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January 28, 1905 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1905-01-28

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The Michigan Daily
No. 86
'it ~rt til Itotquet otfttoheliclh
'hlrkey, Kenny and Rippel Win Out iat socioety of New York COttoi wa
in D~ebate the Michigan Team held at the I itl Astor 'Tltttrsday tighit
Chooses Negative Against Coch hoot po~resett d lusres-
Wisconsin. iii' tett t, 111000 1. y P, Mic1t
__________ oe adecitedtlet it Other
iteinte-departmnt dehate in
h1 J Kittitand IJ A.Rpptel twoi
placeso0 iht eam whiith wil l 1dhte
00 i~i 1 'i o i hI -elt 3. A. 1.
0 iiithu heplce of altrntte.
1k0 oilubje t asu"Pilry eformi.".
lIhe iiau, t , onti noti' f Rippel
Worker al11111 I I -deen ed th
a rmatve ag it tt itoim, 'inny.
tv&.e ne <4 te im o t ilh ttl ot eti eel
ptli t in r 1 n " a s. T e t o l a t
i , 'it i fth i o iihv m d
uni h " d1101 repttop cant- o inoo, butu
ng tltit the hestIen tailetll
001101 10110:t, 0osc i tontg tt-
1"id etf ea'111 110a 1111 I'oild dli very, aig tt
le n i.gout t. 1 i f is s bjc, n
( tiltt i ro ttoiittt l e iiit tt eti e r
it I iderah ic exp eti nce, h at ving ell -'
to eI lotlilt l 1 te iti r of e ice-
11tr. lKi olitilla to-ittdff r Micholigani
liert01 lit tu]t it i, life etotsi t hatu
hir t til spl eIlc h o titni t.oroIIl
1a1f1grtl i ntditstr l aitedt'rill tianc toot'
itf oil tigili f iit he tat crr. hs
aurdie 1110 fallnitiv iti iihin li ar e-
hin h eari th b ust'o a pptrautig ati fh r
tilt r ip l i h hr f te ti
r ." te wi h shll w ilirro'M itigaher
Athe tmittl'seof consiealtt'err
Pre c b hih i m, l Ire o wedif 111 nAr
li t ni iht aJa. at em uetley and
e e id I' I. liio en eslu s re gt
'tt r l b l iy wlIl m ake0 1M i i' t we
I£ srenohcor he eam
the ounest f te tor ht he trutet
the fu ur llke a t ri o ng man r ii foirn
Afte1 thede t theu t le ttedr
C)£ 1t1e te 111rh '," t tid efen 'th eti C i -
111 o 1 11 ' . A d t :3e p. iof A tAr-
1 n1,t rcr o i tt ilor theli eo th
sp tker wre'II IlCatrltoni, Conigress-
tonut . V. .Stutitli tutd hCtustil Genieral
fift firons0010 eore' presettat ithr iou-
ott 1aw1p1111100 ttei ortterted fromit
jll "'s, Sitte 11011 0 ''toliittit
Have (Great Possibilitiestfor Fast
Passenger Traffic in the Fu-
ture-Professor Allen's
o f. J ii111 olts ttiAltt ad r se th
It g i it o it titpItti Iclut Iot' 111
I trt-al R il 1 "l asiii i .I1
ii itar tiltcI alit cot i sami t t heoo same, i
t lt formerli a i i otlit a vnae
A Catchy, Interesting Story-Many ti'o'" eu oas n rotto
Complications-Exciting to tevr lcri atv~ fotic1111ptred
the Very End. toto t'euamouttuofiiitiot'' lit c'rr'ii'd bythe
conadevenitig 10ils ef the clevri-for 'low sipool. 'ilit cars tate hbetn
est itpItiutitos0101' adotedlfromtithe 111er1tedin ittso (Iiittilead"iinthis ticiti-
Ftrencht' ivitiero. Frint leginiitg to at a speed1 of11oil rli te-e'ighl tmihlteslan
ts a compttl ietsrptrise andtuthle audience atia s0111111 iii ott iMutlt's a otini.
hs ep igiita ttotf suspense friotithe ThIk"em od itpparntly rettoiy
cuti i lit thitlaot itt. leit'rad i vr fr frinitt. Th
Toile lo ttfthe lt y isitolatiidin ou- lm111111 e f ocn~tilt'0'hastbt e
do.'iItoftrots 11 01 tscnpsInthe tu- 01reachedbl utt ileIt tcapaciy if telecttritc
cioOlive Wesbt o totat proiiltg younitg cottocall beit titittottlmohust iinite-
arit iso 01110Ghitirudis af'ficitedoui iThIeIoeleohtoic roadoill beit] iia pos-
viit tiltIt 'reets-'eye'nis vt oer'y010sus t-iitn t ote ot tlw tit am lwenifea-
pc ottiandtfrtaid that bitertiiutiad nwill tirestofitt 01 'ittutht as ott m t u tr-
ces tocre orfiltir. 1flie butler itato iesin poer tlats iare iitdced.
