Opportunity S tate
"But This Thing Isn't Getting Any Bigger"
ASHINGTON-Some months ago it was
observed here how the term "Socialism"
was replacing "Communism" as a label of
opprobrium used by foes of social reforms
embodied in New Dealism, Fair Dealism, and
That was manifest in debate in Congress
and in public speeches and statements
It was forecast here then that the attack
would be concentrated thenceforth on So-
cialists, as such and away from Communists
who were becoming discredited as a politi-
cally potent force, with some of them being
indicted and prosecuted, others sent to jail,
and still others being shipped out of the
country or sneaking out of the country.
pIAT FORECAST was wrong. The error
is herewith confessed.
Anyone who is familiar with the Am-
erican scene shoild have recognized,
when he essayed the role of prophet, that
the Socialists, after all, were small in
number, gentlemanly sort of folks gen-
erally, of little consequence as a prty of
action. Their head man, Norman Thomas,
while still a furiously indignant figure on
the stump, has gathered a sort of benign
respectability about him through the
years, and even hard-shelled Republicans
will sit down with him in the best hotels
and restaurants without fear of contam-
ination or criticism.
Anyone who has covered politics as long
as this reporter should have known from all
of this what was needed was a bigger enemy
than the Socialists, a really effective politi-
cal element and, best of all, one actually
occupying the seats of power.
SO IT HAS worked out. In its new mani-
festo or declaration of principles, the Re-
publican party has adopted that strategy
and has tarred the whole Democratic party
with Socialism, and is making its campaign
slogan against the Democrats for the 1952
Congressional elections:
"Liberty against Socialism."
Now that is natural in politics, even if it
might 'not turn out so scarifying to the
American electorate as Republicans seem to
think. But isn't it about time to give
Norman Thomas and his little band of So-
cialists some credit, and not neglect them
entirely? That is only fair play. Why should
Mr. Thomas be a forgotten man?
THE U. S. Chamber of Commerce, which
is making Socialism the predominant
issue also, is more charitable than the Re-
In its elaborate and comprehensive bro-
chure, "Socialism in America, 1950," just
off the press, at the very beginning of the
first chapter, "Socialism without a
Party," it says:
"In the Presidential election of 1948, only
one voter in every 500 put his 'X' alongside
the name of Norman Thomas, the official
candida tihe ocialist Party. Even at its
peak popularity, the party has never been
able to amass as many as a million votes.
"Does this mean that Socialist ideas have
been making little headway? Hardly. As a
matter of fact, no less an authority than
Norman Thomas said, just after the 1948
election, that the program of the Adminis-
tration had been profoundly influenced by
Socialist thought, and that it conforms
closely to platforms proposed by the Social-
ist party from time to time'."
THIS REPORTER recalls a speech the late
Franklin D. Roosevelt made at a big
dinner here in the middle of the New Deal.
In his best whimsical manner he reminded
the array of prominent leaders of both
Democratic and Republican parties who sat
before him how through the years the two
major parties gradually had adopted planks
from Socialist Party platforms of a few
years before. And he demonstrated that by
reading excerpts from all three platforms
going back to the early years of the century.
Which seems to prove that change does
occur in America.
So let's not forget Norman Thomas and
his devoted band of followers in the current
noise and confusion.
(Copyright, 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
FOUND: The answer to the Welfare State.
Perhaps "found" is a por word, for the
Opportunity State is the product of much
clear thinking, soul-searching and plain
hard work on the part of its proponents, the
University of Michigan Young Republican
The result of their labors is a clearly-
Worded, eminently constructive platform
setting forth the details of the proposed
Opportunity State. This courageous state-
ment, which has just been made available
to the campus in printed.form, is worth any
amount of work that went into its evolution.
Even the name-Opportunity State-is a
particularly happy choice. And what a
striking contrast to the title Welfare State!
To the amateur and professional skep-
tics who sneer at American ideals, the
Opportunity State seems to declare: "You
are wrong, you who would sell our way of
life down the river. Individual freedom
and initiative are not dead in America.
They.can be channeled into new, con-
structive paths."
But far more important, the Opportunity
State offers hope to the average citizen who
has been torn by indecision, lured by the
glittering promises of the Welfare State but
vaguely conscious of its threat to his free-
dom. To this citizen, the Opportunity State
'seems to say:
"Here is your chance. A chance to make
your own future. True, success is not guar-j
anteed. Much depends on you, on your own
efforts. But after all, before you can trust
anyone, you must have faith in yourself!"
