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Democracy A bdicates
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NTASHINGTON-President Truman's pub-
licly announced decision to go ahead
ith the hydrogen bomb met almost unani-
.ous approval in Congress or, as one news-
aper headline put it: "Both Parties in Con-
'ess Join in Support of Super-Bomb Plan."
An immediate reaction to such head-
ines, because of the contrast, is the sud-
Len realization that no such unanimity
xists in Congress on other pressing mat-
ers, such as civil rights and welfare
neasures in the domestic field and, in the
oreign field, economic aid, inter-national
ooperation in trade, food, health, and
he like, and strengthening the United
nations. Yet such measures are designed,j
irst, to make our own democracy real and
workable so its example may shine before
he rest of the world and, second, to build
ip democracy abroad.
But Congress is united only on building
bigger bomb.
his denotes a spirit of resignation that is
an ominous portent, both for peace in
e world and for preserving our own demo-
acy. As for the latter, the atom bomb, to
supplemented now by the hydrogen bomb,
as brought about a subtle change in our
mocratic processes in an important way
lat seemingly has attracted little notice.
The simplest way to explain it is to
oint out that hitherto it has been our
vay to inform our people of matters that
oncerned them. But, in the world as it is
oday, it is not possible to tell them about
he bombs, except that weihave them. This
s, in truth, a deep "state secret."
The decision to make the hydrogen bomb;
:e that to produce and drop the atom
mb, was that of one man, the President of
e United States. The people could not
low about it or have anything to say
out it. Nor was it, nor could it be, the de-
sion of their representatives in Congress,
eir bulwark against absolute authority..
* * *
'his constitutes an abdication of demo-
cracy as we have known it which, neces-
ry though it may be, nevertheless is an
'dication, and must be so recognized. It is
i abdication in a vital field. For much of
tr foreign policy revolves about this wea-
n, just as much of the tension in the world
Iay develops from it, and such foreigi
Aicy operations as are affected by the
mb are being conducted in secrecy.
Decisions are being made involving all
of us on the basis of things of which we
can know nothing. We are asked to take it
all on faith. We have now, in effect, a to-
talitarianism of our own in an important
area. Totalitarianism is a creeping disease
and never comes exactly in the way, or
form expected.
Deftly, because of the predominance of
the bombs and military strategy in our for-
eign policy decisions, our foreign policy has
been shifted more and more to the military.
This gives the military a dominance in our
government and in our national life that it
never has had before in our history in peace-
time. That is a fact too little recognized. It
is often not far from military dominance in
national councils to the police state.
A fter every other war in our history we
have disbanded our armies and gone
back to our peaceful pursuits. Here, five
years after the end of the last war, we are
supporting an armed camp at a cost of four-
teen and fifte-en billio~n dollars a year. It
is a new experience for us, and it puts a
strain on our democratic processes such as
we have never had before. It is eating away
at our democracy, and the disintegration in
the field of foreign policy already noted be-
cause of the bomb is a glaring example.
We are told, glibly, that all of this is to
protect democracy. It seems, on the con-
trary, the way to lose our democracy and,
if we lose it, it is gone in the world at
-large. We are facing right now the real
test of our people as to whether they re-
ally believe in democracy and want to
keep it. If we resign ourselves and stumble
along from bomb to bigger bomb in a
game of international bluff, then we will
reveal that we have lost our- power as a
people to rule ourselves and will stumble
headlong into a war that will end demo-
cracy forever, and perhaps civilization
along with it.
If a great people cannot arouse themselves
and force their leaders to do something to
stop this mad arms race, such as dealing di-
rectly with Russia, then we have lost our
power as a democracy already, and it is too
late. We have not tried nearly hard enough,
considering what is at stake, and we are too
big and; powerful to let silly notions about
national pride stand in the way.
