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May 10, 1925 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-05-10

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SUTNDAY, MAY 10, 1925

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(Continued from Page (One) effort Both Guthrie and Snyder of
and fifth, both (doing better than anyl Ohio failed at the height, taking see-
of the Ohio entries. and and third. By taking second in
Kennedy of Ohio outdistanced the, the event, Guthrie made a total of 12
field in the two mile, Callahan of pints, tying Northrup for high point
Michigan falinig to catch trim by 40 hcoors.
)lards on the final lap. Kennedy --
led from the start and the Michigan SUMMfARIES
man's great effort at the end lws1 100 yard dash-first Hubbard, M;
equalled by the Buckeye's brilliant'! secondl Wittman, M; third Irwin, 0.
sprint. Kennedy's time was 9 mi- aim e 9 3-5 seconds (Ties worlds
utes 40 1-10 seconds, bettering the Ircr.
mark made by Isbell in 1923 by 1 8- 220 yardi lash-first Wittman, M;
10 seconds. Kingsburg of Ohio was secondi Irwin, 0; third Voelker, hi;
third. Mason, the only other Michi- Tfln 14- eo~s
gan man who kept up with the lead-°44yadlsh-rtBeinri;
Trfihe2 yd low hurdes.second 1errnstein, M; third Waid, 0.
The 20, ard ow hrdle sawTime 50 2-5 seconds.
another record tied by Guthrie, of {Hi iernfrtRik Z
Ohio, who beat out his teammate eonI1osO tid ribr, .
Snydr bytwoyar~s. uthre'sTime 1 minute 54 4-5 seconds. (New
time was 24 seconds flat, equallingjMetrcd.
the meet record. >basser of Michigan nemireor.) rs rol,0;sc
was third, Stew THulse, who ran aI-Ornbegie run-;ftirtArold, 0;se.
close third all the way, tripped on the IjTimlrnermie233-; thirds.rig(,ew
final hurdle andl was bruised bythe Tme4 inter2ecorecnd..N)
cinders, finishing fourth in spite of uetrcr.
the accident. Tw~o ie run-first Kennedy, (;
Theon pole vault, broad jump, and~ sco( Callahan, Mv; third Kinsburg,
hammer throw brought the Michigan1 0. ime 91 minutes 40 1-10 seconds.
lead to 67-41. In the vault, Northrup (e etrcr.
And Huff, bhoth of Michigan, tied for ! 120 yard high hurdes-first Snyder,
First place at1 feet 6 inches, Cramer 0; secondl lullrie, 0; thrd Walk, V.
of Ohio taking third. Hubbard andj Time 15 and 1-10 seconds. (Nwv meet
Northrup finished "first and second record.)
in the broad jump, Hubbard making 220 yard low hurdles-first Oit-
ao sensational leap of 25 feet 1-2 inch '.xne, ; second Snyder, ; third Las-
This (distance is remarkable, ins- per, M. Time 24 seconds flat, (Ties
~nuch as only two men beside Hub-I meet record.)
bard have ever equalled it and each High jumnp-first Weeks, M; second
of those two only (id it once. Hub- Guthrie, ; third Snyder, b. Height
bard has jumped better than 25 feet( 6 feet 1-4 inch.
on a half dozen occasions. Broad jump-first Hubbard, M,
Northrup jumped 22 feet 9 3-4 25 feet 1-2 inch; second Northrup, AT,
Inches, his best mark in competitiolk 23 feet 9 1-2 inches; third Guthrie, 0,
so far. His best previous mark was 22 feet 7 inches. (New meet record.)
22 feet 9 Inches, .made at the Illinoisi Pole vault-Northrup, M, Huff, M,
relays last winter. Guthrie of Ohio tied for first, 11 feet 6 inches, third
took a third with a jump 2 1-4 inches! Cramer, 0.
behind Northrup. Javelin throw-first Northrup, M,
In the hammaer throw, Hawkins of: 192 feet 4 1-2 inches; second Ashburn,
Michigan took a, second with a throw 0, 178 feet 5 inches; third Roth, M,
of 133 feet ,11 1-2 inches. Bunker of, 169 feet 1 inch. (New meet record.)
Ohio, who won the event, set a new Shot put-first Munz, M, 45 feet 4
mark at 145 feet 11 1-4 inches. 1-4 inches; second Doyle, M, 42 feet 11
Charlie Reinke continued to show ' inches; third Murphy, 0, 38 feet 1t
his brilliant frm of the past few 1-2 inches. (New meet record.
"months in the half mile, winning the Hammer thow-first Bunker, 0;
event and setting a new meet record second H-awkins, M; third Murphy, .
With a time of 1 minute 54 4-5 sec-1 Distance 145 feet 10 1-2 inches. (New
ends. Freyburg anid Hart were all meet record.)
set to take second and third until' Discus throw-first Doyle, M; see-
Ross of Ohio, running the greatest andl Munz, M; third Schraveesand, M.,
race of his career at Ohio, beat them1 Distance 130 feet 7 1-2 inches.
out with a sprint dlown the home______________
stretch. Washington, May 9.- Robert Ses-
Phil Northrup ended the record ions, 6f i'mingam, Ala., tonight
breaingperormnceforthedayi won the national oratorical contest
Wvhen he threw the javelin 192 feet; over six competitors chosen in region-
4 1-2. inches for a new meet record.,
. )al contests from among about 1,400,-
'Ashburn of Ohio was second with a'.(;00 starters.
throw bf 178 feet 5 inches and RothI
of Michigan tooks third at 169 feet 1I
Inch. On his last throw Northrup Des Moines, Ia., May 9.-A weekly
muade a throw of 194 feet 4 1-2 inches," automobile parade of captured boot-
but stepped over the foul line, .eggeis confined in stocks is plannedl
Dave Weeks gave Michigan its last by Chief of Police James Cavander
five points in the high jump, clearing "to inform the public of the bootleg-
the bar at 6 feet 1-4 inch with little ger's true standing in swiet." I

