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January 31, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 87) • Page Image 1

…The Michl i Dil ANN ARBOR, MICH., TIWSDAY, JANI.ART 31,i, 95. No. 8 00TJBALL GAME WITH ILLINOIS Champaign Eleven Will Appear on Perry Field Next Fall--Other Fotball D~ates to be An- flounced Soon. w.- " - =mot - .: ,, n s" i PLANS FOR THE JUNIOR HOP Arrangements for 1906 Hop Com- pleted---Lane to Le~ad (irand March A New Frate'rnity Admitted- Suppier Arra ngements. - 11at P ,r id"1t T i1 ) 11)1 jtt11 1 l 't rtC11E j iil~ ill r- ( <,11 \lich i<...…

January 31, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 87) • Page Image 2

…11. 7IITCIIG XX DT)T Y. **....f..........******THE 11IC H IlGA N DAILY. li\N 2 E WOUJLD HAVE Enerdasse d(-Isiot tccattor itthe Annititii1 Tha fearedoig Jine at: a ily;ag E da exe. S TEY BALngtEY ldc d a-,nlclo h o * 3c od tt tet Aollgleo .a 173 . asitnstret - In I111 tn tt tc 1nThat wourNewdong ooliessfr A.N Oaetlry .Aura.1 ii p \Theit c thecooing falatrdenre Ed iteJ SALY BA BuoinesA.ManagrA UDAr.urTHog O .1i1itv' l an Ic. ict sc ti lURtNEW ST...…

January 31, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 87) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. All Overcodtsnludiing tAItiTFSHAl"'NR.\ IM OR ED ST IN MAR' Al O eroasmakexxwill be sold at 1=-4 xiif re ixrxice $22.00 OVERCOATS nuow $16.50Th finest collectioxi if imiport ed (Germxanx xxanxfac- $20.00 OVERCOATS nw$15.00txurexd Steins in rich, haxndsomeii, uique~x pattersxre $18.00 OVERCOATS n~ow $13.50 displayed liy ns for the firsxit time iiii~s xek. Any ;size - $16.00 OVERCOATS nsow $12.00 xrsyeyx a vn il ix $15.00 OVE...…

January 31, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 87) • Page Image 4

…l'IEI Tili I TC TG A NDATILY._ FA.NDA.LL IP H O TO G R A P HEI R '5WaI k-Ove r$4.OO ...* ! t 7.. . , J+ .,r "."J ^r. Study with a Good Light T hre ob eer lighst than?, S THE WELSBACH READING LAMP ALL STYLES AT ALL PRICES. The Ann Arbor Gas Company. FOR MEN and WOMEN r ' _ 1; , . ' ; ,'., ,1 ly' r/ }' ,I S / ARRIVED for the "4J" HOP or Lace 111 S. Main St. A. G. Spalding & Bros. IL:1te 1-g e te. eel St u e t ] 111 ATHLETIC IMPLEMENTS BASE BALL ...…

January 29, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 87) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, JANUARY 29. 1905. No. 8 7 TIME TRIALS. STUDENT COMMUNICATIONS' SENDS CONGRATULATIONS. !THE GREEN-EYED MONSTER Atirtuat Preexam Test Held in Gym An Expression of Position in Mich= Michigan Senator Shows His Inter= Comedy a Success-After the Per= yesterday--(iarrels Equals Rec= _ igan Politics and Fancy Dres s est in IDebating by a Letter to formance there was but a Sin- ords for Two Laps. Party as- t...…

January 29, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 87) • Page Image 2

…IIll; NIC11.11(1 NN I)A1NuN f.. ... .... +."" THE 1I C H I CAN DAILY.I W E WOULD HAVE : IItr s1,nd . nttr 5 teAnn "Taweare dinlg business at f ' c o~cg s. f aaigEditor, J. STANLEY BALEY. BuiesMnger, CLAUDE A. THOMPSON. OUR NEW STORE ® News__________.. __AnsocIT~. POUNDi Ecngs................. oseh Y.Kr Womni........... ...Ida M. Brownrgg EDItiU~tlAL STA FF: That our New Woolens for j A. 1t. raere Hiarry 11. Andrews the coining fall trade are I...…

January 29, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 87) • Page Image 3

