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March 23, 1922 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-03-23

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Satiric Replies To "G. D. L." And
Professional Baseball Problem Are
Headliners In March Chimes


Alumni, and Relatives of Sen-
Will Swell Seat Demand
to 5 00
Commencement but little more
weeks distant, and the real-
that the senior literary class is
ger than three-fourths of the
graduating classes of all the
last year, the problem of ac-
ating all interested at Cori-
ent exercises again arises. A
at the conditions of seating
demand for tickets at Hill
um will convince even the
timistic of the seriousness of


Play Of Junior
Girls Ready for
Showing Tonight.


(By Edgar ii. Alles)
The March issue of Chimes which
appeared on the campus yesterday
is not'to be judged by its cover, which
is undoubtedly the most grotesque and
inane introduction that magazine has
had foisted upon it in its entire car-
reer. This atrocity is somewhat
atoned for, however, by the contents
which, on the whole, are of commend-
able quality and great general inter-
"A Criticism of Criticism" by S. T.
B. which opens the issue, discloses
some sane thought on a much-discuss-
ed question. The writer seems to have
grasped the true function of criti-
cism, namely, that it should be a ve-
hicle for instruction rather than for
denunciation or sarcasm.
N G. D. E. Again
Bearing upon the same subject are
two attempted satiric replies to the
recently, -published "Black Sheep,
Baas" of the esoteric G. D. E. It is

unfortunate, to say the least, that
When G. D. E.'s critics attempt to
"wade into him" they cannot do it as
cleverly as the object of their attack.
One searches in vain for anything
likely to cause the Black Sheep any
'coronachs," although he will prob-
ably have a hearty laugh over that
delicious characterizing of his cryp-
tic initials as signifying G. p. Every-
thing. The cleverness of the Black
Sheep, albeit his style is usually sus-


Cornerstone of Clements' Library to
be Laid on S.me Date by
President Burton

piciously reminiscent of Mencken, is
not to be combatted in this way.
Those who seek to squelch him
would do well to administer "the
thunders of silence." At present, our
vituperative critic can rejoice in the
distinction of being cordially hated.
Professional baseball for college
athletes is the subject which engages
the attention of Joseph Bernstein,
'22, and Wilson Smith, '24L, each
presenting his side of the question.
(Continued on Page Eight)

Daily Makes Analysis
t is with the view of acquainting
general puiblic, the faculty, the
nni, and the graduates of the pres--
year with the difficulties of the
.ation and of enlisting their co-
rtion in meeting these obstacles
t the following analysis has been
onsidering the experiences of pre-
s years, particularly the last
imencement, 65 of the 1,877 seats
he Hill auditorium main floor were
essarily removed to make room
maneuvering the procession of the
i across the stage, leaving a bal-
e of 1,812 seats. The first balcony
s 1,097 individuals, while the sec-
'has room for 1,621, making a to-
of 4,530 that may be seated, ex-
ive of the stage.
he senior class last year included
e than 1,250 persons while this
es class in the literary college
e is now 838. During previous
s two tickets for immediate rel-
es were given to each senior. This
rage is conservative, for many de-
to secure tickets for a mother, a
er, a brother and sister. Last
it was estimated that 3,700 of the
0 seats were 'required for seniors
their relatives.
Increase Is 18 Per Cent
ccording to the present available
res, the size of' the literary class
increased from last year more
18 per cent. I we assume that
colleges have a proportional in-
,se the ttal 3,750 seats demand-
>y the seniors and their relatives
swell to 4,425, which will be 75
s 'in excess of those available.
irther, there is not enough room
1 the stage for all members of the
Ity. Two years ago 70 faculty
bers found ,it necessary to sit
n the main floor instead of upon
stage. The faculty has been aug-
ted since that time, but assuming
the same number had to be plac-
pon the main floor, the shortage
eats for seniors, relatives, and
4ty would be 145, or the total de-
d wold be 4,670.
it this doesnt take into consid-
ion the demand for seats by vis-
alumni, relatives of the honor-
degree men,'and for the general
ic. During the past years more
730 seats were required for the
Ing alumni alone.
st year at a meeting held June
of the presidents of the senior
ses, the secretary of the Alumni
ciation, the Dean of Students, and
r officials of the University it was
oimously agreed that the~ most
rising solution'of the problem for
year, would be found in a state-
t of the case and an appeal to the
ent body, the alumni, the faculty,
all others to recognize and act
x the following facts:
remonles Have Two Purposes
lo lencement is primarily for
seniors and their relatives and
rdly for the alumni, particularly
ruing alumni who are upon the
pus for the few Commencement
(Continued on Page Eight)
The last chance to order Com-
encement invitations and an-
rnncements will be given to-
ty. Members of the program I
immittee will be in the booth I
. the corridor of University hall I
om 2 to 5 o'clock this afternoon
receive orders.
Get orders in for caps andj
)wns at once at Moe's store.
R. S. PEARE, f
Chairman Cap and Gown ,


