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June 24, 1896 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1896-06-24

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ijtt W.of


We M~ust M~ove
The store we new cpy has
been sad, We miust sek new S
We M~ust Close Out
b e efeieseewhich
I f Byou sentanytiing Inthe11
$5 music line gee tr prcetis $
;eO99!~s hUH -3:
:ius - -
V flOXA At'Il 1A
G. H3-. WID.
The Leading Tailor,
and only irect Importer in the city,
has just received his entire stock of
Foreign and Domestic Woolens for
Spring aind Stemmer 96, at
]!utol Dress Suits a Specialty.
Graduating Gift8
All the latest publications now on
sale at our stores. Fine illustrated
Gift Books, Illustrated Poems, Art
Books, Standard Books in sets,
Books in Morocco, Levant and Calf
Discount Prices to All.
Up Tewn, hewn Tano,
Unlversty Booore, Oposits ee tios
25S. State St. 4 N. Main St.


The Sfafe
0 State entironed beside the triple sea,
Embraced, embattilud by his ageless irm,
Accept out homiage, tid this straiii tat wcc
With hearts atteuned, its all hutmility,
As preleie to thy seeniiet lpraises slfr tiee,-
Anti grant tie grace to kiow thy glory, slg thy sovereign charms!
By forests toeerig absolute,
By regions subterranseean, mute,
Where treastires sleep aid shades obtain
Thy rivers bastete by edued bend, and lane
Where stimarhe hold their tiiisloi reigi,
Throtigh openings where imaple shoot,
Be' flock anti herd anid laboring wain,
Tirough orhards botreoning for fruit
They vindasas,-
Through reaches yelowing to grain
And village, field, atd furrowed plain,
Till leaping, sin ging,
They ei at last some lathr of the sea-
Whr"hips at anchor seiging,
And thousandi belfries rinin"
[And court and market, render ceaselessly
'The service of themselves and all to thee.
Like stare that stud the irinaisent, 0 State,
Thy glories, bt not these thou bidt is elebrate.]
0 State enthroned beside the triple sea,
Not all thy botters rich emblaonry,
Nor sealth. nor, freedomso most ennoble thee,-
But thy Fairest-at wvhose knee
We learn that heavenly learning is nobility.
The Uierty
O Fair-
Mother of Learig asdiinuortal yotih,
My children call thee blesseid, know tee wise,
Whose smile is beauty, tnd whiose eyes
Benignuant with list light of love adted Iri
Enkindle hearts of inca to high.enemprise.
They tall thee blessed-yea, revere thee, isot
Because tihot. teacet, tuttering' nt tle bast,
That witih thy sene it lies
To mnoulid the ages, imake themi les uncouth-
To poiii theiscpelpe to the lift sove
To treadth ie lpaths of dety ie the freedomi tlsui is loe.
O Fair
In peace, in peril beautiful,-
They found thee fairest scioin thon gaest dutiful
To Country and Slit Nane;
Thy best and dearest wvio laid diswv
The crown of myrtle for list crown
Of sucrifie and sword and flamiie
And Life that palteresoswith fate or fortune, fear or fame.
Unsure the thread of Fate,
Uncertain Fortune's wheel,-
Tbine the presence ever-livisg,
Thine the inspiration giving
The courage of the Destiy thou dock reveal!
Unsure the thread of Fate,
Uncertain Fortune's-,ewheel,-
But thy d welling, gracious Mokier-but thy Temsple of the State
Enshrines the Lamp, the living Fir,
The Book of life and at and soul's desire,
Ensures the Commonweal-
And quickens unto service the souls wvhome thou dot sea.
The Presidentf VII
Few the souls afire with ardor of the living fire itself,
Few the lives that stake sit portion of eternity for pef.
Few the hearts; that petty impulse, gusts of passion do not move,
Few the men that walk the narrow ay of wisioin that is love.
Who would serve thee, sacred Mother, and preserve tlee to the State,
Chiefest of thy servants, must be great;
Great in goodness, great in counsel, resolute and moderate,
Serving nt the time nor temper, moulding men for God and Stae,
[Fit himself to speak the nation's voice to natikons and to arbitrate;
to the larger, never hasting purpose,
In the faith that Right will blossom, and the times uncouth amend,
And the vulgar babble languish, and the vain desire be curbed.]
If thy fortunes so are guided, have a statesman for their friend,
Thy years descend!
[Sar-ike steady, radank ready, seeing far and seeing right,
Fre-like glowing, cheer bestowing, generous of heart and light--
Thin the statesman-schoar whom we honor in his own despite!
Nt his burning thoughts nor golden
Eloquence alone embolden
(CIaNUEiD on Tne PAE.)

