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May 10, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 152) • Page Image 1

…PE TEM.I iDAi Vr4ie 4ian atl D~AY AND 0 QE 152 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1921. PRICE GERMAN PARTIESf 'NO' ON INDEMNITY MAJORITY FAVORABLE TOWARD ACCEPTING ALLIED ULTI- MATUM NEW COALITION BODY' EXPECTED WITHIN DAY Body Probably Will be Submissive to Demands of the Supreme Council Berlin, May 9.--The majority Soc- ialists and clericals in party confer- ence today voted in favor of accept- ing the ultimatium of the Allies, whi...…

May 10, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 152) • Page Image 2

…THE CHIGAN DAISY kir4iglan Dtt NEWSP4 ER OFTHI UNIVERSITY - S# orning exce in Control< onday during the Univer- dent Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS kssociated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for on of~ all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise this paper and the local news published therein. d at the postoflice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second er. iption by carrier or mail, $3.50. : Ann Arbor Press buil...…

May 10, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 152) • Page Image 3

…HE MICHIGAr - -~ mmli r -' , . a ... . . .. p " _ ", .. . . " . . . ., . . . 1 . .. .. . - , ,0, ,. .. .. ., ' . . -.:. . . -. . .. ." .. .,. 6 ., .. .. ,. ,. ., ., ,.. ..-.. .. , . ,, '- . _ ., ..._ . " . , " . - "-k 1. ^ " " M1 - ]H 6AN IN TIE OR FIRS PLC Games of Week-End Show No Upsets;' Wisconsin Must Be Reckoned as Contender JAPANESE NINE TO OPPOSE BIG TEN TEAMS THIS WEEK Big Ten Standing W LPet. Illinois ..................…

May 10, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 152) • Page Image 4

…M UIGAN * -.-T7---.-.- D OPTOMETRIST ability & Satisfaction Main Street . MICIIIGAN Sleep Anyplace 2ut Lat atRex 's THE CLUBsLUNCH 712 ARBOR STREET Near State and Packard I.. a Packae before the war a ackae during the war 1913 .LIT CLUSS WILL HOLD 3-OY REUNION1 Tbe literary class of 1918 will re- unite again this year for three days in Ann Arbor during the graduation period, according to Ruth Burdsal Bas- sett, '13, chairman of the cl...…

May 10, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 152) • Page Image 5

…THE MR DAILY Foc/ Kept Jiusy Opening His Hail' Paris, May 9.-Marshal Foch says' that one of his great regrets is that he has not time enough to properly digest the big mail he receives. Like most men in his conspicuous position, he gets daily a batch of correspond- ence that keeps his aides busy sifting the trivial and eccentric from the im-' portant and interesting. Friends and enemies alike write him profusely and their letters run the who...…

May 10, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 152) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ,......, ...w..W . '- . I RT ,ST G AR RICIK DETROIT 4VICENTE BLASCO IBAN EZ H OR SEMEN OF T.NE APOCALYPSE Daily advertising will spell prosper- ity for yu. -Adv. - 0 tertising and sell1 articles.-Adv. 'AWS LUNCHI WhWere they all go i SPAN iSHCOEYWItl SF. PR OCED THURSDA La Sociedad Hispanica will produce "Zaragueta," a comedy by Vital Aza, Thursday evening, May 12, in Patten- gill auditorium. This play will be the...…

May 10, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 152) • Page Image 7

… TODAY - Screen Majestic- Lionel Barrymore in "Jim the Penman." Christie comedy, Topics, and a travel film. Arcade--Mr. and Mrs. Carter De- Haven in "The Girl in the Taxi." "The Skipper's Scheme" a. Toonerville Trolley comedy, and Kinograms. Wuerth - Agnes Ayres in "The Furnace." Orpheum- "It's a Great Life," from the story by Mary Rob- erts Rinehart. tions will cause delay in making ar- rangements with the proper employ- ers. The placement...…

May 10, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 152) • Page Image 8

… I "r-I AVII%-.z ,a a a~~ *%- '4 MA.' aLz.l ..... FICIAL BULLETIN , TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1921., Number 152. ie Deans:, Ass announced last week, there will be no conference of the Deans on nesday, May 11. M. L. BURTON, President. LU1 Freshmen and Sophomores: Lu accordance with the custom in past years I wish officially to announce all freshmen and sophomores of the University will be excused from C classes from 3 p .m., on Friday, May 13, t...…

