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February 13, 1950 - Image 4

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Monday ebruawy,,13,;1950

maee It Up' To Ply March 29, 30, 31

* * *

* * *

* * *

Union Opera
Road Tour
Also Planned
"Lace It Up," second in the re-
vived series of the Michigan Un-
ion Opera, will be one of the high-
lights of the campus' entertain-
ment parade during the second
With an all-male cast, includ-
ing a line of gorgeous masculine
chc rus girls, the Opera will have
its premiere showing on Mar. 29,
30 and 31 at the Michigan The-
atre, scene of last year's presen-
tation of "Froggy Bottom."
fESIDES THE Ann Arbor per-
formances, this second of the
post-war Operas will take a brief
road tour during the spring vaca-
tion. Audiences in Buffalo, De-
troit and Toledo will enjoy the
antics of the 50-man "Lace ItI
Up" cast.
The out - of - town perform-E
ances are scheduled for April 10
in Buffaba, April 11 in Detroit,
and April 13 in Toledo.
Road trips, incidentally, are
nothing new for the Union Op-

Brigi Past
Recalled, by
New, Show .
Some 40 years of Union Opera
tradition have paved the way for
the latest of the all-male musical
comedies, "Lace It Up."
"Michigenda," produced in 1908
to raise funds for the Michigan
Union building, led off the parade
of- popular productions.
* * *
"MICHIGEI4DA" won so much
acclaim -that 'Culture" was pro-
duced by the Opera crew in 1909.
It became a hit in its own right,
and secured the reputation of Un-
ion Operas in the campus euter-
tainment sphere.
With the roaring twenties
came the peak in Union Opera
productions. Some of the better
shows, such as "Cotton Stock-
ings, "Tambourine," and "Rain-
bow's End" took lengthy road7
tours, playing in New York,
Washington and other large
eastern cities.
Even New York's staid Metro-
politan Opera House quivered with
laughter as "Cotton Stockings"
entertained Gothamites in 1923.
* * *
"TAMBOURINE," the -1925 op-
era, is reported to have drawn
laughter from the usually silent
President Calvin Coolidge when he
saw it at the White House during
its visit to the nation's capital.
As the depression reached its
depths in the early 1930's, the- Op-
era found that its extensive road
trips were no longer economically
practical. However, it did present
a few productions in Ann Arbor.
* * *4
IT WAS DURING this depres-
sion that Sally Rand became a
Union Opera fan. The famous ex-
ponent of the fan and bubble
dances gave dramatic .lessons to
the cast of the 1934 Opera.

(Continued from Page 24)
stein; Lily Ann Pearson and H.
Roy Johnson; Mary Jeanette Per-
dew and William Redmon.
** *
rus Carlton; Joan Perry and Ro-
bert Snyder; Jeanne Pew and
Charles Dafoe; Margie Pfeiffer
and Russell Price; Mr. and Mrs.
John Phillips; Lois Phillips and
Floyd Deshane; Betty Philippus
and Bud Rauner; Jeanne Phorne
and William Dunlop.7
Carolyn Pickle and Bill Bacon;
Joan Pierce and Neill Schmeichel;
T. Pierce and Raymond Bynowski;t
Marj Pierson and Bill Rogers;
Robert Piggott and Rodney Son-
nenberg; Lois Pitchford and Mar-
vin Nochman; Billy Ruth Plumlee
and J. Mendel Magil.
Joanne Poch and Thomas Mass-
nick; Rosemarie Pokorny and
John Boll; Mr. and Mrs. E. H.
Pctthoff, Jr.; Phoebe Pope and
William Groff; I. M. Popple and
Patrick Cina; Esther Poulos and;
Stanley Passaris; Betty Pray and;
Chuck Ortmann; Marion Price
and Robert Chute.
* * *
Daugherty; Ruth Prochnow. and
Ted Aprill; Mary'Procyszyn and!
Bruce Dilks; Jacqueline Pushkin;
and Myron Milgrom; Marilyn!
Quay and Marvin Quay; Jennie
Quirk and William Race.
Martha Raimier and Horst Wein-
berg; Marirose Ratti and John!
Maturo; Judith Raub and Dr. Ber-
nard Feldman; Doris Raunio and:
Thomas Fell; Haline Raymond
and Gerald Jarosik; Patricia!
Reader and Douglas Wicks; Bobby3
Jo Ream and Chuck Stinson;
Mary-Ellen Reay and Richard
Fasciszewski; Helen Redmon and
Gene Kiddon.
Lois Redmon and Robert Sheri-
dan; Marilyn Reed and Peter Man-
gels; Marion Reed and Fred Les-
ley; Peggy Reed and Jeff Knight;I
Mitzi Reeman and Robert Cor-,
nell; Adrianne Reevmtan and!
George Sturman; Toby Regen- I
streich and Don Sigman; Jane

