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May 10, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-05-10

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Sir !3f

4::D a t 11



No. 162







>ect Hard Contest Between Snyder
And Hubbard In High
Michigan will enter ijs first Con-
once track meet of the outdoor sea-
and- the f. ° Conference dual meet
;he year at 2:30 o'clock this after-
n when the Ohio State track team
invade Ferry field..
oach Steve Farrell will enter a
ad of 37 athletes in today's affair'
rder that' he may see every possi-
point winner in action with the
z of selecting the team to meet the
ng Illini squad next week-end, and
Wolverines will be up to full
ngth. Ohio will also be at its
and will send a group of brilliantI
formers into the meet. This will3
be the firsttConference meet ofC
outdoor season for the Buckeyes,
ough they won a dual meet from,
o Wesleyan last weekend in their'
t appearance as a team on the
. Varsity Small
Dth teams will be forced to rely
good individual performances to
points today. Michigan has a
11 squad this year and only 15
hhe men who are entering today's
t for the Wolverines have been!
istent point winners so far this I
Ohio will also depend on a
11 number of high class performers
halk up points enough for a vie-t
and t will be a question whether
h1an' will nroduce enough more

Wolverines Now Seeking To Keep Up
Winning Streak; Second Game
With Purple

Fully realizing the importance of
remaining undefeated, Michigan's dia-
mond squad left Ann Arbor late last
night for Evanston, where the Wolver-
ines will encounter the Northwestern
nine today for the second time this
'lihe Michigan nine spent a merry
afternoon when they met the Purple
in the first contest, smothering Coach
Kent's squad under an avalanche of
hits and winning 13-0. The losers
aided in the scoring spree by booting
fielding chances at inopportune mo-
The Purple showed considerable
strength in their early games, but
seem in the midst of a losing spellat
the present time. However, should
Northwestern receive the calibre of
pitching they received in their early
games, Michigan should find the go-I
ing a bit hard.
Coach Fisher has decided to send
Pete Jablonowski on the mound in
today's contest, reserving Benson and
Stryker for the more crucial games
which follow. Jablonowski worked!
all the way against khe Purples in the!
first game, and although he allowed{
many hits, he managed to keep them4
scattered and get a credit for a shut-
out victory.
The remainder of the squad will

to take


take their regular positions in the
field, with Wilson at first, Giles at
second, Dillman at shortstop, Hag-
gerty at. third, Bachman, Kipke and
j Steger in the outer gardens anda
Blott behind the plate.
Kipke has been in -a batting slump
since the Coaferencegatne8 hae been
under way, but ;it is --expected, thahej
fleetfilelder will get into hisregular
stride today. Bachman, who hit well

1'° +,r
' '

