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May 10, 1923 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-05-10

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,. ~ ,.,;,.r,,,

- --

'Iiblishcd every m-o rning except Monday
fing me Unitvcrsity year by the Board in
itre! of Student Pub lications!
lini;,r, of Wcstcru Coiiferenice LEditorial
ie Associatea Pre-Ss is exclusively eni-
d to the use for republication of all news
patches credited to it or not otherwise
dited in this paper and the local; news pb
,ed therein.
rnter ed at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
.iig;ari, as second class matter.
;bseription by carrier or mail, $3.50.
ffics: Ann ;Arbor Press Building, May.
d St, eet.
'honecs: Editorial, 2414 and 176-\,; Busi-
5, 960-
onnnirmications not to exceed 300 words
;,< ijerfthe bigenature" not 'necessarily tfd
rear in print, but as an evidence of faith,
tnotices of evecnts will be published in
J at t'j ,i c ^t'on of the Ed'tor. IfI.
at or mailed to Thle Daily office. Un-
ied comrrmnniicationis will receive no con.
cratinn. No manugscript will be returned
0111 the wvriter encloseS postage. The Daily
s not nccessairily endorse the sentiments
ressced in the conmications.
ielepl ons 2.'tIajid 178-'1I
v atr Pahl "Vatzel
Y Ed: itor..............Jamres 'B. "Young'
:1'tant City E;dito... ... A. Pacon
itonarl if oard Chniruian......1$. R. Meiss'

the mnob is an unfair, uipspol tzman- - -. ..
lilke thing. it countenanecs the pitt-
ing o1' one victim against a hundred *ROL
ca~tors. To be a good mob, it must 3 /
a lways; have overwhelming odds on S1i G0UL
its own side. It is driven by the same JL
force that burned witches at Salem Y~tItlBE'
and for'ced Christians into the cata- SorIae
combs-mob fanaticism plus a' sensel-SorGae
of mob strength. not1*
At the present moment, a sister un- 'Toasted Dolls
versity finds the accusing eyes of The editor of this, here now column
the worldl turned upon her, because i is all het up as well as hurt and sadly
of a fatality said to have grown out
of a ,student mob. demonstration. Al- bewildered. In fact, since the affair;
though the name of the institution is of a day ago he has been very hard
a all times linked up with the trag- to get along with. He feels that
edy, it was if any at all only a small
band of irresponsible students who some where, some how lurks an im-{
were directly involved in the death! position. It is with mingled thoughtsl
of their fellow student. Such a situa- of hesitancy and out-raged righteous-
tion may arise in any locality when ness that he broaches the subject.:
mob spirit prevails over fairmindedl- But, as cicero once saidl, "A subject
ness and common, sense. once broached is like an egg once!
The remainder of the spring season,; poached." It is broken and no mat-
here will be one of intense rivalry
between the two undeyclasses, here in ter how bad (the news) it must be
the I iveirsity. We are assured that i finished or -the populace. will arise
it will be a friendly rivalry; the co- with one accord and deem the broach-
mon sense of the contestants will dic- ! r "a heel." But 'as stated above, I
tate that. Let us see at all times, as feel that I have been over-looked
wel-l, that spirit of fair play which 'de-r carelessly. A s far as I can remiem-
mands that every man be given a ! er this is the first year that the
chance. Michigan men must never1 humor editor has not made Miebi-
retrogress to scenes of "the mob and gamua for the last three or four deC-
its victim."caries. Consider one protest lodged.I
... .. _ ;Said Bird Bunlk.

(IIa'i'vard Crimson)
The war made it mobre than ever al;-
parent' that whole masses of peopleI
were being led about by the nose. -Men-
fought without knowing why they
were fighting; storms of passion arose'
out. of misapprehension. ThereforeE
the resolve was taken in the heat or
the battle, that the masses should be
leavened by education, and the men'j
should be taught ,to live peaceably'
side by side through seeing one an-
other clearly. In the U~nited States}
the first material development of this
idea was the formation of the Corn-
n-ittee of One Hundred under the Pmad-
ership of Elihu Root. Its purpose,
announced early in March. is to bring.

