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Games of Week-End Show No Upsets;'
Wisconsin Must Be Reckoned
as Contender
Big Ten Standing
W LPet.
Illinois .................. 5 0 1.000
Michigan.................3 0 1.000
Wisconsin..............4 1 .80,
Ohio State...............4 2 .6671
Purdue ... ............. 2 3 .400
Indiana ................2 3 .400
Iowa ...............; 1 2 .333
Chicago.............1 4 .200
Northwestern............0 7 .000
Schedule for This Week
May 11-Michigan at M. A. C., Illi-
nois at Chicago, Waseda at North-
May 13-Ohio:a Indiana, Waseda
at Purdue.
May 14-Iowa at Michigan, Chicago
at Purdue, Ohio at Indiana, Illinois at
No spectacular upsetting of dope oc-
curred during the past week in Big
Ten baseball, Chicago's unexpected
holding of Michigan being the nearest
approach to a big spill. The Wolv'er-
ines and Illiniare still topping the list
of title contenders with no defeats
chalked up against them. Wisconsin,
however, is setting a hot and heavy
pace, and defeats to either of the two
leaders wrill put the Badgers even
more in the race than they are at
present. Some idea of their power
may be obtained by considering their
12 to 1 victory over Purdue on Sat-
y.Illinois rallies
Illinois succeeded in pulling a warm
contest outs of the, fire when Ohio
State 'was beaten 7 to 4, after the
Buckeyes had piled up a four run lead;
in the early innings. That Ohio is
representedby a, powerful, aggrega-
tion is evident, for once before Illi-
nois was nearly defeated, 3 to 2, be-
ing the final count.'
Chicago and Northwestern continue
to act the part of goats for the re-
mainder of the BigTen teams, but the
former's playing against Michigan's
over-confident nine has served to re-
juvenate them, and the Maroons may
be expected to show well. While they
may hardly be expected to down Illi-
nois when the two teams meet on
Wednesday at Chicago, there is every
reason to believe that Purdue may
prove to be Chicago's second victim on
firsts in the Ohio State meet.
Showing of Track Team Against Ohio
Not Particularly Encouraging
to Michigan Supporters
Performances of Michigan track-
sters against Ohio were not sufficient-
ly good to allay the fear that the
Illini will defeat the Wolverines next
Saturday, probably quite decisively.
The Michigan team at present
seems to be in a slump, and in the
hope that it is mainly due to over-
work, Coach Farrell is drilling the
highly traiend artists very easily this
week. His other men are working
hard so that Wolverines may make a
strong showing,
Four on Sick List.
Michigan's chances are not exactly
strengthened by the probability of
Forbes, Losch, Burns, and Wesbrook
being on the sick list. Forbes re-
cently turned his bad knee again;
Losch< pulled a tendon at Ohio; Burns
underwent an operation for tonsilitis;
and Wesbrook has a badly pulled ten-
don. With the excellent, all-around\
squad of Illinois set against a crip-
pled and slumping outfit, a defeat is
all that can be expected, perhaps a
very bad one.
Simmons, Cruiksliank, and Walker
were the best performers for Michi-
gan against Ohio. In the 100 and 220
Simmons ran two fast and beautiful
races. He should take both these
events at Illinois, and with continued
improvement will be one of the best
bets for first place at the Conference
meet in June.
Competition seems to be Cruik-
shank's delight. With gny sort of
luck he will win the broad jump'and
low hurdles at Urbana. Cruikie is a
comer in the low hurdles as his fast
times indicate, and before the season
is over he may threaten Carl John-
son's record of 24 feet 1' inceh -in the
broad jump.
With only two or thre days of prac-
tice in the past month, Walker satis-
fied even the most optimistic by high
jumping six feet and an, inch in the
Ohio meet. Ifthe shows the same
form in the future as in the past, it
would be no surprise to see Walker
give Illinois' star jumpers, Alberts
and 'Osborne, some stiff competition.