…H~E MICHIGAN DAILY. "**1+4++4tIdh1+** * tI4 Blurch field's Fine Tailoring Traide Guarantees... YoU ti lit I ikil ad artist-isrvice to he had any where. + 1 O I '-Iii t iand complelte line of seasonable wool- ties. giC,'xfor Doach & NooK sCostomtiShirts, an 1 li to ue autilul and exclusive line of shit - Blurclhfield's fine Tailoring Trade, 106 E. Huron H O H G lxil,,oa ( tingsthatappel tothe tudet. hop ing to 1001 n anl tsee u. DOrpir cs trilh...…

January 29, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 87) • Page Image 4

…ii CrVT('111 A >7 l9A1125 Macki ntosh's Toffee 10c CALKINS 324 So. State [12 AV1 lu1iiiqt 5u.I TH TESPRESS Pites. Collegemen find a grateful degree of comfort and service in the Brighton Flat Clasp Garter. Now worn by near= ly two million met.. U~sfM BARBES HOP - Antiseptic -'-\ and ATH ROOMS. 0 4 . R. Trjanawki, 322 Stht State St. 9 i Pckwck BFOWLING ALLEY S. ROTTENSTEIN, Proap. 707 N. Vni-".Ave.. BAILEY & EDMUNDS~ Giuns - Fishing Tacke - Amm...…

January 28, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1905. No. 86 WISCONSIN DEBATING \l lo I tIGA hOClETY IN -NEWl TEAM CHOSENYRK 'it ~rt til Itotquet otfttoheliclh 'hlrkey, Kenny and Rippel Win Out iat socioety of New York COttoi wa in D~ebate the Michigan Team held at the I itl Astor 'Tltttrsday tighit Chooses Negative Against Coch hoot po~resett d lusres- Wisconsin. iii' tett t, 111000 1. y P, Mic1t __________ oe adecitedtlet it Other...…

January 28, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 86) • Page Image 2

…I T H E MICHIlGA N DAILY. IW E WOUTLD HAVE:Zi YOU TO KNOW f THE I1CH IGAN DAILY. E(ntrix as is xxxiii xlass wi ter atthe Ant A S(KIIA], R]" That we are doing business at OUR NEW STORE 311 South State Street That our New Woolens for the coming fall trade are now ready. That we make superb gar-I ments for gentlemen. { That we appreciate your trade :and respectfully solicit a continuance uf the same. G.H WILD CO. rAILORS $ 311 South StatSre . NOr...…

January 28, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 86) • Page Image 3

…TllEf'MICHIGAN DAILY. +++++.444444+ ++4- 4 ....4. .44444 if -+4, 4441 *C 14 +C I +4 I *- 000 00.&-.0 - tAll Overcoats mke vi eso"~:Id t14ofrcua rc S M I IMPORTED STEINS t$22.00 OVERCOATS nw$i6.50 cietono o $20.00 OVERCOATS no 15.00 toredl Steinls ins rich, ha'lldo $18.00 OVERCOATS riows $13.50 $16.00 OVERCOATS n~ow $12.00 displayed by us for the first $15.00 OVERCOATS mo $1125 + or style yoti may' wanlt at frI $12T00 OEC~OATSnow$9.00 {$2.90? $...…

January 28, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 86) • Page Image 4

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. 106 111 M $150WeI ak-Ove r$4.OO I KADALL IP H 0 T 0 G A P H E K I I r Study with a Good Light FO There is no better light than MEN THE WELSBACH READING LAMP an ALL STYLES AT ALL PRICES. h The Ann Arbor Gas Company. x WOMEN i i ._ a a ?j 1 : i Ir , 1 _ - R mil xy _ , " Yr "f f/I ^'i6' *11 W t si ARRIVED for the "J" HOP A. G. SPalding & Bros. O1old lof OoO)i oo0.Xoa l tl ee Spplies ATHLETIC IMPLEMENTS BASE BALL BASKET BALL G...…

January 27, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 85) • Page Image 1

…The, Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, JANU]ARY 27. 190-5. No. 8~ LITS VERSUS LAWS. llllnter department lDebate To night on rimary Reform -True- blood Says -Best in Years." 221 11 1 I ltc ',n1111l11ctt21 1tu l itl old d a l'i , r< lik e H e n n} a nd 1ip -1 1222.111 12,. ca'l stp "'t tcc( ~ ~ ~ ~ .1, le11121 net;td d bttn n sti11 t th1I1,1c11d a e p l 1111 al o I l ( t a c h c l t s tt 1111 t+ tc itt es i g. I tA~t' r TI~eldo d 1ai 21o ...…

