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January 27, 1905 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1905-01-27

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The, Michigan Daily
No. 8~
llllnter department lDebate To
night on rimary Reform -True-
blood Says -Best
in Years."
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(Cont;in n ue on ipage two)e 1(
Swell University Social Event to be Comedy Club Puts on lFinishing!' Many Expresios 1Recived Regard
Held March 3-Tickets on Sale Touche for Tomorrow's Per ing Wearing of Block "M"-
Next week-Commit formances-Ushers te College Song and
tees Selected. Chosen. Salation Army
Aferth i 1nir 1111e1121 ot-1 111md2 ,1' 111leelty ee Th P ili acr 1's no re11sl1t
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art the head1.of21 is perspiring1 qua51 er- 1the 1lime ifht1112 1.. cr212 e he9 lay2112s. Theg1et1m joity l ieve111 th1at
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11111111 III put5111111111e st11ti1g2bu2c1122e111g a211e1expressediare in1fa
with ___eeler. __the __freshmandid Igo (d 12T 11221u 111211212t 112y 121111221a , greater 1 us 1121f2 1112a112o 111than theesang
1(mp1i1g11 1.15t110111 5111an2111102111 ar21an1 guile 111pr221111122 21.11itself.11212112a121
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ahead2 of im2 on1l11 thle qstartel"Checke2I 112 11 121 il12v111 1 ,/2%11111
l111ed' im t er112211erwiardes1121112 e111 i1112fo ll112ire(le1112 poth of 121 1i1''112 .After 111 .112 112121e111121l1111 11 12
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few11 eek:11112 beri ,If nt in a amo-gndofa1 srs1f2211112 lie n h ('Conctidon pofa e e sn
Prsns"The Green-Eyed Monfter."
COM ED CLUB Sarah Caswell Angell Hall, Saturday Afternoon and Evening, Jan. 28

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