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May 10, 1925 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-05-10

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C, Ill. r,














Authentic Plans For The Proposed New Stadium For The University
Report To The Board In Control Of Athletics o An Outlir
A New And Larger Stadium In Ann Arbor %

Sections From And Explanations of Mr. Yost's
ne- Of The Prop osed Method Of Financing
75,000 Capacity Is Planned


By Robert S. Mansfield
(Editor's Note: Reports and editorials written
Without knowledge of facts concerning the proposed
new stadium have made it advisable for, The Daily
to publish the facts of the situation so that no
more conjectural and uninformed reports may reach
the public. Detroit and Ann Arbor newspapers had
agreed to refrain from mentioning the project until
plans had been more completely formulated and are
at this time releasing the fundamental principles of
tlie plan, following the first interview with the Ath-
letic Association in which facts have been given
ITHI the unanimous approval of both
the Board in Control of Athletics and
the Board of Directors of the General
Alumni association, the Director's re-
port, proposing the construction of a new stadium
for the University is now with the Board of Regents
for approval.
The proposed stadium would furnish 30,000 or
more seats over and above the present seating
capacity, and would be constructed with funds
which, it is proposed, will be obtained through a
bond issue to be repaid with gate receipts over a
period of 20 years. The plan provides for the finan-
cing as follows: It is'estimated that the 30,000 extra
seats will be filled three times every other year and
twice on the alternate years or five times in two
years. This is figuring on the plan that Michigan
will have three big home games one year and two
the next in alternation. Filling the stadium two
and one half times a year would provide the sale of
75,000 seats a year at $2.50 a seat, or $187,500, of
which the department of intercollegiate athletics
would receive one-half, or $93,750. With a bond is-
sue of $1,000,000, the mean annual payment over a
period of ,20 year would amount to $76,250
thoroughly covere1 by the income over and above
the present capacity income, so the the 30,000 extra
seats would pay for themselves without touching
the present income, which is necessary for upkeep
and improvement in the present equipment. Thus
the entire project could be financed without expense
to the department, the state, the alumni or students.
the stadium, the purchase by the department of in-
the stadium, the purchose by the department of in-
tercollegiate athletics of 100 or more extra acres of
land, planned to be developed into intramural
grounds and an 18 hole golf course for the Uni-
versity students. The plan also makes 'available for
use as squash, handball and basketball courts, other
parts of Ferry Field near the campus and easily
accessible to students for daily use. It would
further provide for the purchase of some land be-
tween Ferry Field and the campus for the construe-
ton of an artificial ice skating rink where the stu-
dents can skate during at least five months of the
college year. This equipment, under the plan,
would be provided for the students without cost to
the University or the student body.
Prof. Fielding H. Yost, Director of Intercollegiate
Athletics, in commenting on the plan, says: "I
realize that there are a few who care little or
nothing about a plan that provides facilities for phy-
sical exercise and athletic activity, but to me this
constitutes a real requirement in University life. It
is vital to the health, stamina, moral fibre and en-
durance of our students. The day is fast approach-
ing, and In many respects has already come, when
all univerities will realize that it is a part of their
r" sponsibilities to see that their students receive the
physical development and other benefits attendant
on a well organized program of physical exercise
and play. While in the University every student
should'take some form of physical exercise every
day. There is an appreciable number of universi-
ties that now require students to be able to swim
50 yards as a requirement for graduation, unless
excused for physical defects. There are some 25
institutions of recognized rank that have estab-
lished definite requirements in physical proficiency
of some sort or other for graduation. The Univer-
sity of Illinois began this year with three hours of
required physical exercise per week for all under-
graduates. Thirty-two states have passed laws re-
quiring physical exercise programs in all their high
schools. Our own state is one of the 32."
Quotations from the report on the stadium situa-
tion as the University submitted to the Board i*
Control of Athletics by Professor Yost follow:
'I firmly believe that it is the duty of this Boad,
insofar as its authority extends, to serve the inter-

ests of those who make these demands.
"To summarize, these are the interest to be
"1. Supporters of visiting teams, constantly in-
creasing in numbers and, the majority, taxpayers
of other state universities, who expect us to show

whether or not be have an obligation to discharge
to the citizens and taxpayers of the state.
"My own position, however, is clear. This is a
state University,-not a privately endowed institu-
tion. Ownership of this institution is vested not in
our students, faculty and alumni,-but in the people
whose taxes make it possible.
"As I see it, we should endeavor to satisfy, in-
sofar as possible, the demands of the taxpayers to
purchase tickets for our contests, because as a mat-
ter of fact, they are just as much their contests.
We must do this because we must have the support,
friendship and cooperation of the citizens if we are

