The Michigan Daily
No. 7 6
'4"ick" Keeler Says tie Will Run in
the F~resh Soph Meet in a Suit of
fellow and Blue Trunks.
Anti=(irrX Stanud Made by Regents List of Aspirants for Baseball Hionors
at lDectn l)Lr -leeting==Prof. Patter- As (iiven Out by Captain Bird=-
Representatives From Eivanston vs.
Michigan in D~ebate- -lchlgan has
a Strong, Well Balanced Team
uaiitor of Organizations Men Well Distributed
A1rq itat 1iis iuhtI iiit Fiji ridainighti of this week occurs the
ltl Sp int w o i ll, ii:Archli ani lifer o ,c 1 tesn a' sN l eseteei )dat e gie M int ichligai ad othlwttliesi
,f m 1 I,-aly I i wile seve ra]e in meet it all intellectual battle ol
eu, -last vctrhe lnouce is in-itil1, i1r,1t Regensito tke the subjc af natinal icorprati on of
teitiit5n of t, tiiiiied t 5 i se1iered teen. t Cau i aut11 tersate ciiinnere tcrtorationts. Tis
.~t ereteani i li tltt itilo t 555 iitha thi lisi 1l,[, sit lt it eauccotet lir
itt til tootlic <i K~ii~u, h~tI in two rars aiiilalraiyiterest is
i e l seen illigler.u g. Sa Ila 1 ;i Iw 1,idift o a I 'thnncn, sui eery ii ntatpittistae ittlr ititi
ttt ra a a sa o rl " hc, i i i,!1i),l- tilt) a lush li is aitreIltaetttatiirityyif
,esedrefer}'hi o i n> igitit lihigoi Tasvea
be etirt9 t ottro di o ii ndiii +1uci '..i, ,iconilt1 Mftt ii iii stt e ri hts tsit etid ut ar
iRte in tly s~t t o ked i h im hy t,i ii it i \ ii tilt Sti th atrm an ,atitihs i atidt hea yiiidi tatg rt irs ti tatin l es of
Cit "lec tri vil rit . V * IrIoliheitc'anlii i S ii 1. hl to th1 e it ichuilhatitcowill g orityoar
t ,,t:g:r, t , - iciiiciortgothet aidghesmteatg theirwease
d pir5. ofitittltru . Cid..i"itl lii i ah sitiill .Ftful liRedt or~icbigainslitich an . e is aria
t5 lite inillii itiia ielti5 uio iitt. tr. S u , Sch ite, a rIiioftly itidith threi i init ea t udie
liiul fns hlthe 5ts he wiould yit ttipi-at h lmingIll f thiieiiiRced ltIn cittt o
tiei tiheFrsh-o meit, a a it Xla, tt1M" tet. rofssolit peinditte yoanF rema n at e sonfir
yr .I ) eft, atilt haclintstn-thIiie it th W scasn en ad li
5e iltit lllshtoch iint wailityofrtoe waprdc
itt 1l lm sth 'the to si d :il \ 11tr yIttird eamdto(sn 1 il~n ( ahtaigit.t, aln
t e it ittutieet o ette tilmmitelieii, iii ito oesnilerofthejtdeatitwhaot theirVasit
nary ittt tlt s sat shtlts ild astand. i
hi tites i stid tlyr m igtatt stititittite- ci I nsto t i s r i Palmer, l Biihtill stats1 it, tiKe lleiyi, sasroiken a t mid ta
clue le ,vosl et ie iiw adtithe l 1111thear 1rod1ntI is it ttlts slit tiche sig htho e rrough esa t a g eto
bleC'iricitttt I),. NiiititttrbadMa ointrtttatoinnee
ter e ir i foii ati it >111 tti I l, edhho l] it Il v~r4 1111 51555 1 ii iii iii taut titerr
aeelittdeletr thait ii thetrnks re re1+rte ihtrcn isrme lit t hs stii i su I .it Blanch a id ayhosle ads elean.