New Editors A t" IL
MeetingToday SL ITORS
The Board in Control of Student
to make the appointments of the man- PRES SC NVENTION
aging editors and business managers.
of the campus publications under its SPEAKS ON HUMAN INTEREST
jurisdiction. The men who will dir- IN SECOND DAY'S
ect the Gargoyle, Chimes, Athletic SESSIONS
Program,, Summer Daly, and The
Daily for 1924-25 will be announced E
in The Daily tomorrow morning. ELECTION OF OFFICERS
Each man named will choose his TO CLOSE GATHERING
own assistants, the upper staff of
each publication being announced at Will Adjourn At- 10 O'clock To View
the annual All-publications banquet, Ohio State-Michigan
which is to be held at the Union May Trc eet
14. More than 300 invitations have a
been sent out by the board for that Talks by Donal Hamilton Haines,
banquet, at wh-ich time Dr. Robert editor of the Michigan Alumnus, and
Bridges, poet-laureate of England Rev. Herbert A. Jump, pastor of the
will give the main address. Congregational church, featured the
morning -session of the second day
MeI conferences of the Michigan Intersh-
Tolastc- Press association yesterday at
MO H RS RO6R the Union. TIhe,'sessins were occup-
ied for the greater part with the dis-
di-cussion of problem' which confront
the high school editors and business
With the opening of the assembly
Festivities To Start Wth Banquet the convention divided into discussion
In Union At 5:14 groups which were led by members
O'clock of the faculty and men working on I
students publications. Fred E. Gil-
EDDIE GUEST WILL SPEAK ner, '24, spoke to those interested in
AT TOMORROW'S SERVICES annuals, David Bramble,1'25, monthly
journals, Harold Hut, ' 23, business
managers, Prof. J. L. Brumm, faculty
The Mothers' Day program will be- advisers, George Stracke, '24, adver-
gin this afternoon when a large num- tising, and Ralph L. Smith, '24, small
ber of mothers will be taken on cam- school papers.
pus tours by student guides. The Haines Talks
week-end events, which are being con- Speaking on "The Human Inter-
ducted under the auspices of the Stu- I est Appeal,"Mr. Haines talked on this
dent Christian association,. will con- matter from the editor point of view
tinme through today and tomorrow instead of that of the writer. He stat-
Following the campus tours this af- ed that there were four angles to be
ternoon, a banquet will be held at the considered, the estabhisiment and
Union in honor of the mothers. Be- maintenance of rion-fiction and fiction,
ginning at 5:15 o'clock, the banquet the necessity of studying the tastes of
program will.last until a full program the public, the value of illustrationsJ
of numbers all designed for the par- in both fiction and non-fiction, anil
ents, are given. Orchestra music, the make-up as an important factor
songs and talks are the features of the in the human interest appeal.
iogranl re Mr. Jason Cowles, editor of Toasted
Iionel Crocker, of tose public speak- Rolls, and Robert A. 3rown, corres-l
ing depar tmet fis to speak for theac- pondent for the Detroit News .also
ilty men. A representative will also spoke at the morning session. The
talk for the faculty women. Harold relation between the faculty adviser
Steele, '2&E, will act as the toastmas- andthe staff was the.main topic of thet
t kFc the- banquet. -Elura H-arvey, afternoon. ,discussions which" opened
'~ 'il ,speak for the University wo at 1 o'clock. Mr. S. S. Fshbane, ad-i
men and6Donamld nWilliam, 125L, will' visor at Detroit Central high Ischool
repres entie tte Uivrsiy-en.sopened the session with afewwords
SG cal. serices at aldth'e chirhes " Froim the ,Ad~iser's ;Point of Viw."
hat beep- arrauged through -the- ef- "Folling this talk .adiscussion fro I-
foits of Wljjiams -or tomorrow morn- i the students' point of .view on these i
ing, A tspecial,- ierityiservice will r-niatters was led by Miss Mary Eaton
Iae -held t. -3Fo'clock tomorrow under of G~and Rapids.
the -auspicesof the Student AChristian Attend Tu
association in Hill auditorium. -Eddie Lawrence I. Favrot,-business man-
Quest, Detroit noet will speak at the Lager of The Daily spokeon-thesub I
services, while seial music and oh jectr of "Making it Pay" at 2:30 o'
er attractions will also form part of clock. He suggested to the delegates
the program. The services will ter- the amount of advertising, subscript-
minate the week-end of events. ions, the proper rates to be charged, 1
Those who care to make a general [ a budget and accounting system, nec-
tour of the campus under the student i essary to h-igh school papers.
guides will meet at Lane hall after 1 The meeting was adjourned to allow
lunch today. By arrangement with the representatives to attend the
the University, Clements library, the sophomore-freshmen tug-of-war across
Union, and Hill auditorium will be the Huron River. Last night they
open for inspection, were the guests of the management of
Information concerning any event the Majestic theatre.
of the program may be secured by tel- The convention will close with a
ephoning 823 or 1693. business session at 8 o'clock this
C morning when the officers for the
WC0 L LIawarding of cups for the best publi-
UIJU cations will be made. The meeting!
owill be adjourned at 10 o'clock to al-
H Sow the delegates to attend the Spring
Games at. Ferry field. This afternoon
they will be the guests of the Athlet-
Returns by play and by inning of ic association at the Michigan-Ohio
the Michigan-Northwestern baseball State track meet.,

Monday Set Asat' yFo
R egistration
In order to allow those students
who were unable to register on Thurs-
day or Friday to do so before the
elections Tuesday, the Student Coun-
cil has extended registration until 4
o'clock Monday afternoon. Booths will
again open on the campus at 9 o'clock
Monday. Students who intend to vote
will have to make out their registra-
cion cards before closing time as Mon-
day will be their last chance.
It is not necessary to have paid
class dues in order to register. The'
purpose of registration is to afford a
means of checking up on voters to
see that they do not hand in other
than their own ballot in the elections.
This registration list is kept on file
alphebetically and the ballots are
checked up with it in the count.