Brede Dangerous
With heaves of 172 feet and 170 feet,
Hoffman and Dunne beat Ohio State's
javelin throwers, butBrede of Illi-
nois tosses it 180 feet. Whether the
two Wolverines can go 10 feet farther
than their previous marks next Sat-
urday is doubtful; but they
ng hard to this end.
Captain Butler is taking a rest un-
til Wednesday.: He should be able to
beat Donohoe, and if there is enough
time between the 440 and 880, he may
be a contender in the half. Cal Wet-'
zel will also figure in 440, and his
nice 220 Saturday makes him, a con-
tender in this event also.
The Ohio State track, team present-
ed a stronger front than the Wolver-
ines had anticipated. Pete Stinch-
comb robbed Michigan of a first when
he went -23 feet in the broad jump,
and Pittenger surprised the specta-
tors by defeating Butler and Wetzel
in the quarter. Spiers got out an ex-
cellent heave of the discus with a 131
feet. In the shot put Michigan was
handicapped by having only Stipe. Van
Orden's recent slump has been unex-
pected, but it is hoped that he will be
back, in shape for Illinois. As the
hammer throw interferes with putting
the shot, Stipe has not been getting as
much distance in the shot as he for-
merly did.
Hubbard Takes Four Firsts at Toledo
Lyle S. Hubbard, '23, star Michigan
swimmer, took four firsts and one
third in the Toledo city tank cham-
pionships on April 22. Hubbard had-
an easy time in garnering first places
in the 40 yard breast stroke, and in
the 40, 100, and 220 yard free style
events, as well as taking a good third
in the plunge for distance, an event
at which he is inexperience.
are work-I
3:30-Freshman engineers vs. Dents.
3:30-Torry's sophomore lits vs. com-
bined schools.
Medic league-No games scheduled.
Interfraternity league - No games
Heat Discourages
Pigskin Casers
Warm weather played havoc with
the football candidates yesterday aft-
ernoon, only about 20 showing up to
chase the pigskin )around Ferry field.
Tads Weiman, however, kept those
few busy and in a sh*'t time the
perspiration was rolling from their
brows. The first part of the after-
noon was spent in place and drop
kicking. These events will be featur-
-ed in the tournament, so every man
was given a chance to improve his
The latter half of the time the men
caught punts, a penalty being placed
on all those who fumbled the ball.
Morey, Brunner, and Dean were the
men who did the ,kicking, all three
of them showing to good advantage.
Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv.
High scores have featured t
ical interfraternity league
opening games with the fo
scores: Nu Sigma Nu defes
Chi 12-4, Alpha Kappa Kappa
ed Phi Chi 19-12, Phi Beta Pi
ed Phi Rho Sigma 21-3, Indep
defeated Phi Beta Pi 26-26, Nu
Nu defeated Phi Rhd Sigma 2
The first round of the All
tennis play must be compi
Wednesday or the games will
celled. Results should be tu:
to the intramural office as
completed and if the office is
the results should be dropped
the mail slot. Following are
round. scores: Trigon defeate
Chi 2-1, Alpha Sigma Phi
Delta Upsilon 2-0, Delta Tau I
feated Alpha Chi Sigma 2-0
da Chi Alpha defeated Sigma
Alpha Delta Phi defeated Phi
Delta 2-0, Ohlmacher defeate
berry 6-0, 6-2, Osborn defeated
6-1, 2-6, 6-4.
The Architects will play
Soph Lits in baseball at 3:41
today and the winner of Acacia
Psi Phi will play Zeta Psi
Have you lost anything tb
prize very highly? The C
Scolumns 'ofThe MichiganDr
always' 'ready to serve you.-A
Cap night will be the occasion for
the first award of "M" blankets to
graduating athletes in the history of
the University. This plan was adopt.
ed last year but at that time suitable
blankets could not be obtained, so
that several men who graduated a
year ago are included in the list of
those to be awarded blankets this
What's before you
this noon?
Only athletes- who have won their
letter at least twice in one sport will
receive blankets.' The blankets are of
heavy, dark blue wool. In one corner
is the letter in yellow with a star, for
each year on a Varsity team. Men
who have won, their "M" in more than
one sport will have the respective let-
ters and 'stars upon theirs.