Ty C obb Leads
IMajor League;G LERS64
Batting .Race,;BEAT PURLE20
Chicago, May 9.-As the clubs of('Idilihs ii So (o Fr
the National league swing into the In IBothI, Double and Sinfge
sixth week of the pennant race, Jack; aities
F+ournier, first baseman with Brook-i____
lyn, today is leading the pack forj PLAY ILLINI THURSDAY
batting honors with the remarkable '___
average of .500, with Rogers horns-1('ontinmuing in its victorious stride,
by of the Cardinals, 1924 batting ilchrga's Varsity golf team,. whih
champion, snappipg at his heels with I s easily ideeat ed the Ohio Sate golf-
Forner -ogtle it te ar era last week, won another decisive
dinal star, mowed 'downi enough hits. I v ictory yesterdlay over the Ann A;z-
to rgrmbve lack Wheat, the Brooklynii i()V (olf lublit course, when they took
veteran, frontl the batting leadersipba11) iU ar Conference match from
which he held a week ago. Fournier etrba20o4sce.Ts
boosted his average 24 ploints, while ie ;second victory out of the same
Hlornsby gainedl 17. Wheat rdroppednubrosttfrthMazad
into sixth place with .397; with Louis 'Buer o ~setar. o h az n
Fonseca, now of the Phillies, th irdi InBle lins mtceelae.dr
with .408, Jimmy Bottonly o1' St. in the msringe mthelyede uroo
Louis is fourth with .405 and Johnny ingth1orig,h ovrnsto
Moran of thie Phillies is fifth. in( out of the 12 points. Capt. Mode
Fourierin dditon t ledingi [ioldsworth, with his customary good
Fouring, insaringtonorleadigith orm, easily won his match from Hep-
hittingeFischaringth o nrs n sor-pes, scoring a 72 as against his op-
ing, each having registered( 17 tunes ponnt's 74. Fred Feeley, played ex-
"Gabby" Hlartnett, peppery catchi Iete gof, but was required to split
er with the Cubs, continues to set the' his match with Capt. Skier of North-
pace for home runs hitters, leadng western, each of them mnaking a 73.
with eight. He increased his total In the other two singles matches of
bas'e recrd to 50. Cliff Hleathcote. the morning session, Paige Lehman,
als dOf ftlhcago h tas a slight lead of Michigan, defeated Shltz, of
amoh:g the base stealers with four' Northwestern, while Bob Hastings
thefts. was forced to succumb to Larson of
Other leading htters for 15 orl the Purple team.
more gjinbs: Bancroft, Boston, .377; The afternoon's session of doubles
'enyer, Pittsburgh, 364; Roush, (i- matches was hotly contested. Capt.
cnnati, 364. H oldsworthi and. Fred Feeley took a
Tyrus Raymfond Cobb, veteran plot' close match from Capt. Skaer and Don
of the Detroit Tigers, and holdeir of (leppes of Noithwestern, when they
more records than any player whoi each scored a 72 as against a 72 and a
ever donned a major league unifor~m, 1 73 respectively, for the Purple golf-
is leiding the American league at-! ers. In the other foursomes, Bob
ters with an average of .526. In his ! Hastings and Paige Lehman dlid wel,
remarkable hitting spree, Cobb makinig a 72 and a. 76, while the Evan-
smashed out five homec runs in ~twoi ston men, Larson and Shultz, turned
consecutive days. He chalked up sixi in a 77 and an 82, respecively. Thus
consecutive hits the first (ay and the afternoon's play netted the Wol-
then bagged three more the next. verines 11 points.
Johnny Mostil of the White Sox is Regulation match competition was1
setting the pace among the base lusedl in the singles matches, whie the
stealers with 13 thefts, without a jloursomes played best ball Nassau.
rival in sight. Tpwelve ionts were awarded for each
Other leading batters in 15 or session.
more games: On Thursday of next week, the
Heilman, Detroit, 400; Severeid, Michigan golfers will play a regular
St. Louis, .400; Burns. Cleveland, mnatch wit h Illinois at Urbana, travel-
.376; Boone, Boston, .373; Gosin, ing on to engage the Prdue team the
Washington, .371; Simmons, Phila-i next 'day a1t Lafayette.
delphia, .370; Speaker, Cleveland,'
- rS
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- a
"Whole-heartedly to Clotho," by Paul
Osborn and Walter' Donnelly, and'
"The Prince Wants a Chery Pie," by
Pauline Benedict Fischer. Tickets at r
\Vahr's, one dollar.
r -s
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- 0
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Psychology Proves Important
i Factor In Major Leaugue Bal

