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November 23, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 52) • Page Image 1

…THE WEATHER SNOW A NDCOLDER TODAY Ar AJW VOL. XX III. No. 52 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER EUROPEAN POWERS ALIGN DEFINITELY ON SIDE oF GREECE TURKEY MEETS STRONG OPPOSI- TION ON WESTERN TRADE QU7E STIO N VENIZELOS ZRALOUSLY DEFENDS COUNTRYMEN Enteute Spokesmen Favor Non-)Hl- Lary Zone Through Central Thracee Lausanne, Nov. 22.-Turkey found the great powers of Europe arrayed against her today on the question of western trad...…

November 23, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 52) • Page Image 2

… ..._, _ _ i MASQUES' PLA YFINEL YDONE "Xniglt of the Burning Pestle," Directed by Prof. J. Raleih Nelson, Proves Skillfully Cast and Cleverly Acted (By Delbert Clark) I dance. The costumes, too, were beau- Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson did not tiful, notably those of Dorothy Jeff- merely live up to his enviable repu- rey, as Prologue, and Shirley Salis- bury, as Luce the lovely heroine. tation when he presented Masques in Masques has done a splend...…

November 23, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 52) • Page Image 3

… ----- muommwmmw Aft" TO PROHIBITION CONFAB TORONTO CO NI L F.N-V E1EXPECT- ED TO ATTRA CT WORLD Special: invitation has been extend- ed to the University of Michgan in a telegram just received by the S. C. A. to have five foreign. students at- tend the International Conference o the Intercollegiate Prohibition associ- ation which is to be held Nov. 24-29 in Toronto. These students are to b appoinlted iinniediate y. It is expected that stud...…

November 23, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 52) • Page Image 4

…i f- 1-, 1 1-Y . WV4 tt2l OFFICIAL \ Eli NVIA UNIVEll".4T Y tip 3te4 ilitth " #V-e> V llt r ishrr~ Membter of Western CF A4ssociation. 1h e 1ArrCi.rtrl I1'7 i if signer(, the 5t;?it ut 4 appt1eai in prli, b I:-?. I, ~ hPI~'7 'F t~h 'r /h (:r :r'' o. P~r 0t". n- oughit to furnish a h'.hly beneficial " ... ,.form of contest, not only to those who --- I are direct participants, but also to thej tI E R o r t' ifl FI Mnes organization, gl...…

November 23, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 52) • Page Image 5

…_____________ TH!E MI-CM N -DAILY_ _ _ _ _ _ RD1DATES PRlEP it r a2 tremer MERRIAM TO TALK FORB TAU BETA P!' At Ho el Savofa TO*MORROW NIGHT I I AT Till TIJATERS Scree--'Toy Arcade-Wallape° Reid in "Clar- ence;" and ,Buster Keaton in "The Paleface." Majestic- "White Shoulders,"I with X-Aberine MacDonai1. and 12ryapt . Wa.lbbutu; and amlntltons Tomorrow Night SATU"AY TO BIE DATE SET j FOR INITIATION CVER E3IONY Seventeen men will take txie...…

November 23, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 52) • Page Image 6

… / m mn . . -. } . ' , a*ArvwwAww nwA=w I~ [L1Illllfll{IIIIIvi a ~II/® r/ .... - . . i M f yy 1 + 4-1 OFF 0 FINAL TITLE FORAGE TODAY y-osTMNOEG FOR BITTF.R WITHANCIENT NO ClINCH VICTORY EXPECTED OVER P 1 L lMARTINEAU, MINNESOTAI STAR, TO BE WATCHED Cripples Back in Lineup Satiarday; iRoby to tart at iEna Greatest Gopher C eared By Yost! running mate. The choice for fullback "Brown Jug" continues to spread with wh...…

November 23, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 52) • Page Image 7

… ILLINOIS [f Follows BUCKEYE E[EVEN' Famo ts gel An tr HARRIERS READY FOR BIG TEN RUN lndui Aggregation Determined TO Make Game Third Big Ten Victory G1UEAT OPEN GAME EXPECTED AS RiVAL TEAMS PREPARE (Special to The Daily) Urbana, Ill., Nov. 22.-Having cop- ped off two Big Ten conference games, Wisconsin and Northwestern. thus far this season, Bob Zuppke is preparing some big things for Coach Wilce's non-victorious Ohio Staters and the annua...…

