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November 23, 1922 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-11-23

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VOL. XX III. No. 52


Enteute Spokesmen Favor Non-)Hl-
Lary Zone Through Central
Lausanne, Nov. 22.-Turkey found
the great powers of Europe arrayed
against her today on the question of
western trade, on which she demands
a plebiscite, and Greece, helpless and
becaten by the armies of the Ottoman
state, left a rather heated afternoon
session of the Near East conference
with the feeling that she is not so
abandoned as she feared.
Turks Dejected
The Turkish plenipotentiaries re-
turned to their hotel looking dejected.
One of them said: "they were al
against us on the Thracian issue to-
day, but it is not yet decided; we shall
probably have something more to say'
While hostile to a plebiscite, the en-
tente spokesmen favored the demili-
tarization of a considerable zone on
the right bank of the Marytza river,
which divides western from eastern
Thrace, so that danger of an armed.
conflict between the Greeks and Turks
would be lessened.-
Greek Admits Mistakes
The former Grecian premier, Veni-
zelos, was at his best in defending the
interests of his country. He frankly
admitted that Greece had made mis-
takes, and added that she had suffered
severely as a consequence of these
The burden of the Turks' argu-
ments was that possession of both
eastern and-western Thrace was nec-
essary to make Constantinople safe
for Turkey and prevent incursions in-
to Turkish territory.
So great has been the interest shown
in the opportunities offered in the
American Consular service, that all
pamphlets at Dean J. A. Bursley's of-
flee have been distributed. Efforts
have been made to secure additional
copies and they will be here within
a few days.
The possibilities for promotion in
the service are declared excellent. A
detailed efficiency record of each man
is kept in the state department. Pro-
motion in the service is based on
Unmarried men of American citizen-
ship, between the ages of 21 and 28
are wanted for consular assistants.
Those between the ages of 19 and 26
are desired as student interpreters.
The salary offered to accepted candi-
dates is from $1500 to $2000. After
passing the examination, candidates
are assigned to the American Lega-
tion at Peking, or to the American4
Embassy at Tokio, for a period of two
Those desiring to take the next con-
sular examination, to be held in Wash-
ington, D. G., Jan. 15, 1923, must
make application therefor to the sec-
retary of state, not less than 30 days
in advance of the date set for exam-

ice Skating RBik to be Provided
Facilities for ice skating are to be
provided free for the people of Ann
Arbor this winter, it was decided at a
meeting of the city council held re-
cently. A committee of five will be
appointed and confer with the mayor
on the sites for the rink.


Victory is generally i
ed as the overcom ng of

an ene-

my in battle, or of an antagon-
ist in any contest. But to Michi-
gan victory has a more important
meaning, one which is of great-
er significance than the mere
triumph over an opponent in the
field of sport. To the University
it signifies the honorable achieve-
ment of a worthy ambitlon--and
in the word "honorable" Ye the
distinguishing ckaracteristics of
every Michigan undertaking.
Thus far this year the football
team has remained undefeated on
the gridiron, and only one team
has had the distinction of cross-
ing the Wolverine goal line. Such
a record in itself is enviable, but
it is doubly commendable because
of the fact that every game was
marked by a marvelous display of
clean sportsmanship., a path from
which no Michigan representative
ever deviates.
Today, at 2:23 o'clock (Ann Ar-
bor time) the football team de-
parts for its last--and most im-
portant-contest at Minnesota,
where the Gopher awaits the Wol-

verine, anxious to recapture the
"little brown jug" of traditional
fame, and to upset the champion-
ship aspirations of the men of
Yost. The battle will be a hitter
one, with Minnesota anxious to
avenge the sting of last year's de-
feat and Michigan 1ent on contin-
uing the season unbeaten.
The student body has as serious
a function to pelIrfrm in this en-
counter as the team, for a vic-
tory without the moral support
of those who benefit by it is only
half a triumph. To fulfill this
duty, every undergraduate should
be present at the Michigan Cen-
tral station this afternoon to
speed the team on its journey,
and with cheers and song convey
to the men who go to defend the
honor of Michigan his confidence
and trust in them. Sure'y no stu-
dent will fail to respond to this
last opportunity to show his ap-
preciation of the sacrifices which
the players make - sacrifices
which cannot be reckoned in time
or material value.'
The team will give its all Sat-
vrday-the student body must do
its share today.