May 10, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 159) • Page Image 1

…I r Aft ia n 'I IDAY AND * ) . .,.. t ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1922 CE Of SF8RAUD TRACTS! xG[IER. IF COLLECTED ,L NEAR $100,000,000 for Investigation of Laxity in Pros- ecution of Nfichigamua On Warpath, Seeks V3rave Palefaces From behind the staring moon face, Comes the slow and solemn five booms Telling that the Evening Spirit. Wanders over woods and meadows, Lights the campfires of the heavens - Then the Michig...…

May 10, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 159) • Page Image 2

…'A-XA .A i the Unive-sitr ons. entitled to the use hr eted to it or not othser i sews published tbhreIa. Arbor, Michigfma, as "e00 r Street. s, if signed, the igna- as an evidence of faith, ae Daily at tle discre- Daly office. Unsigned e entiments expressed AFF XTOR.........BREWSTER P. CAMPBELL ..........................Joseph A. Bernstein ................................James B. Young dams G. P. Overton Dawsn . M. 3. Stahl Lambrecht Pa...…

May 10, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 159) • Page Image 3

…Faculty Prepafres for Diamond Battle Faculty members of the rhetoric de- partment are priming themselves in ce daily gridiron grinds for an indoor e- baseball game with the economic de- on partment. to be held soon. Rhetoric ed player chiefs are on edge to have re- ty venge for the terrible defeat last year nt *by the "Ecs," who seemed to apply the id budget system, or something, in ob- taining runs. ;_ Calendar Of Coming Events State Savi...…

May 10, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 159) • Page Image 4

…DAILY it a £5 I' Alusic JOURNALISTS WILL GET CERTIFICATES, BIDNGCONTEST Between Durand and Allegan [ere Friday to Determine State Champion ATIONS EXPECTED FROM Y SECTIONS OF THE STATE s in the state of Michigan De- league will be held between high school and the Allegan Iool Friday night at 8 o'clock 'ersity hall. These two teams from the 185 teams that orig- were in the association, and ve been eliminated d'uring the inter. Approximatel...…

May 10, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 159) • Page Image 5

…° 4 9 . " " v 'f,. _ versed the decision in a pitcher's bat- tle. Although the Normal team does Snot appear as formidable as in former jlgg seasons it oan be depended upon to give a go1 account of itself. Liverance or Elliott Pitch Coach Fisher has announced that he will ,use Liverance and Elliott in Poor Sea- the box, while Blott will 'probably do g Op- the receiving at least part of the game. Liverance has not hurled a game sincQ the ...…

May 10, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 159) • Page Image 6

…IE IICH HE [ICkA . ..., .....z.,. s ennis Team Proves West 7n Seen Here This Season Victor Klein) bly be a long time be- ennis team on a par ma aggregation, which efeated Michigan's Var- , will be seen in action;' The three Sooner rep- rtainly understand the of the game and, what use this knowledge to tage in match playing. n team, comprised. of n K. Parks, captain, y the most adept of the Connel and "Bud" Har- e racqueteers who prov- in...…

May 10, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 159) • Page Image 7

…All.JrJA.~ p -. . --mow---- the custom of set- very year for ob American moth n, the Governo take part in ap n that day, tha e displayed asa that absent sons this occasion to Install .Honorary Physical Society Sigma Delta Psi, a national honor- ary society for the encouragement of r comprehensive physical developmenet and training among college students, -has been formally installed on the - campus. Dr. John Sundwall, directorl of students...…

May 10, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 159) • Page Image 8

…League -I Mn- rk membership in the League and I hope that it may serve the same purpose to others."-D. R. T. "It is just a little thing and takes such a few minutes each day but it will bring me the coveted member- ship to our League. What do I do? I make several girls' beds and straighten their rooms for them every morning."-T. L. P. Ndasques Play Given In Hdonor Of"IDean Jordan t- Mrs. Lois Law- urer. gave a the Ui ex- A+v s. Kelsey ...…

May 10, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 159) • Page Image 9

…AT THE THE ATERS ale for the Sen- 2 to 6 o'clock today in the box m. wishing addi- 11 student office sidence. ship meeting of vas to have been s been postpon- t Monday after- board) at 4 arlors e on sale this w morning in Tryouts for Tennis Teams Reld Today Tryouts for class teams in tennis will. be held for girls of all classes, whether they are enrolled in regular gymnasium work or not, will be held from 2 to 4 o'clock this afternoon. Cl...…

