June 25, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 199) • Page Image 1
…'ICrtt o ^VOL. VI. No. 199. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1896. Fonts PAGES-3 CENTS. A FITTING TRIBUTE TO PRESIDIENT ANGELL he Innumerable ats by whils they pt eM ust M~ove havle i'ligl'std l~iybrenmss and sae I hestreweno ocuybs For Soue timie before the arranugemuents for the celebraton of Presdet m~y tasks It leasure. bee sod. We must seek nest Anell's quanrter-ceestenial were detiitely Shapied ainusber of lossiett "Nor would...…