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May 10, 1925 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-05-10

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SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1925

Around Thie World ut. Two -lours; Geneva Is ~~I~~JIIItJ~iiiJiJII!iIiIIrII(IJ
Called A Students' Paradise I September NtulClrPo ah !Ri.biiy fe a~
By Corliss Lankout 'r;;e tal tat, Ii inosing about its im- ie fteU ieriis eeation iReproducing by mes of ispecial1jion thrugihis exenive trKavelling. isa I is c amena
"At Geneva,' writes a French aut hor, nciese lirary on international affairs, in this respect are notable. Besides apparatus photogra phs tkn nDrngtepst11ers r ano hi ui
" o n ca ,tl e S han t w o ) h o u rsj1a na c q u an tin g h im se lf w ith h e t e n m r u o i l u c i n t a - E g y p t, P ro f. W illia m S an d o z, S w iss h a i it e d ra c tica l y y a ,.ev ery tn a tio n of
atrelatively slight expense, acrofi- wrd-ieeetoso h Itra-fi uh a eswrldl traveler, wil present his tepro- cwrd euigmtra o i
P h t h e t o u r 4 t h e w o r l d F o r h i s t u n a l L h o i ' u r e a u r a n g s , e e n i n g g r a n o n " T h e E g y p t o f t h e P h r a o s " s e r i e s o f p r o g r a m s , o f w h i c h " I n d i a \ X h ny ub yad a
i sh th to ue sr t o l d . ore t h ia t a l i o rfBth e m o a rl ii ,xp r -e v e nnintsag8it " h eofo
* patie anl tipson ake istheand "LudicandisSplendors" a 8and isSplendor" and "heEgypt soeofhanee &Syr
iis ol noftessyte ply esentatnnc fths:asorng )ei- mnature Assembly which takes place o'clock Wednesday night, M\ly 13,in the Pharaohs" are bt arts. soe clnee efi
~Po ayonewho as nt ben to(len <ace; of t hat ironth at Geneva, how- I during the first wee of the Cngress. il dtoi'im he reproducios latroncocetionsmy 1fte ae
T4 anyne whohas no been o Gen-one1 through channels whichi ilanO.teatrsm coepon ayftesl.
e.-urnihen-I e eassch a evr, fiiirlain oteFeg etoe, the same procedure is followedI are neither colored stereopticon slides e gained y extracts from "El Co- 1=
nttatmsimeostexseemsio. a grossoficaexagaionerationge asas hei eagthesemly.Comim- or ovigpctufsRiorepdset Janio"io Ri dBrazil, Brzil
st~tenc 6 yhait soer, by means, for instance, ofC
It is none the less true. For Geneva l]( ntriioa niestes' tees examine special questions and re- one of the latest developments ini re- after a presentation there by M4r. San- = A good diamond from
Is noehti a efr eWr In for the ol ague of tios. ,rIort ack to the Assembly, which de- producing scenes in their natural coto. "l Commeri" says, in part: !I>tqlya fine compliment, b
Iti getdalnac.Pirto12 bates them hut which usually passes colors. Mr. Sandoz explains his pa- ircpotgapy'iec fo
Iisagetdlmoe Proto192 'odiciation was founded a. year orst atfl mrc asofca-.. ," - our ood judgment in
Geneva and vicinity were fa vocrite ; g omrhltgte noei- em e5~.rfetosb en fa- Nature has conquered the East. With '!
haunts of Aneiefar Ii ravelers. The erainllol h tdn egely represented in this Asembly by chromatic projections." the aid of the Autochrome system ite et o-angt
beautiful lake, the clear. crsp air, organizaions in every pant of the h e olg tdns lhuhti rgaiwl etilas become possible to reproduce the betyucng.
