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April 23, 1922 - Image 3

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By James Harvey Robinson
(Published by Harper and Brothers) ing, or make our knees as water. There silts in finding arguments for going on in the matter, and certainly no least
(Copyright,. 1921, by Harper & Bros.) is a whole new literature growing up believing as we already do. argument to urge in favor of the belief
from 11. On Various hinds of Think. which studies the effects of our bodily I reirember years ago attending a in which I had served. But neither
sng. secretions and our muscular tensions public dinner to which the Governor mny personal indifference to the issue,
The truest and most profound obser- and their relation to our emotions and of this state was bidden. The chair- nor the fact that 1 had previously
vations on Intelligence have in the our thinking. . . . man explained that His Excellency given it, no attention, served to pre-
past been made by the poets and, in 4.. tationalizing could not be present for certain "good" sent an angry resentment when I
recent times, by the story writers... .. "We sometimes find ourselves reasons; what the "real" reasons were heard my ideas questioned. .
Most philosophers on the other hand, "We om ind ourselves the presiding officer said he would The little word "my" is the most
Mos phlosplsrson he the hadchanging our nminds without any re-I leave us tot conjecture. This distinc- important one in all human affairs,.
have exhibited a grostesque ignorance sistance or heavy emotion, but if we'laeu ocnetr.Ti itn- motn n nalhmnafis
of man's life and have built up sys- ae or havy weatiobg we tion between"good" and "real" reasons and properly to re-kon with it is the
tems that are elaborate and imposing, sent the imptatio and harden our is one of the most clarifying and es- beginning of wisdom. It has the same
but quite unrelated to actual human sent the isatious y nour sential in the whole realm of thought. force whether it is my dinner. my dog,
tautitey ae al isin hearts.el. t is obviously not the We can readily give what seems to ts and my hoose, or my faith, my coun-
neglected the actual process of but our self-esteem, that arich is threat' "good" reasons for being a Catholic or try, and my God. We not only resent
thought and have set the mind offbasu otir ae yent h s thre a Mason, a Republican or a Democrat, the -imputation that our watch is
sothghtsol aaet te stind of a ened. We are by inature stfromrnly an adherent or opponent of the League wrong. or our car shabby, but that
self. t put t no srch eind, exempt fro tack, whether it be our person, oi- of Nations, But the "real" reasons o:r conception of the canals of Mars,
bodily processes, animal inp lsesa -r family or our opinion. A United States are usually on quite a different plane. of the pronunciation of 'Epictetus," of
age traditions, infantile -impressions, Senator once remarked to a friend of ' . . . The Baptist missionary is ready the medicinal value of salicine, of the
conventional reactions, and traditional mine that God Almighty could not enough to see that the Buddhist is late of Sargon I. are subject to re-
knowledge, ever existed, _ven in the iimake him change his mind on our not such because his doctrine would vision.
case of the most abstract of mcta- Latin-American policy. We may sur- hear careful inspection, aut because Philovophers, scholars, and men of
physicians. Kant entitled his great render, but rarely confess ourselves he happened to be born in a Buddhist science exhibit a common sensitive-
work "A Critique of Pure Reason." vanquished. In the Intellectual world family in Tokio. But it would be (Continued on page 4)
But to the modern student of mind at least peace is without victory. treason to his faith to acknowledge
pure reason seems as mythical as the Few' of us take the pains to study that his own partiality for certain doe-
pure gold....the origin of our cherished convic- trines is due to the fact that his moth-
The insufficient elimination of the tions; indeed, we have a natural re- er was a member of the First Baptist
foul and decaying products of diges- pugnance to so doing. We like to church of Oak Ridge.
tiun may tlange us into teeta melan- continue to believe what we have been . . . I remember when as a
choly, w~hereas a few whiffs of nitrous accustomed to accept as true, and the youth I heard a group of business men
monoxide may exalt us to the seventh resentment aroused when doubt is cast discussing the question of immortality
heaven of supernal knowledge and upon any of our assumptions leads of the soul. I was outraged by the
god'ike comialacency. Anal vice versa, as to seek every manner of excuse for sentiment of doubt expressed by one
a sudden word or thought may cause cinging to them. The result is that of the party. As I look back now I
our heart to jump, check outr breath- most of our so-called reasoning con- see that I had at the time no interesty 1

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Iwo Minutc Talks
by D. I. I. P. for
The Ann Arbor Savings Bank
F YOU would go into any community in ship is formed in such a way it is not easily
the United States and ask to talk with the put aside. The reason for this is, of course,
new residents you might get an interesting that such a friendship is built on loyality, in-
sidelight on human nature. Or if you have tegrity and service to each other.
any new neighbors you might accomplish the
same thing by talking with them. Simply ask...
saemehthebytlkinge w t hemnipya skho This is true not only with individuals, but with
them how they like the community and how.
they are getting along. They will assure you every kind of business unit. A corporation has
that they never came in contact with nicer friendships just as much as an individual and
f.acan become homesick for its old friends or its
folks and that everyone has treated them "just ol .red a elnlyfrijs smc
lovely." Then they will add with a sad smile, aol eoplcan missoeachfother.tPeople
that"of course they miss the folksbackhome." LOU,, as two people can miss each other. People
that "of course #nthey miss the folk backe homm.r

Enjoy Your
At last, a way to get joy-
ous fun from your exercise
set to music, will make you
Feel Better Work Better
Look Better
No Fads, No Medicines No
Exertions, No Self Denials.
Just twelve simple move-
ments, s'et to music that
you'll enljoy as much as a
cool shower oh a swelter-
ing morning.
If you are fit-Keep tie with
the Daily Dozen.
If you are not fit-Start at
once with the DAILY
Schaeberie & Son
110 So..Main St.
ilimm{tmiiiii{i mm11{! m{!{ i~i{i{

are too prone to consiaer ausiness units as mere ,
commercial entities and forget that they are ''
We say. they are homesick. We mean that
they haven't yet had time to see and appre-
ciate all the good qualities of their new neigh-
bors and consequently their old neighbors look If you doubt that business has a touch of human 4
infiitely better than they really are. interest just allow yourself to become intimately
acquainted with your banker and you will
But the fact remains that old friends are old probably decide that after all, business friend-
friends and they always hold first place in our ships, like personal friendships, are based on 1
hearts. It takes months and years to know just three things, namely, loyality, integrity, and
people and make friends, but when a friend- service,

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