OLTPsychoRAlogETSy (?) Ms Big League( first rise since way back in the pen-
The TDtsOOR theAlCMpuTsan baseball players woujld shake their nant winning days in the early teens.
heads at tihe term. Some would not Wa i h esn
interfraternity outdoor' track meetsI "Babe" Ruth is sick. That is the
have been set for May 15 and 16. unesad waItnenohr
Theallcapusiiietwil behed wuld'tcare, some would know its~ main reason for New York's slunip.
The ll-ampu met wll b hed ;The value of the big slugger was
at 3:30 o'clock Friday afternoon at + suipposed value but discard it as never truly appreciated unitil lie was
IFerry field., The events will be 14 theoretical bunk, a few would realize lost. Now the team cannot gel; along
yard dash, 440, 880 and one mile runs, its true weight in baseball. ( without him. Is it anything else
broad jump, high jump, shot put, 2201 The New York Yankees, runners but pulre psychology? The accuracy.
low hurdles and 120 high hurdles. En.- 1 up in the American league last sea- and punch of Ruth's hlat have beenm
tries for the all-campus meet are be-! soniamnd considerably strengthened the direct cause of the loss of one
ing received at the .Intramural office # by new blood, are at p~resent gracing or two ball gaines, but it has beeii
now. Those wishing to snake entries a p~lace nmeams the bottom in that cir- something deeper thanm that has:
.should do so as soon as p)ossible. I chit. Ty Cobb's T~igers5 who were, cauisedl the hard ;Dging Yankeesq to
IIThe interfraternity meet will be, factors inIinlst year's pennant race drop game after gamie. Thre losis of
held Saturday morning at 9:30 o'clock. are lodged in last place. Boston' has Ruth has dlemioralizers the team.
The list of events will be the same as miot moved out of the bottom division B~ut sonic will say, Detroit has no
in the all-campuisnieet. All entries tfor' years. Thl~is is Philadelphia's R~tlr, but Detroit has its Cobb, andl
for this nieet must be turned in at its faith in its young...leftt handers.;
th-e Intramural office byT 3 o'clock. 7017, Swintz 3417 vs. Bursteini 3751; Cobb was out at thre start of the sea-.
Thutrsday, May 14. N*o -additions or1 Fines 7017 vs. Knapp 5517, Darbaker. sonl(due to a .bad case of influenza,
changes will be allowed after this I 4468 vs. Finkleman 9024, Gibson 6981. nil Detroit got started at the de-
date. vs. Greenspan 3582, Rearic 8053 v3. cline. To top this off, thme young left
Greene 8295, Hlirshmran 9217 vs. Gold- handers, Wells and Whitehill, failed
CLASS BASEBALL berg 5964 Briggs 3818' vs. Meyer to deliver. "Dutch" Leonard, anoth-
The following games are to be play- 531;., er left hanrder, failed to live ump to
ed in the class baseball league: May Doubles: Maloney 9024 andl Viach- the hope that the team had in him.
11, Monday, 4 o'clock, 'fresh Ii ts vs. e s ikean92In ea Instead of pluniging in mor'e strongly
.soh Zts;Tueday 4:0 'clckjtt- es0,Gvs.silean 9024 hand9Se7avs. and beginning to hilt hard amid often.
sorpeni es; v . Tus desd ys4da'cyk, , w34, Grs a d iirhin91tv.afinished fielding work, the -