The Opportunity State is not a promise.
It is a challenge. And challenge has been
the key to every major civilization's great-
ness; the historians tell us that.
No editorial writer can hope to do justice
to the entire idea of the Opportunity State.
The platform issued by the Young Republi-
cans runs to eight pages, and even then it
is masterfully concise. But a quick look at
the preamble and subdivisions is highly il-
"We Young Republicans believe in a
government that serves the people rather
than one that aggrandizes the State," the
preamble declares.
"We condemn with equal vigor big busi-
ness monopoly that robs the working man
of his freedom, and big government that
takes from the individual his human dig-
nity and self reliance.
"We shall work to attend the needs of the
individual who would not otherwise have
an opportunity to make a good beginning.
We shall fight to affirm full rights for our
minorities," the preamble continues.
"We want America's standard of living
raised, and we want it raised by the Am-
erican people-not by freedom-devouring
government bureaus and political ma-
The platform advocates enforcement of
the anti-trust laws "in the interests of free
competition and in line with the spirit of
free enterprise." Economy in government
and a sane, revamped tax structure are en-
dorsed. Special attention is given to workers
with non-fluctuating salaries.
"An'Opportunity State must include equal
rights for all," the statement continues in
demanding enactment of federal anti-lynch
legislation and establishment of fair em-
ployment practices.
"We favor the Lodge-Gossett bill as a
means of direct democracy in the election
of our President," the platform states. This
bill, which would do away with the unfair
presidential elector system, was recently
passed by the United States Senate. Passage
by the House and ratification by two-thirds
of the states are still needed before it can
become a part of the Constitution.
"As for the issue of Communism, we do
not want the outlawing of the Communist
Party, but we staunchly oppose the hold-
ing of federal jobs by Communists or their
teaching our school children." the Young
Republicans state.
"We believe in the Labor-Management
Relations Act of 1947, with just application
and revision," they continue.
A 21 point labor "bill of rights" is offered
which seeks to prevent injustices on both
sides of the labor-management fence. In-
deed, it seeks to tear down the fence!
Development of the St. Lawrence Seaway
project is urged in the seciion on natural
As for agriculture, the platform endorses
"first and foremost a bolstering of the
'family-size' farm." Independence from
"impractical federal programs such as the
Brannan plan" is urged, wtile the Young
Republicans support the following on a
sound basis of the Hope-Aiken Bill "pro-
viding parity price supports on a sliding
scale that will be fair to both the farmer
and the consumer."
And then comes the big issue: welfare.
"We have always opposed excessive gov-
ernment regulation of the private lives
and activities of the people," the Young
Republicans assert. "But we must always
look at the welfare needs of the people in
a forward-looking manner, and not be
.satisfied with merely resisting change in
"To enhance a State of Opportunity, we
vigorously support such federal measures as
are designed to serve the needs of the indi-
vidual who is not blessed with the oppor-
tunity to make a good beginning. These pro-
grams should be limited to cases of specific
need," the platform adds.
"We believe in an Opportunity State for
every American citizen rather than a
Welfare State for pressure groups," the
Young Republicans assert.
The Opportunity State may well be the
most important 'political idea ever to come
out of the' University of Michigan.
All of us will agree with some of its prin-
ciples. Perhaps none of us will agree with all
of them. But University of Michigan stu-
dents can well be proud that such a dynam-
ic concept of government was born here
among us.
-James Gregory
#E 2 y * o c..
Washington Merry-EGoEARound
(Continued from Page 3)
buted from 508 (basement) Ad-
ministration Bldg., the week of
Feb. 20.
The U.S. Civil Service Commis-
sion announces examinations for
Traffic andTransportation Spe-
cialist, Grades GS-5 to GS-12,
Transportation R a t e Auditor,
grades GS-6 to GS-9, Rate Exam-
iner, Communication Rate or Tar-
iff Examiner, grades GS-5, 7, 9,
11, 12, Transportation Tariff Ex-
aminer, grades GS-7. Closing date:
March 2.
The U.S. Civil Service Commis-
sion announces an amendment to
the announcement of Engineer,
adding several positions at the lev-
el of GS-13 to GS-15. Openings in
,Washington, D.C., various agen-
cies within the area of the Fourth
Civil Service Region, and at the
Naval Air Development Station in
Johnsville, Pa. Closing date: Feb-
ruary 23.
