3- lolildedoly by 3ihigan 1 ,(all
- at tilit tiolof tese le. ((i lol'
Published Daily (Seslixy excepted) during college men either tut us wihlillis
the Col lect year atlpelfomanciite ori'keel 5 elliitblle, lbut
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, deaing slollieC il. our pe-eseii'.
There is 11(11questi oll lut that he ve-
GeIE: Times building N. Main st., o~posie lg ' Wldil gen1erlly 111llloll Its,
post office. (i lllt015 fill' ,sa 1111ci lre
EDITORS concernedt(, iii the ''locket' eli" (of
J. F. Tno)IA, '97. W. W. ToAYe, '9 L. clleges, because of this llfotllte
E. L. Gejsoono, 'iS F Ml. Looss, '9. l'l'illt.
0. 11. I-AoS,T'0. P. S. Sloolei,'5'S. Till'only coolationihas eel till
K,. 0.. UNneoWoo, ')0. . 11 (eEI, '99 100111111 liandlcotrgeouslt-illioli of ilie'
IIANAGING OEDITORI 1oa11d1 (f ('001101 anlltll'Atli'll
G.0. HIi.oUSO, '00 h, lBorliad Iwe loe (l111w''lgaiil
- IE" ANGR Il feeling that det~eli'llronal fried-
BUSIN~sS IANAII~O shuiipe stdetllbod llly 1wa1 i11itell,
L. C. YALIIl, '0. wihi tis latio. For these wlei 10
ASSOCIATE EDITORIS impieril te lecesof! o (IC (111111 (
W. W. ((achles, '0. S,.. Seih, N .. fily delierltely ho, shwl ,ill o-
S. W. Smith, 'O. IV. P. borill, '. 5111(0 of collelge siiriltoot loyalty tll
J. L. IWalh, '0M. . If . Silloos, '8 L. liehigaiiwiciebit is hiard tIs melil-
U. B. Bo, '8 ID. Loie IDod, '0. bed'T rwadtinow ih v
B B.McthenY,'N 11111011.99,'1.1li rwlid seter'lwi uld(1 beWthoi
B. B. 1~ten, Di. ns ~o, ',
Lola I Dietcoon,'55. lealyel l 111(0 OwlicleroWlll ltl e'
The subsciption 11prc fthe Daily h1150 10111 h fit fyoe. lilidt It'oll'illlllitiloe
heen reduced tt,075 taIn adane llthe ret -isif- tfoll' exes _4to ole. '1111y
of tile year. Leave '1'llsiptiOllO;t t i -11a 1
Dily offieco lith IP. C. 0ht'r, U. o l sh'ouldllibte the rca-helot ony (Ifg~old
Nena Stnd. I Lllyig ill) of loyaly Ito(11(1 ihigali
-- - 111111datflholorlleeoiiltllt.
Editor of todays paper, lgIt-
E. L. GEtSMLI, '9S L..
lies. Angell (id lit occupy aitlblic
plositilontat yestrL.'lhs5 ex(erises nald (Cotiueld flo ire-f'l'gi.)
yet liany (f those-'pruesent Ini11 ll<,llil 'peslidet V._lell:1alnin Al heweln51t
1110 and atlthe alsilt lassociaedl 111I-1'alle'i 111- ee-i(atrc i-
mitint 'with 11e spirit of thue elebra- Univiersity of Mieligan iaS ,"oi'lly
l101. till'graciiousnies ii(id hiidly di-It lehrong il111hli' olitilliit.' (ther
l'l'ltiolDltsided iiiy a (ollge g16il lill ald1111letes werlel'rel flolli
hold111 el' is fully equal to t( le rghilIt: llsC Pton f 'iie'I', 11 .
whih te Uivesit's radate g~ 1 I. A. Algr, of Detoit; PrsietI.11
111111 tll lliieeit'o elltl-lestie I -bI ckl, ofthel(,flienIrity (f lr-
10 Dri. Anigell. Mont11. a1111Professr Moses Cot T lee.
of t'or'nelll.
Corr muniation, l'resien'lt Harereill espollilg .'
Itol o (f U. of ATt1)llly po'eof ill' idie('t illlill(l thilac
Peermt lto(tie hois it- nteil (hI''1e-'
estd i al NTiciga itatersto ale Mcign tiltdee elsiponl i Allgl't111
bled i l your i o e ie _0lithl lies.frontil, 11o oisid lo' oit ofiewc
referencilia t h10 ii -olin g tery alm th os he Ixeelpleailantllerh ailn lill'
U~elitS lx y 1-011111b1101enltee-erl'el 1111'll1tn'
s010 y dsw'ersl'rom It is lsorecentltiot
ba re pylllilloe 11 11t ilre nthe iren 1,r 1ib- Soeine nt Reconv rtion. id
qublyi1 w1r1e(h art d forut til teamol ies. lll, i a snttees l
alt trut til Il~rel' ~eroliil l~iit 'Ile I'lnumbrl' ieelli ui 111' Itaor-
ofd siwifoitb ail n io 111 luOyoti Vitlti lathe Illiln 11l15'
gtoiypizeitoy'hlthemIlilt ttli l r stl'Se naytelRfe ptll afiaon,51 lgi
the good of ]lticligal ahletcin 1 tile lvy sceessfutl ill eve'ry rtslet. Altmnil
futttre, 01111fortl e ll (l'i'ih tollO of o l lse rmtega-ni
stodnt ifeat iebg~ti, on avne-gatl of the fifties to thel yonger 011111-
ext that to yie lold eitt ieamot(anl- nstwosssor three yerls ouit of college
gel-ots lpreeetani hl ogiher delior- 11 Jged wlitlIhrofe-rs 01011 Viitos
1111ing. x upotn r iib 010the floor. Nhietlree 1w110110
'[h hs tlaly 111 esidence, atllarge dlg-
ting professlioal all plaingltid tion of tlot clss atedigfill 15 oy.
