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February 16, 1950 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1950-02-16

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Gymnasts Surprise Gophers, 52-44

Newcomers Strengthen
Revamped Puck Squad

Laz, 15 Feet Vault Ace,
To Lead Illini Trackmen

The second man in the history
of track and field competition to
clear the much sought-after 15
feet height in the pole vault will
be in Ann Arbor Friday afternoon.
"Illinois will present its prodig-
ions vaulting star, Don Laz, to
Michigan traci- fans in the dual
meet between the Wolverines and
the Illini, with the opening of the
field events scheduled for 2:00
p.m. and the track events begin-
nilig half an hour later.
LAZ TURNED the trick last
January 21st, in the Illinois Ar-
mory, during an intra-squad meet.
The mark cannot be officially rec-
ognized but, nevertheless, he is
the only man to have cleared the
bar at that height since the great
Cornelius Warmerdam racked his
pole for the last time a few years
Ever since Warmerdam am-
azed track authorities by clear-
ing 15 feet consistantly-he did
it over 65 times-pole vaulters
have been aiming for this mark.
In competition, the Illinois jun-
ior cleared 14-6 in the Millrose
games on January 28, and last
week set a new Armory record of
14 feet, 3 % inches in a dual be-
tween Illinois and Ohio State.
ONE OF the featured events of
the day, the pole vault will pro-

vide Michigan's Ed Ulvestad with
an acid test of the extent of his
recuperation. He surprised track
fans by jumping 13 feet to earn
first place against Wisconsin last
Saturday night.
Ulvestad, who holds the
Michigan Varsity record for
this event, made the jump less
than one month after undergo-
ing an emergency appendect-
omy and with only two days of
light warm-ups the previous
After he was rushed to the hos-
pital last January 14th, it was
announced that he would be lost
for the indoor campaign and
probably for the early part of the
outdoor season.
But Ulvestad returned to the
field hbuse last week, put on his
sweat suit and jogged through'
light warm-ups in anticipation of
competing against Wisconsin.
He's been working out all this
week, and may be able to give Laz
some stiff competition Friday af-
Red Cross life-saving in-
struction for men will be held
tonight from 7 to 9:30 p.m. at
the IM building. Instructors
are Jack Redd, Bob Hollway,
Jerry Burns, and Jay Han-

Tank Squad
Time Trials
Sharpen 'W
Matt Mann sent his varsity
swimmers through strenuous time
trials yesterday in preparation
for the dual meet against Iowa's
Hawkeyes Saturday in the varsity
The Wolverines returned to Ann
Arbor with a road trip record of
two victories and one defeat. Both
Minnesota a n d Northwestern
bowed to the Maize and Blue, but
the Spartans of Michigan State
pulled a surprise upset to defeat
Michigan by a narrow margin.
S* * *
IT IS not difficult to find many
bright spots in the Spartan upset,
however. Dave Neisch performed
brilliantly in both the 400-yard
relay and the 300-yard medley
relay. and John Davies, recently
turned elegible, turned in a ster-
ling winning performance in the
200-yard breaststroke.
George Eyster who has been
improving consistently took the
diving event with a fine display
of steady performing.
Bill Kogan, assistant swimming'
coach, also had high praise for
the performances of Gus Stanger,
and Dick Martin, free-stylers, and
reliable Charlie Moss who does
just about anything. In a meet
held in Detroit, Moss broke the
AAU record for the 100-yard
breaststroke in a 20-yard pool in
the time of 1:00.2.
here Saturday afternoon, current-
ly hold the runner-up slot in Con-
ference standings. A l t h o u g h
minus the services of last year's
captain Wally Ris, Iowa brings a
powerful aggregation to$Ann Ar-
Earlier in the season the Hawk-
eyes were defeated by Big Ten
Champs Ohio State in a close
meet. Last year Iowa upset the
Wolverine natators to break the
Michigan winning streak in dual
competition at 16.