Reiber and Arthur McWood; Shir-
ley Reno and.Kenneth Hurlin.
Walsh; Marjory Reubene and
Harry Burr, Jr.; Betty Rhamstine
and Paul Schaible; Jeri Rich and
Sumner Howart;,Betty Richards
and Robert Currie; Carol Rich-
ards and James Smith; Cherry
Richards and Carter Strong; Pa-
tricia Richards and Conrad Nel-
son; Barbara Riggs and Robert
Posie Rindge and Joe Hardig;
Dolores Rink and Richard Ben-
der; Pepper Robb and Dick Bau-
man; Joyce Robichaud and John
LeValley; Betty Robinson and R.
V. DeBona; Joan Robinson and
Bruce Dutcher; Mr. and Mrs.
Stacy Rodman; Dolores Rogers-
and William Lowenstein; Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Rogers.
Marilyn Rogers and Stiles Da-
vis; Phyllis Rogers and George
Rogers; Pat Rohring and Doug-
las Geib; Nancy Rook and Alvin
Nelson; Kathy Rose and Donald
Lubeck; Beverly Rosen and Nor-
man Axlerad; Florence Rosen and
Herbert Rosenthal; Marcia Roden!
and Paul Russman; Lila Rosenthal
and Alan Morgan.
*- * *
CAROL ROSER and Jack Bar-
rows; Suzanne Ross and John
Hodges; Barbara Roth and Wayne
Manary; Joan Rowan and Gerald
Van Syoc; Mr. and Mrs. George
Royce; Ruth Ann Rupp and Les-
ter Radcliff; Louise Rutledge and
William Gregory; Marcia Ryan,
and Ralph Schatz; Beverly Ryia
and Russ Johnson.
Peg Sabin and Duane Gotschall.
Mickey Sager and David Subar;
Nancy Saker and Laurie Howley
Mary Salamon and Robert For-
gacs; Betsy Sauer and John Purs-
ley; Lenamyra Saulson and Saul
Margules; D. Saunders and Ed-
ward Videan; Ruth and George!
Sawyer; Eileen Scanlon and E. J.
Norris; Maureen Scanlon and Joe
Mary Schadler and Dale Schuh-
knecht; Barbara Schaefer and
Jack Kersten; Charlotte Schaub
and William Duellman; Jo Scher-
rer and Duane Billmeyer; Rae
Schieble and William Lord; Aud-

Schwartz and JohnSerest Lo- a
}aine Schooic and Wesley LaRoy;
Maion Schrauder and William 1:
Brenton. s
Marilyn Scott and John Rem-
'4 bowski; Mary Scott and Carleton
Griffin;.Shirley Scoville and Har- S
land -Gillette; Ann Seaton and v
Frank Swartwout, Jr.; Mary Se- I
can and -Jack Otto; Dona Seehase a
and Ralph Rupp; Patricia Seibert F
and Nicholas Radell; Peggy Sei- S
bert and Bruce Bauer; Lorelei Sei- IF
ton and Jerome Finklestein. J
.......Ruth Seltzer and Warren Co-
.: . ,wan; Ida Semerjian and John S
Nalbandian; Barbara S e y m o u r I
,''and Bob Kramb; Joan Seymour I
and Leo Calhoun; Betty Shana- 1
A barger and Peter Oak, Jr.; Kay'a
Shanon and Robert Maund; Mau- k
rine Shapiro and Norman Aner; I
. Ronnie Shapiro and Norman Ka- s
.'.. gan; Georgia Shea and James c
.....~q . * * .* .
Fryling; Mary Sheldon and Carl
Cooper; Sylvia Sheppard and Bob j
Mitchell; Connie Sheppherd and s
Alex Popp; Pat Sheridon and 8
Manny Sitkiss; Jane Sherzer and
Harold Beam; Barbara Shiffrin
and Hilliard Gersten; Rita Shif-
rey Schindlbeck and Harold Aven; koski and Leonard Wilcox; Jna s
Mary and Stanley Schlect; Gloria Shoop and A. H. Lowe.
Schleh and Robert Carr; Mr. and ! Marilyn Shube and Samuel Ha- ]
Mrs. Harold Schlichting. vis; Helen Shulman and Jay Al- 1
len; Elizabeth Shurtleff and Da- !
ELAINE SCHMID and Gordan vid Griffing; Louise Shynski and'
Phillips; Jean and William Scho- Bill Stanezyk; Carmel Sicard and
John LaGaipa; Ina Jean Sidder 1
en; Jeanne Schrieber and Wil- and Norm Gottlieb.
liam Prokopow; Joyce Schreiber Anabel Siegel and Morris Ca- r
and Lee Kaufman; Caryl Schwab miner; Joyce Sigel and Herbert
a n d Charles W e b e r; Elise Brode; Merrilou Silbert and Alan
Schwartz and Gene Mesh; Lola Waterstone; Patricia Simmons