to have the money to enlarge the University's
sphere of usefulness."
A suggestion mentioned in one editorial eppear-
ing on the campus reads that, "If the Athletic as-
sociation has the money to build a million dollar
stadium for the physical benefit of the few men who
play football, it ought to be able to spend a much
smaller amount for a new and better equipped
gymnasium which would benefit thousands instead
of hundred of students. It might well be built in a
better location than the present one with more ten-
nis courts, quoit outfits, and perhaps a baseball dia-

mond for the use of gymnasium classes or inde-
pendent groups of students adjacent to it."
Such a stand demonstrates a lack of thorough
knowledge 'of the situation. Primarily the work in
connection with intramural athletics and gymnasium
work in general is invested in the physical educa-
tion department, and not with the department of
intercollegiate athletics.
The Regents have established two departments
as follows:
"A. A University department of Hygiene and
Public Health including Physical education.
"B. A department of intercollegiate athletics.

An Interview with Fielding H.


S TATEMENTS to the effect that Michigan is
planning a stadium 'race' with other uni-
versities are absurd," said Prof. Field-
ing I-. Yost, Director of Intercollegiate
Atheltics, in commenting yesterday on plans and
progress toward a new football structure for the
"What the universities of Illinois, Ohio, Penn-
sylvania or California or any other university have
done has no bearing on what we may do," Mr. Yost
said. "Ohio, Illinois, Pennsylvania and Califorhia
and many other universities realized that they need-
ed additional seats to meet their needs for their
football games, and took steps to get them. We at
Michigan see a similar need and are accordingly
taking steps to fill it. It is no 'race'. It makes no
difference to us what other universities do nor does
it make any difference to them what we do. Each
university must solve its own problems.
"When the Medical School sees that it needs
new buildings, it begins proceedings to acquire
them. At Michigan we have outgrown the old Medi-
cal building, the old Library, the old hospitals, Uni-
vers ty hall, the Museum and many other buildings.
Just in the same manner we have outgrown our
pIresent accommodations for spectators at football
games. Would it not have been absurd to argue
against the new hospital, the new Angell hall, the
new Iibrary or the new Medical building on the
ground that Michigan should not enter a 'building
race' since many other universities had put up simi-
lar structures. We needed the buildings and got
them. We now face the same situation in connec-
tion with our football stadium.

"Michigan is going forward-not backward.
We're not after a new stadium simply because
other universities have them. We want it because.
we need it and because we owe a new stadium to the
people who have every right to see Michigan team_
in action.
"We owe additional accommodations to the sup-
porters of visiting - teams, who are constantly in-
creasing in numbers, due to the accesibility of the
city by rail and automobile. We owe more seats
to the steadily increasing student body, and to a
faculty also growing steadily in numbers. We owe
more and better accommodations to our alumni who
increase in numbers by at least 2,000 every year.
and last, but not least, we owe better accommoda-
tions to the people of our state--the taxpayers
whose money finances our institution.
"I don't call it a 'race'. I call it plain, simple
justice to each of these interests concerned.
"Those who are avowedly again.st the construc-
tion of a new stadium are loud in their stated de-
sire for 'athletics for all' and state that coaches
should receive no salaries but be volunteer memx-
bers of former teams. Such a radical proposal is
fallacious on its face. It is exactly as senseless and
absurd for a coach to be expected to give his serv-
ices gratis as for a professor of political science to
be expected to teach without compensation. Every-
one who renders service should be worthy of his
hare. Practically every Michigan coach is a col-
lege graduate and has real appreciation of the edu-
cative values in athletics.
"In order to secure 'athletics for all', four very
definite things are needed:

"First, a satisfactory program of required phys-
ical exercise for all. Second, the proper allotment
of time for exercise by each student. Third, ade-
quate grounds, buildings and other facilities for the
proper administration of the program. Fourth, a
competent and adequate staff of instructors and
"The only way to secure 'athletics for all', to
insure universal participation in the rightkkind
and amount of exercise, is to create a definite re-
quirement each year in physical education and have
classes arranged for each hour of the day to accom-
modate all of the students. Nearly all high schools
and some colleges already require some form of ex-
ercise by all students, while others are now adopt-
ing such a requirement.
"As I said before," Mr. Yost concluded, "The
new Hospital, Medical building, Library and so
forth were erected because they were needed in our
forward march to better things. A new stadium is
needed for the same reason. The only difference is
that we ask the people of the state for no appropria-
tion to build it, knowing that it can be erected and
paid for out of the additional earnings it will bring
in and, when paid for, bring in double the present
revenue to provide greater facilities and make "ath-
letics for all' a practicallity. It is easy to make the
statement: 'We want athletics for all', but is a far
different thing to put on such a program.
"Certainly we should not limit what physical
exercise we already have. I hope we may have the
effective cooperation of all in securing a plan by
which every Michigan student at Michigan will enter
some form of exercise daily.