(Copyright, 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)
YR vs. Old Guard
The Hiss Case
DURING the course of the first Alger
Hiss trail, I reported in this paper, (June
28, 1949) that it "is a rather common feel-
ing around New York that Hiss is being used
as an instrument for a trial of the whole
New Deal."
Now that a verdict has been delivered
upon Mr. Hiss, it is being taken up by the
anti-Roosevelt and Truman forces as a
weapon with which to accuse and claim
proof for the accusation that the entire
Democratic era of office has been Commu-
nist-influenced and Communist-run.
Congressmen Mundt and Nixon, and Sen-
ators Hickenlooper and Knowland, the most
energetic headline hunting quartet this
country has had to deal with in many a
decade, and their staunch supporter, the
Chicago Tribune, find that this verdict con-
victs the entire New Deal. In commenting
on the outcome of the trail, the Tribune
"One man stands convicted-But the
guilt is collective. It spreads over the
New Deal which sponsored and protected
this monstrous conspiracy a g a i n s t
The truth of that statement is very
dubious- for two reasons.
First, if Hiss is guilty, it is an individual
guilt, which does not in any way represent
the policy or thinking of the entire admin-
istration. In its editorial, the Tribune is ac-
cepting for the United States a line of
thinking which this country decisively rep-
udiated in its dealings with a defeated
Germany-the doctrine of collective guilt.
Second, the matter of Mr. Hiss' guilt is
still not a settled issue, in spite of a jury
verdict to the contrary. Every press com-
mentary on the Hiss case recognizes that
there are many people who still believe in
Mr. Hiss, and in his innocence. But these
comments never go into the reasons why
the belief in Hiss' innocence persists
despite the jury's verdict.
One explanation is his brilliant career
which was halted by Whittaker Chamber's
charges of communist activities. Both in
the State Department and in his work lead-
ing to the formation of the United Nations,
Alger Hiss was outstanding as a diplomat, a
wise and responsible world citizen and a
man whose judgement could be relied upon
and respected.
But more important than his govern-
ment record are his actions since the time
when the charge of "Communist conspir-
ator" was first brought against him. Since
the day in August, 1948, when Chambers
testified before the House Un-American
Activities Committee, every action of
Hiss' was, if he were guilty, destined to
insure his conviction. But for an innocent
man, his actions are completely under-
Mr. Hiss is a man of considerable intelli-
gence. Even his bitterest enemies grant that.
Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that
this intelligence would be used toward
handling the changes of Chambers, just as
it had been used in government work. Mr.
Hiss is also a lawyer, therefore it seems logi-
cal to assume that in his handling of the
charges he had full knowledge of the law
Hiss' reaction to Chambers charge (insis-
ting upon denying the charge before a con-
gressional committee and bringing a libel
suit against Chambers) would both have
been dangerous steps for a guilty man to
When the papers were given to the gov.
ernment, it was Hiss, not the prosecution or
Chambers, who searched for and delivered
to the FBI other papers typed on the Wood-
stock typewriter. The typewriter itself, the
battered old machine which Prosecuting
Attorney Thomas Murphy called one of the
"immutable witnesses" against Hiss was in-
troduced as evidence by the defense, not by
the prosecution. A guilty man would have
done everything possible to see that speci-
mens from the typewriter, and the machine
itself, were kept far away from he court-
room, but yet we find Mr. Hiss' himself
handing them both to the government.
Much of the criticism against the New
Deal, the Truman administration and Dean
Acheson for declaring that he does not in-
tend to "turn his back on Alger Hiss" has
been based on the argument that the
"truth" is that Hiss is guilty. Rather, it
would seem that the "truth" is that Hiss
has been convicted by one jury, and that
when his appeal comes up, that jury's ver-
dict may be changed, or may be upheld. If
Hiss is aquitted on appeal, the "truth" will
than be that he is innocent. The notion of
accepting a jury verdict which is based on
many factors, most of which are not to be
found in any law book, as an absolute
"truth" is highly unreliable, as a quick
glance at a history book will indicate. From
the trial of Socrates onward through the
centuries, there are cases of people who
were convicted in their day but aquitted
time and again afterwards.