11ee 1 passOed, aridthis wasn 115l11kowni ''liePresilent 011(1_-Mrs. Angell re-
to otr meon. Ill spite of this, -for the cet'hed, assisted tby the d00100 of the
sake of a felw dollars, and a little1111n,'various5 departloeis. Th inusic 1%Vi15
tld'y edelibeately violalted thertle, furlnishieed by the (heqstiamegons id
ilmd mae itwore byplaing unday llgstelfer acted as aterr.
ball. To still furhler aggravate their . THlE ATTENTION
offense, they did tis just before the of Students who are interested in the
deciding gamnein the championship stdy of Biblical Literature and His-
series, thereby undoubtedly losing the tory is called to the ew corse to be
game, series and championship, Wort offered the st semester, '9th-9T.
of all, their action pt a stigma upol See annonnement nder scientifics.
Michigan student life and athletics JAMES A. CRAIG
which it will require years to efface,_________
Those of yen still in college, and sur- Ripans Tnuleu cre dypepia.
Of Gents' Patent Leather Shoes.
Of Gents' Colored Shoes.
Of Ladies' Oxfords in Patent Leather,
Dongola, 'Vica in Button or Lane,
Black or Tan, (Razor or Square
Of Ladies' Slippers in Patent Leather,
flongola or Vici, (Extreme Razor
Toe). All at a Great Reduction..
____ ___ JACOS &ALLTA~nWashington
4'T 0 CK JACOS I& ILI*AUD treet.
Review of Dr. Ang-ell's Work. r
All arliele n hxetill' y F11 0 10o11 1 t 4fi i g o
spcleeal illileost t lo r I nri if 1e-(li
w1ill tue-,"leesioent Ang('llls fill t I ('riar
('('litellllll" ellliribtlelt by I llt 1.0 i& C ia-r O
M5.. L. DtOoo. It Ill,It-,of101rt i\11i
gvlls work a11, l'xI'ltt e of theTil 1 T"JIE
vetyil 1 1111( rill'' it s i 111 1 511
Itlllilarlts dlling -theleas~t to ~i s 5. y f .
ycilex. Ph1 l fl fTr~n p~
Pro'fe'ssor t)'folgl' illohhillils Ills'('s-I
tatblishillilt (If tcl-f'letl'ill and11 til-e
ilItrducion of till high se-houe-dlilo-
11111pstc a1s)(il5events tof sipei l ill of Detroit, willlmake
g~liielari,(,uf tniiveee,;i-,iafaiir. tlu' your Sittings every
ltll' from 1,0 1,te rllts of i111' II 1
denlt llte41'om--11 ntem. 111icool
(ed lu I t o 11,11 cesll he-- S leh t[ M O J R 1UHD IS fURMS
lhie-ill ietigIn Utiisersit s 11011-AT-
51 ttttilon 5 i's1l11ltedto 111 thelufty of NO.5 W, LIBERTY ST.
ill rlthe l(iaIitstll'ndlaw'gt's' t ilfI his
aniid lh' Is-oek of the~e -llut II ,l~t
al-I rev'iewed~. lIeotian is 111G' (f t)e.
Anlgell's d-iplomaihticsees-tees.
P arto'o of 10 or miore travcling to-
gether can secttee a rate of 2 cents e
moilea via thee Michiigan Central, it wvill
nat hoe iecessary to secu-re a larger
ntumbter toob0t1a10inltis rate, 1a(d extras
coaches will toe provioled far all trains
as 11111 sleeping and parlor cars like-
w~ise on aptplicationl to 11. WV. Haycs,
ant. "Elegant cequipenet,' "fast
imne.' Secnrc tickets in tidI'ance atid
avoid theeruob at trainl tim-e,
HI. W. HAYES, Agent.
Cheapest ratcs to Cleveland and
t'ittstburg, Eastern Ohio & tPennsyl-
vaulia tPoints arc via Mtichigaln Cen-
tral andO Detroit and Cleveland boats.
Far ful1 informnation and rates hlease
ahpply at the LIichig-an Central ticket
Icoighiing olily- 'fi2-qponnds
T.1he America
To ihhrodtlfl this magnificent
whelel, I will moakte a very
l iberal disont f rtlt list pri.
It is thie handsol-ncst you have
seen, it is a beauty.
IWholesale Cigaes, Tobuccos alnd CU.rettes,
tear Rent-Furni!shed honse suiltable U I E S T
for a f raternity or society, at 102 S. S C HOO'L OF DANCAhIN Git
Lost-Athletic Association button. Closed for the Season.
Reward for return to Daily Office. To be Open October 5th.
Randall, ArgaAId & Co. Shoe stock, Grand
Rapids, M~ich., sold to us.
Men's Hand Sewed Itussiss $6.001, cut to $4.85
Blen's Band Welt Russias, $5.50, cut ho $425
- MnsDark Brown E ussias, $400, cat ho $2.98
Men's Pat. C F Bales Russias, $f.00, cut to $3.85