There are likely tobe, quite a num-
ber of seniors who will get blankets
before graduation but who will not
have won them by Cap night. It is
expected that but few of last year's
graduates will be on hand to receive
their awards.
This year's list has not beenx pre-
paredsas yet. Following is the list for
last year: Football-Cruse, Peach;
baseball-Saunders, -Froemke, Newell,
Knode, Langenhan,. Scheidler; bas-
ketball-Rychener; track - Johnson,
Cook, Beardsley, Baker, Later.
Yesterday j's Games
HEN you leave the stuffy class-
rooms after this morning's work
and )walk along, bit bedraggled,
perhaps, in the hot sunshine, what
are -your prospects for luncheon?
Will an array of heavy winter foods
stare you in the face-foods that you
relish only when snow is on the
ground?. It's true that maiy eating
establishments forget that there is
such a thing as a change in seasons.
Here you'll be greeted by what-
ever you may desire in staple dishes;
and here you'll find seasonable vege-
tables cooling salads, dainty deserts
- foods that you should eat this
Purdue Out of It3
The Purple seem fated to a seasonI
without victory in Big Ten circles un-
less they show a decided improvement
over their past work. A strong for-
eign team will appear on the Evans-
ton diamond on Wednesday when the
University of Waseda, Japan, will be-
gin its Conference invasion of the
year. According to all dope the men
from the Land of the Cherry Blos-
soms should not find Northweptern
difficult picking.
Michigan takes a jaunt to East
Lansing on Wednesday to oppose the
M. A. C. crew, and should have little
trouble in emerging easy victors, as
the Farmer team is putting in a poor
season. On Saturday Iowa pays its
respects to Michigan yhen the dia-
mond aggregation' representing the
university of that state comes to Ann
Arbor to do battle with Coach Fish-
er's men. The Hawkeye's only vic-
tory thus far has been a 9 to 0 win
over Northwestern's embryo nine.
Should Wisconsin turn the tables on
Illinois on the same day, and Michigan
continue with a clean slate the Wol-
verines will be, for a time, at least,
the uidisputed leaders of the Big
American .League
Detroit 7, St. Louisg5.
No other games played.
National League
Brooklyn 5, Philadelphia
Philadelphia 3, Brooklyn
No other games played.
2. ,.
The following men are re-
quested to appear for freshman
tennis practice at 1:30 o'clock
this afternoon: Hames, Duna-
kin, Zook, Walbridge, Oppen-
heim, Tracey, Snider, Schafer,
Kleine, Frankie, Kaufman, Nich-
ols, and Rohan.
"-Makes Jack a Dull Boy!"
Jack and Tom and Harry get
to be very dull chaps, indeed, if
they believe in all work and no
Men who want to keep their
minds keen and their wits
sharp, know that they must play
to keep fit for the terrific strain
of modern life.
If your "prof" is wise he will
heartily approve of your play-
ing an occasional game of bil
liards. Come in tonight-get a
good -cue in your hands again-
and see how soon your former
skill comes back to you.
Pocket and Carom Billiards.
Soft Drinks and Light Lunches.
Cigars and Candies, Clgrettes
and Pipes.
. "We Try to Treat You Right"
You'll enjoy ivhat 's
serbed you at the
Upstairs N~ickels Arcade
322 South State Street
Use the advertising columns of The
Michigan Daily to reach the best of
A-- A '
Miss Mary F. Minnis, Chiropodist, &nn Arbors DuvorB.-Adv,
formerly with Mack an'd Co., will oeI
at the Saunder's Hair Shop, Tuesday Want anything? If you want-what
of every week. Phone 2673-M for ap- you want, when you want it, use a
pointments.--Adv. Want Ad in the Michigan Daily.-Adv.
Ii ,,
__ r
Taken last Thursday
by the Detroit Free Press and Pathe will be shown exclusively at
all this week in conjunction with our regular 1-shows.