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January 18, 1905 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1905-01-18

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RtBulhfield's Fine Tai oiin~ Fall Fashions are 1Ripe
IJTade Guarantees... ,~
You themoust skillful -ind i-t:.i C st-ice toh: had ansywhie ~Suits - TopCas=Ri Cot
eu.te have th's -- fs aNc Ca-tom Shirts From the wholesale tailorisng house of
S and can show s-ou aI ac ;e, Is is sid cur-:isline of shirt- ooL. ADLER BROS. 6& Co.4
u s- erfesit itting.,
Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade, 106 LI. Kuron 4: ,, oc°te, N.Y
Illustrating the latest improsved
ra. -r -+ +,rsa a. a" as~r~- - t- w.+r+ +++ (designs, are now ready. Vie
have exclaeive sale of L. A. 13
H O0A G & Co. clothing in thin locality. O
presnts ompimens oftheMen who arnesnore than orin-
:iee nso010to ssiesis f i{3 t bidi.i hoinglsCyous arily particular ahout the styxle
have all hdafis leaatc i'rUi iiii. bsn sws t and fit of their clothes orenes
sert s atisfactoy.buss-of sods pecially invited to inosect thse
left aadsoe ll di f. products of Rocheeten'sfount l-
1001 mlinscta ij, I tt ;en. smropto-date clothing mnfcoy
201,203 So. Mman At-tm x 106 E. Washin~gtoun WadhamS, Ryan &c Reule
- - -+ - + -4 +s o a_ ®.,*.i , o o" -- "+- --+-rr+ -+-r - '' acr~y.*+r~as ,.tt ° tr nfctnt'c ' '
IiMoney Loaned
Loaned sin WastcesDannlotePrsn l isoiersys
Wa' tches nod Jeweliryeaired.
Bdargasins.in W, satelse-isissd
AOfflee 01t residesse- :3 . i l -.. <t
fiArboir. ilo sito 1::>0 ai s. is.
to33cntid j to. 9i. in s. All isi-sis
Joseph C. Watt
I]Mot Luinch
At Taattle's. 338 S. Stagt. *
NellBruns ickTable
P155e Cigar and Tobaccos.
Jun. xv. Reld. Prip..,3ifS. tt tr
seriedisnsiayard 5Sret.ione hiii
Pltoornf~isle t r n ti-es c r i iii
nss,; clincas ms rcconii
Qr1nee-' Acadenmy, Picae, 24an
ys-Fishing Tackle : Ammunition
Fish Nets for Deccorating.
hi Fs L0~ibert5y wt. AsinsArbosr. ii 1.
Ihnlusteceivedithse ii csiadtns
Turkish Cigarettes and Pipesa
PFyh tee briuh o the iccity.
Eeytiiss. Neat sisiscleans
Ag n Stfor iB. i. 13. S'aeiss ;. >
"The Niagara Falls Route"
W~t drec LNEW YORK
drtconnections at Chicago for
the A-lItansats City, St. Paul and
throeWest. For information and
Ce Eh tickets call on or write to W.
QASE@, Agent, Ann Arhor. t
C),t CllatI iii,.contrihbutes to a ilains self respect while our prices
c sfIItIsotte t0 lis xxealth. IDon't ImisoturClearance Sale.
All $10.00 Suits and Overcoats - $7.90
All $15.00 Suits and Overcoats = $1 1.90
)V1 I. nsfl-t. \NI/l ;.JLC lssl ISNO I?'I
* .' ~ rit«111111O e es~lI~t ~isl isifsi eis tolserecilie JSatsisui
"'tt1l't i i s I iii inli,'ist. llh a , s lie Rayslaelsilil-ssissss l
l * l 5tit l 5 e:4cS tae h ve a d th r ssvr ndiaio n thatis
1ct I. } cli WIs - t55 i t sucens>. isslEffort Is ae M i
y5' 5\i' {II I .1 rfat, -s m d t ec r he ate d n eeof eso'
1t1 ll it ilti l sls ecil O he Ca s. it- edic i t-e
O 55 1 i p It ri ii s is iss sfiii hls iicc e redin Issi
t.itii in is)lie prsensf.. Agoodis programi
1t j5 l 1t -:r°:~ i iit ma o to sis hs been sarrsangedl. Tickets
Itllet Il tlk, 'il\ ~llamIthee cn eses sss ~ed rmtesiommitee 5sf
j~a141 Ilpt 1w :t selsisillirTheiits
1, 5l l5 l w~liails 'r Iep- '_\ II IS , PRO:51OrTiED.