Gymnasium a Scene of Gayety
ILast Night.
Tise senisor treptin gisess inltiiie
Watermante (ynnasilni by the gtd-
utallieg class, last eveninig ws-tieb--
tided success. 'flitgieat rtoiybult-
lng seeied to hasvc buentts cnsfi-ret
its a veritaibe fairy lussstidsrlMr.
Stable's sblo lilendsI,. ThViii'ssfislotor
of list dassisig hal wtas buked in at
iii'sp ree, set oiff by fettle ntl haging
baskets of flowers. The caupeoese
boeots directly at-tss froisltemn-
trancee sws a mstoterni trtssing retiss,
coveretd sithi yellowss-dtuite tnd ist
Aimericans lsig, carpeted seills hetavy
1 igs1listndhung esills piturie,;stdfoe-
s'r, asisi presenstedasi ts etrctise' tp-
isesise.'fTsho rs' ion rfters se-et
hiddlsensfriisistes' Sy aa stseftfilit
oliiiYellowv antibluts, offsetlbyflagsof
:iii naltins 11(5hereandout litere a1
Japaneitsetlattsern, util it reissileui
Tue tiesel feature of list deetoratins
ssas ttso fituiteor standtts atsit "sst
andiselsAs'setits oflist galery, -toverd
swith electic-lighsst ils a teAiteietti
flaigseit 't6inilii'e cnttr.
Att0:0 ti-lock Slit oreistela srut-
up ts' grandissi ssot-iwhsich-vagseetll
by C. 5.IPiretss, e, lta Upilontans
Miss Mlteigllii, of DetrSioiuttitd ft-tu
luhessiustisealy 4 t.i. liii'bots
huh s orchestra vies-itte-ischth-ielie'-in
re-siers-ig ittises- ftr ltefoty ilties
Sialftllowe ac il-ih i',' its apiise-
ces-sitoi. T. 1'. IHis-ley sieflor chiri-
stissil. saessthaieert'yhing Wetsittil
'Thet lies' ili-ssig poutsit5555ilitt'I
ustaS~irs stiudrtfrtshmenst'eswetrt'servit
sdie-sestics ottioingtbleese-is is
tnu-li isleconeienttt thaln te usuatl
'lot'progranis se-r v'ry nstsitut
htandsoettu, beingsigomnewhtlitsimislarsi he
thtost' of lt ti'sestPtitlit grassislisg
'fhe chsustelsenestr Mrts. J.1B.
Angell, Mrs. ItL. DOoge, "Mrs. V. C.
V119g1iai, NMrs. 1-1. B. lHutchinsts.t
C'. E. Greene. Ms. A. 5. Suite igil,
Mrs. C'ooley, Mrs. A. A. Stly, Mits.
J. C. Knoss-ton, lMre.. . ,ltirs,
lMre. A. C. MLeSautghlin, -ir. . i.
tieltist, -Mrs. Waite, Ire. Pattersoun
M~arc tiust stohlitr'it dd it C
cotpls w e-epIresent, isusy sisg
stranger,,.,T'httgallery wsuserosdoI
with spet'ttors IthSli early part- of
the evening.
Mrs. Angell Remembered.
Vise ftculty ladis yesterday prie-
sented to Mrs. limiesB. Angtll a lrg,
cut glans leisiesadle bosl its hnor of
lhestwuety-fftht anniversary of Slit
coming of the President nd his wife
to te University. Tie commssittee 1mv-
hug the uatter in charge sas a self
appointed one aiad the presentation
w-os entirely Informal. The bowl is
a very handsome and expetnsive one
of Devonshire pattern.

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