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January 26, 1905 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1905-01-26

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The Michigan Daily
NO. 84
Feete Jump.s S F'eet, I I Inclhes -
tiarrels to es Fast Lap- First
"I~ne Frials of the Year.
c];ci tt t]rt u itlr. '1' noc a in {)
e1I f ( 'l ; d 1 1 0 1 0 V I_ ' '''' -
1 Y 1' I 't ,
< ) a tr','1.1', )u 1>
Plans for the 1906 Hop-Innovation
in the Shape of a
Smilax Roof.
;l° ll)ihd the rtask n'forrthemo. All
c ra ca~lllitt~c S II the 11'1lt O ()fii
mttt Ito I.11 1
Sentiment at Drake Favors Move A Large Shotg~un and Numerous
'Taken by Athletic Boa rd in Se=. Smaller Firearms Delayed Com-
coring Hieston for Coach. edy Club's Balloon As=
lct e
i; tr r
m i t- a i in t i {),
It 'rt, t litrhe irdtil:to fItheo s 1)d c fe 11lss fr termi nitenancei
do ne wthir i h't' Itrt t he decoral t ion ofi at't'ti fi'i' nc oIax
coiiii' it t he ve ing ift he h p pe tts va-. i yt n rIt "
ht 4 1'2 suc a herl l eanitt s s a i o;hl o ch frte eaoto o
trll i. I llye ruinpaw rith hrdtn' r. Marlit lsm praste m s
ittr' ittl tit t te d c tri co mite am u payrin thIes.rnunnk (
;)olsaash wtlt deitorattli't rilareiito by '. iiesternicritits
slw wwe h igI 1beamstilllis t Wotti t iamoeeteddai
.ea ths sace wa5let oen nd in tthe itrianlilt whre theWor
lu e fa el was hu g; in te enei iti t r itt sce t i htt II e
illed t er tis iDarttlof iithed Iortion, L iV c t ae til he t Drl
iii t4huu, 'il) ill itpactitilitivc !) ivet t x ind"i t eiiir
tutyrko vre. U m t u th orll t''''to scati o te h it nhpo
oto ii t lthi i feet lwhm v trilsl itri ii lst cah ilteiam adw rd
mid sake he hal nlch m re r actet helrrr 1mv no mnnl tdb ntl
aitr O g imr o iuv n ics
ittned flu 1ac ltt i ( ih hs Ina
ai ic li rlt iii liii t lt tit'iittttt,) t gin-
nasnn litIt ig t l ii"last it Ii i-
c 1 aera. n t~lyng t ii liiintothe i'
the- Iii ,11e t+) no if ltc he''ii' gin
ittl~~stQ hdi Iraaim hi
Wal ee 11-ldh le, ) ns
\ l r 1c kl ,. III
ti ltrctt'iltt
' ](;il t illo
t te evel Iling-
J 1 it:i t ii' i th ll tttt~t he~ i
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ti ticl i l , r tuM tu i rial, <)f th
ir c i t t trl s it an
4 oiii ih t e l~~. n i
It iia t)Oft ai e l t a
°- t~t ti~ , i t~t t 5 l~i , h ldif 3)t
"e t rd~r' aferll o~l. a c ')lsi-
lIt hn heo ut'I n tin()c wk te
at ite ii tult is Alo i tb di fa t h t
wI tit iiimma lL Te lb t 'itt ii
Cli l te1,1( in c l to 'il e: th
wet m, fc fs" Ait titl i nito
tel itc'e te i h 1 . T e sh m
Iiilcn -,tr e " ntit w i ttss itittach
?il< ~ nhea ht al;f t
,,rsete Satrd ift cl at1tl i toen
iii-- itt I8'a S ra C'lwii Angel
Ci hiag), 1. ll. ;31 905ti .
it'll he con tied 11 11 0 ut trilleai.
'nut, or ti'ALtA otl
c9 i t-ic . tie rli
O Ui l' I 1
itlllu rtant
I wall< .
11cr-Cxa LAWS
01 1 .
""ititt at 4t:10 tro} . hllt, 'Mr. Stits. (Continued on page three.)
com Presents "The Green-Eyed Mona er."
Co EDY CLUB Sarah Caswell Angell HaIl, Saturday Afternoon and Evening, Jan. 28
Seats at Sheehan's Friday and Saturday, Jan. 27 and 28.

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