Duncan & Starling
Graham 's'
VIotIz Ends of tMe Diagonal


F -~'---~ --
The Daily


Are you ALIVE? Use



to the American voter the
which form the necessary basis
soundl reasoning upon intern.
But it was to a, school of
greater scope that the idealists
war looked forward. They
found a university soiflOwboe
Man's Land where studow-s
every nation might gather, as

sof iil
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'of the
i~l NoI
in tOe

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Detroit Limited and Express Cars--
.':oo a.m., 7 :o, a.rn.. 8 :o o ..m., .or
a.mn. and hourly to 9 :o5 p.m.
Jackson Express C-rs (local stops
w-,; i'f Aun Arbor)--9 :47 a.m., arnd-
every two h ,urs to 9 '47 1. 1r1.
Locai Cars Eaix* joud--7 :oo a.mn.
a:6eeytv or o90.i i :oo p.m. To Ypsilanti 01ny-1 s :40
P.m.., 1i:15am I.
To Saline--Change at \'psi~anti.
Local Cars West Bound-7 :5o a.m.,
To Jackson and Kalamazoo--Lit r-
ited-c'ars8-47, :0:47 anm., 12:.17, 2:47,
4,47 P.m1.
To Jackson anti Lansing--Limited at
8:47 P-1..



S chednie in Effect October 18 L~
Central Tie (Slow Th~ee~
P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M.
1:45 i A Adrian ... 12:45 8:45
,:1 9:135 .. Saline .~.11:15 7:15
5:45 Q:45 gAr Ann A~rborLv. 10:45 6:4S
Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
D-L~aily. X-Daily except Sundays
.uri holidays. Friday and Saturday special
)uslu students leaves Adrian 1:45. Iavea
Inn Arbot 4:45.
JAMES iI. FP1.UOTT, Proprietor
Phone 4G6






A. 1;

tFdito s-
1, ;csharHoy 1 rr~didorter :. C.'M o: iarty
A. Donahue J. Z. Mack
t, Editor .........11Wallae . 11ol
fen's Edlitor ...........Mdarion Koch
lay Magazine Editor . .. .I1. A. Donahoe
is Jditor....... ...I. Aileb
Editorial Board
el Kerr Maurice B3erman
lin tein Euge: e Carmichael
e:; 11. Arnustro~ig Franklin D. Iiepfburl?
e'y Ikificld Winona A. Hibbard
A, ll:: ton Edwt ard J. 1higgin~s
n J~ro %n 1)\cnnth C. Kellar
C.Clark J.,lizabeth Liebermnann
1. Connahle john McGinnis
adetute Cote Samuel moore
in r. Coughlin Ai.11. Pryor
Epl~stein NWl. I. Rafferty
L'is6ke Robert G. amnsay
t (arlinglise I \V-"'v'
er S. Goodspee4c Soil 3. Schniitz
is ("oulder JPhiilpAL. NWag-net-
t1l1 Jlairn
Telephone C960

famous Mediaeval universities, ex-
change their ideas- on God and Man,,
,And hear the most learned lectures
of every nation. Such a university


In accordance with the custom of'
sending: a number of poor youngsters'
to the summer camp maintained un-
der the auspies. of the Student Chris-
tan Astiociation, the annual Tag Day
campaign to obtain funds by audent

;k * *o
The wEeather than we have been
having cnduring lately reminds one to
come forth with the old slogan, "Do
your Chriatinas shopping early."
Pardon mne for dinarreing, OUIJA,

Would be a clearing house for inter-
national misapprehension.
Fortunately before the calm of
peacCh a5 cooled the iron, another im)-;
portant stet) in this direction hras beer)
taken, in this case by law. Iii The
Hague, the center of- neuItrality, ant
academy for the study of internatinal