Contestants Will Meet at 8:30
And Go Directly To
Ferry Field

O'clock 114

Appear at Health
Injuries; Some



Commends Speakers
High Quality Of


John H. Elliott, '26, with his oration
entitled "Present Problems Demand
Present Character," won the second
annual Atkinson Memorial Oratprical
contest which was held last night
in University hall. The prize awarded
the winner was a gold medal and a
cash prize of fifty dollars. The se-
cond prize of twenty-five dollars, was1
awarded to Lillian McEachern, '24,1
for her oration, on "The Spirit of1
Youth." J. J. Rosent'al, '26, wasf
given 'honorable mention for his
"Culture Our Last Hope."
The Atkinson prizes are provided
by lyr. Orie Atkinson of Battle Creek
as a meniorial to his son, Maurice,
a former student of the class of 1922,
who was killed in an automobile acci-
dent just before commencement week
of 1522.I
Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood of the
public speaking department, who
acted as chairman o-fthe contest, com-
plimented the- speakers highly, and'
expressed satisfaction in , the high
quality.of oratory evinced inr the com-
petition. Members . of the publicE
speaking department acted as judges.

Obstacle races, a cane spree, and a
rope tying contest starting at 9 o'clock
this morning will end up the 1924
Spring games ,of which the tug-of-
war yesterday was a part. By virtue
of winning yesterday's contest, the
freshmen captured two of the five
points possible, and it will be neces-
sary for the sophomores to take every
contest today to win the games.
No contestant wearing other than
tennis shoes will be allowed to- com-
pete in today's events, James Rice,
'24, chairman of the games,_ stated
yesterday. This ruling is made neces-
sary by the danger to contestants
resulting from hard shoes in rough
and tumble events such as the rope
tying contest.
More obstacles than have ever been
used in any previous race will be
employed in the obstacle race today,
officials announced yesterday. The
obstacles in addition to the usual
barrels and walls, will include teeter- i
totter boards which the runner must
climb, and others.
(Continued on Page Two)
Sigma Xi Admits 45 Undergni datef
And Graduates As. Associate
Initiation and speeches follo ed the
-banquet given 'by the local chapter of
Sigma Xi at the Union-last night. Th'e
national executive committee members;
of the association were honor guests.
Initiation ceremonies were held for
two faculty members, six graduates,'
and one honorary guest, who were,
taken into full membership, and for
twenty-one graduates and twenty-four
undergraduates who were made as-
sociate members..
The presiding officer for the even-
ing was Dr. A. S. Warthin, president
of the local chapter. His introduct-
ory speech dealt with the changing
position of men of science. "Today
science rules the university curricul-
um," he said. "Since the war some
antagonism has returned for people
bear antagonism'against science, due
to the desire to return to mysticism,
1nd tnr bnI k#n rlfin i lifa


Green paint ruled tr
when the freshmen pulled
mores across the Huron in
in the annual tug-of-wai
afternoon. A crowd that
banks' of the river on
watqhed the yearlings,
nunmbering their opponent:
tory in the shortest con
kind on record here for se
Starting with the gun,
ing freshmen obtained a
vantage that made short v
contest. It was estimate
winning side outnumbered
mores by four to one, an
the green covered contes
forced to wade into the r
tan a hold on the rope.
contests, the sides were e(
preliminary weighing of m
free-for-all system was a
year, allowing anyone wht
pull to take part.
14 Injured
Numerous injuries result
pull, 14 patients having r
the Unfersity service for
yesterday. Mortimer Neff,
knocked unconscious by a 1
head and taken to the Univ
pital, Hubert McHenry ,'2'
treated there for a, badly
hand, and 12 freshmen r
the health service for min
and bruises.
Neff was iniured d hen n



jump and-the pole tault and probab-
ly the broad jump and will -be sure to-
win places in the shot put, the javel-
in throw and the hammer throw.
Good Race ExpeOted -'
One of the most interesting and
most hotly contested races in today's
meet should be that between Hubbard
of Michigan and Captain Snyder of
Ohio in the high hurdles. Hubbard
has run the race in :15 flat while Sny-
der has been one of the outstanding
hurdlers in the West for two years,
and took first in the Penn relays last
month. Michigan will also haveAub-
rey entered in the highs and he to-
gether with Loomis will be entered in
the 220 yard lows. Guthrie and Wil-!
son will be Ohio's other entries in the
hurdle events. Due to Les Wittman's
injury, Higgins, Goldwater, and Fen
singer will be Michigan's only entries
in the two dash events. Ohio'will
have Donovan -as the best bet inbe -
century race and Connell as it's best
performer in the 220. Kukeleik of
Ohio will be another entry in both of
the dashes.I
The quarter mile promises to be a
struggle between Waid and Lue of
Ohio and Charlie Reinke of Michigan.
The Buckeye runners will probably do
around :50 if the track-is not too'soggyE
and can do about the same time. Ad-
mirers of Michigan's great half-milerf
claim that he will be a better 440
yard runner than he was a half miler
and Steve Farrell thinks that he will
do around :49 before the season is
over. Bill Roesser and Purdy will al-
so run the quarter and probably fight
it out with Lue for the third place.
Roesser was also a half-miler during
the indoot season and will run his
first quarter mile race in Conference
competition today.
(Continued on Page Six)
Hamilton Pupils
Make 1npression
In Vocal Recitals'