November 23, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 52) • Page Image 8

…________ ___-___TI-[_MICHIGAN .DAIL\V,.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DAILYOFIIL ULETIN Publication In the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University, Copy received until 3:30 jp. m. l(1:30 a. m. Saturday) Volume I THRSDApY, NOVEMBEII 2. I1942L,'e .~. amber , I All Faculty m~embers Please Note: The Regents, JIan. 10, 1919, established a plan of annuity to replace the Carnegie free pension plan not available for any teacher enteri...…

July 23, 1922 (vol. 13, iss. 27) • Page Image 1

…ul rx Zr 4 1 DAY AND r SER ANN ARBOR, I:TCHIGAN, SUNDAY, JULY 28, 1922 P i , '._ -_ 0 SCHOLARSHIP GIVEN UNIVERSITY re hundred dollars has recently- given the University for the sup- of a fellowship in applied sociol- in the Graduate school for the 1922-1923. ention of prospective applicants ,lied to the curriculum recently n up for students in this field. ecial bulletin may be had on ap- INDIANA LAWYER NAMED TO LABOR POST BY HARDING...…

July 23, 1922 (vol. 13, iss. 27) • Page Image 2

…g the Summer ons. ESS the use for re- or ot"erwis therein. gai, as second of Education baseball teams. Why not have all the colleges pick teams to represent them during the rest of the Summer session? You who elected afternoon and evening classes, don't you sorta regret it now that the warm weather is withering you? No swimming, no nothin'. Now that the sun is at its glory so also will be the man who always greets you with 'a "Is it warm: eno...…

July 23, 1922 (vol. 13, iss. 27) • Page Image 3

…be shown IL MWAJESTIC A clever comedy-drama full of ex- tement and laughs, is "Sherlock WIEt7R- and Brown," starring Bert Lytell, which is being shown at the Majestic Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. In "Conceit," Selznick's latest big fea- o- ture production which will be shown Wednesday, and Thursday, is a drama of society and the 'wilderness. [am "m~o'es Masquerade," a~ powerful m- screen drama, featuring Conway Tearle, will be shown the re...…

July 23, 1922 (vol. 13, iss. 27) • Page Image 4

…HAT'S GOING ON Sunday, July 23a -Prof. George E. Meyers ad- es guild class, Baptist Guild e. ' -Social half hour, Presbyter- turob, M.-IMisElizabeth ParavanoI cPresbyterian Christian En- or meeting. m.-Edison Cramer leads BRapt- ! ;l~d discussion on "Education leisure," Baptist Guild house. Monday, July 24 .-"Siberian Experiences." Prof. *Packard, University of Roch- -Recital-The class in Shakes- can Reading. (University hall). Tuesday, July 2...…

May 23, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 170) • Page Image 1


May 23, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 170) • Page Image 2

….0 PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Published every morning except Monday during the Wniversity year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. * MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Asoaciated Prose iexclusively etitld to theuer republication i ofwanew ithe cr ededtoIt or ntactsro l* credited Ia this paper and the Jecal mew. published t1Rnra .. Antered at the pottoEi a Aa Arbor, Mk gn S. a...…

May 23, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 170) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY I LANDER L FOR 1LOWER Phone 294-Fl' 320 E. Liberty St. 715 N. University Ave. N . A N I N G EAVERS PRESSERS.. 2044 . WASNINUOOM L T~On628 , P R E S S I N G CATHOLIC STUDENTS TO HELP ERECT DORMITORY PLAN CAMPAIGN TO CLEAR UP IN. DEBTEDNESS ON CHAPEL PROPERTY Catholic students at the University of Michigan have promised Rev. Mich- ael P. Bourke, spiritual director of the Students' Chapel at State and Jeffer- son stre...…