MA.il.iy > 1f lfl.r3
1 2 3 ~i

subscription takes place today. This but i: thinky you might better havelawsVtobeSfunde. To i every
worthy cause represents the only or- t aidl, "Chiris tma IS slopping." You country mlay, send qualified stuzdenats,
ganized movement on the campus tof know it is far to early to shop, including diplomzatic reparesentatives,
do charitable work of any permanent* to hear world-famnouzs juit n
nature, for in the organization' of the ID1ear Bank:s"ea<ctgehe te eaofiternda
original fresh air. camp two years In re ,,ll the fuss about "fRed, Ot-ins- tional law." Thec academyti does noct ,
ago was, the first attempt to estab- by" giving the gate to Harry Heil- I urpose, to nourish its membzers onl
lish :any. lasting method of rendering ] mann for a couple of days because long lists of past cases and decisions.
service to the needy.% Harry presented him with a derbyr Neither is its purpose to hand downI
Since this time, the camp ha~s been that an irate fan. sailed onto the diaz- ;decisions on 'future disputes as thze;
the recipient of a considerable tract mond, we wonder if by any p)ossibleC3ancient U~niversity of Paris did in
of land to be' used as its site for the manner of means the derby wasj weighfty 'ecclesiastic-, l affair:;. The
comning year as well as generous, sup- brown? if 'such was the case, Harry academy at The H igue intends ;sOlely
port from the student body. No more is to be commn~ended because we would to explore the bhases of internaftionl
worthy means of doing service to the like to put Ilarry on our pay roll, justice and the rules for its bencH-.
children of crowded city districts load 'him with anl armful of brown cient adlministration. Not only will it
could be easily devised and tis plan derbies, and send him around the cir- farther international undlerstandin g
which has won the comment of social cuit passing the kellies out to all the and furnish a preparatory school for
service workers who are acquainted' umps. Why is an umpire, anyhow? mnembership in the Permzanenit Iague
with its administration well repre- WILD IRISH ROSE CorFti ilas lz h ri
sents the spirit of. University stu- **fomrescsholinterild
dents in mzatters which shoutld be of All joed]Irl of study.


' I

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20 21 22 2*3 21 25 26
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Straw , Panamas, Leghorn s,
Bankoks and all kinds of hats
Cleaned and Reblocked at lowe
pt-ices for HIGH CLASS WOILR
Let a "Boot-black" shine your
shoes, but have your hat Clean-
ed and Reblocked by a Practical
4517 Parkard Street Phone 1792
%Vhere D. U. :q. Stops at State

TheInterst atebailors
(Of Crncbrnnati)
1171ill be at the Alerkalli hotel during the present .we.k
Tailor-Made Suits and Topcoats
(Smaill Deposit Required with order.)
Drop into the American Hotel or phone your address to 123
and our representath'e will call.

Adveriisiig .........John J. Ilamel, Jr.
'Advert iing.........Walter K. Schercr
Aderi .ing........ . arence 11; Favrot
Publication..... ....Edward F. Conlin
Copywriting....... David 3. M. Park
Circulation.......Townsend 11I. Wolfel
Accounts.... ..........L,. Beaumont Parks i
Perry M., haydenz Win. I-. Good k
-- v f't . I la eta


°°i 11111#111111111111111111111 lt#1## ltd It 1111liit1#'##i1111
1 U
Phone 2641-R
SLuncheon, 12:00-2:00 - Dinner.Every Ere

ty Festival



lggene L. 1IJuHHV LyueL lacla
lon ..asi Henry Freud tremendous concern to, every comnpre-
C. L~. Puttman Clayton P'urdly hending man' and woman at "MiC'i-
1E. 1). Ammout J. B. Sanzenbacher
William IH. eiJ. Clifford Mitts Tan.
Harold L. TI ale ThoracM I(-acbr(en - At the present moment, it is the
Wmn. U. Roesser L~ous M. Dexter
Allan S. Morton C. Wells Christie (luty of all to purchase a tag, but
James A. Dryer Edward B. SReidle ; the service which can be rendered
Herbert NW. Cooper}I
-- ~----~ the organization through active work
in leadership at the camp itself dur-
ing the summer is another way, ina
-___________ -- which to do ,a valuable service.
THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1923
Night, Editor-P. M'. WAGNER
_____________ -- A' contemporary college daily in a
S 1 \ I-d~d'6 most unusual editorial makes two in-
SMINGOLteresting statements, as follows: "The
Swin-ou, te tme onoed ere radical of- twenty is the conservative
niony at which the seniors first don 1
of fifty." "Time matures radicals; itI
their academic garb, has long- been !arpiscnevtvs,

Br'ight stars gleam hazily from abcove'
A May moon they proudly surroun,.d.
A 'dozing dove doth coo heis love
To his mate, just newly found.