Plans Provide for 20 Buildings Near
Ferry Field, with miniature
Excavations have ,een completed
and forms are being put up for the
"oundation for the first of the 10

First Meeting of (lass Dance Body
Held for Organization
Appointment of eight committees to
make preparations and. provisions for
the 1924 Junior Hop were "made yes-
terday afternoon by John W. Lawton,
'24, general chairman of the J-Hop
committee, when the Hop committee
held its first meeting at the Union.
The committee discussed probable
dates for the affair, and made ar-
rangements for formal petition to
Joseph A. Bursley, Dean of Students,
for the holding of the class .affair, in
accordance with provisions in the
Student council ruling.
The appointments, all of which were
made from the J-Hop committee mem-
bers elected by the junior classes, fol-
low: Tickets, LeRoy E. Neisch, '24,
Harry C. Clark, '24, and Hugh A. Mc-
Gregor, '24; finance, Hugh A. McGreg-
or, '24; music and taxis, R. G. Finnie,
'24M, Harry W. Tustison, '24D, and
M. Ii. Olphant, '24; decorations, Jacob
W.. Hostrup, '24E, James E. Duffy,
'24E, and Arthur.K. Hyde, '24A; public-
ity, Harry C. Clark, '24; programs,
Arvid P. Bayne, '24P, and Frederick
E. Gilner, '24; booths and refresh-
ments, S. R. Boyer, '24L; and pictures,
Harry H. Riggs, '24Ed.
Other juniors who. are not members
of 'the official committee may be ap-
pointed to help on the committees
named above, the sanction of this step
1 pending the action ,of the next meet-
ing of the Hop comimittee which will
be at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon at
the Union.

Wire Direct From Minnesola Contest
To Flash Pays on Gridiron
With the trip to Minneapolis now
an impossibility, arrangements have
been made to have the Varsity band
play Saturday afternoon in Hill au-
ditorium when the reports of the
game will be shown on the grid
graph. Cheerleaders will also be pres-
The board and electrical apparatus
required to reproduce the game will
arrive either, today or tomorrow. It
will be installed in the auditoium by3
P. B. Potter, one of the designers of
the board, who will come up from
Columbus to supervise its operation;
during the game.
The board will be operated similar,
to the way it was in the Vanderbilt
and Ohio State games. One change
in the lighting will be tried however,
in that the lights representing the in-
dividual players will be kept dark be-
tween plays. Formerly all the bulbs
were lit at all times, a flicker being
used to show the men engaged in the
play. Saturday only these bulbs will
be lit when the play is made, the rest
remaining dark. This, it is thought,
will do away with all unnecessary
A special wire direct from the field
at Minneapolis to Hill auditorium has
been leased by the Alumni association
from Western Union. This will en-
able the reports to come through play
by play without interruption.
Tickets for the affair have been
placed on sale at the following places:
Wahr's, Graham's, Slater's, Huston's,
Alumni Memorial hall, and the Union.
They sell for 50 cents apiece.1

