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May 10, 1924 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-05-10

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edevery morning except Monday
iUiversity ear by the Board in
-- oWestern ConferncrEditorial
ssocated Press is exclusively en
the ttie I orepublication of al news
ss areli tedt it or not otherwise
n this ppe and the local news pub-
de At the postofi ce at AnnAbor,l
ar second class meatter.Speinalae
1e rated by 'Th ir ASs ista tP ost-
iptI in by.carrier, '9d Se : by m ,
.Ann Arbor Press Building, may-
lditorial. 2414 an 16 . ; I s-
icommunicatio s, not exceedng300
w ri t b= p ublis hed in The Dary a
t ion of th . Ed4 tr . Up on r equest ,
aitiy coif cjrnn unlic ant will b e r C
LS c ofi den!t7 ia l..'
+ (o- oions, 414 "and16.1
Boa d Ca iran ....t . C. orarity
t or . . . .. . .. C. Gari ughouse
y Night Editors,
;ileu A B. C onnab le, r.
' (lark T E Piske
1'.M. Wagner
Editor .............. Ralph N. Byers
Ed~to.......... W ion . I Hibbtard'
..... .... th, A . U oe fl
L iyEditor .Kenneth .C' eMiar
3ah~n News Bureau .R G. Raisar
aria-Edttor.. Robert B. Henderson
tBarle Etlizabeth ILieberinn
e~kmn R.S Mansfield .
B ckellE C. Mac-
Boxer Verena Moran
grown IHarold Moore.
~C ynd Carl :oblrnacher
WCote Hyde Ptc
I)aur i~s Andrew Propper
~ernambetg Regina Reihmann
arer Edmarie Schrader
$ eth - C 'A.- Stevens
eptry !W. I. Stonea
* Housew ort h Ma 'or ie S e t
litie ,.. Fre "ri c G . Tem os
Kfanin N. ~Thai
t' Kell XW . J. 4 Waithour
.endll Haennan Wise
VIVSE811 hone 9FO
ILA~t kENC H1 . 'FSV Rb 1 r
i~ g... .... .... erry 1. Il ayden
. . . . . . . . . B.R ose
. . . . . . . . i. ' . t
Con .. . . .. . . . . C.P urdy
LO ll.. . .. .. . .. ...Lawrence Pi ere
Cam'pbell N. L. Ho an
aplan I. T"L.i~eri~d
han pion 1-arold # A.' Marks
in in yron rPrkr
I. Dexter A . j Seidran
j. gin eo. A.Stracke
I. Foxff,.C . inter.
ATUR DAY, :MAY l10, 1924
re-cent confession, a notorious
femnale-criminal referredin #an
imanner, "to her initiation in-
,habit of taking other people's'
anhd belongings" and sid in
at "~h'had9ben reading de-
such things n the papers, end
rdoing sb 1bad conceiedthe
that it was feasible to get a
*rable SUM that way fin a short
not PUtting it too strongly to
sat the st es of crime IPinted
daily 'new p'aer taci!no
pihilelessonsa. they do, onthe0
and, give instruction in count
alfs of criminal'practie. Sompe
of crime4 it is true ought to
. - Bt this is teot the explan&t-
th e ' ml t'i u>n d1 Iyiigtre
tion of the crime news in tlie
y papoIf5>-w ith th"A average
lewspaper the - motite fo the
" of crime news is iothing
ir less than a wlingness "to

to the instincet-of morbid curi-
responsibility which the news-
owe to the public is far
than is ordinarily recognized.
one considers the influence
nental suggestions exercise up-
ordin-ary, receptive mind of the
eindividual it is easy to see.
ie common practice of record-
all horrible detail, a great
tof crime news is conducive
;ood for individual, community
e purpose of the Spring and
mes is to give some tWo thous-'
phomores and Freshmen the op-
ity to adorn their features with
d green paint respectively then
tbe admitted that flag rushes,
ying contests, and tugs fulfill
t ritain at present finds her-
a rather embarrassing situa-
En addition to its being very
.ortable, the situation is lead-
erious trouble, socially, politic-
A economically. The truth of
ftter is-there are. too many
in the British Isles. To be

