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January 20, 1905 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1905-01-20

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The M"ichigan Daily
NO. 79
Crnva Being Planned for Benefit
of Michigan Union and Held
Sometime in April.
t lle i I t t -1ol i ]ot h -
I 10 11 1 o ly a ft1m ni1h
Ul irii.' bu1 t at th p iiocs f
Wich 0i has 1111 i i t . 44 lil aveth l
tirii h\ al1 C ->)'aI0 f t e tt
11 l111 O c~ 11 ctltyf1l
all e1 Iliti ob edi h.W iela
P 1 1 l 11 " ecIt f hi
Preliminary Examinations Being
Mi1chigan r,' rd Northweatertx Tea.rsi ,aWill At
portarit Question~ -Contest Begins Sharpl
Eight ix U niversityHl~l - Sketcoh of
Michigan's Representatives.
t11 111 erit It' ill tri-t W11' bei t he iiti 111 Isi lt' '111.111 1an1.1 Ill
de~t, t it lb interll gi ate ebat e Iioi c sll t e l lll e i t
illh 111stu ens1w ll1 av th1 canc i tssand spenttt 11 toears111
It 11n 11 1111u 1 11111t11l- li l ock.11 11'a (1 l Ii 111 ch14 Itt i
1lici ,n kll efen th neatie sie 1'O o wch1 he'l x 11a11 11111
<11111 il
1111, t t t 1 1 t 111 t e li'' Itl , l~(
01 an I 1 wtI~i 1 1 1 l. 1 IC I I '
1C11 ill tt1 Ci l l i d :n ' + :t j 1. lilt
'tt 11 III 101111 In t ll r lt n Ill c
ic tislil1 er 11 t4111111 iii 0111', liii
rlt alo dt f 111t 11r 'ity ll10ll l' il iwtll IIIC1 11 1 11Io Io oi o
lree Ita i ll Iof e111ry till Irllr colleg
le lltII
St lie * ol C illlliteillthtrher
is crr.,isi lcr1111 r1lt11na11 1110 IIte de1111
of ti e~0 11by1 Wate1110 1.eloe
1 I l l w elI 0 w l X i 1 1 1 0 f o f 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1
1110 ctlotit 11Coleillh1)11aslecioatedIi 1111c
S~ t n 0(1eqallyot _________o te lne
1 f0ti c u iv11 t . In th0'1c
illtl I c 111111 t i I nse111110 ill tlt 1t h11 0 schools of1 i ,'110111 111 eron1
litheA ilialU1*nc~lni n
th 11ere the ;10 lrn l tllll, 1 iia to whereItiill' itheci
1I b « ci 11t011111r11t0 1111111110a11. SI ft ol-
111111 .li , -0111e1114 to ano 1ng1110110year11111
1111011 1n thof Wilto 11111 andiIottitllliltdepartm1n41 inNIl}. 11elION o
Iel lea<o h lli vlooa al111 t111r 111111e o f I'll'ntIaoleaPgue.Ii'lI
the do f tl illofllto 1oli p1 11 10 1 it ibo to l e aoll a cpla c
111o l's ha bo0111111nt:
0t1 1 ' ite tt l If h e 11111 ot t 1(ha es I B nc rd om s f m
111 Willth e ilar Wa ttllt 0111 I I'(lto 0111ad olii oel
ro ItO ofstclesscfontit itte 111 Kitiii
ttO} 0014 o ft r d e tac tetha ils i-n 000.'ee ul n roue
iov the 0~ tue t andte o ther 41 e r la' 'ti fo' ttisi, sof ricngN.
l i te softhe glndle w lles s otitgf t11t heod n c orh fs s encteat st
IsonX 1111foat AItit"Aror n111
Ict.ciitof 190t5 wtichlisto odi
Notltvttooto 1111111 sit
ITra '1'. Jayneo is1a0Iiv
Ii a tietn scoiol w11e
11111atedilllllooo inthree00111
lol 'tclllll'tw00' "rle
Ilaw11 carlls(I It expeotsito
a ~Ic f ithe 1)111)-
> 1b111d 1101dlso the 111110'
lii oard lIn lo o 00111
I'Yale-I Iai'ta'olgamel' and
ileltogive his oiionI lofe
rgwe Im- e - refotsasae
ly at IUniversity lnen.