on th& trip, has also been in a slump,
failing'to hit; t all in the,,three; Big
Ten contests played, but the left
fielder seems about due, judging fromI
his work 'in the past few practice
"The Supreme Court of the United
States is today in more confusion due
to conflict of laws than any court in
the country," declared Gustavus Oli-
linger, '02L, author and practicing at-
torney at the Law Review dinner
last night in the Union..
Regent Ralph Stone, '92, told of=
some of his experiences as an under-
graduate at Ann Arbor, and of the,
requirements for entrance to the law
schools 30 years ago.

US uLLa1.ce, o t Ui antU
struc4, hire . o the! 'head:
extent ,of his injury is n
Sophomores, bp4 propared
as ~#,,precautionary measur
contes, ba yifg tie tMim
therrun, bt the -unexpect
of the freshmen broke the
mediately..- ., : .
Following -the- contest,
marched to,:lill auditori
pictures were taken. of t
The sophomores, 'who ari
planned to disperse the f
turning a fire hose upon t
the hose from the Natu
building. Committee offici
the return of the hose with
results, however.
Two points go to the
score for the Spring gam,
ning the tug-of-war, the
maining points to be awa
games today.

Athletic Program
To Appear Today

Programs will be distributed for the game this afternoon at Evanston will
Ohio State-Michigan track meet this be broadcast by The Daily from sta-
afternoon at Ferry Field. The pro- tion WCBC beginning at 2:30 o'clock.
grams will contain pictures of the j In addition all events of the track
captains, coaches, and several of the meet on Ferry field will be reported
outstanding stArs of the meet. In ad- as soon as run off and the final re-
dition, statistics from past meets and sults of the tennis match and Spring
records for each event, with places games will be announced.
to keep the scores of the meet, have A direct wire to Evanston will bring
been included in the program. each play in the baseball gamey-to sta-
The booklet will sell for ten cents. , tion WCBC within a few seconds aft-

Stock Will Lead
Rehearsal Here
Frederick Stock, conductor of the
Chicago Symphony orchestra will be
in Ann Arbor tomorrow afternoon to
rehearse with the University Choral
Union, the numbers which they are to
sing at the coming May Festival. This
is the only opportunity before the
week of the Festival which Mr. Stock
will have to rehearse with the chorus,
Sand a full attendance is required. The
rehearsal will begin at 3:45 o'clock;


Presenting their graduation recitals
st night in the auditorium of the,
chool of Music, Mr. Julius Neihaus,
asso, and Miss Isabelle. Cummings,
oprano, pupils of James Hamilton,
oth of whom studied under him in
hicago, made a profound impression
n the large audience gathered to
ear the concert. Mr. Neihaus is
ossessed of a splendid bass voice,
ich and colorful, which he uses with
onsiderable emotional and drama-

er it has occurred. It will then be re- 1
layed at once on the air. A similar
wire to Ferry field will keep the list-
eners in touch with every mark made
in the Ohio State-Michigan dual track
Exhibit Electric
Locomotive Here
Emphasizing the convenience,,
speed, and constant application of
power to the wheels in electrical lo-
comotives, Walter C. Marshall, head
of maintenance of the electrical lo-
comotive of the Chicago, Milwaukee'
and St. Paul railway yesterday after-
noon asserted that sort of locomotion
would develop considerably in the
future, at a lecture-demonstration at
the exhibit held at the Michigan Cen-

Two names will be added to the bal-
lot Tuesday to be voted on for presi-
dency of the Union, Thomas J. Lynch,
'24L, announced yesterday. William
J. Wilkins, '25L, and Thomas H. Cav-
anaugh. '24, were nominated by pe-
tition for that office.
Two nominees for the law vice-
presidency by petition were also re-
ceived. These men will also be voted
on at the election. They are Carl
E. Enggas, '25L, and Arthur M. Smith,
'26L. Two. men were also picked by
the Union nominating committee to
replace. the two nominees who with-
drew their names recently. Burton
I E. Hyde, 25M, and Homer H. Stryker,
'25M, were selected.
. Hyde was also nominated for ;the:
office by petition.