January 27, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 85) • Page Image 2

…TTilE1 ICI-TIGAN DAILY. , ,..,...."" THE MlCHIGAN DAILY, himt liv the Mlichighan hoard of cotrtol. 0 *-1li h o nei tiiiiiii act ion ws a re - , S E WOU'LD H-AVE CEntred as secn'td-class a atler at the Ane afirimiationi of raie No. 13, ofitheWet-~ TVYArbor lestoffie. ern InitercoliegiateConfernce,. which Congre YOU TO KN"" uilintied dailyl(Aeoda exce pteddinlg the prohitbits copetition in athletic con icniirOlnPhneyrat e117 C. Wa 'hincetacstree...…

January 27, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 85) • Page Image 3

…_ THE "MICHIGAN DAILY. I-Burch field's Fine Tailoring Trade Guarantees... You the most skillful rod artistic service t be had anywhere. We always carry a large and complete line of seasonable wool- ens. We have the agency for Beach & Newel's Custom Shirts, * and can show you a large, beautiful and exclusive line of ohirt- ings-"perfect fitting. Blurchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade, 106 E1. Iuron H OA G Presents comiplimuents of the oeason 'to th...…

January 27, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 85) • Page Image 4

…fiT iI A X 1-I) AXII.T Y Mackintosh's Toffee lOc A " January. Slaughter Sale BARGAINS! BARGAINS! BARGAINS! In Men's, Boys' and Children's Winter Clothing x Underwear SCUTTING, REYER & CO * 109=111 E. Washington St. ANN ARBOR ca Going Home? West * . or Southwest? ~ Missouri Pacific RY. *ORj I Iron Mountain Route ! FINEST SE_.RVICE; I..j'ICIKEST 1 IIt; 4 i. xxxvt' zli i e.x'' lix: xx .,u xl 1t* xxx li xx xin '. ' ti l li- +. l kl ix xx xxsl /epe...…

January 26, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 84) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, i905 NO. 84 TRACK WORK. Feete Jump.s S F'eet, I I Inclhes - tiarrels to es Fast Lap- First "I~ne Frials of the Year. c];ci tt t]rt u itlr. '1' noc a in {) 'Will"l e1I f ( 'l ; d 1 1 0 1 0 V I_ ' '''' - 1 Y 1' I 't , < ) a tr','1.1', )u 1> I J HOP DECORATIONS, Plans for the 1906 Hop-Innovation in the Shape of a Smilax Roof. ;l° ll)ihd the rtask n'forrthemo. All c ra ca~lllitt~c S II the...…

January 26, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 84) • Page Image 2

…+ N o0 le I + THE rlI CH lOGA N DAILY. IAE WO(JTLD HAVE fI~te.c L eoc ':s ats i ~c n *r>) Pourni-e IYOU TO KNOW n fIh tw1r MOanab it a t~gintg Editor, J. STANLIEYFHALE. d Bus~in.essMngr, CLAtJL)LA. 11H.MPSON.j * OUR NEW STORE o11 3 31r South State Street + +j hAil ic ----- -_- ( Ixr cri~ e .. .. .. ... .. ... . I ph Y. K err « t~ xf 1or n .................Ida it. ltrocwtrirg IThat outr New Woolens for l ).trae arry11.Andtrew: the comting fall ...…

January 26, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 84) • Page Image 3

…''1 1 I il11CI 1I( .5 5- ) I~. SAllmaOvercodis 1} offSII 1= offre\M\B\pic $22.00 OVERCOATS nsow $16.50 $20.00 OVERCOATS now~e $15.00 $1.00 OVERCOATS now ~'$13.500 $16.00 OVERCOATS now'$12.0 $15.00 OVERCOATS rowes~ $11.25 $12.00 OVERCOATS nowse $9.00 217 So. MaLI* n St. . IMPORTED STEINS Thetinesii.t collectioniof 1,1_. crinofac- tured ,steinis iin ich, 111, ,_.Ii ([ ,:tciii s, are dispilaic~t )1Oas frlefi i t ici i 1-- -X. Ai sire or irstylie ...…

January 26, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 84) • Page Image 4