May 10, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 159) • Page Image 10

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Copy received unti 8:10 p. . (11:10 . u. Saturdays.) a WEDNESDAY, MAY 109, 1922 Number 159 the Deans: There will be a conference of the Deans this morning at 10 in the esident's Office. M. L. BURTON. Freshmen and Sophomores: Freshmen and Sophomores in the Colleges of Literature, Science, and Arts, Engineering and Architecture, and Pharmacy are .excused from sses from 3 p. m. Friday, May 12, unti...…

May 10, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 160) • Page Image 1

…I Sirt . xtl s LJLAY . 160 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1923 EIGHT PAGES, PRICE FIV A IMORES MEET IEPAATlIN ND LIEUTENANTS CHOS. OIR ANNUAL CLASS FIGHT EN WILL HOLD CEETING TONIGHT Italian Art Ist(1 faAI . Subij+ct 'Of Talc'U IML II lossier Howard FOR F ES terday afternoon in the we.;tgallery of Alumni Mlemorial hainl oil the frn - jest. "From Donatello to Michael An- AID CAMP gelo." In his talk, he desc...…

May 10, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 160) • Page Image 2

…TH-E MTCH--AN DAILY ..HLE Surpug~lgH[S HgDULVSings Here May . tT. C,' BIG PEP MEETING'i : 19 '114to' nlt Gym lInt SPASS$ T'S (OIQMMA-NDE1I- Maior General Harry C. Hale, cost-l( anding the sixth corks area re- ewed the six companies of the local 0. T. C. unit yesterday afternoon the floor of Waterman gymnasium. ie to weather conditions the core-~ ony was~ transferred from South: rry field to the gymnasium shortly fore the timie of t...…

May 10, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 160) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY _______ p~lil Yrr 1 a- ' - II - r: iiiaew : " e~a~ m . ."". FMN FILL OFFICES CLSS COMMITTEES, erine Mellen, '26, Ruth Rankin,'23flb Illhfh Catherine Coryell, '26, Margaret Mogk EIORS ~~IN M~IL ' 26, Margaret Effinger, '26, Lorettaj Cohy, Chambeotgbrlain,''2 , ay Dolr- TPT 111~IT otCoop ber, a'262, Drh MObry'6,lDr- IM TI9 lIEW CSTO Louthan, '26, Jessie Sprague, '26, Mar-1I___ garet Geddes, '26, Ruth Jennings, '26,1SGES FPAS...…

May 10, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 160) • Page Image 4

…IL AIM IIGAN D.ATLY ,. ~ ,.,;,.r,,, - -- OFFICI AL A .WSLPAPER 01" THE IT-N IV ERSIT1Y OF 111iCJHCAN 'Iiblishcd every m-o rning except Monday fing me Unitvcrsity year by the Board in itre! of Student Pub lications! lini;,r, of Wcstcru Coiiferenice LEditorial ie Associatea Pre-Ss is exclusively eni- d to the use for republication of all news patches credited to it or not otherwise dited in this paper and the local; news pb ,ed therein. rnte...…

May 10, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 160) • Page Image 5

…M USICI AS W I S NSE IR WOMEN GATU11EI AT _________ N E A :lL N i H E -.f 7 .,Y. U S C L E L J A 1 ..kV fl lflf h fe n n otio r tea, one of th e las t. no-IP I O S K P H h e r f _F U T That, IPens Presenting the last of the sc yen1 & 5 ~ ~ ::: .. recitals showing the deg Iojill:'nt ( }Z . f songIast night in Patton gnill a i di- X{" ;>z '," . :.. ;.". torium, Maclamne Clara Clemens decm-* ... onstrated again her charmling vo:C., and remarkl...…

May 10, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 160) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY "',,, ,, . . . ui. [j§ es ' °°l rr T-millilliwi Awo r......r...r "" I . 111) K - tVp3rrtt.^ rvcMr.Y -.-:. REEK OF iSRING gRID WORK TSLIGHT ON LIKELY ATERLAL THE TENNIS MA TCHES! a :, r each L1t4Ie and Assistants Working Daily With 70 Men to Find Two Ends and Fulback ED"'MILLER SEEMS BEST BET AS CAPPON'S SUCCEISSOR Vith three weeks of spring football iind them, as well as a winter's rk in the gymnasim, ...…