the surrounding brills, Mont 3ane c f oldadt inoetrog d- closely connected in spirit, but not first given lby Sandoz in Ann Arbor, he endlessly varying shades andt tones of
the pink glow of sunset, and Certain cation, to the League andI the League in. actuality, with the Federation, iss presented his series of lecturesJ the various lines and sides of objects = 11n ie hsa
historical connections all these con-l "Iaiea the students of every land. This, the International Students' Union, a not only in many cities of the United l under study, with the evident result =i
spired to bring pilgrims; to Geneva v in ui n September it will hold its most promising organization founded States, but in other countries. While.htt ea eua coaro hns~
t ps.All these :trib g IiC daiialCiges tGnv last September by a New York woman, in Central and South America last i gp n h at ti olne
still there. But 6jc-mething bai bleenIi roe the first two days of the Ito provide a meeting place and head- winter, Mir. Sandoz had occasion to necesar o ae oenue-h
added. The Leaue of Natt oi has imnonthi. As during last September, it quarters for the hundreds of students give performances which received i aigeofnar traveligto enurfete = a6A
taenupit aod i hi fmcusciy. woflock to Geneva throughout the unusually favorable report, in the is it to witnessthexitonfMr
tknuitabdintifaosiy.will arrange for a series oie talks oeble yea.TeFdrtotgte ihforegnpress
Wecant tJ)tocnsdr llteainy of the most prominen ;d-ya.TeFdrtotgte ih g P*Sandoz, where you can see, in al theirJE LR
consequences of t:his iiio~neitoii fact, gates" to the Assembly, by permanent!all other student bodies of an interna- Among the recent performances, M. details, the milestones upon whichiJE LR
gybyto exmn h vrg nraeii xet once ihteSceaitItional character, has the use of this Sandoz presented his pictures before have been established facts as fanci-'
examne he verae icrese n Il- epers coneced iththe ecrtarat,34 oth lMain
Come of the Geneva tradesmen since and the Lab)or Bureau, and by visitor's Union. The European Student Relief, the Michigan chapter of the American fulI as the fables of old; where you
the League came to town, or to note of note ho haippen to be in the city which also makes its headquarters at Institute of Architects, and on this can see the fabulous wealth that was
inwht t hetie.Mot alabe f l, n roorios hetorit i~~l .IGeneva, has already utilized the basis, Charles Comie, secretar'y of handled by the constructor of ther411p
at nearby Chamonix hs swelled. t~e witer's opinion, ill be the 9 union; and it is hoped that such or- the chapter, says: "We wish to go on Itimes of the Pharaohs to build temples
What we do know is thai Geneva. for o'clock lecturese(,very mHorning by Prof. I ganizations as the C. I E. (Confedera- record as stating that they are won-1 and inosques._ .e.
at least one month inl the year, lpre- Alfred E. Zimmerni, well known bytinIeraoal des Euins will derful color rcrs and of inetin 1l "After having evoked the past of
sumably September, has become the niany Americans anud all educated find opportunity to do so in the future. ablhe value in the education of popular g~yt, which covers a period of sonic
most important spot In the world, or Europeans, who will outline from (ay The Union is situated in a fine apart- taste for thlings that are truly beau ti- 85 centuries, Mr. Sandoz brought onTo ,S ed I
tima e work of the Assembly andfm overlooking the University of ful." Comment no less favorable was the screen reproductions of the paint- Y o . o ,-h(i 1
at any rate im portant enough to war t-(aynd me t
rantthethe ic stricto oattentioni ediof oallt civilizeis perhitsIfcomas-ittees,. A nditciistaperhapsou d.iepos-cit d ,mugs . thatntadornt t etheotsarcophagithe saofphtheof he-
m anki idnd ncl dinibohludpring ibeooto erest matpthrva uesf ll tatder ght herot atror nyo e w sh- Firtight'eg tioereburhhprit2for ianyone ho, 650wye rs-efoei
andoppnets f he eaue.Tothii~these lectures to students who are - mung to do serious work during the Dr' GaiwS (enn Atkins, pastor of theI Christ, were more interested without
ancient town every fall flock from al seriously interested in the League and summer months, this University lis a( church, says "We were all delighted, doubtin' the art of pleasing than in
parts of the globe statesmn, Jpolitic- are trying to follow its work. Last most excellent place in which to, carry The pictures are wonderully beauti- the wrks and accomplishments of
cans who are not statesnm, journal- ya h ak er te elnt olo operations, especially in the realm .fihl-almost magical in their repo- termses namial ee on
ists, authors, students, and sightseers. by students poebtb rwso of langulages; international problems,dctono the iost delicate, as well hest photographed in a m~useum in 1 yourf
As a spectacle alone this varied ath ie older generation who had come to and the sciences suited to Alpine sur- as the most brilliant, colors. I coin- jchiiro, with the wealthy collection of present
ering is well wortIh looking at, ButGevafothAsmby ItIit oundings like geology and botany. mend Mr. Sandoz and his pictures tne ht tcntied hwste
Genevae topictheAAssembly.udett without.any rsevtinI .all wh one haotnoe.iesow h
for anyone who is something more he added, too, that memfbers of h Bu the trpclAeia legance, the refnement, and the
than a gaping tourit Geneva in Sop- Universities' Federation ar iven twill probably not have journeyed to -wouldl enjoy tile rare pleasure of nyrigsfrlxythtpeaed
tebe s a mretanjm~-aohoropportuni ty of meeting many of these Ikurape to spend the summer in see-, entei'rtaminent wholly unique."Th- e inerfor luxuy tarevailosqe.