the hI'eot's wishleo to get 'itt ovettigout lLtict ctors ould Ito'inut betweeti
an1ditltii 'ioototh t'sitace of tl thraid, ho ot rkti anitohictago at the rate of
Siltn hii uts uponutia0plan1to agitatehMrs.onetundtret d trolesb aniihour if itoe trae-
We5 ' alreadyo uli ealoos nature, atdtion1011ompiilattiesou tld he willinig to de-
olirt a111 cnrob Teotsctheeis site frth tlt pense. Ilotrwill he a loug
cesofiub. :irs. hWe tfles itnto a rouge tutte butfort ltbcn roadus rcut comupe
01111 udeclares thtuhter lustobandulitount wttth uose ior'teodilbu t'eatuin ottntg'
titeto it bier.fr i t rums.
'fl scu ttoentuotthe Ihormeof " I ctIcoity01101a mtiveut'force is twithi-
Ihet's Ihurbut's at Etirtsitiittib.TheIi 11o tutu vl treet tt ratilwtay trauffiche-
tilt1 folks haveo' ut-ardl tbrougih loni0111auseiioittooear aud tear til tuhet ha-
their stiton, Iuwhots been viositinthe tuu lttttryof ostill lotads caused 'tlbut'fre-
Wuestetuf thuestrublle tuf Oito'r-antitl tt 1oppu~ing' . Goasoelteen'prI'l-
bile wife- andutthor udetertiittoto sow oseuu for 1 seuti1111eaudof tstam ittthe
theyon cot~011 uble the absurdity of thuetr coutttton111for loualt u rafictutt'e
conut by a lptotretetndeot quarrel. ouggettstio iniircticaobule otto A
Asanutuntder-tlot nwtieli minsth iroughlietorapIutidtransofortutiois 'otaklitng place
the lt' bis10htelhve story if Tom ni th its country it the contrucionuuuof
Ih'etbiorbto tntdbJulie L.antgley, dauighter tpower p tln ts 'seny rarsfrotmi nowi
otf lbthlt'dittif I'stlurfuorut lut ol i theprset lnts ubtoill lootk atuulutuuub'
'an11hIld lawyer,10sudeeply inftuteid blit' tutucaed.
tutn' Soenora Gotzales, the ltuouute if I Toeolecturor usotulsevertal serics of
te baotle of T0101a.The - ii lica- testo, tratebu t oudenots, in is badtdress.
tstuoat trios ndttu hit'ssituiatuiuosOnttoablo of stallistics if scteamroads
wobichi tak's thaceitrouighiout the play w10.10etroletdi tt IontPennsylania freight
mkthis out' of thtemutuocoessful oengine1 tfbtheto htuu iity110;the othecr
ceuuutt'sulo luu tatoasevertbeteti tritten. wasto oiillhon ttnitAnntuArhbor las-1
lIthelatt 0 te wtelrs ore s otii t osgu'i enlginieof thu'smauutll Ameiricatn
edl anTutothu 'Oreeit-tkoe'o M tioter"thu-tttu' ITeIta' tistoics fur the oo 'si'srio
imtto l t's ftodItoe feedstoan i to utb- I rtoads uwre'gthered tout]utuiltues 'inithi
lilt; lb t1NIIChtS lIEAST IHAHN.
hitd latutooit thto forty-yatrtdIhaditap
night I btc bighai ulcps gvntohoisl
oppontsit priovtilt oilbbo tothfor thelt1-
tle fellow iad toe has toetenbutJ.
er o Nore a ti o lhad 3 fee.