May 10, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 160) • Page Image 7

…THE MTCIrtGAN DATILY - . ®,., s .c.. -, 'he Daily "Classified" Columns AROSES A DVERTI SING' AT 3 P. M SPORT SNAP SHOTS Winy CtyLabor RepotedAs "Red" I <t~ t 3Pi Byi Jaek 'Beene1 of that city. Genewich is comparabkl There ar^ few.v bigger gambles than with George U'hie, who alto cam paying a hugp e price for a mzinor league from the corner diamondsl to the big baseball star. Money will get them. leagues: The Clevelander soon be- but ...…

May 10, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 160) • Page Image 8

…TI I E NMICHICAN DAIL _________ ,. .. - --w ,,a,.. . .... .............., e... , . i I (-OFFICIAL BULLETIN' In the Rulletiu is coiistructtro notice to all membersat ty. Copy received urnti l S20 r m. (11:30 a. m. PIturday.) THURSDAY, '.Ay 10, 19":1 Number 100 I CHA'SGOING ON w ____ i Lion All, .enors : HIE DIPLO6MA FEE IS PAYABLE NOW! FEarly settlement Is nece8- for the preparation of diplon as. In no case will" the University; r...…

May 10, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 162) • Page Image 1


May 10, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 162) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY IUII[ULL d IL[t LJ I [FEATEDIN HOUSE panese Exclusion Provision Placed In Immigration Bill Falls 191-171 OOLIDGE'S REQUEST FOR DATE POSTIPOINEMIENT LOST Washington, May 9.-(By, AP)- y a vote of 171, the house de- ined today to approve the Japanese xclusion provision of the imnigration ill inserted by house and senate 'con- rees at the request of President oolidge. The measure was sent back to-con- rence with the. hou...…

May 10, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 162) • Page Image 3

…THE MICH-14 DAILY . ....5 ® , --i ., -I 1 IL9EADERs LANTERN NIGHT Socialist Party Led By Woman FORP SV~sUDMEN COUNCILORS" HIELENIV EL4BIDGE, '24, ELIZA. PROCESSION Helen Delbridge '24, president of the Universty of Michigan Leaguer,l and Elizabeth Cain, '24, president of the Women's Athletic association, will lead the L~antern night rolcession at 8 o'clock Tuesday, May 20, on Palmer, field. Three hunvdred women from each class are e...…

May 10, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 162) • Page Image 4

…THE MICA 114;A DAILY .... 1LAL4N EWSPAPER01? TE NJVE1SITY OF MICHIGAN I ised very morning except Monday the university yrear by the Board int [of Student Pulications.- hers of Western Conference Editoriall toon. Asscated "Press is exclusively en-I othe use for republication of-all news hes credited to it or 'not other wise 1in this paper and the local news pub therein.. ed ,at tepst fie at AAnn Arbor,l ai, as s tnd cla tttatter Special rate ...…

May 10, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 162) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY -1111M11 11mnimI ii - - - - I U lULO ET TONIGHT l Detroit Dinner Will Mark Opening of $1,000,000 Building Fund I Driv. BANQUETS WILL ALSO BE- BE HELD IN OTHER CITIESj More than 1,000 Michigan alumnae, together with the men who will assist in carryingon the national campaign of $1,000,000 for the University of Michigan League Building axed En- dowment fund, are to attend the ban- quet which is to be held at the Hotel Statl...…

May 10, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 162) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY . l w ow r a 1-Wl-ov- I IAilAllllt(Ili ... ' "' . _ ,. - + ~ . _. IJER1IES MEET' HID TRACKSTERS Continued from Page One) tain Hattendorf of Aitchigan I lead the half-milers to the tape Lisko and Ross of Ohio fighting with Cochran and Freyberg for her places. Freyberg has been, ng steadily all year he may ed in heading the field today. rick of Ohio is expected to lead ijlers although Kreider of Ohio d give him a h...…

May 10, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 162) • Page Image 7

…7 1 ':~ A N ' DAi LY ._ _ - -- - . ^ / .- - I i 1 00 (-) A 1 .t rI / /L ,%/% ,% ri .r wu a s isw i ®y _ _ - 54 t You notice the flavor-- we furnish the quait M GROCERIES SPECIAL I4 The Mc CRUMB Cash Grocery Our, Motto: "The Most for Your Money"' SATURDAY'S SPECIAL I"." +.wxrrrri I' F Ii 1JoIicious DA WN DONUTS The public judges through taste. The chemist, 'through test. The market for the best grade of fruits, nuts, ber...…