Washington, May 9.-Senate demo-'
crats retained their income tax sched-
ule in the revenue bill today against
two determined assaults by the Re-
publican organization as the meas-
uare was whipped into shape for final
passage tomorrowt Before adjourn-M
ment agreement was reached to con-
clude debate on the bill by tomorrow
Republicans offered two compromis-
es on the Mellon, sur tax rates but the j
Democratic-Republican insurgents
coalition defeated both. The last ef-
fort was on a schedule calling for the[
house sur tax rate with a maximumi
of 37 1-2 percent as against the 40
percent maximum in the Democratic
plan. It was defeated 46-39.
Prof. John R. Reinhard of th-a Ro-
mance languages department will off-
er two new courses in Italian liter-
ature next semester. One will be on
Italian literature of the Rennaissaince
and will consist of lectures on the cul-
tural and social forces at work during
the period. Special study will be made
of Machiavelli, Ariosto, Cellini, and
The other course will be given only
one semester, and- will trace the his-
tory of the Italian novella, or tale.
'Michael De Filippis will also give a
new course which will cover Italian
literature of the eighteenth and nine-'
teenth centuries.1

{ ^;1

SCurnLac o re igious lie." -
. . Professor F. K. Richtmyer, national Washington, May 10,-Mrs.
president of Sigina Xi spoke on the Work, wife of the secretary'of
meaning of Sigma Xi. "Ideas of- to- j terior died suddenly late-toda:
day become applications of tom'orrow," automobile of angina pectori
-he said. "The future purpose of Sig- had suffered for' several year
ma iX should be to help bring about spasmodic attacks of the dise
that dream of international peace by was 64 years of age. Mrs. W
fostering understanding by means of been shopping and was retur
science, for science is international." her hotel when stricken, w
"The Spirit of Research" was the being only a maid, besides the
topic taken by Professor Vernon Kel- feur.
long of the National Research coun- Born at Madison, Indiana, s
cii. "Sigma Xi 8 hforwarding this as vied Secretary Work at Gree
a $2,000,000 fundwhich helps estab- orado in 1887. Soon afterwa
hish 100, fellowships." "The History went to Pueblo, where' they hai
of Sigma Xi" was given by Professor resided t n addto, ethey h
Henry B. Ward, of the university of shed. In addition to her s
Illinois. Professor Carl H. Eigen- Philip Work and Robert Wor
mann, Indiaha university spoke on the of Denver and dger, Mr
relation of- "Scientific research and fDe ovanstn Illinois.
the public". He 'enumerated the in- Ds___,___E___t_________
ventions which science has given to
the world 'regardless of this attitude. L
"Research in British universities"-was
taken up by Colonel T. C. Hodson,
examiner for London university and.fl THfIT Tfl
Cambridge, who is now at the Univer- stUfIihgn
sity of Michigan. - N
At the meeting of the executive com-
mittee yesterday. afternoon plans Presenting a half-hour pro
!were made, for the next meeting which 7:30 o'clock the' Varsity G0
will be held in Washington, D. C. will sing at the Detroit -Alum]
next December when Dr; Frederich quet to be held at- the Hotel
Russell will take charge of ths pro-. at 6 o'clock tonight.
{ gram given by Sigma Xi. . Members of the club wi
The executive committee will con- on the Michigan Central for
clude its annual sessions here with its Iat 3:21 o'clock, city time. Din
final meeting this afternoon at the be served them in the main
Michigan Union. room of the hotel at 6 o'clock.
ing rooms will be provided


DIckinson to Teach at California
Prof. Edwin D. Dickinson, of the
Law school, has been offered a posi-
tion as a teacher in the summer ses-
sion of Leland Stanford university,
and will leave Ann Arhor in late .Tune

Foresters To Hold
Annual Field Day
Student and the faculty of the for-
estry department will have their four-
tnnt _a nnnlVild nvtoiat the.

I - 9-N 0 1

I hnitpl All thrx.-c,,, urh



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