"The man chosen to be in charge of the depart-
ment of University Physical education shall be
given the title of "Director of University Physical
Education" and have professorial rank. He shall
be a Professor of hygiene and public health in the
Medical School, have supervision of the University
of Michigan Health Service, of all gymnasiums, of
intramural activities and such other like correspond-
ing campus duties as from time to time shall be as-
signed to him."
All profits of the department of intercollegiate
athletics is devoter, to quote the rules of the Board
of Regents, "as far as possible, to permanent Univer-
sity improvements, particularly to the upbuilding of
facilities for participation by the student body in all
forms of athletic exercise."
Funds over expenses raised by the intercollegiate
athletics department are thus placed in the hands of
the Regents for use as they see fit for developing
any part of the University, Mr. Yost states, stressing
of course, "athletics for all."
The idea of "athletics for all" is one which would
require much careful planning. It would be neces-
sary to work the present plant at least eight hours
a day, with a regular schedule of hours for ath-
letic exercise mapped out in each student's course.
To provide facilities for "athletics for all' policy on
any other basis would require, according to an
estimate made by Professor Yost, at least 1,000
acres of land and more than 10 buildings. At the-
present time more than 1,000 men are taking active
part in intercollegiate athletics.
Such a plant as the "athletics for all" plan would
necessitate could never be built by the department
of intercollegiate athletics even if it fell within
their sphere of activity the Coach pointed out. The
reason is plain. The departient has not the money
with which to carry out such a proposition, and
unless finances were to' be supplied by direct ap-
propriation from the legislature, no move in that
direction could be made. Unlike the stadium proj-
ect gymnasia would bring no income with which
to pay off a bond issue or loan floated to finance
their construction, while they would add a perma-
nent expense by way of upkeep. The stadium can
be built without an appropriation and without ex-
pense to the department or University, due to its
capacity for paying its own way.
The need for a larger plant is shown by the
moves made by other large universites throughout
the country. With the exception, of the University of
Virginia, which has less than half our enrollment,
none of a list of 14 of the largest and most popular
uniyersities in the country has so small a stadium
seating capacity as we have. Virginia, moreover,
has a capacity of 40,000, compared with our present
Not by, way of following the lead of others nor
by entering a race with other universities in build-
ing larger stadia, but by way of building for present
and future needs, is. the new stadium considered
vital by the Athletic association, according to Mr.
Yost., In other institutions it has been necessary to
conduct drives among the students of universities
to gather sufficient funds with which to build new
stadia. At Illinois, Ohio and Minnesota, for
example, subscriptions amounted to an average of
more than $100 per student. The plan of the Ath-
letic association here does away with any such
move, making it unnecessary for the students to
contribute at all, and giving the University the use
of a new and larger stadium while the gate receipts
are still paying for it.
It is interesting to note that the Athletic associa-
tion has, despite the lack of connection, supplied the
department of physical education with land and
equipment for the carrying out of their activities.
At Michigan the only tennis courts to be maintained
by a departnrent of physical education in the Con-
ference and perhaps in the country are supplied for
the use of the students. The physical education de-
partment has supplied no courts for the use of the
students. The new stadium plan includes more
than 40 acres of land to be purchased by the inter-
collegiate department for the use of the physical
education department, and the improvement of parts
of Ferry Field for the same purpose.
Under the heading "Capacity and design", the re-
port reads as foll6ws:
"If we are to provide for immediate necessities,
a stadium should be constructed to seat from
70,00 to 75,000 people, and in order to provide for
any future demands the design and strength of this
stadium should be such as to permit an expansion
of from 30,000 to 40,000 additional seats.

