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June 25, 1896 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1896-06-25

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'ICrtt o

^VOL. VI. No. 199.



A FITTING TRIBUTE TO PRESIDIENT ANGELL he Innumerable ats by whils they
pt eM ust M~ove havle i'ligl'std l~iybrenmss and sae
I hestreweno ocuybs For Soue timie before the arranugemuents for the celebraton of Presdet m~y tasks It leasure.
bee sod. We must seek nest Anell's quanrter-ceestenial were detiitely Shapied ainusber of lossiett "Nor would I forget today how help-
St quartes.It
it Q aluosni feltftist he ocasison oshl te nmarke'd by thei' reseuItattiof a as t i- ftot haIve bssena the relations wich the
~I We M~ust Close Out 4 abls, ueuoralto "the stholr-sttesusesn Whso presides over tle University" studen'tts hive' chosens to maeitain
#0 suer'twqc of eustegodsan uct ha s o. Dol M. Dickisnsons hasswell erso ite mtt. Somesiof tsos ll wis th Jll o'. Ssvs-ct'l thondtslbett'ouse
1 Bicye. tWe olterssriees aitessll0
wiltll sestos it lawrce eses with Mr. Dekinsionits chaerge o lee10umatter, eConsultesi ith Pints 0'; ItirI gsne duintsg these twen'sty-ive
11meats anythinig t buyers
11 Drtsge :s to te Sort oi't testislosial'wvhihwld tsstbest plese Dr. Angll. y'sr.Nothing gv'stst os'sr ey
2I THIS MEANS BUSINESS 1It wasisnecided"said ouletM. licklinson, at ytserday's batnquet, "hast tr tmor' prie its te Utiversity tlsits
If youswant asytnis ile teisIreStsls't Angll -would otlyaceeptlit. giftwhilsie is astabesrsr couildl lss''to ss'e tlss'sworhily oeecupyitg 1)isi-
mu1i'liwee taouk.le tss at tilss'feet of Its iisstrsss, the TUsiversity. It was ths'seneirsd ttiossunis i .5 us oci islsesses'and susfulests.No
STHE ANN ARBOR ORGAN 00. 4"e'vs"'ipto le knsowvns ss the Juses tturill Angll fellosvsl, tnd the' sulns isb' tPlesanstt exerience c' esssto ir'
IS ft ~~to tte raised wasst firt set at $I.000tl No Pulicl'Soliitatioss 'sers' isisite thesi to receive their cordial gretings
II S. MAIN ST. I1 bit thaet Sustmswessoons obtsaineu. The $10t00tt artO sis lssbeen Illselt stistwe' wherever I go. Toei'ffetossfor
BUY BENHUB BICYCLES. tnowsiss hare suscsriptionsswhils 'sill douleilit'.telle-squIIIdrnllle is10W first their Almahfsatr is ,anIits tis'-tet
a5 tsount to moake the test!issiosri worthiy of the sats in wthose honor it is tre- Iore Ipreous thanistosilld trseasres
seited " of il'ser sitnstgold. Bescausessx's srt'
IFz' RiF A~ I lie fello'shipIls, int Dr. Angsll's sbjet iitirialioal li'ws. The saisses ofsur' of tliir dssotiona to ter, 'se arc
theeonoss'sere sot insdeIltublic, 1hut'sill be lreSeted in sistograo9'th When full of hol' for tlest'future."
te clwllisfrnI,,ietotheUvrit.Afer il(ii'sisiiiLi, i -ctiieto'i
titc' itch'and lbest'los'stititicsiot gret-
~ ~ ~~~ ! ~IN e'lOwsio R O R.sAiGe to'Uicetly 'hstliho knowi'tmies'blst :i istis oiss Irotts,lrisetcis, IHaervsrd,
you wiill find a bottle of .I I~erilidls'iltheir hoceve-r t Isy ha~o'vte , tsi' t sitt' Uive'rsitiis,stnd te
some . Qulattet-Centennial Annivetsar'y fale below's their ideas ltist lelow-. 51 Natiolordii of Eucaestions te lieu-
ownti, ylt ''ilsilevotioni to teiits I's'grsrs Icir s-ls hs lsoss 't
Isice -:E-rciesrfu mectVMS. otsfitthee tniversity andllof Iss' stets,' trsliUraie" hsy111'Chorl Cbi.
WhesnDir. Asngll ateoth o 11-4-'iut 's' ithi thi'ecc'n-i'siioii of whart-
will be very acceptable Msgssedeees'' s e iVic'iiecd Ill i'see pio'sse sh lists issto's'-c' lii '.Mortess ta 10opie'iattended'sclihfile'
to either lady or gentle. yesterdctsy teortisg's trcgrass ie e In- Iae-'strivenssto its lily''hohi lestyhoanquest !its the afttcrnsoon. trofessor
man. Some very pretty to thee iii hesel ls siine' oset on oss or iheirfrlnsfoermy er,,,spo ccrI 1,Og scesstas tsssisttsssis. lrsi-
bottles at of thuc' t'risictst. This 'ss-soscorst'st '-otsistiti'ifs'siy -ssosttidnst Astt'i'](,,1ahis'g sso tos'titt
setsesrlusses s slsiug iss'(umor nisng stn's'itti sll tlseir ftigues'lusitd sstxiis'tosit "titerisst,''lit src'iseuisc-s't
OH it~~ternossssi pr'ogramss,sitndtthic' 5151i155505thasntsthee assuranetii-' riulYwoss y besss-tics ood uuinet'shich'lis' dicloscdI hur ijts
AyhclITolowe eahP of all hksns's-theificuiltistt leile ethaet site-ceossinsgo Michntgsih listsa
MLummnq's Dii Stthus'oht beeeco 'srunutered,'ntdsutthe' re'suts (fthirst u-s's "III'i'ss'ltusurs is otfr s tg ) to othert