MajorIty of 1,4006,000 in number 'of-
women over the number of men. - ~f ROLLs" "w
IEDITORIAL COMMENT~hncm h ol awt t :
terrific 'demands on England's man- ,r.._ _..
hood,;600,000 being killed' on. the AMTE FCMO ES
battleflids of France. And so 'to- TH G AY(Boston Transcript) f______________________________________________________________
day, men in England are outnumbered ( OS A statement defining the standards
by the appalling count of two full = y wih i il esr e, pa
millions. The faclty advistr of Denizens, forms and parties during the coming I-
Far from being a joke, the result who is interested in making Mr. campag a sudysedyb h
of this condition- is fast becoming Brurm' s play a success, suggested I Anerican edert ion of Labor. It AA O O TRS
a n i s u'nt e a f i s ote c u t y h t w r n t e - i l f t e p r p s d b r m n te r S g a u e h t o
nis ei th afar oft ec u t .th t w ru th tte oft e ro o e }"1 GAao gsg a u e th o=The age limit for women voters, hasi play at the' top of the ,1~0., as a sort 1Mr. Samuel G om ers ~rsde t o
been set at thirty years, ever since of advertisement. Always ready top prsdn .
the Federation. On inspecting a di- BOH-D FT EDA O A
tesfr ete eevd-thefranchis 1,oblige,"We have done so, as you 'canu gest0fTitEas given'iTthe prss, we
suffagetesrecivedthe ceI ae struck by thegxellintencesofsome
but o m v m n s'a o t to I nowi .1"re s r c y h x ele c f soea}it}lllllIimovemen1E1i1 IPIiP1llll# IIii l~ l#llt1111It}Iislitafoot11111totlllowerlltt see.x
it to tw enty -n e-that of th m en.of the requir em ents and by the m oreMa y p lt c l l a e s fe r t a wi hi.~ N .uYU ..1 I.. ...Y., . - .. ...N. .. .~
M n poii a le d r fe r t a ihI The poor kiddies of the Al. I P. A , than doubtful virtues of the othersV ui,; .. .Yt....... . ....."..,. , .,,
thetw sxe o a eua ~otngafter passing a -sleepless night in an-'As for Mr. Gompers, we have differed I NPI Mliii UIKTE
politically, that the two million ma-I ticipation of the. address. by the Great ( with him and liked him, because we I'E I FOCA T rb V-
j rtY o h o e il e a l h m ICow les yesterday m orning, w ere grlev- believe him to be a good citizen w ith EAST BOUND S E ILto a s a yt i g n rlL La' u ly d g p o ntI XfeL h n a e y l rg h r i d e 'o e l llm t d ; s . m , 9 14 w m nd i '
p tt c at " ad mi nistrati on w ill en sdue aree.i e emverai a Li v r ar e s a e n e d f r alI L m ted o: 6 a.i . , t :1 0l . m. oy and 1Y nI l l n
"p lVue rivd n he sdml"hal- tegood sense. When, however, h _ ey to o? t 0p.m e tclutn on All
t21pess 7 s.~8a m. and 4iy
WhlIhshadysesprbbe shoot- scheduled for' our little talk, touches, or the Federation in its state- two bi'ua to8 g m. -
tie issue is never man vs. Woman, but I there they, all were, just sitting on 'ment'touches, the Supreme Court of Locals; -It a.,in." 8:65 a. m. and
rahrLbei'al vs. Conservative or the edge of their chairs with excite- the United States, we ask him to re- every two hours to 8:66 p. in, P pu arHa
Laborite, still, it is a problenm on m tent, bitinzg -their nails, nervously member what we have credited him 11 p. mn. TO Ypsllant! only, 11:40 ! -Sho
W hich l rltlshers m ay po nrd er. ' t p i g t e r f e n t e f ~ r h i n t i e p c f g o e s .p n . 12:2 5 a. im . and 1 :1 5 a . .3 3 S U H M I
Soally, the- over-preponderance of eyes painfutlly betraying that they hadI It is our duty to express a decided WEN' BOUND ;
the womfen is leadintb> t a decline in not slept a ink.. Ah, how they would idoubt whether Mr. Gompers, with Wi I41m/itedg: 8:41}a. m and every two ..... ........,... . . . . . . . .1