"In considering the designs and arrangement for
seats for a crowd of this size, many difficult prob-
lems present themselves. Arrangement of seats
and design of strength to provide for a capacity
crowd of from 50,000 to 50,000 might not be possible
in considering a maximum capacity of 100,000. The

The Ungentle Art of Subway Riding

By Ward Allen Howe
HE modern rendition of the old saying, "A'I
roads lead to Rome" has become, "All roads
lead to New York." Likewise, "See Naples
and die" has become, "See New York and
live!" For the benfit of those who are making their
first visit there this summer, we venture to offer
a few words of advice on what is always one of the
most perplexing problems that confronts the new-
ccmer--how to ride the subway.
We have inferred in our title that subway rid-
ing is an art. And to this the uninitiated will no
doubt cry in scornful derision, "How absurd!" Yet
any real New Yorker will testify that with one sys~
tem alone carrying over two million passengers a
day, subway riding has of necessity been reduced
to an exact science. Underground travel does not
consist of merely entering a car andl disembarking
again when your station is reached. There is a far
gicater technique embodied therein. In these days
of higher education it is a lamentable fact that
there is absolutely no instruction being given in
this important art. It is a subject of such great
magnitude that only its rudimentary principles can
be given here. What is said must not be taken to
reflect in any way on the management for it is do-
ing the best it can with the facilities at its disposal.
Once inside you are confronted with your second
problem, that of finding the right train to take.
You see about you many signs urging you to "fol-
low the green line" or "follow the black line" for
such and such a destination. Full of hope and with
the best of intentions, you start out to follow one
of these twisted and tortuous lines painted on the
roof, to its logical end but invariably you soon be-
come hopelessly lost. But do not become dis-
couraged. Remember Rome was not built in a day
and console yourself with the thought that you are
not the only ignorant one. Legend has it that only
one man ever solved the problem of following these
lines but one day while he was demonstrating his

the right train platform where your third great
problem awaits you.
A long' train glides in and comes to a stop. End
and side doors fly open. The battle to enter is now
on. It is important that you station yourself well
up in front of the crowd of several hundred people
iwho will be trying to enter the same car that you
have selected. Thus you will be carried in by the
force of the irresistible mass behind you. If you
are so unfortunate as to be on the outer edge of this
crowd, the task ahead of you may well be compared
to one of the labors of Mr. Hercules. You may
even think it far greater. With the aid of an ath-
letic packer, who donates several vigorous, com-
pressive heaves, you will probably at last manage
to get inside the car-at least the essential part
will be there. To be sure you may leave behind a
few coat buttons and whatever packages you were
carrying, but these trifles do not matter and are
soon forgotten when you realize that you are really
in the car and speeding toward your destination.
The fourth rroblem encountered is that of how
to conduct yourself within the car. In the first
place you should be prepared to stand in a space
about one-third as large- as your feet normally oc-
cupy, generally located on some other person 's feet.
When about to leave the car the problem of picking
out your own pair of feet may cause some worry,
but this is a minor difficulty and need not be dis-
cussed here. Also you need not worry about eti-
quette, for it is commonly held that there is no
room in the subway in which to be polite.
During the journey you should keep your mind
occupied so as to relieve the strain of any discom-
fort you may be experiencing. Talking, while not
prohibited, is extremely difficult owing to the noise
made by the train and only those who have a strong
larynx should attempt it. There are, however, sev-
eral things that you may do with safety. Reading a
newspaper is a very popular diversion. With a little
practice you will soon learn to fold it so as to be
able to read the Bedtime story at least, in spite of

absorbed in his newspaper while a rather stout lady
swaying from a strap handle in tront of him glow-
ers down. If you are of a mathematical turn of
mind it will be interesting to figure out just how
long it will be before the T. B. M. gives up the
struggle. You can also use your sense of smell to
good advantage. The ultimate in this direction will
be ' reached when you become wedged in between
several Slavic gentlemen who have just dined heart-
ily on that hardy, bulbous, perennial, big brother
to the onion, the garlic!
In the route traversed there are several curves
in the track which cause the car to give a sudden
pronounced sway. Experience will teach you just
where these curves are and you can tell your lo-
cation by them. In case you have fallen asleep they
will also serve as an alarm clack. Until you master
these details you should keep one hand on a strap
handle at all times. If by chance you should lose
your balance entirely and so be thrown on to a
passenger, try and use a little discretion as to the
person on whom you fall. Failure to observe this
rule has been known to lead to painful results.
The last obstacle to be overcome is that of get-
ting out of the car when your station is reached.
The only way to prevent incoming passengers from
charging in at once and pushing you back into the
car is to tap them smartly on the head with a stout
club. Then you will be able to walk out over their
bodies in comparative ease. Rather than elect such
extreme measures you will usually choose to be
carried on to the next stop. When this happens
repeat slowly nineteen times, "Great things are
never accomplished without some suffering." Fol-
low this with the thought that there is never any
-great loss without some small gain, the gain in this
case being that you will have the opportunity of
taking a fine brisk walk back in the fresh air, a
supply of which you will be sorely in need of lr
this time.
Now comes the test to determine whether or
not you are fitted to continue the study of the un-
gentle art of subway riding. If, on the morning

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