Permanent Position with Salary Ree--
ommended by Sigma Delta
Steps looking towards the creation
of the office of a publicity director for
the JJniversity, which would bring a
man to Ann Arbor at a substantial
salary to handle all University pub-
licity matters, were taken last night
Final plans have been completed
for a 'gigantic send-off to the Varsity
track team, which leaves tomorrow
to face Cornell in a dual meet at
Ithaca Saturday. This will be the last
indoor contest in which the Wolverines
will engage .this season.
The Varsity band will assemble in
front of Hill auditorium at 3:10 o'clock
tomorrow afternoon. At 3:15 o'clock
the student body will fall in behind
the band, which will lead the proces-
sion down North State street to the
Michigan Central station. Varsity
cheerleaders will be on hand and will,
take charge of the cheering until the
team- departs on the first section of
the Wolverine, which is due in Ann
Arbor at 3:45 o'clock local time.
The team will stop over night at
Buffalo, at the Hotel Statler, and will
proceed to Ithaca Saturday morning.
R. S. Peare, '22,is in charge of ar-
rangements for the send-off.

at a meeting of Sigma Delta Chi, pro-
fessional journalistic fraternity.
Joseph A. Bernstein, '22, was ap-
pointed chairman of a committee, com-
posed of Francis Smith, '22, James
G. Frey, '22, and James Fume, '23, to
bring the matter to the' attention of
the Regents. In order to permit the
full use of his time on the project,
the resignation of Bernstein as head
of the Michigan News Bureau was ac-
cepted. Paul Watzel, '23, was chosen
to take his place.
News Bureau Successful
Newspapers in Michigan and six
surrounding'-states have been receivfl-
ing wire service and news letters from
Ann Arbor from the News bureau
since its organization last fall. Many
stories about the University were
published from coast to coast.
The bureau was organized by Sigma
Delta Chi for the purpose of proving
to the Regents that there was a need
for publicity by the University, and
that a news bureau would be efficient
in getting Michigan stories into na-
tional circulation.
The success of the project, under
handicaps of part-time work by stu-
dents giving their first ,attention to
studies, has been such as to lead the
bureau to believe that the Regents
now see the possibilities of a service
wherein a well paid and prominent
representative would give his full
time to the work.
Done at Other Schools
The importance of having a salaried
publicity representative has been rec-
ognized by other Conference schools
that have adopted this systematic
means of keeping their colleges be-
fore the public, it is pinted out by
the news bureau. There is an actual
demand for these stories from Ann
Arbor, and Michigan has been criti-
cised in many 'large newspaper offices
for the meagre reports that are re-1
ceived frpm here, the news bureau
maintains, basing the assertion on thei
statements that have been made and
the letters received from many met-
ropolitan dailies who feel that other
universities are getting an undue
amount of publicity.
Italian Numbers
Head Program-Of
Twilight ReeitalR
Harry Russel Evans will give the
next Twilight Organ recital at 4:15
o'clock this afternoon in Hill audi-'
torium. He will open his program
with Yon's "Sonata Cromatica," the
composer's second organ sonata.
Pietro A. Yon was born in 1866 at
Settino, Vittone (Piedmont, Italy).I
After a period of service as substi-
tute at the Vatican and the Royal
church of Rome, he was appointed or-
ganist of the Church of St. Francis
Xavier, New York city, which posi-
tion he has held since 1907.]
Ferrata's Nocturne in A flat, Opus
9, No. 2, a number in which the ten-
dency is decidedly modernistic with
its beautiful melody, will follow Yon's
Sonata. The composer is an Italiani
by birth, but is now a resident of New
Orleans. A third Italian represented
on the program is artini, whose An-
dantino in F will be played.I
The recital will conclude with
the Triumphal march from Verdi's