UL srneien eotofhseeliie'rnlid ap girl'omlsed ha iy oi
17 E. Washngton St., cor. esesl lIthee s(ic'tiniieiS uttered'i. lus t's-besesn ac- esohlhs'futl eutssy' nst-u situstion. Sveral ot teis ofsr-,
Fourth Ave. hRegemntt, Butiel re'sieoded at theIs'clustssimees shog-eturtsvethaof Ia'sivec0t outI itlre Sa'leety-es us
muornming exeruciss, intoducing Iboi. Iretsetie50neitsteli i o srndue'met,lut tiDr. Angst e hl ist ethaet
11' J. Coceer 'i9, 'ss-Io dei'sered theetlhaving lheartily' 5l--sihit't555ii 'sills theisr it' ha eistc'-us-gities sisy' sit themiis-
isOR A T eIC .a r,,,,onusbehalf f ties toard of lR- la'et'tasset 's-testinelis. targei lots sttemtion. Its' clocit his rs'esrts
gnuis HeoSpoe particumlarly' of thri'as iso usr todsy' of ts'sselsr, 'sei tins' iy' syng: "Thel'moust importantlmthing
G ~-4 XATT-T--1- etationi of the Unier'sity' to ties it hshitmselly follhowedt stir3s-sit, Wlhihii I estsy to you tosay' is ts srge' y-s
Al. * EN ~ 'sud 01 thee suecess o r Ag'tits ush siluiom a lstsberus ofitt es'tinsICitleto work. for tis t.rhetsilynthi
The L.eadin~g Tailor, propt'ely manmtaing it. s ervices' bols!its promsotimng this ipro-1is. si'nrity. Imrossssshs'l sil eseof gis-
and only direct Importer in the city, T hie address of the Uiversity eiae e 'sirIa frirndinessss asd Il'ItsMollsy- iso to 'sonk for its inaiter imse - ss.if
has just received his entire stock of 'stis read by tProfessoir Dooge. It iusismg us, ass IlmuSeurisg'sis legis- there is amylesson thast hstoy tech-
Foreign and Domestic Woslens for ecogratulated PtreietutAngell uponslsa sid Suressful ostmiistrstiisu. es it is that net to the chusrc-hs the
SrnanSumr'6at his brilat reeordt lsnd extended bht Thei, rusts'is, nesvr to smakeosisy' isn- gret enduturinmg 1sssomDC~susmse'uosu''thiessU-
NlO, 2 E. WASHINGTON ST.. NEAR MAIN wsishes for the future. After quoting porantin hnovatiton on thur tots' ofa verotir. to it extraordinasry to hipe,
lrull Dress Suits a Specialty. frosms the wselcomsing address of tDr. bare msajority, lut to Watit unutil 's's-n-isy, I,, it uot thee usost natra'el thinmg
Friee, 'ss-eemsreeei'sing thlee hrsuu;sta'ubstantialy' agreeis d oithis'for isoto ibei~eethat ,sAufti ItuscIl-
H I ~GltS Presi dest ts the LUnivserity,. the atl- '-ssomus of ahiansge before istroshue- dren's eilsreire gone this isiver-
Grad~ ai ~ G ftsdress enunerared thlee mainl feutume's isg it. So'se haete'srought together sity' 'sill costinuei to exert its rn
G~ d a i I of til lst twsenty-iveyears of us- 'sith 05ne5hertriand one mind,suit its ifuesese? Iteioy ur y'ou 't-Io mue
veuity history. The address was thureenjoymssent of the usost seightful sales hler O5s mith a dsaughtersIThe
]B O I. printedt in Delinne iahe on vellusm Sooial rlationis. Imsaginaton fals to conceive wshat
All the latest publications now on and richly bound iss red morocco. The "I I have accomnplished anything hall be the future ipower mnd i-
sale at our stores. Fine illustrated 'sork ws done by the DeVinne Press here, it is mainy because sIy Co- luence of this Uiversity."
Giift Books. Illustrated Poems, Art0legefo tholettthyon- M ytlgrmadltesbaig
Books, Standard Books in sets, f Ne's York City. rofessor thoar- laus rn hssds oteyug aytlgou udlteshaiu
Books in Morocco, Levant and Calf hour, ;f the State Normal Shiol fol- et, hve so heartily stood by ue, congratulations frosm sll prts of thie
Bindings. lotwed wills cogratulatory resolutious have been so patient 'with illy short- country 'were read by the* toastmaster.
Discount Prices to All. from the State Teachers' Association. comings; have so trompitly responded A cabegran sms sent fromn Londoni
Whten President Angell rose to re- to every request, nay to every sugges- by Dr. Donald Smsith,, Chancellor of
sodthe hearty applause compelled tion'ssil I have made. Never was MeGill Uiversity, and one was re-
V IA ..HF- a ,R.'S . i to wait several minutes before lie at president surrounded by sore help- ceved romi Berlin fromn lion. Edwin
UpTee, aesTws oudbei, ~ si i ou: ful and loyal associates. My heart S. UhshI. . Ambassador to Gernany
Uiversih Bookstore, Oppuuite Court House1
l0OS. S ate St. 48N. Main S. "Your words ensolden me to he- runs out with gratitude to them fos (Continued on necod Page.)


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