kept liesY ighting. Many English thaveat lumbered had they known. experience, with his knowledge and Epe3(mkn oclsosu :1
k t bu yThe fact is t a th gr t C wes ihhis character, really wishes the a. m and e Yary tw o hnourSg to 95
gi ls E-1:-i -Y -i -t" - 'S
id h d om lm.lYan ed th ..e.:
girl do n ot x pe t t be arr e - iad co m lete y f n ke the ord al. F ed eral C o n stitu tio n am en de u oc lsso7 e rpl"e
there are not enoiugh, men to go Having Completely lost' his nerve the {that "by a two-thirds vote Congress 7:0m..n. 1:1.aYmE
aro nd Aocman:i?:5EnglandTis ine ee-1 r e , n
«nnvldmand,d and thencompe1 'istition is keen. jnigtrsbefoe h had suorned outhehay alidaecalaw which the Supreme -.
in En in d s o e ha j ni o 's bo o er at M rt a oo t ou t as de lred unconstitutional.",,ja'L .uncheonU i 1 Q {,A 1.: 0
Every year"i nln i oeta give' the wretcher address for him. 'these matters of labor are fundament-I ADRIAN-AINARBO BIUS LI VF iyDinnrei 5:30-7:0
,equal to an American - leap year. And the janitor's boy, wh eh s o d aly oc l in t ir aue; h y ae -
Economically, this unnatural state a eommendable familiarity with the not political, in the common mean- Week Days -.4 Sundmayu °aucen'n Dne ate
of affairs has caused more and more details of his gruesome profession, Ing of the Word. Would Mr. Gompers: :e:5 c P" m. , *nrr Lnceo an Dnnr arie
positions forery held' " byp e t e as not Orie sort of entertainment throw a'question of social betterment 4:4 . m" ELIOI, Cp eor '
turned over t6 women. The war con- the M. I. Pi A. bennies had expected.., n h a fpltcTa swht.oey6MLIOT rn ih
in o t e m w o f p l t c ? T a s w a 0 - R20 5 S 4 S t t e '
tributed much to this movement, but We apologize. r would happen were such an amend- -___________________
the pendulum has not swung back with e *#*"*j nm ent added to the Constitution. If he ft1 111111#il H tltlltt} lttl 11o1111a#tAllrls rs.-Adr. ___ __ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ ___ __
thre advent of peace. This adds to Eng- About the middle of th afternoon ohiascatsreanigapie
la'''I~ygetpf> 1t o we were surprised and- revolted toI ture wherein shall be portrayed labor 1.11t -
bor and employment. *receive this letter from' a mysterious-. suffering from a conspiracy at the -- - - - -
Pity the politician, the statesman,i looking young geezer- Who said his 'hands of the majority of the people, =
the administrator, who has a problem nme -a Destiny. 1166- tis ndte upee ortIe a-ol
of 2,000,000 women on his hrands! An- 'Dear Mr. Jason Cowles- say, "Forget 'It." Ile knows that it=
other thing ftor whichr the' United :After reading your'amateur effort will not be a true pietue. S ~hya
Staes ma w llhe grte ulth t heof trying to edit a hu mr - 'column in We are sure that Mr. Gomnpers'-
nmeofmnadwmns motthe Michigan Daily and after+ I saw would not have immigration regulated Y: Y^f
equal, with the m.u ins a slight ma- Iyorfel attempts at trying to ridi- by treaty rather than by act of Con-'
moiy _______f__adteireble n 'el-konad or wrao nit htth«oerM.
Joiy cue two inno ent high schfol cherubs gress, yet suppose that the Supreme j -
This is the tim e of the year when vi'ler, Herald 'C. h tuntWho brough of onres or.pram un i-tis Y O
agreat number of students realize us down to' he M.;I. P . A. convention, respect, would Mr. Gomp ers care much' -
ewhat they cm o school for. I have come to the conclusion 'and to interfere with 'the great tribunal? a F- I,.(\''
