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May 10, 1925 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-05-10

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MAY 10, 1925



The War Works Havoc With Student Life In
Jugoslavia; Politics' Also Have Influence



Mr. Angell Reports Again

Valentine Views Straw Hats

The war has made great changes in
thf student life of Jugoslavia. Jovan
Skerlich, a Serbian historian, and late
professor of the university of Bel-
grade, tells us, in his works, of the
youth literature in all Jigoslav pro-
vinces. He characterizes the earlier
generations as idealistic and enthu-
siastic, and ready to make reforms in
all, branches of national life. They
had their organization first in Vienna,
when Serbia was under Turkish dom-
ination. Then the center of the Ser-
bian youth was in Budapest. Later
on-, in the middle of the 19th century,
th1 center removed to the city of
Novi Sad. From that city, the center
of' activities was transferred to the
citjy of Belgrade, in the second half
of the 19th century. These movements
htd been caused more or less, by
political forces.
At each of the above mentioned
censters the Serbian youths had their
Publications, in the form of news-
papers or reviews. The publications
abounded in information regarding
the development of science, of litera-
tuie and political movements, and all
affairs directly or indirectly helping
the. progress of the Jugoslav nation.
Aimong the best leaders of the Jugo-
slav youth will be found the names
ofttose who played important roles
in'social and literary life of the South
SIavonic people. Here are Vuk Ste-
falovich, Yarney Kopitar, Lyudevit
CA. Living in the age of general
E opean romantic movements, these
me have been influenced by French
an Russian romanticists, and their l
Work formed the basis -on which the !
literary movements later on were
bu it by the younger generation.. A
wl 1e series of poets and novelists
fo bwed the first three leaders, and,
ac prding to the name of the first
m tioned here, the youth was usually
ca ned the "Vukova Omladina", (Youth
of Vuk.) These generations made
groat reforms; I linguistic, political,
ani social. For about fifty years Ser-
bij{ made greater progress under the
in lence of these movements than
otl er states could have made for hun-
dr s of years.
ji the beginning of the 19th cen-
tt4vy, Serbia was a "tabula rasa." It'
ws ruled for more than 400 years by
the Turks. The social life in those
dats was dead. The Serbian youth
did snot exist because it was Islamized,
an many of them transformed into

Janissaries. The full independence, ized their own capacities. Never be-I That the cultural background of our
but only for one part of the country, fore, in that little country, has the incoming freshmen is mediocre, that,
begins after the Berlin Congress 01 youth of a generation possessed, on a their economic status is high and that
1878, when most of the Balkan States similar scale, so extensive an experi- they tend to come from the larger
became independent c1 Turkish rule. ence. It is natural and, inevitable, communities are the conclusions
When we speak of Serbian youth as that these new conditions should bear drawn from an investigation carried
independent politically, we really some fruit. The Jugoslav youths onrlast fall under the direction of Dr.
should speak of the generation after have been forced to question, and in Robert C. Angell of the sociology de-
1878. When Serbia was liberated and many cases, to discard the religion of partment. Recent compilation of the
became independent, the youth had their fathers. facts obtained from interviewing 50
opportunity to develop its intellectual They have seen idleness, peculation, freshmen selected at randomdiscloe
and spiritual forces, to participate greed, anger, hatred, malice, and all some interesting facts regarding their
more freely in the political life of the such uncharitableness, unmasked and early environment. Doctor Angell has'
fatherland, and to issue all kinds of rampant and unashamed. They have prepare the result in such a way as
publications. Being liberated from been forced to live in an atmosphere to show the averages and pencentages
the Turkish oppression, the first duty of the despairing pagan, crying "Let in each case.
of Serbian independent youth was to us eat and drink, for tomorrow we The report shows that six percent

only is a college graduate, 5 percent
come from homes in which the mother
only is a college graduate and 5 per-
cent come from homes in which both
the father and the mother are college1
graduates. In the families where the
father only is a college graduate it
was found that the students make as
poor a showing in a cultural way as
the students who come from homes in
which neither of the parents are col-
lege graduates. This was shown byl
the fact that 40 percent of the latterf
class read between 20 to 70 books
each year as compared with 27 percent
of the former class. He also found
that the mother has more effect upon
ihn ,1f r nlaaih f h hl -o