CHORINES CAVORT-These energetic dancers, garbed in Latin-American costumes, are all men,
despite the use of the bare midriff fashion. They were members of the "Froggy Bottom" dancing
chorus. "Froggy Bottom," presented at the Michigan Theatre early in 1949, was the first of the
revived series of Michigan Union Operas. The Opera series will continue this year when "Lace It
Up," is presented Mar. 29, 30 and 31 at the- Michigan Theatre.

era casts. During the 1920's some tions in a lingerie factory will be Bottom" script for musical com-
df the better Operas made ex- the target for the barrage of edy production.
tensive tours of the eastern half songs and dances which the Op-
of the nation. era will launch. W Veteran theatrical producer
* * * William Holbrook will visit Ann
"FROGGY BOTTOM" brought "Lace It Up" sprang forth from Arbor soon to supervise castila
the traditional opera back to cam- the combined mental efforts of tryouts for the show. Holbrook
pus last year after an absence of Jack Leonard, '50, and Bryce will direct the antics of the cast1
nearly a decade. In past years, the .. , n ', hduring the course of the pro-I
Union Opera was known as one Buzz'Durant, 50, whose theme duction.
of the top-ranking college musical, was chosen over the many others He brings an impressive record
shows in the country. submitted to the Committee by of successes in the college musical
Following the established tra- student playwrights. field along with him, having di-
dition, the 1950 model will take * * * rected seven of Harvard's famed
d playful poke at a newsworthy NO NEWCOMERS to the Union "Hasty Pudding" shows. along;
subject of general interest. This Opera scene, Leonard and Durant with one of the Princeton "Tn-
year, labor-management rela- last year revised the "Froggy angle" shows.

year's opera is Jim Ebersole, '50
who broke into local operatic cir-
cles by composing several of the
tunes for "Froggy Bottom." He
has contributed several items to
the score of "Lace It Up."
This year's Opera staff has
rounded up quite an array of
composers and lyricts, headed
by the Opera's music chairman,
Don Wyant. The group includes
Marion Rogers, Bill Brehm, Ted
Johnson, Lloyd Chosed, Dean
Barnard, Harold Singer, Bill Ed-
mionds, Ralph Hamilton, Bob
Ashley, Lee Eitzen, Harry Wiet-
ing and Joshiah Horton.

..j a ..

9t~6Unit OeraTie
The Michigan Union
Presents Its 30th
All-Male Musiccl Comedy
AsU mC t
Staged and Directed by WILLIAM HOLBROOK, New York
March 29, 30, 31 ... 8:30 P.M.
Manyour ticket
MceiU "," Jammed with Laughs
Ann Arbor, Michiga C
Tickets Crammed with Mwsic
$1.20, $1.80, $2.40
All Seats Reserved and Loaded with-
Terpsichorean "Chorines"

Authors Durant and Leonard World War II killed off what
contributed lyrics to the show, al- was left of the Opera, after its
so. 1941 production. No more were
Bill Boyer, '50 SM, will be way- produced until 1949 when "Frog-
ing the baton for the "Lace It Up" gy Bottom" appeared on the Mich-
orchestra when the curtain goes igan Theatre stage. With last
up. Boyer recently conducted the year's success, the Opera appears
orchestra for the Gilbert and Sul- headed back for its old position as
livan Society production of "Pir- tops among college musical re-
ates of Penzance." views.
Mail Order Ticket Sales Start
Mail orders are now being accepted for tickets to any of the
three Ann Arbor performances of "Lace It Up," the Union Opera
presentation on stage March 29, 30, 31 at the Michigan Theater.
Checks and mail orders should specify the date desired and
should be addressed to "Lace It Up," Michigan Union, Ann Arbor,
Michigan. Ticket prices are $1.20, $1.80, and $2.40. Orders will be
recorded according to the date received and will be filled before
Monday, March 13, when tickets go on sale at the ticket window
in the Union lobby.
Tickets are on a first-come first-serve basis, so groups desiring
blocks of seats are urged by the opera committee to get their orders
in as soon as possible.

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