-Niiielen tried he Cecil Rhodes
Scloltshitiiiexaminations 11fot Oxford
lTeday 1111d4\iiedsiay. Two of the
01111 Ilot~uaot hre1111111 ie frowni Ier'iit Jesuit Cl-
11111 li to . lo'g'e and tre ' fronti t e uiviiersity.
11the' 111111 '' 11111 o'amintion11 is1 no1111 cmpeltitive
Ih lrry, n hi cash1iptis o totawartidd by
si i s i 11 Oxforid authtortie.T he toittal do-
1111th1lst to nr itn the han11110of alottmtittee
011111 to 11110her 10of1witoh PtoidsidenttAngell to the
batfiltlIittttoOiford t iyredestoseltiloott
111 lin p 1001110 igilelt o fr the
the1candidates1rIturnedtooilitto to oobe
-sed 11)011. F om then 111010f thos
reploted11111 1 11111 th on1111 o n i l tlhere
.1110d,1the11011111 Iip0 0o11111111m0 who
e c, in tl ir i lop 11the1bet i
1,% t l 1lcic bilirty10iana l ow er toh
1111 ~itoI- ltittoit of llbe p lay d sn
e hil ~ e 1 ~l 11011hip 5 15.rddltiigani
a 0o'o'atr.tI3ifthetermsiof Thlir t odes'i
11 1 il hor tte inthe Uniiotireshatid
io f ( 'l 111 icpttil sroolod itt as ohci try fra
li frs 1 oil achoi0cumbent itreteaofs.Tenats
l4it o n s w11iltoe1111 d wlill 1111 ay
ill oifoccu'to
rI 1 011h. 1c esto-l me bleftentttheatse,
enrla ,1 011 lo a ftr111oon hha t htlhtc i o t tt
11 to:it' 'igohis amethis i
lobteagins teelod ofte easonl. Thlioe frsws-
played.1- t bito'gelenoitiiesioplieorttescoant
er Ie 1ra - Tois game1)11 o is t e fistthe terie o
falitof l iii hi tsen tgirtecra tasiitte i n htiliist
o'.e bltfl hei 1 Ose cy hi otttgpo
luupt Iieritogther toldthsfre.shmtntamon
nlld to pliiced fottdot'tick nnetsfhavedbets
erialought t0o01 goodritle er expeeoed.
tid hoc l 11-
44 re cie Iti, gipone tsthe playhill s 01 p o tstt iyst
'l -lme ttl t e r tgaee r peclayhled by llithte s-
'thaot!,v,, 1 0 'o , ithi e t et h ou~ ltei ofti ntei e sudtts
1 1 til; i eall .as ademotati o o grwautit of
tnc le)'e Oh, ima d t a hvswill taltod a ndvre
vildet- tto he15oirlpabe calleinttihie1epress
team Ichiuti'
miot 0t110 6 loI4Shl~hN'l AN QU.L GESTO
ioseud Theii'0111)gineer banqutOwicNi. t
ii 1io in a 'R-up"gaint tYale 01
'lost is! Ilbittring,!~
tie WoutldliketoIc11101hil
hm in h ati e
''It is hirlly prac111c1011
present schelidleloforoeihtet'
yardoririhil inctonl 1o 11101
aigo giverilr.Yosts40101 e
to dIuemtonsltratoeteir thteorittCl.'otadhspp
use1thir1mothis 'and rein
If the iignor1a1nt'iigos ooht
wh-Iile inseiad (If OtItlmintg
c_ t
Itw a m0-1011 110 oiloutAtigell11111be absettfrom
theuiversity' 'll tnext week so lie atn-
Iroe ndtoicit~o h1110ldss itninterntiottal
od itoeir la110 o'tserhl'ho 11Tle president is a re-
'tig wor01 di o (fte Smtithsontian Intitiuse atnd
to lie funny, o es'o Wa44sbhintgon to attetndte alto
lfilorthm 1111.11 111et1111 of tho board of regents.
.hoir ittdetr4-Itlhitohecopitol Or. Atngell will be
tilt avoioldd.rithisItosotinitlIaw nod daughter, Prof.
SaTUDNoT. iatid Mrs.Atidret C. McLauglin.
sizeod iiitols ootld tav-eibe

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