The- trees, 'budding with leaves of
Cast shadows on the carpeted ground
While babbling brooks xith water,
Dance. through silvery shores ln-




Along the dusty road I stroll
With a maiden fair on my arm.
H-er glist'ning eyes doth shield here
While I keel) her from worldly
3 rmy

recognZuieLas one of the mostim-
portant and i;mpressive ceremonies of
the collegeyear. Mlarking as it does,
"the beginning of the end"' of college,
this old tradition reminds the senior.
of the place hie is soon to assumse in
th1e ranks of the alumni, of the role
he is to take up in the world outside
wvhere the superficial interests which
have so largely occupied his time
mtust give way to the serious affairs'
of an independenlt world of facts.
This afternoon the seniors will take!
up the march that officially brings
them into "the wvide, wide, world,"
for ulinating with tfhe* commence-
menteeonies, thteir bonds as ac-
tiv(e members in this institution whlicsh
is so close to them, will be broken.
During theo comiing weeks they will_
have a n opportunity to wear cap and
gown frequently as a mark of their
academic rank and it is with the In-E
tentilion to take advantage of this pri-
v7ite.;e that they should start out on
their journey today.
Any- Michigan raan accused of un-
fai:rness , r;oulrl not hesitate to per-mit,
his i.ndignat~ion to flash out. 1jnfair-
ztess is a lhalf-way staion between
downigh dihonstyand !)etty crook-
ce0neIss. Fhie niob) is the most fre-,
qunit , adflagrant violator of the
law ( fair thiinking and .it is more-1
ove r !he mstdesp ica:ble of law:
?reaker ;s because it is ai great cove-
Che dispiersing of a mob' is accom-3
3diisliedwthsurprising rapidity andl
i t is in)stantily a, scattering, of mndi-
'iduaIs vwhose idlentification remains
at guilty seu't, u~ntfi some member;
tur"ns double coward and tells "what
Ile knws"or self-protection.
Thie mib is, furthermore, leaderless.

The editorial further states that an
youth is the natural time for radical- POISON l 'Y
ism, age being the natural time for
conservatism. Going further, the Be 'repparedg
writr lmens 'he onsrvaivedc- Swing Out draws near and so (hoesI
wrier ametsthe coseratve el, thousands of weather, but I laughl inc
Ment in colleges andl lands the gen--:
rtinof radical ideas. the face of the elements. Why? You
In encouraging independent think- are , all in a quandary as to why I
ing, righteous doubting, and original have the courage to laugh in the vis-'
ideas, the writer is to be commended, age of the elements. You are puzzled.c
But the element of circumstance has Admnit it. But don't let it go 'to your
not been taken into due account in the head for I am going to tell you why
generalizations of the editoria. Per- I have the courage to giggle at stark
haps youth is, generally speaking, wete.O ahr h ilhv
more likely to be a period of radical- ;the aforesaid courage. Is it? 'Tis it!I
ism. Certainly the thoughts of youth But you're all w r ong. I have had
arevatlydiferntfrm tos ofol #my cap and gown 'ur-liued and anf
a:efecev vastlyrdiffrentnfrom hosedof ol
age. Youth, for example, is inclinedefctvheerptitehadeo
to be more pessimistic than old age. 11 ae
However, circumstances are an all- -;N~kd
important element not to be overlook-
ed in such discussions. It is not diffi- SoehrI oiei aln
Somewhere blue eyes are blue{
cult to conceive of a man who, being jSmweeacti qaln
well fortified with material wealth Smw~r a ssu~it
'Tis then t hat I think of you.t
and comforts in heis youth, might after-j
ward turn radical upon being deprived Somewhere the sun is shinzing
of his former comfort and well be- !Soinewher,! the moon is bright
ing. Every cloud has a silver liningt
Perhaps the editorial was insplirecd I wish 1 had some asp~aragus.
by an observation that most collegiawn
are consr'vative, perfectly satisfieds? * lokiVio
with conditions as they find thenm. 'Where's thie Point
Such a condition is due to the fact
that college people in general have "IdstJ Point Ad?c
few material cares oi- responsibilitiest
which would tend to call their atten-- 0. 0. D., May 9, 1923,
tion vividly to existing social cdef'i-' "Traffic on the Huron is constantlyz
ciencies. After graduation' their ef- becoming heavier as the hot weather
forts at earning a livelihood bring !brings out new customers."c
them into closer contact with condi- That's the first time I ever' heard ofac
tions needing remedial treatment. In traffic on the H-uron. I know darn
this there is likelihood of their be- well that there is no cop) out therei
coining much more radical than while to handle it although there may beG
in college. Their advancing years a paddler or two amongst theml. As
should not preclude thle possibility fat', as I can see, and that isn't sos
of their doubting their questioning anti far, it looks to me as if this snowz
their resenting, would discourage any canoist. no nnit-