fotthem n tietak it<,uu r tasils 111I 1 i i diei l iii ieciCaeii I~n \ lc'Ea fr ndsnert n
a til g e l r n b nd 1iit:e ttct n l I' l e sI hl lig if st (. ntr l s i il f-i t h isn 111kler tt ttiig t fr n t e ot e
tl gls lce n r itiii ________________i ii tCea,I a qilbtl111>f11star,.ditifet I, hse in Frs mathe attw ellfihal
Stiedto Igieuigs shi~ u' i t he iru IF A !'art tilprfesolls t iser Aliii I lots tai oh s tulceil.t te icns i t eamannth hke
ilit is trha ta h it o e,,~ nin,,gam~tradc1
or._wil___hr l i I . itt stsaidof, C gut Arkih addst i s at i e aii trsthe exptatrienc
a ew fomettheti lerer t tlt lit rfullzltin estis- t etii Xi 11 sllel y n gs ui t ul, Yi iitt at -n ie tetin n
Battle t ruttitr a oitl] ;I f utti athle ii1 _ iett Ihtasgitvetn i utugicy tt1111,u hint 11itii]i1it itt ii ahards camaifgis har.
thltat thtlielcl as. Ihlcu11tn usik to i ts"Diotni is hc"ugayne ha talet , espt per msu ces
lit' a1 isieti- m le tit ilitn ti lhi nI tuit It il e haslli iitI oftti s e a t e t utilw h no ifthe r i ty -
sid illtrti~tlesIte i-J iiii tline ii ti Ii iti ttt uulliieitointutgiletuht iiauslr i ie
f1,su threetatts ai ii io nstimemIberuiv.t
1 ei 's senati ot nather naul crrthi ibls -ti tI it 11 tiro tisec XX he a l iys it Pis ritty is ic h a ato sgile cn tsa ymand thate
Ste ait eas e ert resiheitlit littreet to I
yic iiheis utirghiffenittII I l utltI With lbe ir~f tiii pressihardittplito tatit tegeti
1 ifttl e at iee i alitrii lilt-rnlilt it i a"11>iti ittlht1 \%il tm i ale ifeport ito i- ith isoveryu of 1,C I icisa itiles ntltieid ineliiverestt iithtti tan
urnXl trickEnastr u t a en 1 t I itt i 11111 1 lOmuaniit mti t er i il, i itiler trnIof11111 thaitti hsnlst t Hfal liy, iwho teads theistismi
seaaeun de r a t le w teas-l ee tet-.1t tct il I tt tisIof t i t and th siing-. lii 111111 encidetl frtoiti 511s tll
ne last ifohenttnoug fro1theotis
hadit h it thougek ant terisoill- t'T Iliii AS OR Flit ii 111 clsahl ie itit C h Malon11 te y sind Cali t cd vn ots uhb en
t nt trughlstill lie stiltbhisriNgll taiiil tsieaetinsties itie hatheuttros u houXC t orX vCoNr taca
arg tm oppoirtgutn it it t tsn t he ,111 il r 111pec i f ts t he nis elsh sityb.of i hislo israc by af nk es nd p ru io th t i-
te tig t: ni Itn e tn a ot r"nig eih ns alte eb-te*kam.I i Ani ltsl ti-IttarIesil u er i i ar slhstsi and tilt teutteartin ad
till s lit snil} tuI i hae hon e cirIt ter tllrc 111111 5inta 1n, 5thr s d n i i g; e ry f r y c nd d t s h v ~I y sid l n t o tt s h acttuutrfsr.h.s
ie- rnrsshii:1t1 il .\nn Arbor1sut t t lltfor hlt hashll rk I 1ngul reotedti stltrIIpiafttilt, Ichgan hashadiondsfuusucet
ater h oftit ]tittitett was out sands s Ierusiutn-hssFatit iuutibte
ar tetthus 11>stdens1o th lint nutug e Illtos lll ants s the t sticstheut st sevetu l artt slen
tute has el nthua hesy s utie ad utiuuti s u itI t a l iltnts ilii Ifhtheauigh ti tu nt , benliiive,1 utash titig o h :as uos d e h tae uto ouc fth r s a y
) itul litoodthis gyuiiitiui ~ti thtgnuo rcnn cd titolit killt itutiin lit IostillnIesuituce A lt hbe usk tiiiwond e l if ter hi in