…'I II 1 . 1 ' 1 fi 1 t':: \ 1) \ T I,1'. P 11 T G $3250 Walk=Over$4mOO Study witha Good Light >n hee s no betterlight than r THE EWL.SBACH REiADING LAMP ALL STYLES> Al ALL PR6ICES. The Ann Arbor Gas Company. FOR MEN and WOMEN Oxfords, tZ iTti ,. \ ?X ".. ; ARRIVED for the "1"l HOP Spaldinq's AUhetiu iAlmanac iOfffcial) for 1190)5 EI]T ,D BY ,SAS. F. STILL VAN p' i,1 1- ' () I l~ The oenycomplsetelboo}iof Athlic Records PRSICE 1it)Ci> Ii' A. 6....…

January 25, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…mmo w 0 -t 00 'Jv f 1" f' r f r '" 'I ^ .... .f f --' / - 'J -r. .=. ' u f, '_" "'' i f' , r ' % a f. ,. J . .' y y 'r. lr r ri A .-+ 7=, ;r,' r "- i. rf J- r I. r % t. r t r 27- - "1. . ..: "_._ . , n r u 1. ,, , " (^ ._.. fi r t "f. J1 .._. ;, ,. r r. r "'' r r f .-_ !. r r J. . . . 1' r. 'r. r /. f __, l r, ! f. ti f re'_ H , ' Q 1 _' l r r . Y ._.. r _ 1 ' ; r- 1- r 7 . 1 J. '. r ' f r r. _ .. r r " r r: .., '1. tz O, 0. C), )Ii ,0 )r) 0 :...…

January 25, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 83) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIUiAN DAILY T11F IlCH lO AN DAILY. E ~ E WOULD HAVE Entered assecond-cl,'ass.mateatlthe Ant. YOU T O KNOW :.-+17_Vhi--e' *l3W1ld Phon1 S92:5 nv Pone76. *. That we are doing business at : Managing Editor, J. STANLEY BALEY. i Busines nger, CLAUDE A. THOMPSON. : OUR NEW STORE 1171) ITUI~S 311I South State Street *Athletics - ------------ Cisee L. Inew * 7News--------------ARTHUR 10.POUeN O Exchanges 5...........os1phV. Herr11 A$ 6 W men ....…

January 25, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 83) • Page Image 3

…: Hi MICHIGAN DAILY II +«+I+ +++OI I++* ++InP 4-q 4 a o44 x.5>pg. 3 4i irh fTra de You the inc We always ens. We ll and can se inkS's-per] field's Fine Tailoring G uaran tees... ost skillful and artistic service to be had anywhere. carry a large and complete line of seasonable wool- ate the agency for Beach & Newel's Custom Shirts, ; owv you a large, beautiful and exclusve line of shirt- feet fitting Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade, 106 E. H...…

January 25, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 83) • Page Image 4

…THIS MICHIGAN DAILY / A'S' ®®' " '1 ' ®'1f* ' . '''' * ' ' '"fM 41'^ ' ,. .'".*.**. " °.i" *..+°*°' -i**;-.t*' '"j'' 'j4. 'i* ' w" Mackintosh'~s lofftee lOc CAIJ(INS 324 So. State January Slaughter Sl :BARGAINS! BARGAINS! BARGAINS! In Men's, Boys' and Children's i Winter Clothinga1 Underwear ,*CUTTING, REYE 'l& GU ®109=11 1 E. Washington St. ANN ARBOR WAS HTENAW LIGHT & 13OWER CO 200 11. WA'4ItNcON SI. Collegemen findu grateful degree of I com...…

January 24, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

…C,) w 0 N 0 00 ,f .-. , .-. T / r Jr fv r f. i T .. r " ... ..Y "f. V J" 'I, 1. 'f. r. f^", i. ."' r , f' J=. . 1 J ; ._... "--" ._.. r " '' _ r .. ." r. r J: . w " w T r -' °' _ ,.-,' .i r- r _ f ' ' _' + '/; ._-. ! te r-. ; : ^ r _ . r 77 r _ i- (yI r H -0 , pI i 1 ( r.+. n . " J -' -- r r : _.. r r; r r 'I 'r. , I . r J . . . ,. . r : . J y %. r ' /' ' ' :j r. " : ...... .--. r, ... { -- . ._.. r r: t= r. r i ,_ r^ _ . .- .... . : .: 1 i. r...…

January 24, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 82) • Page Image 2