iregnesv.dns WensaiRice-Wray andl Arendt 7217, Bartlett Titeb nil.ad ufel i h
4:30 o'clock, soph engineers vs. freshi andl Bartlett 6817 vs. McKnight andTieinedadoufldhtte
laws; Thursday, 3 :15 o'clock, 'fresh 'inas81 rails for the lower regions. Poor'
Partner 4518. Sestok and Thoas821,i fielding amid weak hitting brought
its vs. senior engineers. Monday, vs. McLean amid Conboy 6637.aoudistusrul.Thncm
Mayior18,s;3:1 0 o'clock, reshlas vs.1 Fraternity: Phi Gamma Delta a. Cobb's dlay of triumph last Tuesday
seirht;4, 'lcdnsv.Theta Xi, Gamma Signia vs. Sigmia adWdnsaan.vrTgro
medics. Alpha Mu, Chi Phil vs. Zeta Beta. Tau, tnimedneadayleandento Te r clb
Phi Mu Delta vs. Xi Psi Phi, Beta iw the ralesultt the Detritclub,
Independent SchedulewihtersltatheDrotcu
Kappa Pi vs. Pi Lambda'Phi, Signia took its first two games in weeks in
Moniday at 4 :15-Diamond 5, Yank- Phil vs. Phil Mu Alpha. sp~ite of weak pitching.
ees vs. Fletcher hall; Diamond 6,1 It is requestedl that the following l Philadelphia has finally shaken
Wolfson's Warriors vs. Night' Hawks. third r-ounid matches be played off by i off the jinx idea and is now estab-
Wednesday at 4:15 - Diamiond 5, Wednesday evening: Sinigles: Chart-' hisied in the first divisiomn, but it
Fletcher hall vs. Newark Stars; Dia- er 6674 vs. Maloney 9024, Segal 3510 i took years to do it, and onily Detroit
Nine. [ Marshall 3657, Sinis 9442 vs. Greene Boston's fight for last place during
6317, Small 7973 vs. Davis 7157, Marsh I the last few year's finally routed the
TENNIS ; 657 vs. Thionias 8217; Felix 5663 vs. Phillies out of last place and started
Due to the fact that there are only Bruske 5617, Freehling 9217 vs. Laz- them back upon thme road to victory,
thre weks n wichto ompeteat-us 5671, Wolfenden 3818 vs. Nienian A few years ago Boston had a mil-
the ek nwiht opee9442. lion dollar infield andia'heap lay
five rounds of tennis, it is imperative .' Doublies: Verder andr Koch 70 '2 vs. mugg . a Thetwow apd ptay-k
that niatches be played off promiptlyr. i Meyer amid Abbott 5318, Kutensel and fTime Boston management sold of-f
The co-operationi of all playrs is re- [[-arrigami 6636 vs. Greenspani and } their best player's, because they
quiested. There still remiain several partmner 3852, Rahin and Wilcox 21737 cr'aved hmard "kale." Thre manage-_
second-round matches which murst b~e vs. Wolftenden and 011 3818. urient retained one or two of the old1
played off this week-enid. Matchies phlayers, but Boston could not wvilt
which ar'e not at the Intmamrural of-( Detr-oit set a new March record _iii with a mediocre club. They had had
flee by Monday afternoon will be de- (conmstructioni. Its $18,650,000 total sasadwtotte hywr
faulted. covers time greatest volume of build- lost, with the resuilt that Bostoni be-
Followving is a. list of matches which { in'g as to cost for any single month j gn a decline that has finally braind-'
+must be played off by that time: with time exception of April, 19241, ed her as omne of the weakest teanis
Sinigles: Dougall 7851 vs. Benhain whem permiits wer'e $20,100,000. iii the cir'cuit.