As most of us know, spring comes
every year. Not only that, but with it
comes perhaps the greatest problem
that the collegiate gentleman has to
face. Just when shall he wear his
straw hat. For many years this prob-
lem was so vital that someone ap-
pointed a committee to look into theI
matter. Just what was the right timeI
to wear the new hat, and how could
one know that when the right time ar-
rived everyone else would know it,
was the right time and wear his hat,
thus making the action unanimous,
and saving the man from much em-
barrassment? This was the great
problem which faced this committee.
But the committee wa. more than

sually hot sun this summer. The
same authority declares that pajamas
and Swiss hats are going to be quite
the rage. Just what a Swiss straw
hat is, is not quite clear, but you
had better get one anyway. A yodel
and a bar of chocolate will make the
outfit complete.
All the prominent men on the cam-
pus, when interviewed yesterday were
unanimous in declaring strongly that
they intended to wear new straw
head pieces next Friday. Each of
them, however, modestly requested
that their names be omitted from the
article. So we are not using them,
but they are all-the big men and swell

come in contact with the South Sla- die." And so, naturally, they ate and
vonic youth, under the Austrian and drank and were merry. They have
Hungarian domination, and that is seen the rottenness and shortcoming
what they really did. They came into of all governments, even the best and
connection with the Croatian and most stable. They have seen the so-
Slovenian youth. cial system overthrown, such as the
There had been artiffciai mnstiga- feudalistic systems of Russia, Ger-
tions and intrigue, from Austrian of- hy and Austria-Hungary. In short-
ficial sources, to separate the South they have seen the inherent beastli-
Slavonic youth from each other, and ness of the human race revealed in a
this intrigue lasted all during the 19th infernal apocalypse.
century, arrd even after. But, after The present youth of Jugoslavia is
all, the Jugoslav youth awakened and forced to staggering problems. They
was able to resist all such machina- 9re working day and night to solve
tions. Many times their articulate ex- them. A keen interest in political
pression was suppressed, even by Ser- and social problems and the determin-
bian reactionary governments, espec- ation to face the facts of life, ugly or
ially those governments under the beautiful, characterizes them, as they
dynasty of Obrenovich, but these have did not charleterize generations be-
been only temporary phases of the fore the World War. These concern
general movement. The youth was all three classes of the Jugoslay
really the leader of political life in the youths, the college youths ,the un
South Slavonic countries. It seems to versity youths, and the youths of bus!-'
me that governments did not exist to ness calling. They especially con-
facilitate the movement and to help cern the college and university stu-
the youths, but to suppress their as- dents who are organized into societies,
pirations, and after a few decades generally known as "druzhina", (so-
they usually followed in the footsteps ciety.) Every college in Jugoslavia
which were designated by the youth. has a society, generally literary,
Such was the life in Jugoslavia be-( named not by the Greek initial, as in
fore the war. America, but by such names as "Prog-
After the world war, we find great ress", "Brotherhood". "Jugoslavia",
changes. / All the Jugoslav newspap- "Slavia", "Hope", etc.
ers, today, emphatically declare the In these societies they discuss most-
present youth is too realistic and, that ly literary questions, but in troubled r
is true. The reasons are simple. times they discuss even political prob-
During the war hundreds and thous- lems. If they decide to strike or de-
ands of youngsters were to see the mand anything from the school ad-
terrible realities of life to which their ministration, they usually initiate
elders never even approached in their such decisions in these societies. They
more peaceful and sheltered youth. are not secret, but they are not al-
Within five or six years the Jugoslavs ways favored by the educational an-
compressed the experience of as many thorities, especially when they have'
decades. They have borne the burden rebellious tendencies and when they'
of great responsibilities, they have spread disouedience to the authorities
taken bold initiative8, they have real- among the students. There are great
---- advantages to young people in these
- societies of Jugoslavia, especially in
the spring and summer. Arrange-1
ments are usually made for excur-
Isions to the country, where they come
versiy Bosin contact and make acquaintances
with various types of people and their{
customs. These excursions helpl
thom to know their country' and to