May 23, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 170) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY W! 1 . ! I ii!.long " - N i2' P , ' 11 yY , , - 5 m;4 vY port Calendar BASEBALL At Home 27-Chicago at Ann Arbor. 29-Wisconsin at Ann Arbor. e 3-Ohio State at Ann Arbor. e 16-Alumni game at Ann Ar- e 17-National Collegiate Athlet- ociation m'eets at Chicago. Abroad 30-Notre Dame at South Bend, TRACK f At Home 26-27- Michigan interscholastic a Arbor. Abroad e 2-3 - Western Conference pionships at Iowa City, Iowa. e...…

May 23, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 170) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY CI BETTER Overwhelming Defeat of Chicago Gives Wolverines Chance for Second In Big Ten Meet BURKE'S TIME OF 10 SECONDS IN 100 YARD DASH FEATURES By defeating the Chicago track team} 89 to 46 Michigan's tracks ters -put in a claim for second place in the com- ing race for Conference honors. One of theoutstanding features of the meet was the great improvement shown by Burke in the dash events. Contrary to former reports th...…

May 23, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 170) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Ir News From The Other Colleges from now until Commencement. This Is an old tradition which was re- vived two years ago having been dis- contijlued during the war. Numbers and volume are relied upon to take the place of rehearsals. .^.-, IL ! ..e . i AT for University students to rious and divers kinds of iring the summer vacation come to the office of the aployment bureau, accord- Mary L. Stewart, who is in= he bur...…

May 23, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 170) • Page Image 7

…UESDAY, MAY 23, 192 W~1omenI Kiddies To Frolic At Annual Party Anyone having bills against the Sen- ior Girl's play is requested to send them to Harriet Gustin, 1520 South University avenue. Freshmen and sophomores who have not signed up for their posture exam- inations should do so at their earliest convenience. All sophomore women having tickets for the sophomore movie are requested to turn them in to Marian Wicksall at Newberry residence...…

May 23, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 170) • Page Image 8

…IMT THE MICHIGAN DAILY i I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Copy received until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) MICHIGAN BASEBALL .NINE DEFEATS IO0A BY 10-8 (Continued from Page One) the Iowa third baseman in time to double Knode off first. Volume 2 TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1922 Number 170I Commencement Program: Will all persons who have notices which they desire printed in the gen- oral Commencement Program to be issued by the University, kindly ...…

April 23, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

…f 1.1 V-Z ftV iAw at. .v I JA .. .__- ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SUNDAY, APRIL 23, 1922 -.-'----~'-.~" - -----,-- ----4 ,. ERINES HUMBLE INDIANS, BLICATIONS APPOINTS ILY BUSINESS MANAGER; 16 EDITOR TO BE CHOSEN ND BROWN E OF 'ENSIAN e Given Chimes; Student members. of th Board in Control of Student. Publications were nominated also at the meeting. Elght men were named from which number four will be chosen at the spring elec- tions...…

April 23, 1922 • Page Image 1

…SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, APRIL 23, 1922 Mr. Untermeyer Talks--Some Ilisabeth Whilcomb) An aristocrat of radicals. Accord- "But that's not for publication," Mr. ing to his fourteen-year-old son Mr. Untermeyer concluded hastily. "Now Untermeyer. is, however, merely a mild let's ask me a few questions. 'Do you liberal. There was much to be said believe in American poetry? 'Yes!' of son Richard (the "Dict' whom said Mr. Unterme...…

April 23, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 145) • Page Image 2

…to the use far z not otherwise !a therla. i ~ a r Seaet. ned, the signa- ideuce of faitk, at the discre- fce. Unsigned nanuscript will Cents expressed nicely with the aid of only one orchestra, the year- lings have felt the need of doing things up a little better than their elder brothers and have arranged for two orchestras to play at the affair which they are to hold in the near future. The Frosh Frolic will no doubt be a more elaborate d...…

April 23, 1922 • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, APRIL 23, 1822 Planaging the Ilichigan Union Editor's note: This is the first of a "what's going out." The, head of any does make money and what does not $3,300; rentals $1,100; the Opera series o three artit-tes dealing with family can explain it without diffi- make money, let us go into the financ- $3,500; Opera Music, $127; waste the op r ade and organization of the culty. ial sheet as approved by the B...…

April 23, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 145) • Page Image 3