thati the u. dge WC o '' tlIltethli to hl
alng conulttinutuit touerto de'side
wich tof the i~bthreehadittotItwitll1
but rememitberedtat thw11hube t 'Micignu
11thl ,fev10e0 sowe upuoo atitw10111ithe
10-ar das ru h indooltr toIsohe tudit inte
I'uhuIred. o uor'
Long Distance Men Have Tryouts
Troday - Some New
'ctoertbttu 1011011he'imosit qit.'tdayi
the' trackuen hhou adto' abtuootthe grui-
naittoiti sinco the ointug of thu'srgu-
lartriinugseetsont. Thisllrsaxaioin u
haordb wu'o tits ue trtEly otaplrtoh-
fac tot t ohefrst ittle tial110fort thu
long-igsbutance 1110n will bet thd toay,
c1oequtly thot tokhotub alight
work-1outtcompared 1to iithe s trnous~l
wiok tybhavepben outuintg fr thu'pslte
wee. -othng astone 'in ithu pole
tilltbilthtu01 orhouit tlt priu-
iou1 ou g bugtteu01111011etI)gl trughi
toi usual1 1 routine.Tt he1110 leusquadil
lbuuitugbu considierbly ottlt rtni ve-
fore, hd iafaitly h-rge cotigonc,
11bo11 ift0eentm1110ometiuntug it huttell
1111. Ntittw.iphenomeuina tuhaliie0beens
tilt itRoute. Ia 1110 o itand Stout'
st111 lok te bhet, lthbboughu IContger
hcit .1110 fimm and tutuinh or li-ii'
thso been ointuttg goodilork.ThItohalf-
niilet orked bothebir 000v11 batsol-,
I tutubut buccr tody than uul.The
ntiotconisutentubwout:I itis1111vtootubhas
00011antit l tt Ier u ish hi IaIbrotheru
tohtohabutnho mptvintt 011g rap~idy fr t's
day, onlyho buut Itauf the 111111ull umer
beig ouh.
'T1110afterootutu t 111hre o'loc,
Trier tu Filtzpatriok till giet'sit'slog-
hishac 1 m1en1111thuir first tittework-out
of the Iiar 111011man till It'sen
aganstthe oratchifor ote-alfhifs reg-
ula dristhn1110 Tle canidoates for thu'
muuoie ill eathu111 tisenllapthe half-
till'sthbreeo'non e u-atlf lps atdthe
qurte'ritilers wtill got oie-igthl of a
mtle. 'fle Mork-otut tiill 1101 be sot
mituchi fr thu'fs ftt tmer ut especllhy
lau t u rao''u'te' 1111e'canu lu'sobtained
tut ther lin.
cuuedt'anth Olier hNest atiud Ihit'll's
foirget the'ir pst quautrrels.
Theres Ire some11s ctsleft. 'They'wil~l
bht tutusalt' at Shlurbutitill11 11o111to-
stae.A criusfauct hrotught out 110
e ll t'ur 011as1that1sltalm-sinug dei-
vices utiliozedh 111111'sof theriuower'slntstt
111nsectedl requuir'sd tuor' s toetutifurtheir
opert'ioniit thnthu'ssat-ed.
A sourt hutim elt het'sDtailyrecarded
'The'supt' ent ou~of anthroupolougy ati IV ttftRS I hEN'T EIIEhTELB theo fattthuat 'at Cornuell thu' etienhad~
hr hUiversity of Califriai us t 'fttrefomted 1;i1l01101ciatont tgainsht tippitng
At the 'etingot-f thue00x00utive0cone- I teit to toheto untg'laties of the it-
to-ito $20,0tafromitrSn. toarsh uduruug miitteo f theltSudoets'oChriin as-Ill t tiihtlth .Iit 111 tu owhue toted that
thet 'star 1)04-5;. Thiso till bItosed0011 iii 11011 il ha ursday n ight, Rioharinthetofatirmidensltuo lar's retaliated by
provoide'sfur saltarites antdlIbourablrtyIAIIBhit, 0,I waii u ououtpresotidett uIin tutu g an butantimloe aosociation. D's-
mtetrial . Altarge 011111 tf uuoniey, tbS-i placeo iftGeirge S.hBuurgosresigneod.Itiltaso toitoe 'saut nature of lue lan-s
wihl lu'beudonutedhfor origiutal explora- IMr.tBuirgessloft theu's iveuorsoli ity to hslte sociaioutare nithat
tioll for thu'sprintinug of reptsoatnd I Chitstoiimeutbecauseof tttthhttles Itdtub ot hat we010are utnalehto state
tiho cture Cof specimensuboalreadty pracuured.tof'itsboatheirr andowillbuiot retiurntag'inu wiltuthiborityiwoi toar' smouuiledupoh~ n
'The aovie'sgiftostire fromt Srs.tHearosttis yalontgor.
Pses "The Green-Eyed Monster,"~
COMEDY CLUB Sarah Caswell Angell Hall, Saturday Afternoon and Evening, Jan. 28
Seats at Sheehan's Friday and Saturday, Jan. 27 and 28.

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