It was the pupil's turn to teach
the instructor yesterday after-
noon as Coach Newt Loken's
gymnastics team surprised the
University of Minnesota yester-
day, 52-44.
Loken, a former pupil of the
Gopher's coach, Ralph Piper, had
the pleasure of seeing one of his
most important wins since the
sport was introduced here come at
the hands of the mentor who
The intramural relays ori-
ginally scheduled for tonight
have been postponed to
Thursday, February 23.
Teams may practice Tuesday,
February 21 from 7:30 to
8:30. ,
-Earl Riskey.
taught him the winning tricks
which he has imparted to the Wol-
* * *
THE VICTORY came in true
Wolverine fashion. Being 39-41
going into the last event, the
Lokenmen scored a clean sweep of

the first three places in the
trampoline to put the contest on

Triumph Brings Halt
To Gopher Dominance

-Daily-Ed Kozma
. . . the usual double

SMcCoy's Cagers Get New Jolt
As Morrill Injures Right Foot

Ed Buchanan, holder of the
four major titles in the trampo-
line, chalked up the meet's high
total in the final competition
with 279 points awarded for
form, rhythm and continuity.
Individual stars of the meet
were the Wolverines' Pete Barthell
and the Gophers' Doug Sorenson,
both of whom compiled 15 team
points. Herb Loken, brother of the
Michigan coach and co-captain.
of the Minnesota outfit was run-
ner-up with 13 points. Connie Ettl
was in the second place slot in
team points for Michigan with 10.
* * *
BARTHELL and Buchanan ac-
counted for the Wolverines' three
firsts. Pete was the winner in the
parallel bar and tumbling and
took a second in the flying rings
and a fifth in the side horse.
Minnsota's three wins were by
Loken in the side horse, Howie
Swanson in the high bar and
Sorenson in the flying rings.
Michigan snapped a three-
meet winning streak in trounc-
ing the visitors from Minneap-
olis. The Gophers under Piper
had acquired a total of 100 wins
years. Loken's crew made the
century mark the stopper.
Side Horse-Won by Herb
Loken, (Minn.); second, Jeff
Knight, (M) ; third, Howie
Swanson, (Minn.); fourth, Doug
Sorenson, (Minn.); fifth, Pete
Barthell, (M).
High bar-Won by Swanson
(Minn.); second, Connie EttI,
(M) ; third, Sorenson, (Minn.);
fourth, Dick Flood, (Minn.) ;
fifth, Bob Wyllie (M).
Flying Rings-Won by Soren-
son, (Minn.); second, Howie
O'Connel, (Minn.) ; third, Ettl,
(M) ; fourth, Barthell, (M);
fifth, Tom Tillman, (M).
Parallel Bars-Won by Bar-
thell, (M); second, Loken,
(Minn.); third, Ettl, (M) ;
fourth, Sorenson, ( Minn.) ;
fifth, Wally Nieman, (M).
Tumbling-Won by Barthell,
(M); second, Tillman, (M);
third, Levenson, (4); fourth,
Sorenson, (Minn.); fifth, Loken,
Trampoline-Won by Ed Buch-
anan, (M); second, Levenson,
(M); third, Tillman, (M);
fourth, Loken, (Minn.); fifth,
Flood, (Minn.).

Colorado College will face a
slightly revamped but undoubtedly
improved Michigan hockey crew
this weekend at the Coliseum.
Two Wolverine newcomers,
Goalie Jack Maclnnes and Center
Earl Keyes, feature the new setup,
and their rather auspicious debuts
between terms indicates they will
give the Westerners plenty ofc
* ~* *
IT WASN'T quite the first ap-
pearance for MaclInnes in the
Blue uniform since he was the
Wolverine netminder back in 1945,
but it was Keyes' initial col-
legiate appearance and he made it
an impressive one.
A sophomore with three years
eligibility ahead of him, Keyes
racked up four goals in the
Michigan Tech series and as-
sisted Wally Grant on two
others to more than live up to
advance expectations.
Coach Heyliger broke up his
vaunted Celley - Burford - Grant,
line and put Keyes between wing-
men Grant and Bob Heathcott.
This was done to give the Wol-
verine attack better balance ex-
cept that Capt. Grant and his two
sophomore cohorts did more than
their share by garnering seven of
the eleven goals in the two game
affair with the Huskies.
MACINNES replaced Jack Mc-1
Donald in the first Minnesota
game and had to be at his best to
protect a slim 2-1 lead, the result
of a rather bad night for the
Wolverine offense.