, Convocation as a monthly event will
be tried as an experiment for the re-
mainder of ,the year, according to the
vote of the Deans' conference held
yesterday in the office of the Presi-
dent. Several weeks ago a petition
was filed with President Marion L.
Burton from the Student coun'cil ask-
ing that C.onvocation be made a
monthly event.
The business was held over from the
:last meeting of the Deans and discuss-
ed yesterday, with the result that ;ap-
proval was given the project with
the understanding that the first Con-
vocation should be held at 11 o'clock
Friday morning, March 31. All class-
es with the exception of the dental
and medical clinics will be dismissed
at this time for the hour. The offices
of the University will remain open
during the period.
Vincent Active Nationally
The date chosen for the first Con-
vocation is especially favorable since
it is the date when Dr. George H.
Vincent, president of the Rockefeller
foundation, will be in Ann Arbor. He
will make the principal address, tak-
ing as his subject: "The School and
Public Health." Dr. Vincent is active
in the field of medical education and
'is mentioned as one of America's fore-
most public speakers. Dr. \ Vincent
*was President Burton's predecessor in
the office of president of the University
of Minnesota.
The Michigan Quarterly, a magazine
devoted .to the interests of xthe Uni-
versity in general and running both
literary and scientific articles of rec-'
ognized merit, was discussed at the
conference. The deans expressed
their approval of. the plan in general
and passed it on for further action
to the University senate and Senate
Plans for laying the corner-stone
of the Clements' library were dis-
cussed and it was decided that the
ceremony should take place on March
31, since the next .meeting of the
Board of Regents will be held on that
'date. They will thus be afforded the
opportunity to attend in a body.
-Whitney Warren, a prominent arch-
itect of New York, and one of the
designers of the proposed library for
Louvain to replacep the one burned by
the Germans during the War, has com-
municated with the President regard-
ing the possibility of Michigan's taking
a part in the restoration of the library.
It is planned to erect this edifice by
money donated by students of the Un-
ited States. No action was taken on the

The steady procession of seniors in
their caps and gowns as they march
from the supper at Barbour gymnas-
ium to the Whitney theater, excited
discussion of anticipated enitertain-
ment, the lull as the curtain rises, re-
sounding of seniors' voices as they
sing their songs to the juniors-these
will be echoes of the opening perform.
ance of the Junior Girls' play tonight.
Final touches were put on the play'
at last night's dress rehearsal and
everything will be ready when the
curtain -rises at 8:15 o'clock tonight.
"Sceptre and Serenade" contains a
prologue and three acts including
many surprises for the audience.
Scenery, designed by Mr. S. 0.
Davis of Detroit, is unique in every
detail and has never been surpassed
in the history of Junior Girls' pl ys.
The blending of colors in elaborate
costumes and scenic effects adds
marked effectiveness to the plot. Es-
pecially noteworthy will be the songs
'rendered by the leads.
Scores for the play will be sold at
the theater during all three perform-
Pres. Burton Says Successor to M rs.1
Jordan Will Have Present

Invitation to Conference of
Western Schools in April
Dates for major campus even
this spring were set last nig
the meeting of the Student co
Because of the many conflicting
it was found inadvisable to adpc
Homecoming -plan, which had
suggested and advocated by va
faculty members and students.
The date of Cap Night was s
Friday evening, May 26. This i
-week end of the interscholastic
meet and was considered as
factory to a larger number of p
than an earlier date.
Swing-Out May 11
The date for Swing-out was fix
Thursday, May 11,'the underclass
of-war as Friday, May 12, and
Spring games as Saturday, Ma
These dates were chosen largely
:reference to the Illinois track
which will be held the latter day,
Wednesday, May 3, was set a
date for the spring elections, fa
ing a suggestion that officers el
at this time would have sufficient
to familiarize themselves with
duties of their offices.
A report of the favorable actil
the Deans' conference yesterday i
ing in approving of the monthly
vocation plan recently submitte
the council was read. The co
pledged itself to make the first
vocation, Friday, March 31, at m
Dr. George E. Vincent, president o
Rockefeller foundation will spe2
It was voted that the council
cept the invitation extended to a
a meeting of delegates of the
western schools to be -held Apr
and 21 at Lexington, Ky. Angu
Goetz, '22M, and Vernon F. Hi
'23, president and secretary of
council, respectively, were chose
the delegates to atend the confer
To Sell Cap Night Programs
Permission was voted to the V
ans' Memorial committee to sel
inexpensive program of events a
Cap Night ceremonies. The con
tee requested this permission in c
that they could provide a souven
the affair and that they could re