Mr. Hiss' appeal will be heard in a few
months. As an individual who believes in
his innocence, I hope that review of the
trial evidence will result in an altered
As a reporter who attended portions of
both trials, I find that there still remains
much that is unexplained in the testimony
and evidence thus far presented.
The feeling prevailed during both trials
that the actual facts of the case were hardly
receiving consideration. Instead, the scene
was one of a battle of wits between two pro-
rt { p Po
"No, I don't want to buy a RECORD ALBUM."
THE NEW POLITICAL slogan, "Oppor-
tunity State", seems destined to become
the verbal opposite of the Truman Admin-
istration's "Welfare State".
The 1950 platform of the University
Ybung Republican Club has stressed the
term "Opportunity State" in its own dec-
laration of political intentions. This new
expression of revitalization could become
the rallying cry of a vigorous, unified and
consistent Republican Party.
But as sound as the YR platform seems
to be it serves to accentuate the fact that
the party is split wide open.
The YR platform takes a definite stand
on civil rights, labor, natural resources, ag-
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Ber man.Baby
INGRID Bergman had a baby. That baby
has a father and that that father is the
Italian producer-director who wooed Miss
Bergman on the volcanic isle of Stromboli
appears uncontestable.
Complicating matters somewhat is the
fact that Miss Bergman was already mar,.
ried to somebody else.
Due to this rather awkward situation, a
considerable furor has been raised by many
well-intentioned moralists. Religious and
censorial organizations are out to ban all
Miss Bergman's movies, in a sincere but
quite belated aempt to save the country's
Obviously the only real effect their ac-
tions will have is to insure a great and luc-
rative audience for any film which the way-
ward actress ever made.
Even the law has entered the controversy.
Californians claim that under their statutes
the baby must be named Lindstrom. The
Italians, proud of their new-born cherub,
say not at all. A natural father is much
more acceptable to them than a legal one-
Rosselini's the moniker.
While this international tempest raged,
a U. S. immigration official unofficially
threw another wrench into the monkey-
He asserted that after Miss Bergman has
married her Italian, having become a citi-
zen of that nation in the process, she may
find difficulty re-entering the U. S. because
of the high moral code in our immigration
That M.i s ,.Brm. has so flarantl
riculture, welfare, nation security and for-
eign and economic affairs. The 1950 state-
ment of the aims of the national GOP also
gives attention to these points but lacks the
vigor and directness of the YR platform.
For instance, in the case of civil rights the
national platform devoted only one short
paragraph to this crucial problem. It hur-
ried over the issue, saying "the right of
equal opportunity-should never be limited
to any individual because of race, religion,
color or country of origin."
It said vaguely that the Republican
Party "shall continue to sponsor .legisla-
tion to protect the rights of minorities."
There was no mention made of specific
In contrast, the YR declaration took a
definite stand against "the poll tax and all
other devices that defer voting by minority
groups, and demanded "enactment of Fed-
eral anti-lynch legislation and establish-
ment of fair employment practices."
Obviously the national platform is de-
signed to draw support from the insurgentj
Dixiecrat element in the Democratic Party
while proponents of the YR statement are
apparently more concerned with advancing
equal rights for all in an "Opportunity
As a matter of fact the attitude of the
national GOP is a reversal of policy stated
in its 1948 platform. In that declaration a
definite stand was taken in opposition to
the poll tax, lynching and racial segrega-
tion in the armed services.
The desertion of the Southern element
during. the 1948 National Democratic Con-
vention has obviously resulted in a revamp-
ing of Republican ideas on the civil rights
It is deplorable that the Republicans
have instituted this change. True, a party
platform is merely a declaration of inten-
tion aimed at drawing support from every
source possible, but in this case the Re-
publicans are sacrificing a principle they
have previously accepted for the support
of machine big-wigs.