…den in the role of Madame Butterfly. S She and her husband then came to J America where they sang for two sea-, sons with the Savage company. The following year they went to the Ber- lin Opera where Miss Easton sang the fam- leading roles. Another period at Covent olitan Garden, during which she created the e role soprano role in Ricordi's prize opera, nhau- "The Angelus," sang Sieglinde in May "The Valkyrie," Eva in "The Master- ed in singer...…

April 23, 1922 • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, APRIL 23,1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE 9 "THE MIND IN THE MAKING" (Continued) By James Harvey Robinson (Published by Harper and Brothers) ing, or make our knees as water. There silts in finding arguments for going on in the matter, and certainly no least (Copyright,. 1921, by Harper & Bros.) is a whole new literature growing up believing as we already do. argument to urge in favor of the belief from 11. On Various hinds of Think....…

April 23, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 145) • Page Image 4

…'NC- and artistic work may be Judged human, instead of sex, standards. Makes for United Michigan If the rules governing participati in camus activities are made to hi e o monize with national practice c so. cerning sex distinctions there is par- danger that we shall have women tivi- our football teams or gridiron here inly prominent in the Women's Leag to- The opera will remain masculine a t a the Junior Girls play feminine. B chi- we shall ha...…

April 23, 1922 • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY.APRTT, 521552 re " .emn words, ecce agns Del, a fly lit on 'he M ind in the M aking" the end of his nose.... The highly accurate pendulum clock was one of (Continued from Page 3) tions and may in turn, under highly the later results of Galileo's discovery. ness in all decisions in which their favorable circumstances, affect the He himself was led to reconsider and amour propre is involved. Thousands views...…

April 23, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 145) • Page Image 5

…y ..,. 1. 0 4 1 '.0 1 I'll, t 0--bum . ... kson ,hes de Ar cross he ad ist for o the the andi n pla; tall a ho be gi Mtajesti avingl wish Di one ogo a ,er the first hit to tbe ger wl runm nethre condt ith t ayer ml ass to Mtice w~ board e start shad Triple into the first! Lfor a triplej won for him-i1 .rade theater sed the platel dded 10 more wa grand to- movies. That1 first hit, thet the first run yer on Ferry com~es.about.) Manager ...…

April 23, 1922 • Page Image 5

…SUNDAY, APRIL 23, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE 5 A Review---And Some Notes (By G. D. E.) pathos that one finds in a book by and the ripening of her literary po- roses, of, at most, building on a "Up Stream," (Boni and Liveright) Dreiser or Hergesheimer. But it tentialities. As a culmination of her rotten foundation. In this same Ludwig Lewisohn's autobiography, comes in flashes and these are the heavenly inspirations the Reverend analysis ...…

April 23, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 145) • Page Image 6

…EARLING CENSURES CLASSMATE WHO HAS REFUSED TO WEAR CLASS HEADGEAR ,I . I- I :: I . EDUCATION SENIORS Senior education students must order their commencement invitations and announcements today in Tappan hall between the following hours: 9 to 10, and 2 to 5 o'clock. I EIL REEREVES ANNOUNCE Mary Pickford in "LittleLord Faunt- leroy" with health education films, "The High Road" and "Foot Folies" at the Wuerth Theater May 8, 9, 10, and 11. Buy...…

April 23, 1922 • Page Image 6

…THL MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, APRIL 23, 1922 mere pedantry. The saving quality in WAtLDO FRANK AND D. 11. LAW- in i ///y u h r case is a toucht of anarcihy -ust REBCE enougih to breathe the breatht of life f 'y l yI ) . low does the Ameran language There has been during the past few "THE AMERICAN LANGUAGE" tthings. Brander Matthews has always Mencken is talking about look hin years o strengthening tendency on By H. L. Mencken taken it se...…

April 23, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 145) • Page Image 7

…lic Health lethods In Poland Described 71y Visiting Physician of absence for various time have been granted sev- essors and members of the y faculty by the Board of Prof. R. W. Sellars, of the y department, is absent for at semester, teacing~in Brown( r. Prof. J. G. Winter, of the4 I Latin department, has been in Europe for the past col- Prof. C. C. Glover, of the College of Pharmacy, has been at Columbia uni- ersity studying and employed in...…