of the entering students read no te cultural education or thite chidre U"1 ' LU11 '-'was m re Man dressers. hmemers of the laculy,
in ,.
magazine regularly, 41 percent eaddthan does the father. Why the chil- ,equal to the situation. It decided that when interviewed, were more conser-
one typ o fmagazine regularly, 4ren of parents who are college grad- i May 15th of each year was the fitting vative in their statements. Several
perctypread two types regularly, 7 uates do not rate as high as those and proper time for men to don the; of them, however, flatly stated that
percent whose mother only is a colleg6 grad- I summer covering. That any man who they intend to conform wih the stu-
percent read three types regularly uate was unexplainable to Doctor did not appear with a straw hat on dent opinion in the matter.
while but 0.2 percent read four types Angell. that date was committing a faux pas. "This will tend to bring about a
of magazines with any degree of reg-
ularigy O thse 34. erent read In determining the economic status Thus it has come about that all closer harmony between the faculty
fiction magazines only, 81 percent of the students Doctor Angell used a mankind changes to straw chapeaux and the student body; a much needed
read at least one fiction magazine reg- unique method in determining his re- on the same day every year. Quite E step," one of them declared. Most' of
ularly, 12.2 percent read critical or suits. Using the automobile invest- ingenious, you must admit. For the women in the leading sorority
literary magazines, 31 percent read in- ment, roughly arrived at, as a crit- those interested in statistics, it should '-houses stated, when asked for an
formational magazines, such as the erion he found that 19.8 percent of the be stated that the 15th of May falls on opinion, that they heartily fa~vored the
Literary Digest, and 16.2 percent read families from which students comeI a Friday this year, and that Friday is action, and that they would personally
mechanical magazines, own no automobile, 18.2 percent own coming toward the end of this week. see to it that their gentlemen friends
mWith regard to books, Doctor Angell' automobiles ranging in value from The implication is obvious. You conformed with the dictum of the com-
found that the medium students reads $400 to $800, 46 percent own automo- should wear your new hat this Fri- 'mittee.
about 18 books each year. He also biles ranging in value from $800 to day. Or if you haven't one you should Military and naval authorities in
found that the incoming students cul- $2200 while 15.4 percent own auto- purchase same immediately, if not Washington refused to comment, as
tural background is related definitely mobiles whose value exceeds '$2200. sooner. Those who are in charge of did the President and the Department
this event state that should it rain on of State. Local police officials gave
which these students come. Seventy munity from which the studentse comes that day, the following day will do their sanction, providing that no dis-
seven percent of students come from it was found that 2.6 percent of thellust as well. In fact better if you order ensued.
I I have a new hat. I In short, everyone seems. bighly in
homes in which neither of the parents ,tudents live in the open or farming.,
..As to what kind of hat you shouldi favor of the movement and there
are college graduates. 12.4 percent country, 12.8 percent live in towns Ast;htkn fhtyusol ao ftemvmn n hr
core fom hoges rawuat h , h12.4 hernt county12poulationtofhessnthanswear, we have it on the very best au- seems to be little doubt but that straw
come from homes in which the father ving a population of less thanI thority that the newest thing is a hat will be generally worn next Fri-
2,500, 14.8 percent live in towns whose slightly broader brim and a slightly day unless it rains. Then they will
1 populaion isnarrower2,crown. eEvidently the hat Tbe worn Saturday.
lack the means of proper physical 000. 18 percentlive in towns betwee narrower crown. y
education. They are sometimes over- manufacturers are anicipating an un--Valentine
with school subjects and 10,000 and 25,000, 20 .2 percent come u
burdened wt colsbet nfrom cities whose population is be-aal'I!Ihfiil ilf lh~i#III1 I:1uII 1 1D18u1uu1 g1EE~hEIIEINuiflnlla
have not much time for football, dasne- ss ;
ing, or any similar masqueraping. I tween 25.000 and iO,000, tO percent
is noticeable that in Jugoslvia,be e in cities beteen 100,000 and
fore the War, the universities did not 000hilet20 perceethlie incities
have more than 500 to 1000 students. Doctor Angell then found that thereaN
Since'the War, the number of students i rt s b een
is rapidly increasing every year. The Ite e fite remminsip betweech
smaller universities, like those in Za- the size fothe communitytin which_ W
greb, Skopilye, 'Lyublyana, and Som- h tdn ie n h xett l
gr.have kbewe 1y000an, d .000 st which the student's family invested in
bor, have ietween 1,000 and 2;000 stu- m slis lt
dens~wiletheuniersty f Blgrdeautomobiles. The average investment!,
dents, ,he the universityof Belgrade1 per family living in the farming com-a Ihisis the time to order your supply
has about 8,000 students. Before the munity is $676.92, the average for
SWar, te s a d n s h families living in cities whose popu-,or next Season
only 1,000. Most of these institutions lationis from 2500 to 100,000 is $1,200
are lacking in accommodations. They while the average investment per
have no libraries no dormitories, and family living in cities of over 100,000 is
none of those facilities which we find
$i.7. 1Ile as a i i4"Ev r
in England or America. cent of the student's famiiesgowned ykind of good fuel.
Nevertheless, the ways of French their own homes while 4.8 percent
and Anglo-Saxon influences in' educa- Live in apprtU"s htaste e
tion are felt in all parts of Jugoslavia. v . n o e t r
If thedifferences in language did not luaining 15.2 percent live in rented;j yc- r nw i B
houses. Although this seems to indi- Office-CornwellBlc
separate the American'and the Jugo te that the families from which stu-
slav youths, it is certain that more dents come are of the better class the"f
than half of the program of American report shows that they are riot ex-
college education'"would be acceptedyy.
byteI othad te tiremely wealthy because 83.2 percent W P I VIA 55
by the Jugoslav youths, and they of the families employ no servants, 1ones4 1 and 4455
would prefer the pragmatic and real, 102 per cent have one servant, 4.
jistic training to the present classical percent employ two, 1.6 percent o7
education which is still prevailing in the families employ three while butin
Jugoslavia . 0.4 percemnt employ four servants. "iv
(Copyright 1924 by C. S. Haight, Jr.) Corresponding to this he found that 118
81 percent of the students have work- I
11,ed during the past two summers, S
percent have worked duri'; YC-
summer while 11 percent have done-'
no work at all. Of these over half B - $_ _
uhave done manual labor rather than
1 aisured (Continued on Page Twelve) Read The D
our barbers o oooo c