…THE MIO;HIOAN DAILY TH]E fiCH IGAN )AI LY. W E WOU(LD HAV E: ef! 1 itttttt P:i~'' ViYOU TO KNOW:Iiii iic That weaie C ll ) lxi Ii; xve Managin Editr, J. STiANLEY 1sALEV. * * Ilittic. Mantager, CLAUDEI A. TH-OMPSON. SOUR NEW STORE + 1111 " i1'!111U ....... i. . . . Ia M.rl mii the Conitni :. fall trade .c' ii. Jy n1ow icadi .. ACIA '1, V _'c S i) i (l i I ilil That we nmakP lO iiipb ir-*iiScci menits for geniimen , . STd ew.1a ® That we ...…

January 24, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 82) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY T'ie Ax -s ott o1 i; x ; ox G(erixanti iao~ufac- $20.00 OVERCOATS viows '$1650 $18.00 OVERCOA.TS now$13.50 diiiitaied ibyius for iitihe"irttithisx iceel. Airy size $1$.00 OVERCOATS n~ows $12.00 t $15.00 OVERCOATS ,~now .$11.25 * or stvitc youtlIlVa 't1'aI 1<t I$12.00 OVER.COATSno $9.00 $2.9 0? $2.00, $1.50, dowvn to 35c. _ LU TZfihe lothier AC & CO 217 So. Makini St. F '. o ***Money Loaned..+ A t F (Ix Sts itril l Iitililt f...…

January 24, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 82) • Page Image 4

…THEI MICHIGAN DAILY )TO APHER Stud.. . . ... v . .... t . .. a . G ood. .r.i . o L ight ... , .. j i . k . { fit r "a i 1± Walk-Over S5hoes Winter We Weights 1 can on lit ' New Yon Spring ,A Lasts :t to rrived W idth 11l S. MAIN STREET r THDE ViEL;t ACH READING LAMP A51.1 T L S Al IALL 1PRICES. Th i Arbor (as Conipa liv. 1he onlos s 1 s I moswlhoaL'n hr 9osssossth cash acc Lonaic oor Rolio I'Co.sils .sor Wak<'' ior N 1Sa TO 1KALAMAZOO TRAINS E...…

January 22, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 81) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vob.- XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, JANUARY 22, 1905 No. Si1 MIAYNARrD AND BOYNTON. Winners in Yesterday's Election- Kusterer and Clark Elected by Acclamation J N \l '22 211 21efete1d221 IB. ID. 11a112for 12a1sit11footbIl malna0ger 'by 21221tionkhel11i1. 1(1221iyll 1y eser- day a 2fteron Fr2inncal 2'r tary Claude .1 1 1 N wi fo . 88~ rllt with111 1111141 1012' to spre. 1122fight for1 t8he foo1tball1manager - ltcaoition212111...…

January 22, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 81) • Page Image 2

…-. -THA~ MICHIGAN DAILY .......*..f***.ff~f. ITHE IMICHIGUAN DAILY.! E HWOULD HAVE LEteri'li s sXXXliX X3 1C1 111 :i0 te1A11 TVZ YOU TO KNOW : 14. XIN ~ a'X XI G 01 SThat we are uloiiig busin~ess at Mg~ dt~,3 TNE IIY f* Business Manager, CLAUD)E A. THIOM5PSON. OUR NEW STORE : ;)'IX. 311 South State Street Alo s -------------CilaN TI 1,. f Ixine ........ . .sph Y.1Idr~r f WonV............. Ida N. B0-ca41 That our New WVooleuis for: A. l.(;avr a...…

January 22, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 81) • Page Image 3

…T$=" MI'ClIG-AN DAILY 1JueJfied's Fine Tailoi'ing ITr1ade Guarantees... Y'ou the mast skillful aud artistic servie to be' had anywhere. We alwais carry a large anil complete line of seasonable wool- eW haVe the agency for Beach & Newel's Custom Shirts, and earn show you a large. beautiful and exclusive line of shirt- lngs_._"erfect fitting. Burchfield's [ine Tailoring Trade, 106 L1. uron HOAG 'resents complimsents of the season 'to thes studen...…

January 22, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 81) • Page Image 4