May 10, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 162) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN l~t l~lL OFICIL B LLEIN SOLICIT FUNDS TO ID Advocates Raise 1iIGK[ITS NOW ON SALE lato in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all ine~ners of U.s STUDENTS IN PARIS For onge0sen I LAYMAKERS SHOW E m Jliveraity. !Copy received by th~e MAlcstant to the Preafdent until E11 p.m (11:$0 a. m. Saturday) Members of the faculty of the Ro- alodrfrth prutin f - As4 SAinAARY291-4'Nme 6ance languages department have" PrfMoA.RBumspa t e- E ...…

May 10, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 162) • Page Image 9

… xtra Y IML 4ir j VOL. XXXIV. Nb. 162 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1924 o E Rl ES 4 TRIO MICHIGAN WINS FROM NORTHWESTERN SCORE 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R H VARSITY WINS CLOSE CONTEST BY 3-2 SCR MICHIGAN 000000 I 0 2X x 3 00 NORTHWESTERNO 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 X K 2 00( ILLINOIS WINS IRST TWO SINGLE MATCHES Breaks Own RecordFEHENDFA SECOND YEAR MEN IN SPR11ING GAMES Eva-ton, Ill., May 10-Michigan Won its second ...…

May 10, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 162) • Page Image 10

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY i edevery morning except Monday iUiversity ear by the Board in -- oWestern ConferncrEditorial ssocated Press is exclusively en the ttie I orepublication of al news ss areli tedt it or not otherwise n this ppe and the local news pub- de At the postofi ce at AnnAbor,l ar second class meatter.Speinalae 1e rated by 'Th ir ASs ista tP ost- iptI in by.carrier, '9d Se : by m , .Ann Arbor Press Building, may- lditorial. 2414 an 16...…

May 10, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 162) • Page Image 11

… 1 IIULU TONISKT metroit Dinner Will Mark Opening of $1,000,000fi ulding Fund r Drive BANQUETS WILL ALSO BE BE, HELD IN OTHER CITIES More than 1,000 Michigan alumnae, together with the men who will assist in carrying on the national campaign of $1,000,000 for the University of Michigan League Building and 4IEn- dowment fund, are to attend the ban- quet which is to be held at the Hotel Statler in Detroit this evening, to mark the opening of th...…

May 10, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 162) • Page Image 12

…THE MICHIGAN D wi 4. .. .i n r . w i wyryr.e.rrrw D AILY. OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Aasistant to the President until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays Volume 4 SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1924 Number 162, Freshmen and Sophomores, Spring Games: In accordance with custom and with the consent of their respective Deans, Freshmen and Sophomores in the Colleges...…

May 10, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 163) • Page Image 1


May 10, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 163) • Page Image 2

…PACE TWO TIHIL MCl(,IIGA N DAILY SUNDIAY, :I'AY 11, 1U2-'-5 NA E J8ICATIONmilitaristsMe HED FUR 12:2B (Con tinuled froii b One) school to actet a;{ c P ioi 01o01]the: staff of the lDef roil J ouril . In 1899 and '99 lhe ('01(11chted the editorial col Ul'1tf (1the il)4t o 'ee Ures and vwa .a seut, to ihiglid a,;bythatpa -{ In 1905 Air.f larrimian ectame the editor (4f0t" PilJ grim nmag~azriie, lean- ing thl:s position fotoIhe Red Book. Fr...…

May 10, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 163) • Page Image 3

…f 0 SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1925 HLMICHIGAN DAILY INDUSTRIAL HEADS Vt MEET HER Taylor Socifty Will Nefft here At Union Vor Tlhree D)ays Startingr Thursday LLOYD WILL SPEAK Leaders of Michigan industry and mnan ement experts from all parts of the country will meet May 14, 15j and 16 in Ann Arbor for the 1925 meeting of the Taylor saiety. The purpose of the Taylor society{ is to "°promote the science and the art of administration and of manage- men...…

May 10, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 163) • Page Image 4

…PA~Fr 1o uR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 10,;1925 - ~-~-- Published ver~morning except Monday during the Univeriy year by the Board in Contral of Student ubcatons. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Asociated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republicatio of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwse credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann...…