men's dormitories to be erected for ftenwbidgnwbigco
Of the new building now being co s
University students by the Dormito- mitories' corporation, an alumni orga
ries' corporation, composed of Michi-
an alumni. This building, which
will be located on Sybil street near
Edmond, opposite Ferry field, is ex-0P
pected to be completed some time the I
second semester and will house vis-
itors for the gradution ceremonies
and will be officialy opened for stu-
dents during the Summer session.
Detroit Man in Charge
The building is being constructed Deemed "Impracticable" To Hold
')y the National Construction com- Regulat Exercises; Old System
pany, with Mr. Rupert W. Koch of Discarded
Detroit and 306 South State street as
their architect. Mr. Koch stated, "The VOTE DOWN PROPOSAL FOR
first dormitory when completed will UNIVERSITY POST OFFICE
present not only a fine appearance
but will be designed for wear. Al-' Monthly convocations or exercises
though Gothic architecture will pre-'
doiae h uligwl eo :of a similar nature held during a
dominate the building will be of aI morning hour were considered "im-
very simple and plain style of arch-Ipracticable" in the action taken on
itecture, being built of buff grey stone the matter in the regular meetg of
with variegated red bricks." the deans yesterday. It was however
.This building is the first of nite- decided that convocations would be
rics of 10 that have been definiey!hl uigteya we h ca
' lIanned upon, and according to Mr.! held during the year "when the occa-
ocn, itispossible tat10n moe wil sion presented itself.'' Last year con-
be added after the first group has been vocations were held on the first of
built. The structures will all be sit- ec month whe utiespear
uatd i th geera neghbrhod o Iwere brought to the University to ad-
uated in. the general neighborhood of dress the meeting.
this first dormitory, near Ferry field, the meeting.
aj hywl vnulyhv m The proposal for a campus post of-
and they will eventually have a min- fice originating in the last meeting,
iature campus of their own. There was tabled. It was decided that the
will be a uniform lawn system there,
withwals ad fontans.proximity of the campus to the post
with walks and fountails. office substation would make the pro-
Too t are b Styleswib ject' seem superfluous and that com-
i!All of the buildings will not be piain eesr oaiei h
alike, however. Mr. Koch. said that gpications were sure to arisein, the
aftr te frstfewdoritoiesai organization of the service, that
after the first few dormitories are would be hard to surmount.
built according to exclusive yet rel- woulde haro L.rBunt
atively simple plans others more President Marion L. Burton reort-
elaborate will be added. When the ed that the International Educational
entire group is completed there will institute had investigated the possi-
be accommodations of all types at bility of securing British speakers to
vaingccosdtsfors more tan ys tvisit American universities, and
varying casts for more than 2,00o ifound that the recent political up-
students, providing 20 buildings areheaval in England would mae it ex-
erected. ,eavl i Engla oudcmre t ch-
The first structure's progress will tremely difficult to secure them. The
depend somewhat upon the weather,'matter will be dropped temporarily.
but work is proceeding at a rapid
rate at present. The building will Horn Returned In
be three stories in height plus a
basement. Its dimensions will be 37 Time For G TO
by 120 feet inclusive. There will be Wi1Ccago Gamel
63 rooms with accommodations for
124 students, and two extra room - -
for proctors. Shortly after noon yesterday, a tall
Each of these rooms will be larger' man with a big funnel-shaped pack-
than the average size of rooms In age entered the Athletic offices, set
campus rooming houses. They will ! his burden down on the floor, and dis-
contain doubledecker beds, with fa- appeared around the corner.
cilities for each man. There will be When the covering of newspapers
individual desks, a dresser, private; had been removed from the package,
washstand in each room, several a battered red megaphone bearing a
chairs, and a built-in closet and ward- white "W" and a smaller inscirption
robe. Sufficient showers will be pro "Gus, Wisconsin Varsity Cheerlead-
vided in the hallways, and there will er," was discovered. The loss of the
be adequate telephone service, megaphone shortly after the game last
The dormitory will have a private Saturday resulted in a frantic ap-
Sdining room and several lounging peal to ThesDaily from "Gus" request-I
erooms, as well as trunkrooms and ing that his megaphone be returned
storerooms in the basement. Each in time for him to lead the cheer
building will have a large lawn of of the Badgers when they meet Chi-
its own. cago on Stagg Field Saturday.

DEAD LINE DEC. 1 Gooeel is Declared a "Super Leader"
Michigan is destined to win the
I Only 1,100 of the 1;500 seniors have championship of the Big Ten this yeai
obtained receipts for their pictures if for no other reason than through
to appear in the' 1923 Michiganensian, the character of Captain Paul Goebel
and nositiveiy no receipts will be giv- according to C. A. Bonniwell, char
en out after Dec. 1, it was announced ! acter analyst, as quoted in the Chica-
yesterday by Sheldon M. Brown, '23,1. go Herald and Examiner. Goebel is a
business manager of this year's book. "super leader," according to the pys-
Due to the rush of business at this chologist, and is the best fitted of six
time of the year, the local photog- of the captains of the stronger teams
raphers are unable to make any ap-, in the Conference to lead his team toa
pointments for less than two weeks'championship.
ahead.. As all 'negatives must be in
the hands of the 'Enslan staff and Council Not to Meet This Week
ready for the engraver by Dec. 15, the There will be no meeting of th
last day before the Christmas recess, Student council this week because o
it has been found necessary to set the amount of work in the hands o
Dec. 1 as the final date. the committees.

plan of exterior construction' will
y take place.
A proposal originating in a regular
Smeeting of the deans which would
I provide a definite system for investi-
gating requests from students desi.'
ing pecuniary aid from the students'
loan fund will be considered.