The U.S. Civil Service Commis-
sion announces openings in the
Rural Electrification Administra-
tion for Field Representative
grades GS-9 and GS-11, and for
Rural Electrification Engineer
GS-9 and GS-11. No closing date
/Ie tter4
The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tions letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editorswreserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
YR Statement .. .
To the Editor:
THE following resolution was
passed at the membership
meeting of the Young Republican
Club on January 18:
"Be it resolved by the University
of Michigan Young Republican
Club that it goes on record as
wholeheartedly approving a n d
standing firmly behind the devel-
opment of the unpartisan foreign
policy as established and led by
Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg of
Copies of the above resolution
were authorized to be sent to Sen-
ator Vandenberg and leading Re-
publicans in the Congress.
-Leonard A. Wilcox,
The U.S. Civil Service Commis-
sion announces examinations for
Librarian. Openings in 7th Civil
Service Region. $3100/year. Clos-
ing date: March 2.
The U.S. Civil Service Commis-
sion announces examinations for
Mineral Technologist, grades GS-
11 and 12. Openings in Rapid City,
S.D. Closing date: March 6.
The National Advisory Commit-
tee for Aeronautics, Langley Field,
Virginia, announces a nation-wide
examination for probational ap-
pointment for Aeronautical Re-
search Intern in Science and En-
gineering, grade GS-5 at $3100/
yr. Open to students in Physics,
Chemistry, Metallurgy and the
following types of Engineering:
Aeronautical, Chemical, Electri-
cal, Civil, Mechanical, Ceramic,
Metallurgical. Pos.-tions to be fill-
ed at three NACA Laboratories:
Langley Aeronautical Lab, Lang-
ley Field, Virginia, Moffett Field,
California, and Cleveland, Ohio.
"losing date: February 28.
The New York State Civil Ser-
vice Commission announces ex-
aminations in the following fields:
Engineering, Architecture, Insur-
ance Examiners, Publicity Agents,
Office Machine Operators, Edu-
cation and Social Work, Correc-
tion Institution Teachers. Closing
date: March 10.
Detroit Civil Service Commission
announces examinations for Medi-
cal Laboratory Analyst. Closing
date: February 24. Also announces
opening for Junior Welfare Inves-
tigator. Closing date, February 27.
For further information on the
above announcements; call at the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
ministration Bldg.
University Lecture. "Culturing
Grown Gall Tissue in Vitro." Pro-
fessor Albert Joyce Riker, Univer-
sity of Wisconsin; auspices of the
Department of Botany. 4:10 p.m.,
Wed., Feb. 15, Rackham Amphi-
Academic Notices
Aero, Eng. 160 (Section I'), In-
troduction to Non-linear Systems,
will have an organization meeting,
5 p.m., Wed., Feb. 15, 1500 E. Engi-
neering Bldg., to determine the
meeting hours for the remainder
of the semester. Those interested
are urged to attend.
Anthropology 152: The Mind of
Primitive Man will meet in 102
Architecture Bldg. instead of in
Angell Hall.
History 50: Lecture: Monday
and Friday, 2 p.m., 348 W. Engi-
Section 6: Wednesday, 2 p.m.;
Abramson-Krueger, 2013 Angell
Hall; Larson-Smith, 102 Angell
Hall; Spieth-Wetmore, 2014 An-
gell Hall.
Section 7: Wednesday, 2 p.m.;
Adler-Goodstrey, 2014 Angell Hall;
Gregory-White, 1007 Angell Hall.
Philosophy 200 will meet Tues-
days, 7-8 p.m. (instead of Mon-
days, as scheduled), and Philoso-
phy 301 will meet Thursdays, 7-
9 p.m. (instead of Tuesdays, as
Romance Philology 158 - Ro-
mance Phonetics. First meeting to
fix class hours will be Wed., Feb.
15, 12 noon, 102 South Wing.
Freshman Health Lectures for Men
Second Semester 1949-50
It :is a University requirement
that all entering Freshmen, in-
cluding veterans, attend a series
of lectures on Personal and Com-
munity Health and pass an exam-
ination on the content of these
lectures. Transfer students and
freshman standing are also re-
quired to take the course unless
they have had a similar course
elsewhere, which has been accred-
ited here.'
Upperclassmen who were here
as freshmen and who did not ful-
fill the requirements are requested
to do so this term.