ret sight. It. offers a boa a- -a- urstuffy i n po.Iewshst polig"TSno nhi e- heeenphtror ariousnd meaosus- Score
brad'ad as en Lstfarovnnr.mirsHrrotoasoetpt.IfawshstolT even PreSmdoiiehsarsi hvebenphtorahe.a-d heauo
cinating eprec to all who ps s.nt a cliadfonotm to rcieI wander and to enjoy. The signtficance ion tha his processes are more han chromatics show to a perfect fidelityFr'Rltc
seas any eneriniernationnal funatie eciv of all I have said is that he can, if retouched slides, the New York "Sun"I the marvelous colorings and the del-I portraitI
intres ininerntioal f-personally representatives of every he so wishes, top off hlis wanderingi declares that "these pictures are vriy oae inoy fteaonensoI ot
fair, be their special field p)olit ics count ry Iin the Federation, aeIt~mn fte drmns fYu a
economics, medicine, edmmation, main- II ean o otl fterl-and enjoyment by visiting Geneva dur- 1 different fromi the odinary moving rid an lprecicus marble."
even for TrIn he firsti part of his program
ofers andorcunty, ra ha-nt.1io of the sudenCi who comne to 'semlbly Ie can remai i thereeemo reproduce nattial colors, and are not l Paroh,"ehefr
offcersAndporupaswelai xpl'henancomensfro the whole of the first two weeks and touched by artists. For this rea son low igwilbecn (l.d h mr
Geneva has as tine a chiance fr e yug enad oenfo any I till get ack to the U. S. Iin time for the subjects are shiowni exactly as they ves fol .gyt te ratrinefe0 the
.velopment along these niany diffe andsetadmnl nfinsi college. If he is stout-hearted. he cam-! are. They are a great help n the anti quit;; the secret temples, tombs, der' has
lie htcmoigo tdien and muutual understanding. Surely run over to Chamonix and climb Mont 'study of girt."-admmiso enure g;Kr Make it a habit of -n
lie s~htcmpsmgo imethevleo uhcnat, oh IIadmmiso cnuisao a--n
of college age from near" and far.,tm aueo uhcntcs ohi Blanc over- Saturday and Sunday; or The projections have. ever'ywhere nak; Luxor; the Nile; the King's stopping to seeO the mnt wi
self. The~~ ~ broadening the outlook of the students if his doctors have convinced him that been described as startlingly vivid, Valley of Thebes; the burial hai-'tntel, dpLy
First of all, thereAseby isnt,,'. ia'ge it7themselves and in establ)ishing the his heart is weak, hie can sail quietly lifelike, and beautiful, and these uc-hes40mtr1)0wheufaeo etsil'dipy
srecf. indmThs esAsmli wih 01 onations of future international' down the Lake of ,iRousseau and Byron suts Mr. Sandoz attributes to hris thle rc eat; men and~ divinities that
Frechfrendmaesthe tour (ifneed not be argued here hr
world within t wice sixty mpinutes (~1,jiii ,I0C o o hlo, Lausann, and other temipt- prcswihivovsamcieo have died; the Sphinx; the P.yramids;
comprisn wth he f~lnus ighy i'e many places where such meetings ling sites. o At the same time, in Geneva his own invention. Ile does not speak the Isle of Pilo; the coluirms of IJps-
comarion ithI le fmou eihtybetwxeen the students of different na- itself, hie will be going through a fas- hinmelf during the program, but abl ii)t arwt h
dayerstoiuenergi xepinlytonhte ae ae lc in the cinating experience and gaining the throws his lecture upon the screen as lxltzaars, the mosques, and the oc--
ineetn, but after' all i.is only 'a-l past ; Oxford, Cambridge, abig eParis. B er- bckr ondfr utrhistiuiiosthe views change, in order to operate pueeo h eet
wislpart of the League.. heaier , Rmad(~e'clbae n-Io i own part to the life of man. For the projection machine himself. IIn the second lpat, "Inia. and ts
woki oei ieCuclmeig"' versity centers in Eb urope. But it is 1re shall not- soon forget the words of i e has also been able to make his Splendors," important ionunents ard
and the Oheis work of all ini the n olit doubted if ever before such op- I M'Paul Hymas ofBelgium, President own choice of scenes for reproduc- unsa ene ilb rsneIPrri ht r
seionlftleseia ites port uniies have offered themselves of the first Assembly of the League, in Icovering the cities of Bombay, Maduramotatadtotet'a, If(~.Lau o ahrng fti ota nGn i lsigsecDcme,12:li, nyuh nteyuho l anoe epoe dyoGair
wilfind meh to liee p hmocii(( v uiing the vacation month s and "Let us appeal also to youth. It is countries in the womld. It is to youth Agra, Delhi, and Benares. Included in 3 19 Eat Huo
inivsiaigteatvte fteIlarticularly n September. The ativ- upon them that the great burden is that I appeal t construct." tesee sta fte"a-aa,

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