In the Tech series he had
little hard luck in the firs
game when two of the thre
goals scored against him wer
hardly his fault, but in Satu
day's finale,, a Michigan scorn
splurge made things easy fe
Thus MacInnes has compilec
credible two goal per game ave
age, a feat that brightens I
outlook for Wolverines in their
forts to get another crack at t
NCAA title.
ODDS 'N ENDS .. . Althov
his pace has fallen off, Gil B
ford still holds a commanding
the team scoring race with
points . . . Neil Celley and Gri
follow with 30 and 25 respectiv
... three Michigan newspapers
cluding the Ann Arbor News he
established a trophy sympoliz
state college hockey supremac
the winner will be decided or
point basis between the three co
tenders, Michigan, Michigan Te
and Michigan State.



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Trouble has beaten a path to
the door of basketball coach Ernie
With his team shackled in the
depths of the Western Confer-
ence's second division after losing
five of eight league games, he is
now confronted with an injury to
guard Hall Morrill, a heel diffi-
culty which has sidelined the Wol-
verine mainstay and might keep
him out of the contest with Illinoisi
this week-end.
* * *
losing effort against Minnesota
last Monday, Morrill felt a sharp
pain in his right foot as he drove
toward the basket. He remained
in the lineup, however, and went
Bureau of Appointments: A re-
presentative of the Minneapolis-
Honeywell Co., Detroit office, will
be in our office on Tues., Feb. 21,
to interview two alumni engineers,
one for sales engineering and the
other for supervisor of installation.
Any type of engineer will be con-
sidered. These positions are to be
filled immediately and interviews
will not be open to June graduates.
The U.S. Civil Service Com-
mission announces examinations
for the following positions:
1. Technologist: will work with
the development, improvement and
utilization of industrial products.
Bachelor degree candidates in
technology, chemistry, engineering
physics, or other physical science
are eligible.
2. Scientific and Technical per-
sonnel of the Potomac River Nav-
al Command; notice of closing
date for receipt of application for
the positions of Chemist, Metal-
lurgist, Engineer, Physicist, Ma-
thematician, grades GS-7 through
GS-12. Closing date: Feb. 23.
3. Shorthand Reporter: written
tests are required and dictation,

on to lead his club in scoring with
15 points.
The following morning he was
unable to stand on the soreheel.
Trainer Jim Hunt has not de-
termined the exact nature of the
Meanwhile McCoy has sent Jim
Skala into action at the guard
position once again during cur-
rent practice. Skala has been em-
ployed sparingly in Big Ten games
with the exception of the Indiana
upset in which he played a vital
The 15 points registered by Mor-
rill in Minneapolis pushed him up
one notch in Michigan's individ-
ual scoring standings. He is now
third with a 155 total exceeded
only by Mack Suprunowicz and
Leo VanderKuy.
must be not less than 175 words
per minute.
4. Member of Statistical Sec-
tion, International Staff, Interna-
tional Labor office: must be 23-
35 years of age, ability to draft
in English, with good working
knowledge of French, thorough
preparation in labor statistics.
For further information on the
above announcements call at the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
ministration Bldg.
Academic Notices
Business Administration 208 -
"Chamber of Commerce Adminis-
tration," will meet Fri., Feb. 17,
from 2-4 p.m. Thereafter the regu-
lar hours will be Monday, 4-5, and
Wednesday, 4-6.
Electrical Engineering Colloqium
Fri., Feb. 17, 4 p.m., 2084 E. Engi-
neering Bldg. Dr. L. J. Cutrona,
Detroit Civil Service Commis-
sion announces examinations for
the following positions:
Civil Engineer, Architectural
Engineer, Mechanical Engineer,
(Continued on Page 4)

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Select your SPRING SLACKS during this sale event.
We have many of our Spring and Summer Slocks in
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(Continued from Page 2)
and Structural Engineer. Closing
date: May 1.
Detroit Civil Service Commis-
sion also announces examinations
for Social Case Worker and Medi-
cal Social Case Worker.
For additional information on
the above announcements, call the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
ministration Bldg.
A representative of the Allied
Chemical & Dye Corp., Morris-
town, N.J., will be in our office
on Friday, Feb. 17 to interview
men with Bachelor's degrees in
organic chemistry and chemical
" engineering, and PhD's with a ma-
jor in physical chemistry.
For further information please
call the Bureau of Appointments,
3528 Administration Bldg.

_ l
Q ,



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