Expect 300 to Attend Big Banquet
Armory Tonight


Rumors that the new dean of wom-
en who will be appointed to succeed
Dean Myra B. Jordan will be sub-
ordinate in her duties to the Dean of
Studentsazre. entirely unfounded, ac-
cording to President Marion L. Bur-
ton, who stated in an interview yes-
terday that no essential change had
been made in the status of the dean
of women.
"The newbdean," said the Presi-
dent, "will be no more subordinate
to the Dean of Students than are the
deans of any 'of the colleges. It is
entirely possible that new policies
may be inaugurated, but if so they
will originate in her office. There is
no thought of hampering the new
dean in the discharge of her duties.
"It is the intention of the Univer-
sity to secure a dean who will be not
primarily a teacher, but a dean of
women. We are not looking for an
educator so much as for a woman
who can successfully take Mrs. Jor-
dan's place, and command the re-
spect and confidence of the women
Several prospects for the position
are under consideration, but no one
had yesterday definitely been tendered
the position.
Special Musial
Numbers Secured
For Union Formal
Newest orchestra music, songs by
James Johnson, '23, and the Mimes
quartette, and novel combinations of
the Union orchestra will feature the
dance at the Union tomorrow night. It
will be a formal dance, the first that
has been! given in a number of weeks.
Special requests have led the Union to
make the affair formal, but if sufficient
support is not given the dance tomor-
row night by students, it is likely that
no more formal dances will be held,
officials say.
Listed in the musical numbers to be
played are two pieces written by Pierce
Robinson, '24, a, member of the or-
ches ra, which have not y4'been;
,named, nor the words /written for
them. One of them has been accepted
,by Paul fVhIteman's orchestra - and
will be played for phonograph records.
Among the other numbers to be, play-
ed are "Angel Child," "On the Ginny
Shore," "Lonesome Hours," "White:
Miami Dreams," "Granny," and "Teas-
Ohio State university is preparing
to erect a building to house its de-
partment of journalism. Plans for
the building are being drawn and it
is hoped to have the structure com-
pleted by fall.
It will be two stories high and 50
by 100 feet in length. The print shop
and bindery will occupy the first floor,
while the editorial rooms of the Ohio
State Lantern, daily newspaper of the
university, and class rooms of the
journalism department, will be locat.
Pd on tha nnd. flnn.

Michigan's basketball men are to be
the guests of the Boosters' club at a
joint banquet of Boosters and honor
society men to be given at 6 o'clock
this evening at the Armory. All but
50 of the tickets had been sold by
late yesterday afternoon, an attend-
ance of close to 300 being expected.
The presentation of "M's" to the
basketball players by Prof. Ralph W.
Aigler, of the Law school, will be the
outstanding event of the evening. The
ceremony is to be accompanied by an
address from Professor Aigler on
"Detrimental Influences of the Cam-
pus on the Athletic Teams," together
with two short talks by Walter B.
Rea, '22, captain of this year's five,
and Gilbert C. Ely, '24D, captain-
"The Michigan Tree, or Fruits of [
Service" is the subject that Coach
Fielding H. Yost has elected to speak
upon. Prof. Robert M. Wenley has al-
so consented to address the gather-
ing, and C. W. Graham will talk on the
attitude of town Boosters toward the
organization and the University.
Titus Publishes New Novel
"Timber," a new novel by Harold
Titus, ex-'11, will be placed on sale
in the book stores, March 29. The
scene of the story is placed in the
forests of Northern Michigan with
which Titus has been familiar since
childhood and in whose care he is
interested. It is Titus' purpose to ed-
ucate the public -to the urgent need

Work of securing 1,000 students to
solicit under the direction of seven
state chairmen in Michigan, New
York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Illinois, In-
diana and Wisconsin for funds to
completerthe Union swimming pool, was
nearly half completed last evening.
The state chairmen have been working
since Monday to complete the per-
sonnel in their organizations for an
effective campaign to raise funds dur-
ing spring vacation. '
Seven organizations of students from,
outside the state were addressed yes-
terday afternoon by Thomas Lynch,
'22E, general chairman, who asked for
their co-operation and explained howI
they could be of help in their commun-
ities during the drive.
Meetings next week will be held
when instructions will be given to the
solicitors and general methods of ap-
proach to alumni' will be suggested.
The remainder of this week will be
given to securing the remainder of
the .workers for each state. Volun-
teers are called for in order that the
organizations be filled to full strength.
Lists of the more than 26,000 alumni
to be called upon, together with their
city addresses, have been prepared by
the Union, for the use of the solicitors.
Present plans for the drive call for a
whirlwind campaign during the early
days of the snring vacation.

money toward the completion of
upper reading room at the Union.
The committee in charge of
Spring games was appointed as
lows: T P. Banks, '23, chairn
Hugh E. Wilson, '22, William Micha
'22, and Robert S. Peare, '22. A (
mittee for the checking up of a]
cations for football: tickets next
was appointed as follows: Ralph
Rychener, '22M, chairman; \ Robert
Christie, '22D, and T. J. Lynch,12
This committee will take over
work done by a similar committee
fall in assuring that applications
made out in accordance with the r
of the Athletic association.
Athletic Insignia Not in Evidence
Second Official Letter Day
Michigan's second official "Le
Day" passed yesterday with a con
erable let down in the enthuse
manifested last week at the initiE
of the occasion.
By a decision of' the Student c
cil, Wednesdays have been desig
ed as official "Letter Days" on w
all "M" and numeral men are u
to wear athletic sweaters and b
The purpose of this ruling is I
more to stimulate among athletes
old custom of wearing of insignia
the campus. The trial last week p
-ed highly successful.'
There will be a meeting of the
torial upper staff of The Daily -
o'clock today.


Tickets to the Boosters' ba
quet tonight should be obtain
by Boosters and members
honorary societies today at Gz
ham's bookstore. Every Boost
is expected to attend.

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