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April 23, 1922 - Image 7

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"Rahab" is a strange, poetic, pas- indifferent as the Chorus is dignified A REVIEW-AND NOTES BY G. D. E. where they can buy copies of these
sionate story, the tale-to use a melo- and ceremonious. So, of course, he is (Continued from Page 5) magazines, and without exception
dramatic phrase-of a soul in torment. likely to be in an American theatre; and harden and grow whiskers before such persons are the best buyers of
A woman, cut short from what prom- but with this difference, that in a Chin- they got past belief in Santa Claus books on the campus. The truth is
ised to be a happy, married life, is ese theatre he and his property box and the Stork, that any one store having these maga-
thrown upon her own resources and is are always on the stage, in full view --- zines on sale while its competitors did
forced through a nightmare of agoniz- of the audience. In China, the audi- It is a source of wonderment to me not would divert a deal of trade into
ing spiritual tortures until she reaches ence ignores him as easily as an Am-, that some of the local bookstores do itself. With the library banning
the breaking point, from which she has ericain audience ignores the fact that not carry the new magazines. There nearly all the. respectable new magas
to reconstruct the shattered founds- a painted canvas drop is not a brick is not a place in town where I can zines it would, in fact, have little
tious of her existence. wall. We pretend that it is a brick buy the Double-Dealer, or Broom, competition in the salt of such pern-
The sufferings of Fanny Luve cannot wall, knowing that it isn't; the Chin- or All's Well, or The Reviewer or odicals, and as nearly all of these
be regarded from a prosaic viewpoint. ese pretend that the propterty man Poetry, on The Midland, or-think of magazines carry reviews by the really
One must accept the mood whic isn't there, knowing that he is. In it!-The Dial. I am rarely successful competent critics the sale of books
"Raha is pitched-a fiery, poetic this play we are asked to accept the 'in getting a copy of The Freeman, or would certainly be advanced.
mood-in order to sympathize with the Chinese convention. "Let me impress The Nation, or The Bookman. Are
mental conflict shat follows the frus- upon you," admonishes the Chorus, the bookstores afraid their profits will Joseph tcCabe, one of the foremost
raiony of e assonnanolos rlife. "that my property man is to your eyes be cut by persons buying the maga- of atheistic writers, has translated
Fah y is of a passionate nsaure and intensely invisible." And yet the zines instead of books? If so they are Rudolf Eucken's autobiography, "Rud-
uthe separation which results from ar American authors know that an thinking nonsense. Such magazines olf Eucken, His Life, Work, and
dhusband's perverted sonse of right and American audience will insist upon will greatly stimulate the sale of good Travels," (Scribners), from the Ger-
duty turns her into somewhat of svatching the property man; therefore books. Every day, persons ask me soan.
from the level of Fanny's own mind. they make his oddity in our eyes a
Troms the l sevel y ts omf f ate Fanny.H'sa hown- ----------------------------.....--.mi.nd...........................
Trees, the psychoanaly.sts' symbiol of matter for humor. He wears his sups-,
the lovers' embrace, continually force posed invisibility with an air of elabor-
themselves into her consciousness. She ate impudence. When the actors need
has ecstatical monients of self-aban- his assistance he moves with swift
donment and she is continually lar-; precision, but even then he shows
assed by inhibitions. After the inevit that he is bored with the whole bus B o sW-hh i
able breakdown she comes passively ness. When he is not needed he sits
to accept a lower plane of life, upon by his box of proierties reading, or
which she drifts, with her friends, eating rice with chop-sticks, or smok-
to the hook's dramatic conclusion. ing. He never speaks.
All this is powerfully told, in a style' like the plays of Shakespeare, and Upstre am by Lewisohn $. 3 00
that is half prose, half poetry. Al- for the same reason (the absence of .
though the story centers about the movable scenery), "The Yellow
mental experiences of Fansy, there is Jackct" contains mean scenes. The can by M
a strong, almost lurid plot. Yet Frank number is somewhat indefinite, for in Ame Language iven e . 6.
manages to avoid the metosiramatic, the ihird act one scene is set within
as he does the vulgar; and the result another, but the total is about twenty-
is a' remarkable book, probably the two. There are no tiresome delays, 0 t ea
best work among the new forms that however. The Chorus shifts scenes
has yet been produced in this country, with his voice; the work of magic
being aided by the lackadaisacal prop- irber by Titus . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.75
"Tortoises" is a long poem by D. 11. erty man, and completed in the mind -
Lawrence, published in an attractive of the audience. The 'change may
format by Thomas Seltzer. It is a ' even be indicated by the persons in
poetic interpretation of the inarticu- the play. Subscriptions received in "Double Dealer" Magazine
late life of the tortoise, from the time Finally, for is moderns, the play is
of its birth, when it stumbles about a challenge. If we accomplish the ,
like a "half-animate bean," until the mental creation of the scenes as they
climax of its humble love life. proceed, our imaginations have not
By all academic standards this lost all the liveliness bequeathed by U
Book is not pery. There is no our ruder ancestors; if we fail, ourUNIVERSITY
rhyme, no attempt at meter, and no imaginatoins are as dull as they are K STORE
regulail stanza division. But these often said to be. i
rules are transcended by the uncon-
scious rhythm and the burning ecs- "Socialism: An Analysis," an anti-
tacy, becoming as it draws nearer the socialistic volume by the well-known
climactic passion, more and more in- German, Rudolf Eucken, has been S
tense. published by Scribners. ...
The tortoise is, of course, an un-
usual selection for poetic sibject
matter. But Lawrence, with poigl-
flout sympathy and understanding,
ception of its lonely, groping exist-
ence. He has presented, in its en-
tirety, the picture of the essential
oneness of this aimlessly struggling
little animal, filled with the pulsing
incertitude of life, and doomed inevit-
ably to be "crucified into sex." This
brings the poet to his conclusion, the;
exquisite pain and loveliness in the
fulfillment of the vaguely felt pur-
pose of existence. -
This poem finds Lawrence in a typ-
ical. mood, the passionate observer at
the, spectacle of the wonder and mys-'
tery of love. He records it finely in
his feverishly vivid manner. While
the present book will not stand up
with the best of his novels, it will
compare favorably with any of his
poetic works.
(Continued from Page 1)
stitute for placards the Chorus, an
impressive dignitary who presides
with blaud aristocratic grace. SPECIAL TO CANOE OWNERS
speak in the first person," says he, Sr O C N E O N R
"for I am accustomed to adulation,
and it does not in the least discom-
pose me." It is with him that we for $2.50 reduction on Canoe Storage if paid at once
- low the tale unfolded by his "broth-
ers of the Pear Tree Garden.'
The property man is as casual and _________________________________________________

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