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?n Track 1M
eke Intercla
ents for the finals in the
ndoor track meet which
un off Friday evening at
in Waterman gymnasium
>mpleted, and considering
o placed in the prelimin-
esday night, and the time
the events, it is expected
rs of track will be given
tomorrow evening. The
e the last indoor meet of
season and a large crowd
a are expected.
en Favored To
ss Meet On Friday,
From advance dope on the meet, the
freshman tracksters are expected to
take first honors. Over 250 men were
entered in Tuesday night's prelimin-
aries and more than 200 of that num-
ber were from 'the freshman class.,
These men figured most prominently1
in the men who who qualified for the
finals in the different events. Jerseys '
with class numerals will be awarded
all men /who total three or more
points in the finals. Points will bel
distributed on the following basis:
five for first place; three for second;]
two for third and one for fourth.
Semi-finals will be run off in the
50 yard dash tomorrow night prior.
to the final run. The men who qual-
ified for entry in the semi-final are:
Purdy, '24E, Abbott, '23E, Knapp, '25,
Martin, '23, Hulsa, '25, Samuels, '23,
Maloney, '25, Daugharty, '25, Neville,
'25, and Zimmerman, '25. Semi-finals
will be run off in two heats. The first
two men in each heat will be enter-
ed in the final event.
The men who qualified in the other
events and who will run Fridaf night
are: 65 yard high hurdles-Barth, '24,
Higgins, '25, Anderson, '24, Haggar-
ty, '25, and Wattles, '22E.
65 yard low hurdles-Davis, '25,
Laurence, '25, Barth, '24, Haggarty,
'25, and Higgins, '25.
880 yard 'run-Moore, '24, 'Marsh,
'25, Morton, '23E, Spedding, '25, Zinn,
'25E, and Simpson, '22E.
4402 yard run-Martin, '23, Gowan,
'25, Purdy, 124E, Maloney, '25, Roes-
ser, '25, Levit, '22E, and Barger, '24.
Shot put-Davis, '25, 36 feet, 4 inch=
es; Rankin, '24, 34 feet, 3 1-2 inch-
es; Richards, '23D, 33 feet, 6 inches;
Neuman, '25, 32 feet, 9 3-4 inches;
Astley, '25, 31 feet, 9 3-4 inches; Gold-
stein, '25, 31 feet, 8 3-4 inches.,
Running high jump-Gunn, '24, An-
derson, '24, Barth, '24, ,Frederick, '23E,
Calvin, '25E, Nu fer, '24. Height, 5
feet, 5 inches.
Running broad jump--Crane, '25,
Adams, '25, Aldrich, '25, Haggarty, '25,
Sedita, '25E, Davis, '25, and Gessner,
'24. The best jump was made by
Crane, who covered 20 feet, 1 1-2
(Continued on Page Five)
)st Men Kow Justas
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tion. We have a stock of unusual de-
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Wolverine Mentor Includes Fewer Men
Than Were Taken to Meet at
Trials were held yesterday after-
noon in Waterman gymnasium for de-
termining the personnel of the Var-
sity track team which will meet Cor-
nell in a dual meet at Ithaca Satur-
day. Trials were held in the dashes,
quarter, half mile, mile, and .both
hurdles. While Steve was not excep-
tionally enthusiastic over the recdrds
made in the tryoute he said that Mich-
igan would score some points at Ith-
16 Men on Team
Farrel has decided to take 16 men
with him on the trip, five less than
were taken on the 'ihdoor Conference
meet at Evanston last Saturday.
In the dashes Steve is taking Burke
and Captain Simmons both of whom
should give Lovejoy, the Ithacan star,1
a run for the money. In the trils yes-
terday the two men ran practically
a dead heat in fast time and are both
in the best of condition.
Two Hurdle Men
Sargent and Schmitz are entered in
the hurdles with Sargent counted on
for, points as he placed third in that
event at the Big Ten meet last week.
Four quarter milers will make the
trip, Lewis, Siemabns, Thomas and
Rankin. These men should give a
good account .of themselves especilly
in the mile relay which appears to be
a toss-up between the two teams.
Cornell is strongest in the distance
runs and upon the shoulders of the mil-
The Stationery and Typewriter Store
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Car. M'ain and Wash ingtonj
ers aild 880 men will fall the burden
of keeping the Wolverines in the run-
ning. The Varsitye mntor is taking
two mnen in each event. Bowen and
Arndt are entered in the mile while
Hattendorf and Douglas will run in
the half. Arndt's time in the trials
yesterday was the best he has been
able to make since he recovered from
his illness sometime ago and the coach
things that he, together with Bowen,
may be able to give the fast Red and
White runners some real opposition.
Cornell half milers haver made bet-
ter time this season than the Wolver-
ine runners in this event but not
enough to assure them of first place in
the 880.
Brown's Han Half
As the Ithacans have the fastest
pair of two milers in the East, Far-
rell is not taking either of his grind
men with the squad. The Brown
brothers have romped away with first
and second in this event in every meet
they have entered this year and have
broken their own records each suc-
ceeding race so that Steve thinks there
is no use in entering his men in this
Stipe will be the lone entry in the
shot put. Cornell is rather weak in
this event and if the Wolverine
weight man is in form he should easily
cop first honors.
Lndowsid Injured
Landowski will have a mate in his
event this Saturday as Smith, the high
jumper, has also been entered in the
pole vault. Landowski is severely
handicapped by his split finger which
he spiked last Saturday at Evanston.
However, he will not have such strong
competition from the Cornellians, and
if he is in condition to vault at all,
he should have no trouble in winning
his event. Smith has not worked much
at the pole vault but does better than
11" feet.
Smith and McElven form the Maize
,and Blue entries in the high jump, and
both men should give the Ithacan
jumpers strong opposition. The two
Wolverines both counted for fraction
of a point in the Big Ten meet and are
now in top form so that they should
help swell the Michigan point total.
In addition to these men Manager
Bailey and Trainor Billy Fallon will
compete the party which leaves here
for the New York school on the Wol-
verine at 3:45 o'clock tomorrow aft-'
You'll find many bargains when you
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