F.il i u ttiis, lie former athiflletfic i-
recto sitcduIhs lft lfor Seatitle.
c t '<; i'1 ileesigige to eeic iss
er -Is1(s. Jims- Nifer, teainsee ofth
ist, siflilifis ilseesilte ciii sn-ill
Save the Walk
Down Town
lai3 (; ciyou
Wte sue frti-sissoisrkmussi andsiguasr-
u e ouriwrt. iWe sel Fobs, UIMf M.
Pins and Basners at Rfedaced Price.
Telephone 310.
F. J. SCHLED[, 340 S. Slate Street
Spaldint's Official lntercolleaiate
Used be All Leadint Colleges
oatHBall Pons lasseIfsont.
inculdisrnlighI ls
A.hG. SPiALIN & BROS, lns.
Ceo Ynrk Cbitago Denverf
Spalding's Otiial Football Guide
For 19e4
Edited by xxalter Csamps. rice Ife.
The Ann Arbor Savings Bank
Caipital stsoek, 5.55:30,000 m. ifflus +15,00.
A Genneral Banking Business Transacted.
eOFricms Chas. E. Ilisis. l~. res.; xv. I).
iHarimsan, Vice irs-s. ; 51. . Fritz. Cshnier.
J. F. SCHUH, Sanitary Plumbing,
Electric construction and supplies
Gas and Electric Portables, Gas and
Elct-ric fixtsures stemssndsShbc
:A ON - i1nnIi at5 rgaIs
us ut1is h)e
i - -is ba-i 5may h
,. 5i il il s e I-t cl s n
C.1 C: sLisies 5
1(ill 1- -- I- I rs sli team
5 1 1- la
11 le i ) ' I)( l i ) t-ii
5 - c i s- N s la ,
il) iil N -lit -,
x K I he I)cas a Iess-sor
lis i e tsr( sesmc( water heatinIg.
\lu issi N r if~e iss seleslisie- i Nlssels207 F. Washington 5t
I Is the dat5 (1ii t.' (111,11e ind orsil tt
itr if \Michigan. Thle Pru takPH OTO GR APH
the 'is,1 -I-.is is Ii istlilnes. Purdueiean
liest t) iale Ithe mile. tois l, nd THE SEYMOUR STUDIO,
ilf mile-cusss iatfn n ror, inso f316 Soot Main St.
nl( tre -sins taksing flest as econd
Tll athliets havie besenstatin o h
-,rio~ rack.sIndoo meslset willheedRowe's Laundry
Wila ________Wiconinan_ Ilinis Thomas Rowe, Proprietor.
NOTICE. 326 N. Fith Ave.
New Pbhoe 457 Bl'lPhase 45-L
Reading notices, exccept to Univer -_____ ___ _______
city organizations, one tent a word
per issue, payable strictly in advance THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD
to tbe Bosiness Manager only.. Uni- NDTAMoooSHoIIN105.
versity organizations allowed one no.
tice free. if,
TIME TABLE-Taking effect De. 4, t904.
Msaigifemnt new asnortment of gen-
sime Navajo Imndian rugn and hlanketn. Le SOUTH NOiRH
Incsesseilsms eahLov1 No. a*- bsisi a. . Cr. No. 1t-I9:05 am
Piewihnrahoal.Harrington, '2t-tm:35aan. . Lv. - i :-5slop.m
319) Cathmerine. " ' 4t-Os8i1ice..Ar. --5*- is:37a.os
*Dally exeept Susnday hetweemsOswosso amid
Soils pressed, 25e; trousers, 10c. Toledo.t Throughi nos daily excepit Sue-
Fuller & O'Connor, 619 E William St. day. Free chair es n ots. 1 and 4.
~ ~ W~~lY 0 1 xv W. TxvI~LLIS, .,
Get your Gym supposaat Cushing', .a. - IToledo. hi. A.. Anmn Arbor, -Mich.
___ Toledo, _____Ohio.so
On the square
The peer of all sales. Ourmenetire stuck of suits aiid over-
coats tnow ou sale at One-fourth off
$25 suits or overcoats at $18.75 $1 5 nulls uruxercoats at $11.25
$20 suits or overcoats at 1 5.00 $12 sutllsor uvercuats at 9.00
$18 suits or overcoats at 13.50 $mu omits ur sivercoats at 7.50
Every suit and overcoat new anid this seasun's smake, sill
ttp to-date styles and at seventy-five cetnts on the dullar.
U. of M. Calendars given away free with"
every $1.00 purchase or over.
Zf6e Now FirmnWadh m Co
1st door north of State Savings Bank. 121-3 S. Main Street

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