April 23, 1922 • Page Image 7

…t SUNDAY, APRIL 23, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE 7 "Rahab" is a strange, poetic, pas- indifferent as the Chorus is dignified A REVIEW-AND NOTES BY G. D. E. where they can buy copies of these sionate story, the tale-to use a melo- and ceremonious. So, of course, he is (Continued from Page 5) magazines, and without exception dramatic phrase-of a soul in torment. likely to be in an American theatre; and harden and grow whiskers before such pe...…

April 23, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 145) • Page Image 8

…cool us Sundaes - 30c Editor, The Michigan Daily: A great deal of adverse criticism has come to my ears lately beause sol many people got up and left during the recent talks here by the poets,! P'adriac Colum and Carl Sandburg. Inasmuch as I am one of the guilty' number I would like to say a word in. defense through the columns of The Daily. The talks have been held, at a very inconvenient hour for a gr~eat many of us but rather. than miss t...…

April 23, 1922 • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, APRIL 23, 192 "THE MIND IN THE MAKING" omniscience. Without taking thought MANAGING THE UNION in the revenue producing department (Continued from Page 4) we see in a flash that it is most right- (Continued from Page 2) $70,482.17 and have had to spend of it hensions. There have seen obstruc- eous and expedient to discourage birth j keepers and stenographers total $69,899.02, so that the Union has tinists i...…

April 23, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 145) • Page Image 9

…Ift I ,"te Girls who have any old lace or cos- the tumies for the period of 1800 are asked en on to call Margaret Spalding at 398. fence- ss for All freshmen and sopohmore girls be f~owho wish to tryout Sor class baseball been teams will meet at A o clock Monday girls afternoon for their first practice. De- were finite practice hours will be also de- the cided upon at this time. been 1bDe- Senior play rehearsals will be as fol- t will lows t...…

April 23, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 145) • Page Image 10

…* Y V (11:30 a. m. Satu 23, 1922 .E TdI N rds.) Number 145 >sence of Mrs. Burton from the city, President and Mrs. "at home" Wednesday afternoon of this week' , Science, and the Arts: 3 meeting of the Literary Faculty Monday afternoon, n. in Newberry Hall. JOHN R. EFFINGEIR. Wisconsin Bonus: Ly office, Room 2, University Hall, between 2 and 5 p. m., i. F. B. WAHR. f paintings recently made in China1 and sketches by Ann Arbor Artists all. O...…

April 23, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 145) • Page Image 11

…1J $irtjigxn &zitj SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, APRIL 23, 1922 Mr. Untermeyer Talks--Some os Eliseth Whitcomb) - --An aristocrat of radicals. Accord- at's not for publication," Mr. ing to his fourteen-year-old son Mr. Rer conclud hastily. Now Untermeyer, is, however, merely a mild me a few questions. 'Do you liberal. There was much to be said a American poetry?' 'Yes' of son Richard (the "Dick" whom U ntermeyer." readers of "Th...…

April 23, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 145) • Page Image 12

…)Vanaging the flichigan Union Editor's note: This is the first of a "what's going out." The head of any does make money and what does not $3,300;, rentals $1,100; the Opera series of three articles dealing with family can explain it without diflh- make money, let us go into the financ- j $3,500; Opera Music,.$127; waste the operation and organization of the culty. ial sheet as approved by the Board of paper, $28; valet service, $7; Opera Michi...…

April 23, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 145) • Page Image 13

…"THE MIND IN THE MAKING" (Continued) By James Harvey Robinson (Published by Harper and Brothers) ing, or make our knees as water. There sists in finding argnments for going on in the matter, and certainly no least (Copyright, 1921, by Harper & Bros.) is a whole new literature growing up belseing as we already do. .argunsent to urge in favor of the belief From "3. On Varione winds of Think. which studies the effects of our bodily I remember yea...…

April 23, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 145) • Page Image 14

…emn words, ecce agnus Del, a fly lit on The Mina in the flaking " the end of his nose.... The highly accurate pendulum clock was one o (Continued from Page 3) tions and may in turn, under highly the later results of Galileo's discovery ness in all decisions in which their favorable circumstances, affect the He himself was led to reconsider an amour propre is involved. Thousands views and lives of others, even for successfully to refute the old...…