Dissension between the younger and older
elements of the GOP is not always as dis-
cernible as it is on the civil rights issue.
Underlying every point of national import
exists some unifying factor in the party's
political philosophy.
But it is apparently the younger group
that asserts itself today more positively,
with full realization that the fate of the
Republican Party hangs in the political bal-
ance-that a positive, rather than a nega-
tive platform, of a progressive rather than
a "me-too" declaration of intention is
This is borne out by the YR platform
The Daily welcomes communicat
general interest, and will publish all
and in good taste. Letters exceeding
libelous letters, and letters which for
be condensed, edited, or withheld from
Hospital Affair . .
To the Editor:
THE University Hospital is a
state institution. Its officials
are public officers who are expect-
ed to administersit in accordance
with the public will and the pub-
lic interest. Philip J. Olin, Hos-
pital personnel chief, does not ac-
cept his public obligations.
The campus (and indeed, near-
ly everyone who has heard of the
case) has been very disturbed by
the recent assault of a Negro wom-
an elevator operator by a Hospi-
tal doctor. We are even more
shocked by the way the Hospital,
and particularly Olin, has handled
the case. For the purpose of gain-
ing further clarification of the
Hospital's policy and to demand a
rectification of the injustices
done, the Inter-Racial Association
and delegates of several other
campus organizations formed a
delegation to see Olin. He flatly
refused to see us.
For what reason has Olin cho-
sen to so audaciously deny us the
democratic right of petition? Ob-
viously he must be unsure of the
grounds, first, on which he laid
off Mrs. Philpot, the elevator
operator, without pay for 11 days
(beginning the very hour she was
sent to surgery after the assault),
second, on which he has attempt-
ed to intimidate Mrs. Philpot,
witnesses, and other employees by
threatening to fire them if they
talk about the case, and third, on
which he has attempted to place
some of the blame for the assault
on Mrs. Philpot (she "talked back"
after being disgracefully insulted
by the doctor). It may also be that
questions about the doctor's dis-
missal would be embarrassing for
there is evidence to indicate that,
instead of being fired, Dr. Sul-
lenberger has merely been trans-
ferred to another job.
In view of the gross maladmini-
stration of the case and the dis-
regard of democratic process by
refusing to answer the public's
questions Olin is as guilty of mis-
conductas the doctor who com-
mitted the crime. In its own in-
terest the public must demand cor-
rective action by University offi-
cials above Olin, even to the ex-
tent of dismissing him if his pre-
sent policy persists.
-Jack Barense
Inter-Racial Association.
ions from its readers on matters of
letters which are signed by the writer
300 words in length, defamatory or
any reason are not in good taste will
m publication at the discretion of the
J-Hop Gravy?
To the Editor:
o Mr. Keith:
I would like to point out many
grossly exaggerated statements
that appeared in your editorial of
2/15/50, entitled "J-Hop Gravy
Train." I think that everyone who
read the editorial would be inter-
ested in knowing the basis for
your verysbroad statements re-
garding excessive projects paid
out to printers, decorators, etc.
Since bids from these concerns
have not yet been sent to us and
the J-Hop committee has not yet
made public any financial state-
ment, I do not see what grounds
you have to stand on. Facts, not
broad generalizations and person-
al opinions, would do much to
make your editorial significant.
However, you say that "the
gravy was shipped out in the form
of high profits for dance bands,
decorators, printers and photo-
graphers." If you knew, Mr. Keith,
the price we paid Duke Ellington,
I'm sure that you would agree
that no gravy was shipped out
there. Whether you like the kind
of music that Ellington plays or
not, you will have to admit that
he has a very good band, good
enough to command more than
he asked for.