…THt MICH lOAN DAILY Tofifee lOc CALKINS 324 So. State BAILEY & EDMUNDS (inns - Fishing Tackle - Ammunition: Fish Ne ts-rIDcorating. Collegemen find a grateful degree of comfort and service in thc Brighton Flat Clasp Garter. Now worn by rnea ly two milion m--n. Bausch & ". r< ", ".Lo b Ot ~Co:,i. S S { 9 4 0 7 0 Janjuary ag tr BARGAINS! BARGAINS! I3ARGiA In' Men's, Boys' and Children's Winter Clothing ' Underwear f;CUTTING, EV 109=111 E. Washin...…

January 21, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 80) • Page Image 1

…The iciaDal ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, JANUARY 21. 1905 No. So M~ICHIGAN VICTORIOUS. Northwetr Lost Debate--Victory Gven Michigan by Unanimous ' Decision of Judges.f l can ha 11,111Nd]' taken hi, 1 cat 1 t i1 fior { 'N:t 110 1111 00 td e n im1'k m rI or fl 1101 ;tn t[Il~o 1 I h cii n s m1( 1 1 1 1 1 1 l u r c c a u h u t : if t i 01 1111 li1ll 11 . 1 {1 ~ih dU t 11 i11111111111 cri t 1111110 0 1- d to9 l~t at 111a 1;l1 , 1 NI gtg11o1 loo J1 1...…

January 21, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 80) • Page Image 2

…I Si MICHIGAN DAILY NN~~le e~m odaa THE 11 ICH IGAN DAILY. SW EWOUJLDHAVL.L ,_A i = YOU TO KNOW That we are oong boa tsat 0 . l~.~ ILY - 0 buiess5 M anae, LAIUiOEA.1 0YPON. OUR NEW STORE «/ 311 South State Sreet A ( . 'ti l i__...._.__...._____it w a :4 . i ttiti iig That our New \Wooleus b r * x ii ii cz ay iH. Adew:o't the comning fall trade arerii i now ready. S-A~<,1 I ,ilES 7i v l b .IIi. N e c i. Ir. A H Eltrnye S d y . 1 leir That we ma...…

January 21, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 80) • Page Image 3

…111111 ~T HR MICRIGAN DAILY All ~incluoing IAIIT, SHAI"IS' IR&0 MARX overcoatsno ko. wilt he 00o(1 at 1=4 eff regular price $22.00 OVERCOATS nsows $16.50 $20.00 OVERCOATS .now $15.00 $18.00 OVERCOATS no $13.50 $16.00 OVERCOATS no $12.00 $15.00 OVERCOATS h~ow $11.25 $12.00 OVERCOATS now$$.00 LUTZ, Zhe Clothier 217 So. Madin St. IMPORTED STEINS The finest collection of implorted Gernian manufac- tured Stemns in rich, handsomte, unique patterns, ...…

January 21, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 80) • Page Image 4

…TRi 10 'H!WAN GDAILY Pice ti CK-"P H K u Study i od ih .. T H E VW i- IIA C H l I WL A )IN O L ; 1I 5.1 AL TYLS A LL 00 1 'S. The nAnn rbrAins ooiipanyT i I II! I k i . 'II Walk-Over Shoes Winter We - Weights -oF; can on Fit Spring A justE Arrived ocooo°°at Width 11 S A M S K E Spalding's Al~i l Official foiw~t EDITT) 0BY JAS.. 500,05Vto ,yea ' ll t .tt r1 : ?i Eit< Tie only complteo ohook t l~I Publishe PICtE 10 CN It A. (G. SPAIIlN1n .& BROS...…

January 20, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

…The M"ichigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1905 NO. 79 COUNTY FAIR. Crnva Being Planned for Benefit of Michigan Union and Held Sometime in April. t lle i I t t -1ol i ]ot h - I 10 11 1 o ly a ft1m ni1h Ul irii.' bu1 t at th p iiocs f Wich 0i has 1111 i i t . 44 lil aveth l tirii h\ al1 C ->)'aI0 f t e tt 11 l111 O c~ 11 ctltyf1l all e1 Iliti ob edi h.W iela P 1 1 l 11 " ecIt f hi BIG EBAT TON GHT RHODES SCHOLARSHIPS. Preliminary...…

January 20, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 79) • Page Image 2