The lectures will be given in
25 Angell Hall at 5 and 7:30 p.m.
as per the following schedule:
Lecture Day Date
1 Mon. Feb. 13
2 Tues. Feb. 14
3 Wed. Feb. 15
4 Thurs. Feb. 16
5 Mon. Feb. 20
6 Tues. Feb. 21
7 Final Exam Wed. Feb. 22
You may attend at either of
the above hours. Enrollment will
take place at the first lecture.
Please note that attendance is re-
The University Extension Ser-
vice announces the following
Chamber Music for Recreation.
A performance course to intro-
duce players to chamber music
and to fellow chamber musicians.
Open to University students as
well as to members of the com-
munity, no previous ensemble ex-
perience is necessary. Participants
will be organized into small en-
sembles to play the easier cham-
ber works under capable direction.
Noncredit course, eight weeks,
$5.00. Section I. String Instru-
ments, directed by Prof. Oliver A.
Edel. Section II. Woodwinds
(Oboe, Flute, Clarinet, Bassoon,
and French Horn.) Nelson M. Ha-
uenstein. Both sections meet at
7 p.m. on Tuesdays, beginning Feb.
14, in 1022 University High
Fundamentals of Accounting. A
survey course for those who want
a general knowledge of accounting
and who do not especially wish to
pursue the subject further. (Busi-
ness Administration 13, three
hours credit.) Registration, $21.00.
Prof. Leo A. Schmidt. Tuesday,
Feb. 14, 7 p.m., 165 Business Ad-
ministration Bldg.
General Semantics - Scientific
Living. The physical and mental
foundations of conduct. Training
in effective thinking by the ap-
plication of the principles of gen-
eral semantics to the solution of
personal and public problems;
techniques of training; effective
use of language to the end of sat-
isfactory personal adjustment.
Noncredit course, eight weeks.
$5.00. Prof. Clarence L. Meader.
Tuesday, Feb. 14, 7 p.m., 171 Busi-
ness Administration Bldg.
CONCERTS - 18 pt. Bit ........
Faculty Concert Postponed: The
program by Mischa Meller, As-
sistant Professor of Piano in the
School of Music, previously an-
nounced for 8:30 tonight in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theater, has been
postponed. The new date will be
announced later.
Maryla Jonas, distinguished Po-
lish pianist, will be presented by
the University Musical Society in
the eighth concert in the Choral
Union Series, instead of Myra
Hess who has cancelled the bal-
ance of her American tour be-
cause of illness,-Fri., Feb. 17, at
8:30 p.m. Miss Jonas will play the
following program: Passacaglia
in G minor (Handel); Capriccio
in D minor (Bach); Sonata No. 12
(Beethoven); Kinderscenen, Op.
15 (Schumann); and a Chopin
group consisting of a Nocturne,
Three Mazurkas, Two Waltzes,
and the Grand Polonaise in F-
sharp minor.
Tickets are available at the of-
fices of the University Musical So-
ciety, Burton Memorial Tower.
Student Recital: Thomas Gli-
goroff, pianist,,will present a pro-
gram at 8:30 tonight in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theater, in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for
the Bachelor of Music degree. Mr.
Gligoroff will play Partita in C
minor by Bach, Carnaval, Op. 9,
by Schumann, Mozart's Fantasie
in C minor, K. 475, and Ravel's
LeTombeau de Couperin. He is a
pupil of John Kollen and his pro-
gram, previously announced for
4:15, is open to the public.
Student Recital: Elsie Kalionen,
student of violin with Paul Doktor,
will present a program at 8:30
Wednesday evening, February 15,
in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, in
partial fulfillment of the require-
merits for the Bachelor of Music
degree. Her program will include
compositions by Mozart, Vivaldi,
and Beethoven, and will be open
to the general public.
Exhibition of student work in
the College of Architecture and
Design; through February 25. 1st
floor lobby, Architecture Bldg.
Events Today
Christian Science Organization;
Testimonial meeting, 7:30 p.m.
Upper Room, Lane Hall, All are
Sports Instruction for Women:
Women students who have com-
pleted their physical education
regirement may register as elec-
tives in physical education classes
on Tuesday and Wednesday morn-
ings, February 14 and 15 in Bar-
bour Gymnasium.
Michigras Central Committee:
General meeting, 4 p.m., Rm. 3D
Mathematics Club: 8 p.m., West
Conference Room, R a c k h a m
Building. Dr. R. K. Ritt will speak
on Elementary Functions.
Chess Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.m.,
Union. New members welcome.
(Continued on Page 5)
WASHINGTON-The basic differences in-
side the Republican Party were not ap-
parent in the new GOP magna charta issued
last week. But during a closed-door caucus
of GOP senators, there developed a signifi-
cant cleavage which will have to be recon-
ciled before the party can win any resound-
ing victories.