In regards to decorations, let
me say that there are actually
very few decorating companies
who will even consider doing the
job. The reason: it is not finan-
cially beneficial for them. The
concerns that would do the decor-
ations would have charged be-
tween 3500 and 4000 dollars. All
of them, that is, except the Coop-
er Decoration Co. of N.Y. who did
it for about 1500 dollars less. If
you feel that we paid too much
for the decorations this year, you
are, I am sure, in a small minor-
Concerning the photography, let
me add that one company called
the committee and told us that we
got a very reasonable price. This
was the same concern that origi-
nally was quite angry because
there was no official notice of
photography bids being accepted.
The printing concern that did
all our work for us did so only
because they charged less than
half a dozen others we contacted.
If you want a big dance Bob,
you will have to pay for it. MSC
may pay only 4.20, but they only
have one band for one night.
(Continued from Page 3)
supervisor of electronics research
at the Aero. Research Center, will
speak on "The Theory of Bi-Con-
jugate Networks."
French 295 will meet tentatively
on Mondays from 4 to 6 p.m. in
306 Romance Language Bldg. The
first meeting of the class, Mon.,
Feb. 20.
Mathematics Colloqium: Thurs.,
Feb. 16, 4:10 p.m., 3011 Angell
Hall. Prof. L. C. Young of the
University of Wisconsin will speak'
on "Prime-Ends."
Political Science 350. Students
should see Mr. Henry Bretton for
topics for term papers. Mr. Bret-
ton will be in 303 South Wing on
Thursday and Friday, Feb. 16 and
17 from 3 to 5 p.m.
Zoology Seminar: Thurs., Feb.
16, at 8 p.m., Rackham Amphi-
theatre. Mr. Kenneth W. Pres-
cott will speak on "A Life History
Study of the Scarlet Tanager (Pir
anga olivacea)."
Maryla Jonas, distinguished Po-
lish pianist, will be presented by
the University Musical Society in
,the eighth concert in the Choral
Union Series, instead of Myra
Hess who has cancelled the bal-
ance of her American tour be-
cause of illness-Fri., Feb. 17, at
8:30 p.m, Miss Jonas will play the
following program: Passacaglia
in G minor (Handel); Capriccio
in D minor (Bach); Sonata No. 12
(Beethoven);, Kinderscenen, Op.
15 (Schumann); and a Chopin
group consisting of a Nocturne,
Three Mazurkas, Two Waltzes and
the Grand Polonaise in F-sharp
minor. .
Tickets are available at the of-
fices of the University Musical
Society, Burton Memorial Tower.
Student Recital: Katherine
Schissler, student of piano with
John Kollen, will present a pro-
gram at 8:30 p.m. Thurs., Feb. 16,
Rackham Assembly Hall, in par-
tial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Master of
Music. Compositions by Scarlatti,
Schubert, Bach and Beethoven.
Open to the public.
Events Today
Dormitory Activities Chairmen,
Assembly Association. Meeting 5
p.m., League. See bulletin board
for room.
Society of Automotive Engineers:
Mr. H. F. Barr, Cadillac Car Divi-
sion, G.M.C., will speak on "The
New Cadillac Engine," 7:30 p.m.,
348 W. Engineering.
International Center Weekly Tea:
4:30-6 p.m., for all foreign stu-
dents and American friends.
Sigma Alpha Iota: Board meet-
ing, 7 p.m., League.
University Marketing Club: Gen-
eral meeting, 7:30 p.m., 130 Busi-
ness Administration Bldg. All stu-
dents interested are welcome.
Druids: Regular Thursday meet-
ing, 10:30 p.m., Union. Elections.
Attendance important.
Tau Beta Pi: First meeting of
the semester, 6 p.m., Union Cafe-
Young Democrats: Kalamazoo
Room, League.
Michigan Education Club. 3-5
p.m., Rooms K, L, M, N, Union.
Speaker, Dr. H. Y. McClusky. Elec-
MSC's J-Hop is not the size of
Michigan's, If you think that J-
EHop is too costly just remember
that if you pay out less, your J-
Hop will suffer all around. At
Michigan J-Hop is a big and gala
social weekend, and I certainly
want to see it remain just that.