…THLE MICHIGAN DAILY H H THE 1IlC H IlGA N DAILY. W EWOULD HAVE 3lter4as1emd l. atera teAn z YOU TO KNOWSi 11.O~oigo 01'tlaitt l i it ay E Y "ite'alttc intt tS Tha w ae ~ig bsies a tOld'i oS92 t' Phle one Thatwe re Coitg bsines a ,t Managing Editor, J. STANLEY RALEY. ft ild. wic ijt iit'..lix(, . yGOSSIP OF THE COLLEGES. OUZW TR BusinessaMMnager, CLAUDE A. THOMPSON. 311 South State Street AN letcs------- s---- i y ,'. PomNi Exchaonges.... ... o...…

January 20, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 79) • Page Image 3

…HE MICHIGAN DAILY - - -- - -------- ''' } }ri^a +;fi cr , sr4xsc^>cfix_ <" <e - " " cc^ c tx o-r $ ""'j' + '+'++++** I++++ + d++If+I++*+ 14+ + W 147 -41 ~ t 1,,:sS c .c5ARgw+rs x rtS ce r.,<F;t.rc >t x::>ar. > Iimbchfiel d's Fine Tail o-ring Trade Guarantees... z You the mnost skillful and artistic service to be had anywhere. WVe always carry a large and complete line of seasonable svool- ens. We have the agency for Beach &. Newel'a Custom Shi...…

January 20, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 79) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHI OAN DAILY j Hungry "' when you study lte tngt Jtust keepsome ** PETER'S 1 SWISS MILK C HOC uftOLATE . . it yourroorn. Ea~ti when hungry and see how 'muhbtier you'eel and how nuchmoe n u an Nourishing, Sustaining s and "IRRESISTIBLY "~ ( DELICIOUS." J Collegemen find a grateful degree of comfort and service in the Brighton Flat Clasp Garter. Now worn by near= ly two million men. j , u olBARGAINS! BARGAIN! A R GANS! 4f . i4 4f In Men's...…

January 19, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily V()L.XV ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, JANUARY i9, 1905 No. 7S1 SCHEDULE ARRANGED. TrCI Team Will Have Eight Indoor Meets This Year-Schenk Shows Well in Sprints. \OI'I'1{11'1 , 'I'l:I:A i l :la. '1'1' '1'? talltll1 rerhate. tl~ ;-r that anyt \lcit at rak ta acc tttrtak aTh reto fo li i t1( Will, deer, all t e a"xi), ien e t c dt tl~ a tr ila ente" a _iat tntin -ataal1, a>toIict i- atid< at h eofvih wilb i taht- a-aataaaa..Pudue...…

January 19, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 78) • Page Image 2

…' HYG MICHIGAN DAILY JJJ WOULD HAVE n~~r i ~iAi * V YOU TOKNOW*__- * c" $ , ti * rt. I'r i W t r ljn t O S r ~. That we areJoingbusness ats lng-Editori, J. STANLEY hALLS. Bus ies Manager,CLAUS}ELA. HiOSPSON. OUR NEW STORE: 31 3t South State Street & : 1ti(i '. \i--------------- ar.It.Luc* i Ids 11... . 1 3r i ri , That our Nsew Woolens forI A. M. xxUxravexii 1. A x the coming tail tradle arc *. sitix That we make superh gar-: Ohli ll. ments fo...…

January 19, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 78) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY t In....+..c..clud1+4 1ing HRT, S IIIER12&:MARX.4 Alovercoats maewl ni l olt 5I1 - of reguar ric $22.00 OVERCOATS now~n $16.50 ' $20.00 OVERCOATS ro $15.00 $18.00 OVERCOATS rnaow $13.50 $16.00 OVERCOATS .now. $12.00 f $15.00 OVERCOATS mow~n $11.25 $12.00 OVERCOATSno $9.00 LUTZ, Zhe Clothier} 217 So. Mairi t. IMPORTED STEIN The finest collectioin of imoted German nianfac- tored Steins itriob, h ci lon e, uniquoe patterns, are...…

January 19, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 78) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGIAN DAILY P H !b 0 T0 Gmow AP HE I Study wthaGood Ight TheeinobtteritlightAlthan TH-E WLSBACH READ)ING DAMP ALL ST1 tIISAT ALL PICESal. The Ann Arbor Gas Company. criII uII' tri'. l TRAINS EVERY HOUR A. IG. APALIi & 1R1S, Inc.s Ne rk C icagot Der r -To ALBION, MARSHALL, BATTLE CREEK, Opaling Otlcea Fotlasi Id KALAMAZOO, and Points East and West Fo 94 On G. T. RY. at BATTLE CREEK E d itby \Valtor (':n1) '. LOW RATES FAST TIME M. on Ne...…

