunction still
pendig iNew Yr.
The board today will take up
the recommendation of a special
committee for the expulsion of the
United Public Workers, headed by
Abram Flaxer.
Meanwhile, CIO steel workers
have served notice on the National
Labor Relations Board that they
intend to seek union-shop agree-
ments this spring covering the ba-
sic steel industry.
ATO Dea Walter
Silent on 'Raid'
Both officers of Alpha Tau
Omega fraternity and Dean of
Students Erich A. Walter are
keeping mum about reports that
campus police visited the ATO
house Saturday night.
"No comment" signs were posted
by Dean Walter and ATO hiouse
president Jack Huckins when ask-
ed of possible explanation.
It was understood that part of
the difficulty arose from a delay
in granting entrance to the law

,Job Hog
-Calling all Sdowks
Polic Wllam' R.Sadowsi.''
Need a fireman? Call Assis-
Sant FieChief William .
Need a summons served? Call
Constable William R. Sadow-
Is there a forest fire hazard
in your neighborhood? Call
Fire Warden William R. Sad-
The 44-year-old Sadowski's
multiple jobs, which also in-
clude Superintendent of the
Town Dump, Superintendent
Viewer, netC hm abot$,00 a
World News
partment does not want Congress
to act now on proposals looking
toward an Atlantic union or a
world federation, Deputy Under-
secretary of State Dean Rusk and
Assistant Secretary John D. Hick-
erson told the Senate Foreign Re-
lations Committee yesterday.
* * e *
DETROIT-Detroit police ad-
mitted yesterday they are still
investigating the Walter Reu-
ther shooting in the midst of the
trial of Carl Bolton for the
S * * * '
HELSINKI - Juho Passikivi, a
Conservative banker who has
drawn the fire of both Soviet and
Finnish Communists, was re-elect-
ed president of Finland yesterday
* * * ,
WASHINGTON -- President
Truman yesterday called for a
nation - wide crusade against
crime aimed at stamping out a
post-war -"resurgence of under-
world forces living on vice and
* * *
NEW ORLEANS-The National
Guard threw a platoon of amphib-
ious vehicles into the race yester-
day to evacuate flood stricken
families facing isolation and rising
Iwaters in East-central Louisiana.

Cinese Made
~Poor Deal,'
Says Official
Treaty Called Copy
Of Other Alliances
By The Associated Press
Secretary of State Dean Ache-
son said yesterday thie Chinese
Communists made a poor and
dangerous deal with Russia in
their new 30-year "Friendship"
treaty of alliance.
Acheson termed it almost a
boiler plate copy of the pacts
Russia has made with Soviet satel-
lites in Eastern Europe.
ment in which Moscow reportedly
promised $300,000,000 in economic
aid to China over the next five
yas isonl he be~nginnin nhof
The Cabinet member told a
news conference that for a na-
tion reported to be on the verge
of famine and facing tremen-
dous economic difficulties, $300,-
000,000 is' very 9meager assis-
tance in any event.
* * *
IN LONDON observers reported
that a number of East European
nations presumably were forging,
in concert with Russia, a multi-
nmillion dollar trade pact with
Communist China.
The countries are identified
--besides Russia-as Poland,
Czechoslovakia and Finland,
which, while anti-Commnunist,
is dependent upon the good will
of neighbor Russia.
Meanwhile, the new alliance set
the Orient to wondering what the
Soviets get out osf it.
THE FIRST reaction in British
Hong Kong was that the an-
nouncement carried a lot of face-
saving for Red China. But no one
is saying what Russia got.
Chinese Nationalist leaders
on Formosa-perhaps most im-
mediately menaced-expressed
belief the Communists had
agreed to let Russia have secret
air and naval bases on China's
Japanese government sources
in Tokyo were puzzled how the
alliance could be directed against
the possibility of attack from Jap-
an when Japan is disarmed,
* * *
kAMERCA dplomts atBang-
conference today, said some Ori-
ental governments feared the pact
had brought a critical stage to al-
ready tense affairs in the Far East.

Nazi Victim Successful In American Concerts

From the terror of Nazi invasio

CAUGHT BY the Gestapo in a
routine roundun she was offered

zilian Embassy gave her a false
passport and she flew to Lisbon,.

first Carnegie Hall recital before
a tiny audience. Hailed by the

tions from these categories in her
concert here.

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