-Ned Hess
1951 J-HOP Committee
tion of officers. Refreshments.
U. of M. Sailing Club: Meeting,
7:30 p.m., 311 W. Engineering.
Polonia Club: Meeting, 7:30
p.m., International Center. All
members and 'interested friends
Graduate School Record Con-
certs: Every Thursday, 7:45 p.m,
East Lounge, Rackham. Tonight:
Bach's "Concerto in D Minor,"
Szigeti, violin, Orch. of the New
Friends of Music, Stiedry. Beetho-
ven, "Bagatelle in E Flat, Op. 33,
No. 1, and Sonata No. 21 in C,
Op. 53," Gieseking, piano. Haydn,
"Quartet in C, Op. 76, No. 3," Len-
er. Mozart, "Sonata KV 404, un-
finished," Lili Kraus, piano, Si-
mon Goldberg, violin. Mozart,
"Concerto No. 18 in B Flat, K456,"
Kraus, piano, London Philhar-
monic, Goehr. All graduate stu-
dents invited; silence requested.
La P'tite Causette: 3:30 p.m.,
Grill Room, League.
H illel Foundation: General
meeting for all those interested in
working on the spring member-
ship drive, 4:15 p.m., at the Foun-
Gilbert and Sullivan Society:
General meeting for all interested
in any part-music, production,
directing. 7:15 p.m ,.Haven Hall,
Room C.
Coming Events
Women's Glee Club: No rehear-
sal on Thursday night. Friday af-
ternoon rehearsal from 4 to 5:30.
Acolytes Meeting: Fri., Feb. 17,
7:30 p.m., West Conference Room,
Rackham Bldg. Prof. Henry Leo-
nard, ,Michigan State College;
"Philosophical Problems Relating
to Measurement." Open to public.
German Coffee Hour: 3:15-4:30
p.m., Michigan League Cafeteria.
All students and faculty members
Young Progressives of America:
Party: 8:30 p.m., Fri., Feb. 17,
League, in commemoration of Ne-
gro History Week. Movies on Ne-
gro contributions. Refreshments.
Everyone welcome.
Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students 6f
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Leon Jaroff .......... Managing Editor
Al Blumrosen.............City Editor
Philip Dawson........Editorial Ireetor
Mary Stein.............Associate Editor
Jo Misner..............Associate Editor
George Walker.......Associate Editor
Don McNeil ........... Associate Editor
Wally Barth......Photography Editor
Pres Holmes.........Sports Co-Editor
Merle Levin...........Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goelz.....Associate Sports Editor
Lee Kaltenbach......Women's Editor
Barbara Smith... Associate Women's Ec.
Allan Clamage....... .. ..Librarian
Joyce Clark.........Assistant Librarian
Business Staff
Roger Wellington.... Business Manager
Dee Nelson.. Associate Business Manager
Jim Dangl ........ Advertising Manager
Bernie Aidinoff......Finance Manager
Ralph Ziegler......Circulaton Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
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All rights of republication of all other
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann
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Subscription during the regular school
year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
l don't object to smoking. In moderation. Just look at my washing machine! ac mor/0
But that pipe smells like burning oil... Filthy from that black smoke. ,.
Maybe that's
what AtomobileAnd all this Tell your Fairy
Pixies smoke, soot to mess Godfather to keep
Mrxs'MalkeyW-up my vacuum out of my ice box,
cleaner... little boy, or-
My poor Things were all right
washing around here till you
machine. butted in, O'Malley-
Yeah, O'Malley, Cushlamochree!
We were doing
all right. .. Gosh!
_ .. _. - ,
b've een operating your father's automobile
auite satisfactorily little boy. Tell your
We were doing all right 1 dscKm r/ 1
w;ithot vu. O'Molle
You're having trouble with the Pixies-