(Detroit News)
It is necessar~y'to look below' the s
surface of' the record to determine
the value r-f the ;achievemlenits of
the Pan -American Conference. Hlow-
ever (lisappointing. it may seemi to,
some that greater and more definite
strides were not made in treaty arti-
c~les, it is easy to perceive that the
absence of signed agreements ('arrie!
no sinister imuhication and is even
The story of the Americas is vet
to be written; every power- attending"
this conference believes the fufture
contains its destiny. Most of the mem-
bers of the conference are unable to,
predlict, with any certainty, whither!
goes the state, or where its goal is to
be found. It is appar-cnt, then, that.
considerable difficulty attends the
task of defining relations which, afe.r
all, are not jeopardized in any waf .
There were no issues so mischiev-
ouis as to demand a contr-act pled-ing
written solution. There wv as no ill-
will to b~e fenceed in sharply by tre~iyj
p~recautions. IHypothetical wars found
little effective discussion anti all pro-
posals lookcing, to the subject of P rma-
muent and its associated, adventures
found alpathetic audiences.
B~ut on the constructive side of so-'
cial progress there was quick agree-
mnent sand steady proigress, because
these are the nil erstanda ble real ities


Cars leave for Toledo 7:10 A .
21". 11. .and S5P.3111. Except Su"-
d y. Sulndapi at 8:00, 11:00 a~nd

tning, 6-15-7:15

When father notes the cleana-
liniess, our. excellenat foods!,
variety and low prices, he'll
be pro-ud indeed of your judg-
ment in eatfing here regularly

c a* Cafeteria

Up" toa r s,



of that peace which the Ameiia
earnestly pursue, and do enioy now.
a~n d expect to enjoy. I+'rnclarment ally
thcr~i a sritt of international amity t .
that broods over the wvestern atmo-
sphere, and it was the potency of this;
spirit, that caused the measure.; pr«'
dictated on d isnut es andf hatreds to
evaporate for want of definition.
It may lbe thait the, ha-bit of 1Zook-
ing first to the disposition of weapons
when a conference mueets is an mmn-
necessary reminiscence of European
conferences, where such problems are
the prime purpose of any conference.
Wher'e all men think of war it is (diffi-
cult to guard against specific wars.
Where all mren think of peace it is
easy. andl logical to further to worksI
of i ea ce. And nr.ot least inl importance
is the fact that these delegates of so
many powers, with proper jealousiesa
and proper prides, could mneet anti
discuss and adjourn with out sowing
a single seed of ill-will fromn which
misunderstanding may spring.
'Nneo ca>n sav ~rhowl zr,,,nt or -,.cin.i1l




We ewill open on TUESDAY, May 154b,
at 7:- 30 P. M. wvith a complete line ol
Jewelry. You will find a special assort-
ment of, M-Jewelry, for your inspection.

The openinq. Flowers for the ladies


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