Although nearly every Senator had his
own ideas on what the policy statement
should say, it was Brewster of Maine and
Taft of Ohio who engineered the final
"If you agree with 80 per cent of the
statement, that is as much as anyone can
expect," argued Brewster. "We can't draft
a statement that will suit everyone per-
"The Young Turks" however, demurred.
Their sharpest spokesman was Vermont's
stocky George Aiken who objected to the
slogan, "Liberty against Socialism" and
urged instead, "Liberty against Total-
These are costly statements you are mak-
ing," he warned.
Aiken also condemned the "weak
vacillating" stand on Civil Rights,
criticized the implied endorsement of
tariffs. But his loudest protest was
the statement on farm policy.
Fift y-.Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Leon Jaraoff...........Managing Edtar
Al Blumrosen................City Editor
Philip Dawson......Editorial-Director
Mary Stein....... Associate Editor
Jo Misner........ AssociateEditor
George Walker.......Associate Editor
Don McNeil ........... Associate Editor
Wally Barth ....... Photography Editor
Pres Holmes.........Sports Co-Editor
Merle Levin.... ,....... Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goelz. Associate Sports Editor
Lee Kaltenbach ....... Women's Editor
Barbara Smith... Associate Women's Ed.
Joan King.................Librarian
Allan Clamage......Assistant Librarian
Business Staff
Roger Wellington....Business Manager
Dee Nelson.. Associate Business Manager
Jim Dongl.......Advertising Manager
Bernie Aidinoff......Finance Manager
Ralph Ziegler......CirculatOn Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular school
year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
6 _ _
Aiken then proceeded to criticize the
GOP's equivocal stand on cooperatives and
failure to endorse the Rural Electrification
Administration. Aiken's support of REA was
so vigorously backed up by Senators Mc-
Carthy of Wisconsin, Watkins of Utah and
Young of North Dakota that the GOP policy
drafters agreed to insert REA in the magna
IT DIDN'T LEAK out of that super-secret
meeting of the Congressional Atomic
Committee, but Gen. Leslie Groves, wartime
boss of the Manhattan project, indirectly
tried to pin the blame on President Roose-
velt for atomic leaks to Russia.
Groves contended' that the leaks would
not have occurred if FDR had followed
his advice and insisted on a tighter
screening of British and American scien-
tists working on the A-bomb.
He also complained that Roosevelt had
refused to invite him to a meeting in Quebec
with Winston Churchill, at which atomic
security regulations were drafted.
Chairman Brien McMahon of Connecti-
cut and Reps. Chet Holifield of California
and Henry Jackson of Washington hotly re-
futed Groves' charges, argued that it wasn't
FDR's job to screen British scientists as
long as they had been certified as trust-
worthy by the British Government.
They also bluntly reminded Groves that
if Roosevelt had followed his advice and
placed our own scientists in a strait jacket
At 'U' High A uditorium
"CLOSED SESSION" by Jean-Paul Sartre.
T HE HOW AND WHY of mankind in the
Twentieth Century as put forth by ex-
istentialist Jean-Paul Sartre in his play
"No Exit" is that each person is alone, hav-
ing only himself as moral yardstick, and yet,
paradoxically, each person is inextricably
bound to those around him.
Hell, static and much too much like the
earth, is the scene of this very intense
that the tenseness of the play keeps one's
interest completely.
The direction by Strowan Robertson is
admirable-I felt especially in the move-
ment of the characters around the stage.
Len Rosenson, the coward, carefully var-
ies his performance, having an especially
good sense of when a dammed one is fun-
ny. I found Joyce Edgar as the nympho-
maniac suitably sexy, although I did feel
that she was in a bit too much of a hurry
when reading her lines. Miss Ellis, the
member, around whom most of the action
revolves, is rather unsteady. I must say
There's no sense everybody being mad,
Mr. O'Malley-Why don't you offer
the Pixies a nice cup of tea or ...
A sandwich, Barnaby!
Splendid idea, m'boy
Yo un my coveralls in that washing I
Certainly. A friendly gathering
around the festive (hoard. Let's
see what's in the ice box .. .
Caviar, perhaps. Or a nice pate'--
Gash . .. The
*ice-box Pixie.
a Yc Cm
* "mor
Me! A skilled Vacuum Cleaner Pixie! I'll
t suppose Barnaby's all right at home-