- justly so tliat your column shiould'be We here reflect on no party in Con-(I
New ork want Al Smih fo er dicaed mm ley from the gress but we cannot believe that anyI-
pre id nt fi ~' ow Dry I m" or Mic ig n D il . I i a' gr ss ns lt w ell-balan ced m an in the ' Federation 1A verY Pe rs na G rad-D n e n
th ai nl ate . -t w infe i hschoaoss studets' ofLabor with recent evenits before lhis :uatio n i ft. A5pema- I
an3hi di~r t e m d h eyes could persuade himself that a! nent Sov e nir of U . f:
DEM CR TI S AN AR S HA Iobjects of the attack of some simple- constitutional question, would be .~' ° '-
An bld argu e t h d aie a ew mn e i ein wo is 'allowed - to' handled by Congress with- a view kMchi aYn
runthrampt in suht a college paper alone to principles of .constitutional
with th'e announcement that the su-asthiMchga aily. I f all You law and jurisprudence.- $75 to 9.25
pxe ecourt of this state recently have to o is sit do'wn and insult d"6 _________________________o
ordered that a' proposed constitutional I two helpless cheru bs, °as you deigned'.
amendment to compel all children of to1dr s s nd t d n ut t S p e n d.Srda y
~i'choo age to attend public schools I-y ainig t ei"disr"
the otes attheinjury b a1nn'hiavsr sr
b su mt d to he vtr at hethink Itit s tI That some action is , Th~i trl'~O1'T t +~VI :r'LL "
November election, this amendment to taken by thea University authorities.I
'b n w a h ni-parochial school 1t1:is indeed ad state o6f affairs I
amnendment. The s-upreme court -in; when people >nindinig their ownt busi-1
fits ruling granted also a writ of Man- ness cannot 'Visit Annr Arbor without I
1 danius to compel the secretary' of ibeing made the iecipients of your ITHE ANN ARBOR - I ersae t u'h rpslo teblatmi fslpt~ oey rstaeSu d r o.Wic enta t hes-igi h uif''~ ilb bet
, ":t o p t t e p o o a n t e b l ~ a t m t f sl p t c ~ o e y r s - a ' to pre se n t p as y t e fin a l m nu t be r " =Sudr 'CneL vr
lot W h c h e a n , t a t t, h e U~ in i t h f u u ie y o u w il b e a bl to j o t h ir s e a s o n a p a b y P ro f. D r u m m n
ipreme' court' has done about 'every- i~ keep your, nose- out of other pol' of the Journalisms department in the O H U O IE
peope's S N TH
thing in its power to attempt the do- business, I am, Herein's iRiddy. Whitney Theatre, Friday, May 16. 302HStONe St.
L ng 'away with all parochial schoos. + x " * The title, which for some advertising Phonle 3191
There seems to be some sort of back-I ltew n-dhalys, reason has been kept a close secret a
I~~~Ti lettemtrerwnethised hardl.y- say,
grievedatterbeyond'measure. When, -until recently, is at last announced
lhe results of such an attempt in I in additiofi, it owas reported tohus as "Thte Gray Mose"- "gomethirim^- ..
sttehectfosof several years ta oeo h sio-Ice a
ag bs o ld be sufficient evide nc:e as t a o e o h c o l t a h r f c o e l r n f o . l v r c m a g
l 0 a ly-advisers were disgusted because ; slogan, yes? .
' to the attitude of the voters ol the our deputy, the janitor's boy, smoked The plot, in eeacnen
sutbject. At that time, those in favor all through his speechi, we just timid, retiring mother-old fashioned,
of uh 'namendment suffered suIch barged out into the smoking roomi of course-who suddenly blossoms in-!
'~dfa st aeterefr~and had - a good cry. A guy can only Ito a fascinating adventuress after the eiO:Haeorcnsn
lau habe, ragcdly s. W 'at the stand so'much, you know. man ner of the latter-day M rs. Fiske. I S n o s a e y u a e n r v d b s

