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January 28, 1905 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1905-01-28

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+++++.444444+ ++4- 4 ....4. .44444 if -+4, 4441 *C 14 +C I +4
I *- 000 00.&-.0 -
tAll Overcoats mke vi eso"~:Id t14ofrcua rc S M I IMPORTED STEINS
t$22.00 OVERCOATS nw$i6.50 cietono o
$20.00 OVERCOATS no 15.00 toredl Steinls ins rich, ha'lldo
$18.00 OVERCOATS riows $13.50
$16.00 OVERCOATS n~ow $12.00 displayed by us for the first
$15.00 OVERCOATS mo $1125 + or style yoti may' wanlt at frI
$12T00 OEC~OATSnow$9.00 {$2.90? $2.00, $1.50,dov
portedl German ntannfac-
mle, un1ique platterns, are
time this iweek. Any size
wn to 35c.
OK & co.
I" 'Money Loaned.,,
an Wa~tches, iamlonds, Jewelry
and alt F3igh Class Chatt
adCallaottterl secu0 rity. 4
10 0 Ave, 1 Oppo si t Curtmose
5FI 11 (its o11 3 0 1 to :0;A
Cs l :of) to i 1 III II
Busin ess Strictly- tonfidential.
1101t Lumch'
At T.tti'. 538 S. S~tt
L VERAGE suits aren't mecant for s ot yung
Smen, anti you're nt 1110ant to wear 'enm. --.
iey 're too conservative- the makers have to .
eaes ayae fmnta h% aente o.College Brand Clothes 'O Y
Are Just for Youthful Dressers ow'r W
o otths' suits, muind youl, hut togs for Cot- ' ,S srs tA5CO 25 CENTS
who (i CLL1tE7', 'EAL.100 & nO.,
ge hot's and chaps 11110Y h like their way Of AESO LT NDMACHBIT
e551115. Cue style's heavier thanltleetruce.
1-5 to 1-2 off for January
Staebler & Wuerth
Laers rely.Cildand Ilm i
pure. lOc cake. 25c bex. isu <f esera' Ivv0-t.eprs
'isihtthi gh. I~s the s'lllltll ls. Ii 11111 1si11ed
Q N a r r y " ' ;. 1a ''" h s s o f a r p u t t e i s ti nI I Il1 1 1
U , G S OW E/ 1,lie 'll '' \.illl IltCll~ is
E W in the t "r 1 of 'sill"li1111 si l 11111 1oil
Pitis 's afterssimm thI t ll II i s re-
'ie h el~ot(f y~et re1 e is1 1 Is
usul Ills's somrec lsi read
direti1m1)fliss 750' ile n Ms
Brunswick Tables
Fine Cigars and Tobaccos.
b AmN I N G
sn it 1r5s5'! isii-ths' wll lr5 ip tis'e 'ut"
Whv1i1n't 'issi issgestionlla gsssos
11t Is Ssiel herses'fsrardI intlg slarsity
honor'1s. Istlls h is wholesdiscssionlllit
sec~~s o meas t th tlte s ha'. nI
I 1
itS s it V i t il.' bate,'ll t or111110 y
LetT.TERM lstisoresilsll oreII 505'd
leb. I, 15 toMay 2 - an t"s rthelttlsil t sec:
lb ~~~thleic bI. t Ill is nol i t 1lsilil'sI ill tile
1 e s rc ive s'hey lrges an' i ne11Olst rl~solitll "iit l." fi e w sittll ses'
le 01f ite Illhisstinge' 1n1 considlserinig this
kihCigarettesan Pie
l JCttIS IN CONNEC'TION ,i, ' .I tbetievl0liaall lostck "'Pt's"
l~5rylllillgNesst51111 ,'eas 5111' inltlellil. 'T'ile' 1re 1cn t itorlil ill
'llss' s'il telli eve1 st's dntltwll1 eni hits
1"4 off n Banners and Pennants tIss 1011f a blick "Pt"111 1 0-1101f£111
Oi- slit lcase w il ibenitt ri njl u lllre tile
Special Prices on nn11111s~l ist andI bltieve that ltile good~
Silk Pillow Tops judgemntil of 1our l' lstentis will correct
DARLING & 1MUUAIJAX I 1115 tbll -of teless tteir lAiIl 1111an
f1m1atin 5ilthe 11001 of 1111)' 0,51
SXICILIAN (EINTRt )'oursfor Plichigatllspirit,
"Te Niagara Falls Route.
N IOBOR to ,1BUFFALO ToiniltroducetllO(tit]I 05con coma, or
BOSTON Pirsiclt l 1111suffi, I liltl'-00v0 it 0ee
i lrect connections at Chicago for on1. lack1~C- st.
lbe Bulis, Kansas City, StL Paul and _________
thr 'Ret For information and g ikt alo rwiet Latest novelties in sustings at Ful-
CAS, Agnt, Ann Arbor. ler & O'Connor's, 619 E. William SL.
Coninus Is Ecel
~IO KIND YAJJJEY Ry.lent Trai Servce.
You Will Find Four Trains Daily
Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains. Sleeping Cars on Night Trains
S. E. CLARK. 202 Elks' Temple, Detroit. Rich.
Sit sIII o 0.11el, :111 L' e "^' ,+ t
11ri 1111 teill is II ' itsl c . IIott
114)IICII ,C Lt I x) I ' Po t -to 1111
1tIll < <sli llt'II I tle Shredded Wheat -V. .Beef
fol' s 1111 11151' I IT' illislraionsh wsth cIIra
s 'ltfresilltItt s lIt i ldt Loafers iI 5lost1of beef 5a foshr de
itse 0 1110110 It111111l sIsi ill aft l ill poShr ded oWheatnBiscuTh
111111 ;11' lc~dt11)sairs to (Illc.IiIsis ~~otuo h oprtv
it' l ts lu i i es Trs IFva iu seoo-
the1 merrl -1st IIil l' i' i l lldc Pp 1 111l ll:t lSredded 51'I'1'Wh 'eat { ili
Nele of lirle 115 7 stc I Si. 0.111111 I Il illil I005B l1 os
j ^lt PtiftN t7t P esimes mo215utrhtto
stinsol, srs food-elemeotsof2t1. hi
Of ~~wt creldtit ajo Sl lltr ave ruteo W ga-
Stale seet tdi o, i~lcroor Llerly lc QTr Downcut, t ownhed
PI1 elc, r IEQ -IIIGON Gwd ll the 'Si l;'Pt IIb 1a (. 111( ' QIl,1I11111Thel
Niagara11,. IFals .fY.
J013Pies aed Baceer at>do ed5Prices.
stree, stats Street 281.o ~tfls
THE aRolinoRCHESguTaR C U E30St alktre
Sadd sretstu13dBt, c mnagLiery 108 aw Tw
5. Fourha venue.O Phons- 01T HE ANN RORPAIR OAD
Cafe,301 . Slte steet. Elme N. .. l.CH5~LEDins. 0LS.Notate 90tr am
Tsdddsss+ L. rD.lBaIrules managert Sa08
S. Flseoufrth 1110n'J. Phon1lI es-BfrlT H A NNIre lAiR BOlRs0 RAs.ILndA4
or,6J 21Ho.ml289 sRoe. 10oi4tf 2.1 ANDl. S.T'.A.,MSLNS.br ~h
ToEdTBL-, kig01110.c.4,194
Caf, 01 . tat sret4 lmr N L. o. VStat m. LveNo 1-r905at
slipes o h J o -r cfrm ay,1 et are arsonNos1 a 4

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