the q~u at r m lrgd-e J h ne Il . 1 e iituiu pastor ofth is tuI sy n s ing ~ n hiren i s t i thel se t u tTe h o y f it, I er se
atrls, thu ia t tseie lp n h :tulle'of:m A g ea d (te ls .r n . Ib ty rs e p c o colgae c nt ss i fars itle t a
ting- awrkedshfout th sei nesu ldisitni i sl lidte pita Wisconin li11no tenr- uhowev listprheeutheacrrth , nthereiat
Itom a s og o ach Sntleat sl sautheilhs ,lac5f hea 11san p s ot Iti a astrong iii XX tat as t t aeei seyr ~a sillier bw i e ettht last tight
cs tetaineg iithe d oifftrtn t u>cr hilt> 1111ailesr. Itisliep iutaosedit ay I tudirtif1 is aOt1> 11M1a tis. uttit ill obel oweeedhittha n
lu Ches itdset theiraceusaodutseut- kit hiii tilt it frstilthe11 tiearns tin s f an1n-1 Of hilt newi tutu :1i1,ii cago,511 n lle orat i iefithe prentan ht toh Choait
wor hall b ah liate he avi rlu t owatdtstiuii liii is sial ttu iii 111ti lt tis n- iSien:lul ilt e Iuater m lr fo ae hirdst. uuuur -r -mt
llttcenuuheRus~littil inille, i nd i orsntt tiel les 1 44 15
he last ofi the iwleteki ailnd it seais111 111 ii i lstitit us tit ilthe XteItutusndiruhiuItsthbeutno
atnet Iee Ieil]b t iltharer. As illus oe Is 1=itsartb ( it f iii iiavei t trac te shemosti t hinton seCuttUL tY aONERh T .uh uau
exmntosb'n te flo ig Ii0~c~ i - ted ly isiso fst ue sllatef Idu i he tilt w'idaVIts iitt is a t ii-ut u-i ltd t-intzn
otm twiali tl he i clsay bek i i n yasehl:o+eatsu1 I tii a iti ilsua s-it rta thsd 111l iir, tul ietrednsi i k e lyi young- s un e. ir phrge. to pca
sI u i g hietigawo rtwilttb tutesitd :, t' h u ndihas oreached at ii hiss Iu hst sitieo ru-iellun erh e, 1gaulis uni sd uay mushlutoe arhiss as fo
as fuioolafcoter t "ane lug t+,s v I iu u iiitl theIl tts ttslnhitnttofuluno Isrs,5atd tts adenuraniiiIty. se Co htnc ert iOn pautofnr. o nl
irerbeIih -iht l h ui i isue uui t ii -i 1I i uu loi h iclunbn
nate lukahuu et 1s~ 1tui i t til atedlt he atniuloih ln'-bene es rri xtrbte
le fr ftur yars outtheaiei a t ispuh itsueaning , thse sunot Ieuui i uao pel eaueo-t
t , h e 1 5 atu genser ul iheri l suitem o Iititus stllb -phi ts e h o ittI s e I l ie iu i tin l i h la iak ib ttu- il eia ea sue ts Ih itsu s u souatd a c foru i olin and
l nen5that therwest shod earbe nntc fte yTruss o uss iugh theti [o:ii fsi ttwouu maill s atda shown ttuuh ath athuh at ary wok i
tyfuhn t te I in ad ,ep 1 r \1 euoBlyaot th ug ll lit f 21m i sthe lngatisuane iiIi r o ckthu d ti a h ic e oe rn pro
t, ha thiesol e fisr st iist e s e ei l ilt. e r ed othit r u tep u igly a rins h e heh onosus r si v te tst as een he d t M r 1u k o d
lt4,, arng t fatu dt sr eli iheltteiiinI rstI hts l tertil Utl lti letsute atng u t er-OS it r tnofftts e teret ahi n-o
ilnitt i~le as tosthe tcoutu r e ad is tttl i tle l~r ntstiin t s h os~n1- aithese ot poltyboh uuptuosutug 1 rth e a il t l t us hopmed tatee rntts wil
]hlilt i liilod unutuc lss ~th etecotningyas m n asw a styesli bvrd i e \ hu En tei asr req ely mino