"purpose at this time is in again plac- * " * In the end the philandering husband
luig' it on the b-allot is really moreI POLITICAL ARTICLE is brought back to the fold, the1
thncnbPen nobel tI rom an editorial in the Daily of :younger generation subdued, and
Sni "ulterioi pur'pose and ,one from IMay 7: everything is once again normal-with , ihI~ IrL
whc"nyafew are to benefit arfltogshldbivnbygone exception: the mnthoir, delighted_
shtould the amendment pass. But studenat voters to the capability of the by her new -found -freedom decides -I ,.&f
ttere is the catch in the whole situa - .. . I o i a e or ofie T e o In- oretain h r ye s y m n ri s u -
tt'on; the investigators of the pro- atibnsa area made early enough mso thl, we- presume, - the day o eighty
posed- amendmtent know as well as the Ithat defi'nite opinions of the- andidates Land more finally force'her into the'
'most ardent objectors to it that the may he formeyd. The c'ampus elec- role of the retifring duenna. Jeelr
bl ln vroaeko mu h as at ons are of vital interest to e ery ! This really m ay not be the story ;
soki so far as p'assage by majority stud~nt. He should regard the act atal btdutls t er ufiin
vtiscnendThnwyalof voting as as anecth obligationmn and a s resemblence to pique your interest.
'the needless work to'attempt to have duty;'" en oeet h e etIAt -anyrate, aythe reputation of the
It pssed Merly tat smeon orfitted for the position irrespective of author and the cast -Margafret Geddes,
some . group concerning Which we anyarafiains you know, itobth lper-soud1_
]tno litle r nohin 'abut ill ny'particu llitnsiso eh fa -hud.
kno litl or nohin ab ut wil -That's tellin~g 'emn, hey fat lady? I insure your attendance. Who tkno wls -
benefit whether it is passed or not,-
I **f*. , , this play may be but the begli-
that the placing of it on the state bal- TheWrdsGets esae,' igo ieo ucse o h
lots is' sufficient for the purpose that he W rds G e t s+es a e, fi g o i e o u c s e o h ' ~~
a we learn, has finally' picked out a l gentleman - Broadway, - the bright f
1 hs nii~as hv n mn. Itte frits rotogiavure magazine, 'white lights, and bushels of royalties -'o
l As- proof that the state' suprem e Ih y e o n cal i Li rt . - ll n w y, ho k ws
it iTne e tnht o e t a e llg n a aff -r Y w ll a y a; wh 't o s
court is going about this in the wrong ° elof course , it isnt any of
'cour, t hs nrestid to oenhconsier Cowles' business, but we think that "DADDY LONG-LEGS," Jean, Web-
L I tf hepo~se f they Werni-willing to call tany- ster's theatrical best seller "is the -, ACOMNIPLE t EL of M c ig n pins, rm osiuinlt epooe.tu swtcst't ymgth cnldn ili ~oesrHlitrs..
amniidment before it has penadopted. YP eisa I fuZldthtb toeW daai i ardctn os sAa r sa reasonable p ie AehpsF solyaohrpofo r'
a r a so p zl d t t o ny o e g y d a a i ie r at ur e its c i f f rl~
the little confidence that even this - hef Mftco ichigan jewelry such as we carry would make
edi'in the country was ass enough to thon may only be to offset the eccen-
group has in the pass age of such a sed i the 'name. We should have tricities of the pee~ g n m esa p r p i t r d a i n p e e t
bill.cedinrginrespneibe.fo such jthought that there would be flocks It may be merely representative- p ee t
I p o os d am n me t h ul ct - and -flo cks o b t a t tte i e L -Ialong with "Clarence," a ned Dulcy -
ally hang their heads in shame, un- get n-~o n urt n f a v s um e f pe sn n
' less they profess not to be m en of B a e y a d D c n y h r ' e a;p e s n m rc n c m d e , e p rl
Aumerican spirit. And if they are not name' for a magazine!, Decency! De- written and thoroughly amusing ford
of such spirit they have very little cency, the Tribune Coloroto Magazine. the moment.
- Iriht o laya romnet prtIn The miagazine isn't any good either. But despite its very frank and ap-
conducting the affairs of government. I *"*, parent lack of any eternal merit,' itI
Well, weF feel that we've been retty is a very interesting playver" od r '1 oas- -

I ''- ,' -'

1 S~g

. i t

r ;:
iy ,.:-

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