abilus ins tyemployed in the
bond business
C'NOLLEGE men who are considering the
.4bond business as a career are apt to think
only of how they might succeed as salesmen.
The bond business is by no means as narrow
as that.

i i
i i

x i
A ' 'a.
/ I /
- '
......" -


Many men who are not suited by inclination
or temperament to personal sales work are suc-
cessful in the bond business as sales correspon-
dents; they either handle the accounts of cus-
tomers who deal with the house by mail, or
they may w~ork by mail jointly with per-
sonal salesmen in developing customers and
serving them.
There are also very interesting opportunities
in the buying end of the bond business, .where
all the underlying facts concerning a projected
bond issue are investigated and weighed before
the issue is underwritten.

Gel Wall Paper Now!
Shave on Our Specials
New 1925 Patterns at Low Prices
Here's an Example of tile Specials Offered


We still have a fine selec-
tion of the popular light
greys from the shops of
Chas. Kaufman &rBros.
,for Tien c s Since 1&4g

In an organization as large and active as
Halsey, Stuart & Co. there are unusual oppor-
tunities for a man to fit in and do the kind of
work to which he is best suited.
Our booklet, .The Bond Business as an
Occupation for College Men," contains in-
'formation which will be helpful to you if you
are interested in knowing more about this field
of businiess. A copy will be sent upon request

When you see this embossed g'old thread weave living
roomn papem' in the moll with its classy fomur'imnch dec-
oration and its gold srfrayed ceilimng-and ask time price,
it will be easy fomr you to miake a decision.
Busenough of this paper to p~ap~er a r'oo
pJ his pr'ice inichldes 10 single rolls wall,


omi 10x12x8 ft. I
116 yards of






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