Union Membership
Drive Workers To
Get Feed Tonight

"Gus" will have his megaphone for ta
the game. It was sent out special P ireston, 124E, Heads Social Comnmittee
delivery by the athletic association At the meeting of the junior engin-
authorities yesterday afternoon. eering class held yesterday in room
hya348 of the Engineering building, the
Pharmies Plan Get-Together following social committee was elect-
Encouraged by the success of the ed by the class: Robert Preston,
chairman, William Kratz, Karl Fair-

To Attack University Hl

Students who worked on the Life fall "get together"hl atyaC1a11a1 r--A s tw
Membership drive held recently by pharmacy students are now making , banks, and Milo Oliphant. An addi- sincerity to defeat Ohio. I got
the Union, in which more than 200 plans for a similar meeting to be held tional member ofo the committee will wallop. My back was sore, and bla
students took nart, and in which more n the near future. be appointed by the chairman. and blue, for a week after it."
than 1,600 students pledged as life
members, will be given a banquet at
6 o'clock this evening in the Union.!
the student who secured the highest p...t.o.e.
number of life memberships in the
drive,R C. Stark, '24, C. of M., and CAIMPUS OPINION ers and students who remarked onI members' of the student body si
the situation yesterday, only 5 were3 the opening of the Burton regime a:
souvenir ribbons, with gold engraving;
upon them, will be awarded to the AG AINi vT NOM- outspoken in their belief that Presi- were emphatic in their beliefs tl
tam with, tl higherst number W Th dent Burton should accept the ap- the President should devote his
membershipsltoihcedt.ThimeamINATI Npointment if it were offered to him. tire attention to the University.
memberships to its credit. This team All agreed that the expansion pro- On the other side one Univers
was captained by E. A. Kirshner, grewd ha teen n t
Wih heapoitmntofa uces- ygram which has' been undertaken atoiynedut that enou
'25,. and the ribbons which its mem- With the appointment of a success- would suffer during even the tempor- authority pointed out
bers will receive will admit them tow THNy sene of thevesiet, and funds are now available to contin
a dance at the nion Nov. 24. or of Truman H. Newberry, resigned ary absence of the President, and building operations for about
Thomas I Underwood, 23L, and Jack junior senator fom Michigan, appar- tha the building program especially i months and that the President's
Kelly, '24L, will speak at the banquet, ently close at hand, the Michigan would receive a setback without his sence would not be for more than
r .7 1137 -.r1Y n- 1la.si.nortion of three or four months dl


Razing of University hall in its first
stage will begin at 11 o'clock this
morning when the sophomore classI
representatives will start to tear
clown the portico that has long marked
the entrance to the central building

porticO will have to go. provided by the new literary build-
Tearing down this 'part of Univer- ing is made available, these colonets
sity Hall 'today will be a .memorable will greatly increase in value. Mar-
event, since it marks the demolition garet K. Shafer, '25, will have charge
of a section of one of the oldest of of these sales which will 'take place,
the University buildings. To make 1 after 11 o'clock tomorrow at the scene
the 'occasion assume the historical'! of the destruction.
and traditional significance it de- I Herbert Steger, '25, will direct the
serves President Marion L. Burton sophomores in the work of demolish-,
has given to the sophomore class the ,ng the portico. ,
honor of being the initial and official Those who saw the felling of the
razers. former library tower prior to the con-
Realizing this sentimental and tradi- struction of the new library say the


and Paul Wilson's orchestra will turn-
ish music. Other entertainment is al-
so planned.
Wisconsin Calls High School Men
A' f . o. X -, 9' - 0 Arin'.1'm6 .fl .

CampusOincludinglfacultyeandbstu-r d tt h
dents refuses to believe that Presi- One faculty member said that he ingeach of the two sessions that h
believed that the University was pass- would attend. He stated further th
dent Marion L. Burton is beng se- ing through a "critical stage" and I during that period a new legislatur
riously considered by GovernorIthat the President could assure the will be in session, which will u

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