January 18, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 77) • Page Image 1

…The Mnichigan -kDaily ANN ARBOR, MICH., WI DNESDAY , JANT'ARY iS, 1905. NO. 7 7 PRIOF. IYOOGE HONORED FAIR JOURNALISTS A LECTURE TOUR WARNER WILL PRESIDE be American Archaeological Representatjve to Congress at Athens 11111 010)M 1 ", 0, /t l'~ oll 11 tll 11 elk- t1i 1 11il 10 h't il t lIt "ll t r cc , i ( lt tt tthe Jtl t rtit Is in tt o til N 1111 , 1I(V w l t it li t o e e t c p o a aiIl Ci'ee''tttt it - i-al , o kic~c 111C ii .1(1th itie W...…

January 18, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 77) • Page Image 2

…. r THSl MICHIGAN DAILY _-- r~s a. ,ae * ** 1T II E71 CI AN DAILY. SW E WOULD HAV EA!C-Clr . i II atrat0 theiArte TIYOU TO KNOWB : -_-- -- __ __ erllG i~ * Tht w ar nong ltt~ti~S ~ Managing Editor, J. STANLEY BALEY. t OUR NE STORE ness Man ager, CLAUDE A. THOMPSON. 311 South State Street 0 Athleics---------------CLYDE L. DOW N ies ------------ARTHUR C. 1OUND 4 * I ' l 5 .............Joseph Y. Kerr *Womte.........Ida N. Brownrtig EITORIAL STAFF...…

January 18, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 77) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY RtBulhfield's Fine Tai oiin~ Fall Fashions are 1Ripe IJTade Guarantees... ,~ You themoust skillful -ind i-t:.i C st-ice toh: had ansywhie ~Suits - TopCas=Ri Cot eu.te have th's -- fs aNc Ca-tom Shirts From the wholesale tailorisng house of S and can show s-ou aI ac ;e, Is is sid cur-:isline of shirt- ooL. ADLER BROS. 6& Co.4 u s- erfesit itting., Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade, 106 LI. Kuron 4: ,, oc°te, N.Y Illustrating ...…

January 18, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 77) • Page Image 4

…fi B Yt;HitAN DAILY j ~ Hungryj *PETER'SL jSWISS MILK CCHOCOLATE V el Nourishin, Sustaining1 L DELICIOUS. l Collegemen find a grateful degree of comfort and service in the Brighton Flat Clasp Garter. Now worn by near ly two milliont men. Sony fier Ash or Pin Taray Given awy with e'y 0.ur chastor o'er at LARLING & MALLEAUX Antlsepic BARBER SHOP=, and BATa ROMS. 2J. R. Tojaoskci, 322 Soutt State St. .................. $ Scotts Academy o Dnn T'I ...…

January 17, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUIESDAY, JANUARY 17: 1905 No. 7 6 A LURID TRACK SUIT REGENTS TAKE ACTIONj BASEBALL CANDIDATES! NORTHWESTERN FRIDAY '4"ick" Keeler Says tie Will Run in the F~resh Soph Meet in a Suit of fellow and Blue Trunks. Anti=(irrX Stanud Made by Regents List of Aspirants for Baseball Hionors at lDectn l)Lr -leeting==Prof. Patter- As (iiven Out by Captain Bird=- Representatives From Eivanston vs. Michigan in D~ebate- ...…

January 17, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 76) • Page Image 2

…I7HS MICHIGAN DAILT .+ a a . . .". ®TH E fICHIGAN I)AILY. ..S- -In~tkrt't" .",t .,,im E IEWOULD HAVE : (0trtd0' s'~di-Ii 1It mrat it Aodthe lar ixallt: T k- fit e reoo gIlitli'0ii* Stouuo Id to micALE Ae S. i 1 i at iii 4 11 2'__ _ _ _ _ 9 OU EW SO RENOWt GOSIPOFTH 9 11) seIjaiiNil~t~a Ye t~)lrt' h to te a____1tt. fr - COLLEGES. r O 311 South State Street * At~h letc i" ..l.AYtO.L. DEW 1wNNI 1 EX(11"11gs . .....osph Y.I Her Ilc Y.M . t 1 That ...…

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