April 23, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 145) • Page Image 15

…A Review--And Some Notes (By G. D. E.) pathos that one finds in a book by and the ripening of her literary po- roses, of, at most, building on a "Up Stream," (Boni and Liveright)LDreiser or Hergesheimer. But it tentialities. As a culmination of her rotten foundation. In this same Ludwig Lewisohn's autobiography, comes in flashes and these are the heavenly inspifations the Reverend analysis I found that when a person which I read fully a month ...…

April 23, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 145) • Page Image 16

…' mere pedantry. The saving quality in 1A:LDO FRANK AND D. H. LAW- k hA t his case is a touch of anarchy-just RtENCE books i idnd AuthoT'rS enough to breathe the breath of life into otherwise dry facts. ( fevie by It. D. S.) How does the American language There has been during the past few "THE AAMERICAN LANGUAGE" things. Brander Matthews has always Mencken is talking about look in ears a strengthening tendency on By H. L. Mencken taken it ser...…

April 23, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 145) • Page Image 17

…"Rahab" Is a strange, poetic, pas- indifferent as the Chorus is dignified A REVIEW-AN-D OTES BY G.D.E.|wher ther can buy copies of these ,donate story, the tale-to use a melo- and ceremonious. -So, of course, he is (Continued from Page 5) magazines, and without exception dramatic phrase-of a soul in torment., likely to be in an American theatre; and harden and grow whiskers before such persons are the best buyers of A woman, cut short from wha...…

April 23, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 145) • Page Image 18

…"THE MIND IN THE MAKING" omniscience. Without taking thought (Continued from Page 4) we see in a fliash that it is most right- hensions. There have been obstruc- eous and expedient to discourage birth tionists in all times, not merely the control by legislative enactment, or lethargic masses, but the moralists, that one who decries intervention in the rationalizing theologians, and most Mexico is clearly wrong, or that big of the philosohers, ...…

March 23, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

…L '4 S It6 &Ii'P IASSUCI~A U I A!PRESS "' blltYICI -- a ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN THURSDAY. MARCH 23h122 PRTIml r PD TI11~ '~ ' A A~&%IJM J.~ -. .. .... iw -- i FM ,or Satiric Replies To "G. D. L." And Professional Baseball Problem Are Headliners In March Chimes i NIMENCEMENT INOW GREATER LSED SIZE OF GRADUATING ASSES IS CHIEF CAUSE OF DIFFICULTY TORIUM CAPACITY FINITELY LIMITED Alumni, and Relatives of Sen- Will Swell Seat Demand...…

March 23, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 126) • Page Image 2

…w during the Univermity Publications. 'D PRESS ntitied to the use f or to it or not otherwise published therein. , Michigan, as second d mStt he sentiments expressed .BR4WSTIhR P. CAMPBtLL .........Joseph A. Bernstein .......... .$I. P. Lovejoy, Jr. .....J. B. Young G. P. Overton M. B. Stahl Lt Paul Watzel . . ........L. Armstrong Kern L. R. Meiss ....... .Thornton W . Sargent, Jr. ....................George L. Sloan .....Sidney B. Coates...…

March 23, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 126) • Page Image 3

…LN DAILY ILY r of Sets ress ciated Press) ar. 22.-Radio en- increased ben-fold w months, it ap- vey conducted by ress and covering t, Kentucky and ly all points from e been received of radio sets, par- ses of telephony, ire were hundreds ir out a statement Hoover at the re- ice at Washington >wing to rapid de- :telephony within e months there are' radiophone receiv- ion in the United with less than 50,- PAREH OUTLINES NEEDS OF ELECTRICAL ...…

March 23, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 126) • Page Image 4

…-a ~WV~ ~ . . > .. ... .:,. : .: ti....,,., a m . .... .w. .... . .. .: ?n Track 1M eke Intercla ents for the finals in the ndoor track meet which un off Friday evening at in Waterman gymnasium >mpleted, and considering o placed in the prelimin- esday night, and the time the events, it is expected rs of track will be given tomorrow evening. The e the last indoor meet of season and a large crowd a are expected. en Favored To ss Meet On ...…

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