May 10, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 163) • Page Image 5

…T'AO!n r.YN SUND~JfAY.MAYiA10,1925 TTE MICIGAN DAILY IDUINIJ.n.l, I- L 1V ~b a a aL avaa ... " as v a v v" + .r . I NNQNCE lOES Mothers-' Day Activities Fill t ~High Place On Social Calendar; Will Hold Picnic'AtW tm r Lok 0 . . i j UIEII iiiI 1111III_________________ \~measLeagueplo 1111111UR1I I ; /[pa nv 1.t WhitnlmoreLa ' HTE K1pa.Al ,ha 'heta is oil 1,rtaining ,Frciint, 0.; and Mrs. Bryce E. Mor-dy n;ulswljliz, 12guests at. aim...…

May 10, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 163) • Page Image 6

…PALL SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUTNDAY, MAY 10, 1925 Ato ool - ~~ ..... . ..... L PON M." - t-!4 ,,.. I _ _. II 1 " .,,, ,,,;,y w: . - ...... ..Y... P . .r....--....... __ WOLEIETHRACK 0QUADSCORES DECISIVE WIN OVER OHIO ST ATE (Continued from Page (One) effort Both Guthrie and Snyder of and fifth, both (doing better than anyl Ohio failed at the height, taking see- of the Ohio entries. and and third. By taking second in Kennedy...…

May 10, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 163) • Page Image 7

…SUNDAY, MAY 14, 1925 _ THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE 9 SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1925 - THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN TlsTHIS A S F1 Ns COLUMN 31 COLUMN C LASSIESECLOSES AT 3 P.Y. ADVERTI SING AT 3 P.M. WANTED FOR SALEj IWANTED-College woman, summer FORSALE-Cheap for quick sale! H Newv steel tennis racket. Has never gene position, opportunity, to travel,. been used. Call Wenger 3694. ; is a study and secure valuable exper-___________________!________...…

May 10, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 163) • Page Image 8

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY~ DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN' Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received b) the Assistant to the Provid~ent until 3:30 p. mn. (11:30 a. mn. Saturday. Volume ll SUND~AY, MAY 10, 1924 Ntmber 163 To the mnembers of the Senate Council: The next regular meeting of the Senate Council will be held in the President's office Monday, May 11, at 4:15 P. M. F. E. Robbins, Secretary...…

May 10, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 163) • Page Image 9

…Feature Section C, Ill. r, Sir4 :4Iahtrl to Feature Section VOL. XXXV. No. 103 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1925 EIGHT PAGES MR. YOST LO S ITO THE FUTURE TV Authentic Plans For The Proposed New Stadium For The University Report To The Board In Control Of Athletics o An Outlir A New And Larger Stadium In Ann Arbor % Sections From And Explanations of Mr. Yost's ne- Of The Prop osed Method Of Financing 75,000 Capacity Is...…

May 10, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 163) • Page Image 10

…PAGE TEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1925 Around Thie World ut. Two -lours; Geneva Is ~~I~~JIIItJ~iiiJiJII!iIiIIrII(IJ Called A Students' Paradise I September NtulClrPo ah !Ri.biiy fe a~ By Corliss Lankout 'r;;e tal tat, Ii inosing about its im- ie fteU ieriis eeation iReproducing by mes of ispecial1jion thrugihis exenive trKavelling. isa I is c amena "At Geneva,' writes a French aut hor, nciese lirary on international affairs, in th...…

May 10, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 163) • Page Image 11

…0 SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE ELEVEN The War Works Havoc With Student Life In Jugoslavia; Politics' Also Have Influence I 1 Mr. Angell Reports Again Valentine Views Straw Hats The war has made great changes in thf student life of Jugoslavia. Jovan Skerlich, a Serbian historian, and late professor of the university of Bel- grade, tells us, in his works, of the youth literature in all Jigoslav pro- vinces. He charac...…

May 10, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 163) • Page Image 12

…PAO ' TW9LV'! THE MTCHIGAN DAILY .............. SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1925 www B|ooks.and_______s www Add College WILD ASSES, by James G. Dunton. Small Maynard. $2.00. On the jacket, the publishers "con- fidently predict that 'Wild Asses' will be one if the most discussed first- novels of the year." Be that as it may,this reviewer hereby gives no- tice that he will not be drawn into any discussion whatsoever of the book. Anyone who for a ...…

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