Another Unit

4ne of the most certain successes in contained the two popular compost grasp the patriotic ideals better than
thq : field of modern musicar comedy tions, "Dinkey-Bird" and the "Japa- they would do without such societies
corlposition during recent years has nese Love Song." The former con- and such excursions.
be'n achieved by Abraham J. Gorney, sisted of an original musical setting There are not many developments
'17 19L, who under the name of Abra- for Eugene Field's poem of t he same of athletic societies in Jugoslavia,
hail Gornetsky left a decided impres- name. not because the students do not like
sion-kpon University musical activi- Mr. Gorney studied musical theory athletic exercises, hut because they
ties. His student days were distin- and composition at the University
guished by a particularly unusual at- with Dr. Albert Stanley and Prof.
tainment in musical hits for the Union sarl tuV Moore. He afterwards took
operas and other campus productions. up the study of law, but upon his
While at Michigan Mr. Gorney wrote graduation from that school the urge
the books for the following Michigan of his musicaldtalents was so insi Y oufee
Union* operas : "All That Glitters",I tent thatlie decided to devote his U c
"Tres Rouge", "Fools' Paradise", energies to that field for a year before
"Come on Dad", and collaborated on settling down to the practice of law.
bet's Go." i On his artival -in ,New York, heTa
"e's o h was staged in came to the attention of J. J. Shubert, That all of
1 "Tres.Rouge wiictio o tales -from whom he received immediate
1916 under the direction of Charles recognition. He was forthwith coin-
oraJr., contains what is perhaps freoitin -cwsfotwt on
Morgan, i missioned to write the score for tlh are e:
Mr. Gorney's most important work in forthcoming Winter Garden produc-
the field of amateur entertainment, tion. While under contract with the
including as it does the two song suc- Shuberts hecollaborated on several
cesses, "Men of Maize and Blue" and musical comedies, among the most I
"Out in My Old Town Canoe." Of the successful of. which were the "anc- A r ad e 1
former an early issue of the Daily ing Girl", tw.o-editions of the pcreii-l
says, "it is the biggest hit of the show, nial "Passing Show", and "Artists 6'NiCkel'
and is almost certain to be one of the and Models." ]
most popular songs of. Michigan stu- i This year Mr. Gorney wrote the
dents." Mr. Gorney also directed the music for the "Gireenwich Village
orchestra for this production. Follies", "Top Hole", the Ritz R.eview,,____
Among others of this composer's and the last edition of "Artists and
better known songs are "There Are Models." At the present time he is
No Tears", ''Back Again at Michigan", engaged in composing the music for
"Fairy Princess", "Marry Me Mary", three musical comedies which are to'
and "Blue-Book Blues.' He also wrote be produced in the fall. They are the
the music and had charge of the or- new editions of the "Greenwich Fol- f
cliestra for the Cosmopolitan club's lies", a play" for the Shuberts, and a
production, the "Magic Carpet", which revue for Earl Carroll.,
The tnemory
0fyour Spring Small Overs
House Party by
and Botld
Having Lyndon
Photograph your group. Have recently
three covers-Str
Taupe, Denim,D
Roomy, yet not l
For Sulk by


3arber Shop
S Arcade
i 1 ,rl
tuffed Chairs
.oir Chairs
rrived. Choice of
ipe Brown Sateen,
3.00 - $36.00





y9 y 9
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